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1、会计学1 双因素及多因素双因素及多因素SPSS方差分析方差分析 第1页/共53页 第2页/共53页 第3页/共53页 第4页/共53页 第5页/共53页 不同种系、剂量的子宫重量例题数据不同种系、剂量的子宫重量例题数据 方差分析的数据安排方差分析的数据安排 剂剂 量量 种系种系0.2(1)0.4(2)0.8(3) A(1)106116145 B(2)4268115 C(3)70111133 D(4)426387 第6页/共53页 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: WUTERI 12531.667a52506.33327.

2、677.000 100467.01100467.01109.452.000 6457.66732152.55623.771.001 6074.00023037.00033.537.001 543.333690.556 113542.012 13075.00011 Source Corrected Model Intercept MOUSE ETROGEN Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squaresdf Mean SquareFSig. R Squared = .958 (Adjusted R Squared = .924)a. 主效应

3、方差分析检验结果主效应方差分析检验结果 第7页/共53页 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: 红细胞增加数 2.963a3.98898.750.000 19.507119.507 1950.750.000 1.68811.688168.750.000 .9071.90790.750.000 .3681.36836.750.000 8.000E-028 1.000E-02 22.55012 3.04311 Source Corrected Model Intercept DRUGA DRUGB DRUGA * DRUGB E

4、rror Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squaresdf Mean SquareFSig. R Squared = .974 (Adjusted R Squared = .964)a. 方差分析表 第8页/共53页 A药效应均值图药效应均值图 B药效应均值图药效应均值图 A、B药对红细胞增加数交互效应边际图药对红细胞增加数交互效应边际图 第9页/共53页 Between-Subjects Factors 121212121212121212121212121212121212N 123456 REP 123456 COL 123456 VARIE

5、TY 因素变量表因素变量表 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: YIELD 27.717a151.8481.339.211 22588.751122588.75116364.072.000 4.4605.892.646.666 1.6955.339.246.940 21.56354.3133.124.015 77.302561.380 22693.77072 105.01971 Source Corrected Model Intercept REP COL VARIETY Error Total Corrected To

6、tal Type III Sum of Squaresdf Mean SquareFSig. R Squared = .264 (Adjusted R Squared = .067)a. 方差分析表 第10页/共53页 P Pa ai ir rw wi is se e C Co om mp pa ar ri is so on ns s Dependent Variable: YIELD .192.480.691-.7691.153 -.167.480.730-1.128.794 -.083.480.863-1.044.878 .333.480.490-.6281.294 .550.480.25

7、6-.4111.511 -.192.480.691-1.153.769 -.358.480.458-1.319.603 -.275.480.569-1.236.686 .142.480.769-.8191.103 .358.480.458-.6031.319 .167.480.730-.7941.128 .358.480.458-.6031.319 .083.480.863-.8781.044 .500.480.302-.4611.461 .717.480.141-.2441.678 .083.480.863-.8781.044 .275.480.569-.6861.236 -.083.480

8、.863-1.044.878 .417.480.389-.5441.378 .633.480.192-.3281.594 -.333.480.490-1.294.628 -.142.480.769-1.103.819 -.500.480.302-1.461.461 -.417.480.389-1.378.544 .217.480.653-.7441.178 -.550.480.256-1.511.411 -.358.480.458-1.319.603 -.717.480.141-1.678.244 -.633.480.192-1.594.328 -.217.480.653-1.178.744

9、(J) REP 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 (I) REP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean Difference (I-J) Std. ErrorSig.a Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval for Difference a Based on estimated marginal means Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivale

10、nt to no adjustments). a. 第11页/共53页 B Be et tw we ee en n- -S Su ub bj je ec ct ts s F Fa ac ct to or rs s 大于等于10年12 不足10年16 1 2 暴露于镉 尘年段 Value LabelN 因素变量表 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: VITALCP 11.085a25.54310.073.001 41.936141.93676.216.000 10.881110.88119.775.000 .5421.542

11、.985.330 13.75525.550 483.62528 24.84127 Source Corrected Model Intercept AGE TIME Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squaresdf Mean SquareFSig. R Squared = .446 (Adjusted R Squared = .402)a. 方差分析表 第12页/共53页 P Pa ar ra am me et te er r E Es st ti im ma at te es s Dependent Variable: 肺活量 7.9

12、77.8868.998.0006.1519.803 -8.70E-02.020-4.447.000-.127-4.670E-02 .300.303.993.330-.323.924 0a. Parameter Intercept AGE TIME=1 TIME=2 BStd. ErrortSig.Lower BoundUpper Bound 95% Confidence Interval This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.a. 参数估测值的输出结果表 按时间分组的肺活量均值表 暴暴 露露 于于 镉镉 尘尘 年年 段段 D

13、ependent Variable: 肺活量 4.219a.2233.7614.678 3.919a.1913.5264.312 暴露于镉尘年段 大于等于10年 不足10年 MeanStd. ErrorLower BoundUpper Bound 95% Confidence Interval Evaluated at covariates appeared in the model: 年龄 = 46.64. a. 第13页/共53页 Between-Subjects Factors t130 t230 t330 t430 d140 d240 d340 l160 l260 1 2 3 4 ta

14、rget 1 2 3 device 1 2 light Value LabelN 因素变量表因素变量表 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: SCORE 783.467a2334.06446.451.000 3162.13313162.133 4312.000.000 235.200378.400106.909.000 86.467243.23358.955.000 76.800176.800104.727.000 104.200617.36723.682.000 93.867331.28942.667.000 186.93

15、3823.36731.864.000 70.40096.733 4016.000120 853.867119 Source Corrected Model Intercept TARGET DEVICE LIGHT TARGET * DEVICE TARGET * LIGHT TARGET * DEVICE * LIGHT Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squaresdf Mean SquareFSig. R Squared = .918 (Adjusted R Squared = .898)a. 方差分析结果方差分析结果 第14页/共

16、53页 device * light * target Dependent Variable: SCORE 2.000.3831.2402.760 8.000.3837.2408.760 8.800.3838.0409.560 7.200.3836.4407.960 1.600.383.8402.360 4.400.3833.6405.160 5.600.3834.8406.360 6.800.3836.0407.560 .800.3834.E-021.560 8.400.3837.6409.160 9.600.3838.84010.360 9.200.3838.4409.960 5.200.

17、3834.4405.960 6.400.3835.6407.160 4.800.3834.0405.560 2.800.3832.0403.560 4.000.3833.2404.760 5.200.3834.4405.960 6.000.3835.2406.760 2.000.3831.2402.760 3.200.3832.4403.960 1.200.383.4401.960 4.400.3833.6405.160 5.600.3834.8406.360 target t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t2 t3 t4

18、t1 t2 t3 t4 light l1 l2 l1 l2 l1 l2 device d1 d2 d3 Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval 各单元格观测量均值(部分)各单元格观测量均值(部分) 第15页/共53页 第一种照度下心理得分 第二种照度下心理得分 边际均值图边际均值图 第16页/共53页 第17页/共53页 第18页/共53页 第19页/共53页 变量名变量名标标 签签中文标签中文标签值值值标签值标签值标签值标签(中文中文) losLength of stay 住院时间长住院时间长 短短 co

19、stTreatment costs治疗花费治疗花费 clotsolv Clot-dissolving drugs 凝块消溶药凝块消溶药 1 Streptokina se 链激酶链激酶 2reteplase瑞替普酶瑞替普酶 3alteplase阿替普酶阿替普酶 procSurgical treatment手术治疗手术治疗 1PTCA 经皮冠状动脉成经皮冠状动脉成 型术型术 2CABG搭桥术搭桥术 第20页/共53页 B Be et tw we ee en n- -S Su ub bj je ec ct ts s F Fa ac ct to or rs s 经皮冠状动脉成型术907 搭桥术574

20、链激酶116 瑞替普酶696 阿替普酶669 1 2 外科 手术 1 2 3 凝块 消溶 药 Value LabelN D De es sc cr ri ip pt ti iv ve e S St ta at ti is st ti ic cs s 4.941.10568 4.811.072441 4.681.048398 4.771.066907 7.251.26348 6.621.137255 6.481.135271 6.601.163574 5.901.633116 5.471.399696 5.411.396669 5.481.4221481 28.38383.2738868 29.

21、66743.18096441 29.80733.60094398 29.63263.39406907 44.72255.4278048 44.62515.22506255 44.74325.63081271 44.68905.42789574 35.14479.14344116 35.14768.27021696 35.85758.62337669 35.46818.503141481 凝块消溶药 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total

22、 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 外科手术 经皮冠状动脉成型术 搭桥术 Total 经皮冠状动脉成型术 搭桥术 Total 住院时间(天) 治疗花费 MeanStd. DeviationN 各单元频数各单元频数 描述统计量描述统计量 第21页/共53页 Boxs Test of Equality of Covariance MatricesBoxs Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices a a 270.509 17.908 15 358296.5 .000 Boxs M F df1 df2 Sig. Tests the null hypothe

23、sis that the observed covariance matrices of the dependent variables are equal across groups. Design: Intercept+clotsolv+proc+clotsolv * proc a. Levenes Test of Equality of Error VariancesLevenes Test of Equality of Error Variances a a 1.50751475.185 10.00151475.000 住院时间(天) 治疗花费 Fdf1df2Sig. Tests th

24、e null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. Design: Intercept+proc+clotsolv+proc * clotsolv a. 协方差阵的齐性检验协方差阵的齐性检验 第22页/共53页 不同手术花费直方图不同手术花费直方图住院时间直方图住院时间直方图 注:第注:第3 3版第版第1 1次印刷书中丢掉了这个部分,图标号顺序有误次印刷书中丢掉了这个部分,图标号顺序有误 第23页/共53页 Between-Subjects FactorsBetw

25、een-Subjects Factors 链激酶68 瑞替普酶441 阿替普酶398 链激酶48 瑞替普酶255 阿替普酶271 1 2 3 凝块 消溶 药 1 2 3 凝块 消溶 药 外科手术 经皮冠状动 脉成型术 搭桥术 Value LabelN Descriptive StatisticsDescriptive Statistics 4.941.10568 4.811.072441 4.681.048398 4.771.066907 1.4504.0480268 1.4700.04392441 1.4715.04883398 1.4692.04671907 7.251.26348 6.6

26、21.137255 6.481.135271 6.601.163574 1.6478.0479648 1.6470.04538255 1.6478.04910271 1.6474.04731574 凝块消溶药 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Total 住院时间 (天) 治疗花费对 数(底10) 住院时间 (天) 治疗花费对 数(底10) 外科手 术经皮冠 状动脉 成型术 搭桥术 MeanStd. DeviationN 组间因素各单元频数组间因素各单元频数 描述统计量描述统计量

27、第24页/共53页 Boxs Test of Equality of Covariance MatricesBoxs Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices a a 12.208 2.021 6 246014.6 .059 7.804 1.288 6 126223.5 .259 Boxs M F df1 df2 Sig. Boxs M F df1 df2 Sig. 经皮冠状动脉成型术 搭桥术 Tests the null hypothesis that the observed covariance matrices of the dependent v

28、ariables are equal across groups. Design: Intercept+clotsolv a. L Le ev ve en ne e s s T Te es st t o of f E Eq qu ua al li it ty y o of f E Er rr ro or r V Va ar ri ia an nc ce es s a a .5452904.580 1.9502904.143 .5242571.592 .8202571.441 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 外科手术 经皮冠状 动脉成型 术 搭桥术

29、 Fdf1df2Sig. Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. Design: Intercept+clotsolv a. 协方差阵相等的协方差阵相等的Box检验检验 误差方差相等的误差方差相等的Leven检验检验 第25页/共53页 Tests of Between-Subjects EffectsTests of Between-Subjects Effects 5.725a22.8632.529.080.006 .026b2.0

30、 10695.320110695.3209448.8.000.913 989.8451989.845458854.000.998 5.72522.8632.529.080.006 .0262.0136.112.002.013 1023.2549041.132 1.950904.002 21624.000907 1959.676907 1028.979906 1.976906 24.504c212.2529.316.000.032 .000d2.000.017.984.000 14546.869114546.86911061.000.951 858.8181858.

31、818382466.000.999 24.504212.2529.316.000.032 .0002.000.017.984.000 750.9315711.315 1.282571.002 25800.000574 1559.156574 775.436573 1.282573 Dependent Variable 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10)

32、住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) 住院时间(天) 治疗花费对数(底10) Source Corrected Model Intercept clotsolv Error Total Corrected Total Corrected Model Intercept clotsolv Error Total Corrected Total 外科手术 经皮冠状动脉成型术 搭桥术 Type III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. Partia

33、l Eta Squared R Squared = .006 (Adjusted R Squared = .003) a. R Squared = .013 (Adjusted R Squared = .011) b. R Squared = .032 (Adjusted R Squared = .028) c. R Squared = .000 (Adjusted R Squared = -.003) d. 多元方差分析检验结果多元方差分析检验结果 第26页/共53页 外科手术=经皮冠状动脉成型术外科手术=经皮冠状动脉成型术 -.129.020 00 -.129.020 .139.006 .

34、351.001 -.401.008 .143.031 -.258.021 00 -.258.021 .140.006 .065.001 -.532.009 .016.033 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval for Difference Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate -

35、Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval for Difference 凝块消溶药 Simple Contrast a Level 2 vs. Level 1 Level 3 vs. Level 1 住院时间(天) 治疗花费 对数(底10) Dependent Variable Reference category = 1 a. 不同凝块消溶药对住院时间和治疗花费的影响(不同凝块消溶药对住院时间和治疗花费的影响(PTCAPTCA) 第27页/共53页 外科手术=搭桥术外科手术=搭桥

36、术 -.634-.001 00 -.634-.001 .180.007 .000.922 -.989-.015 -.280.014 -.774.000 00 -.774.000 .180.007 .000.999 -1.127-.015 -.421.015 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval for Difference Contrast Estimate

37、Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Confidence Interval for Difference 凝块消溶药 Simple Contrast a Level 2 vs. Level 1 Level 3 vs. Level 1 住院时间(天) 治疗花费 对数(底10) Dependent Variable Reference category = 1 a. 不同凝块消溶药对住院时间和治疗花费的影响(不同凝块消溶药对住院时间和治

38、疗花费的影响(CABG) 第28页/共53页 外科手术=经皮冠状动脉成型术外科手术=经皮冠状动脉成型术 Tukey HSDa,b 681.4504 4411.4700 3981.4715 1.000.958 凝块消溶药 链激酶 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 Sig. N12 Subset Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .002. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample S

39、ize = 153.957. a. Alpha = .05. b. 外科手术=搭桥术外科手术=搭桥术 Tukey HSDa,b 2551.6470 2711.6478 481.6478 .993 凝块消溶药 瑞替普酶 阿替普酶 链激酶 Sig. N1 Subset Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .002. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 1

40、05.467. a. Alpha = .05. b. 治疗花费(对数)的一致性子集治疗花费(对数)的一致性子集 第29页/共53页 第30页/共53页 原始数据原始数据 数据文件结构数据文件结构 第31页/共53页 第32页/共53页 第33页/共53页 第34页/共53页 不同药物对受试者的影响不同药物对受试者的影响 第35页/共53页 M Mu ul lt ti iv va ar ri ia at te e T Te es st ts s b b .97728.412a3.0002.000.034 .02328.412a3.0002.000.034 42.61828.412a3.0002.

41、000.034 42.61828.412a3.0002.000.034 Pillais Trace Wilks Lambda Hotellings Trace Roys Largest Root Effect MED ValueF Hypothesis df Error dfSig. Exact statistica. Design: Intercept Within Subjects Design: MED b. 药物间多元检验药物间多元检验 第36页/共53页 Tests of Within-Subjects EffectsTests of Within-Subjects Effects

42、Measure: MEASURE_1 698.2003232.73324.759.000 698.2001.815384.76324.759.001 698.2003.000232.73324.759.000 698.2001.000698.20024.759.008 112.800129.400 112.8007.25815.540 112.80012.0009.400 112.8004.00028.200 Sphericity Assumed Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound Sphericity Assumed Greenhouse-G

43、eisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound Source MED Error(MED) Type III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. 被试者内效应方差分析结果被试者内效应方差分析结果 第37页/共53页 返回返回 第38页/共53页 返回返回 第39页/共53页 返回返回 第40页/共53页 返回返回 第41页/共53页 ANOVAANOVA方差分析结果方差分析结果 ANOVAANOVA 783.4672334.064 3162.13313162.133 76.800176.800 235.200378.400 86.467243.233

44、 12.60026.300 93.867331.289 278.5331223.211 70.40096.733 4016.000120 853.867119 Source Corrected Model Intercept LIGHT TARGET DEVICE LIGHT * DEVICE LIGHT * TARGET LIGHT * TARGET * DEVICE Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of SquaresdfMean Square Dependent Variable: SCORE 返回返回 第42页/共53页 V Va ar

45、 ri ia an nc ce e E Es st ti im ma at te es s 1.040 -.846a .539 4.496 .733 Component Var(LIGHT) Var(LIGHT * DEVICE) Var(LIGHT * TARGET) Var(LIGHT * TARGET * DEVICE) Var(Error) Estimate Dependent Variable: SCORE Method: ANOVA (Type III Sum of Squares) For the ANOVA and MINQUE methods, negative varian

46、ce component estimates may occur. Some possible reasons for their occurrence are: (a) the specified model is not the correct model, or (b) the true value of the variance equals zero. a. Variance EstimatesVariance Estimates .759 .700 4.012 .733 Component Var(light) Var(light * target) Var(light * target * device) Var(Error) Estimate Dependent Variable: score Method: ANOVA (Type III Sum of Squares) 方差成分表(去掉方差成分表(去掉LightLight* *devicedevice ) 返回返回 方差成分表方差成分表 第43页/共53页 A AN NO OV VA A 783.4672334.064 3162.13313162.133 235.200378.400 86.467243.233 76.8


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