已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、教师必备课堂常用英语1 Answer these questions according to the last lesson 根据上节课内容回答我的问题2 Listen to the dialogue once more and complete these exercises.再听一遍并完成这些联系。3 Who can talk about the story in your own words?谁能用自己的话谈论一下这个故事4 Who can recite the text? Hands up. Please 5 To let me see if youve understood ,Il

2、l ask some questions on this passage.让我看看你们是否已掌握,就这段文章,我要提几个问题6 Are you ready? 准备好了么?7 Hello boys and girls ,lets start now ,孩子们好,准备上课8 Is anyone away?/whos absent?考勤9 First,lets o some review 复习一下10. Who can tell what we did in the last lesson? 谁能回顾下我们上节课学的知识11. Now were going to do something new、

3、Lets learn something new我们开始学新知识12. Look over here.看这里13. Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板14. Get into groups of three.三人一组15. Everybody find a partner. /in pairs, please.两人一组16. Lets do it one by one 一个接一个的17Practice the dialogue, please.请联系下对话18. Follow me please. /repeat after me ,跟我读19. Please

4、 answer the question.回答这个问题20. Please read this letter/word sentence out loud.请大声朗读21. Listen and repeat. /look and listen.听并且跟读22, excellent, good job,做得好23. Practice after class .memorize these words,课后做些练习,熟记这些单词24. Take notes, please.请记笔记25. Who would like to come to the front and write on the b

5、lackboard?谁愿意上前把答案写到黑板上?26. So much for the diction, please hand in your exercise-books.听写到这里,请把你们的练习本交上了27. Now were going to learn some new words and expressions 我们来学习一些新词汇和短语28. Have you previewed the new words? 你们预习了新单词吗?29. Whats the meaning of the word? 这个单词的意思含义是什么?30. Who can explain the use

6、 of the word to me? 谁能解释下这个单词的用法31. Give me an example, please? Can you give me an example? 谁来举个例子32. Ok. Tell me the defenses between the two sentences 请告诉我这两个短语的不同33. Can you make a sentence with this word/phrase? 请用这个单词短语造句34. Ill ask two students to write the answers on the blackboard. Any volun

7、teer? 我将要找学生把答案写在黑板上,谁愿意?35. Can you say the sentence/phrase/word in another way? 能用其他方式解释下这个句子/短语/单词吗?36. What can you see in the picture? 从这个图片中你们能发现什么?37. Look at picture .guess what is going on happened? 看这个图片,猜猜接下来会发生什么38. Who can describe the picture in detail again? 谁能再描述下这个图片的细节?39. Lets com

8、e to the dialogue in part two.两人一组读对话40. Read the dialogue in pairs, please. 两人一组读下面对话41. Now listen to the tape, before listening, look at the pictures and guess who can play soccer well.听录音 在听之前,看图片猜下,谁足球踢的比较好42. The first lesson has been finished, have you grasped all the key points?第一课结束了,大家掌握了所

9、有的要点了吗?43. Before listening, read through the questions in the book.听录音,在听之前,先阅读一下问题44. Close your books while listening.听录音的时候,请把书合上45. Listen to the tape with your books closed.听录音的时候,请合上书。46. Lets check the answers 让我们对下答案。47. Listen again, do exercise 2.please.再听一遍,做练习二。48. Listen to the tape ag

10、ain, and repeat, then answer more questions 再听一遍录音,跟读,回答问题49. Whats the title of the passage, please? 这篇短文的题目是什么?50. How many paragraphs are there in this article? 这篇文章有多少段落?51.Skimming read fast then tell me the main /general idea of each paragraph.泛读 快速阅读,总结下文章的核心思想52. Now read the text quickly, a

11、nd find out the answers to the guiding questions 快速阅读下文章,并且回答问题。53. Scanning read again carefully, then answer the questions 仔细阅读再次阅读,回答问题。54. Read it in detail /carefully for the second time, then answer the questions on page 24of your work book 再仔细阅读,回答书中24页中的问题。55. Can you tell me the sentence? 能

12、给我讲下这个短语么?56. Can you tell me the clue sentence? 谁能说下文章主题句是什么?57. Now read the text by yourself. If you have any questions, please ask me 自己阅读文章,有什么问题的话请问我。58. Listen and repeat /listen and try to follow it 听并且跟读。59. Translate this sentence into Chinese /put the sentence in to Chinese 请把这句话翻译成汉语60.

13、Who can guess the meaning of the word in the context? 谁能猜下文中这个单词的含义?61Find out the important words and phrases in the paragraph 找出此段中的关键词和短语。62. Find out the difficulties that you dont understand 说出你理解起来比较困难的地方。63. What does” them” in line 2, paragraph 3refer to according to the text第3段第2行中“them”这个单

14、词在文中是什么意思?64. What your opinion/idea? 你的想法是什么?65. Can you predict a good ending for this passage? 谁能预测下这篇短文的结局是什么?66. Paraphrase the sentence, please, /who can say it in another /a different way? 请用另一种方式阐述下这个句子。67. What do you think of the article? /how do you like the article? 你们怎样评价这篇文章。68. What h

15、ave you learned from the text? 从这篇文章中你们学到了什么69. Now who can retell the text according to the table? 现在。谁能依据表格用自己话讲述下这个文章70. Read it correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation 正确跟读,并且注意发音和语调。71. Letter ”a here makes an “ei” sound 此处”a的发的是“ei”音72. Read the sentence with a rising /fal

16、ling tone/intonation 用升/ 降调读这个句子。73. How many syllables does this word have? 这个单词有多少个音节?74. Which syllable is stressed? 哪个是重读音节?75. After learning the text, please rewrite the text within10 words 学完这篇文章以后,请用少于10个单词重述这个文章。76. Shorten the text in your own words 用自己的话把这篇文章简述一下。77. Look at the pictures

17、and the words given; write a story with no more than 100words 依据给出的图片和单词,请一篇不多于100字的短文。78. Wrote an 80-word passage with the following expressions in ten minutes,10分钟内,用接下来的表达写一篇80字的短文。79. Have you finished the writing? Finish up? 写完了么?80. After learning the text, write a new composition with the ti

18、tle of Susans day. Please change the first person into the third person, pay attention to the change of verb forms 学习完这篇文章以后,写一篇作文,标题为“苏珊的一天”,写作时请用第一人称,注意单词形式的正确使用。81. The title should be written with a capital letter/the first letter should be capitalized 标题的第一个字母应该大写。82. Lets go back to the exerci

19、ses, please watch the big screen让我们来做一些联系,请看大屏幕。83. Look at the exercises on page 45。请看45页的练习题。84. Fill in the missing words 。填写单词85. Fill in the blank with proper words .用适当的单词填空86. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given ,用已给单词的正确形式填空。87. Make the two sentences have the same mean

20、ing.造两个含义一样的句子88. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences .only one in each sentence 修改病句,每个句子只有一处错误。 89. Make sentences with the following sentence patterns 。仿照下面句子结构造句。90. Make a dialogue according to the passage 依据短文编写对话。91. Choose the best answer for each blank 给空格处选最佳答案。92. Rewrite the

21、sentences according to the requirement 。按要求改写句子。93. Turn the following sentences into questions according to the underlined part 依据划线部分,把下面的句子改写成问题。94. Make the following sentences into negative ones 。把下面的句子改写成反义句。95. Turn the following sentences into questions then write them in your exercise book。

22、把下面的句子改写成反义句,并他们写在你的练习本上。96. Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms 。用单词的正确形式填空。97. Find the word with a different sound /find the word which has a different sound from the others 找出和其他单词发音不一致的单词98. Re-arrange the sentences /put the sentences in the right order 把下面的句子重新排序99. Join the two sente

23、nces with proper conjunctions 把下面的两个句子用适当的连词连接。100. Choose the best answer for the underlines part 给划线处找出最佳答案。101. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese meaning 依据汉语意思填写句子。102. Match the words or phrases 。给单词、短语连线103. Form sentences with the words given 依据给出单词造句。104. Write questions accord

24、ing to the answers 依据答案写出问题。105. Write down the past and past particle forms of the verbs 写出下面单词的过去式和过去分词。106. Choose the right sound of the underlined word 选出划线单词的正确读音。107. Put the following sentences into plural forms 把下面句子改写成复数形式。108. Complete the sentences with the past continuous tense 用过去进行时完成

25、以下句子。109.Listen to me carefully, let me tell you sth about the writer,请认真听我为大家介绍一些作者的情况。110.You may write down sth important and special on your notes 你们可以在自己的笔记本上记录一些较为重要和特殊的内容。111.First, let me read the text a loud 首先让我为大家朗读本文112.Put the text-books on your desk ,please 请把你的课本放在书桌上113.Please read i

26、t follow me quietly(lowly)你们可以轻声跟读114.Read the text to yourselves 默读本文115.Stop here for a while ,please 暂停一会儿。116. Pay attention to them when they rea the second paragraph .他们读第二段的时候,注意听117.Read more distinctly (speak more clearly),please.请读清楚一点。118.Speak in a little low /loud voice ,please .声音低/高一点

27、119. Read louder and slowly so that everybody can hear you 读得声音大一点,慢一点,让大家都能听清楚。120.Now ,you may read it in class ,现在,你们可以在课堂上阅读本文121.I ask you to rea it fluently and clearly as soon as possible 。我要求大家尽量流畅、清晰的阅读本文。122.About the key sentences ,a ask you to study not only the meaning of the words ,but

28、 also them in the line 就这些重点语句,我要求大家不仅了解字面,还要注意字里行间的深意。123.You may ask me if you have any questions 有问题可以随时问我。124.Ill give you explanations as many as possible (I can )我会尽多地为大家解释125. And then, Im going to ask you sth simple about it 我会问你们一些较为简单的有关情况126. Where did we stop (learn) off last time (how f

29、ar did we get last time)上一次我们学到了什么地方了?127.Let me remind you of what we have learner last period (refresh your memory last time we talked about ) 让我提醒你一下,关于上节课所学的内容128. Do you know the general mind (main meaning) of the article? 你知道这篇文章的中心意思么?129.Say sth about what you have learned from the hero 谈谈关于

30、这个英雄的启示130.Lets take turns to read 让我们轮流来读131.Who can read it aloud first哪位能先朗读?132.Hands up ,please 请举手示意我133.Dont worry (calm down .slow down不必紧张134.Speak up ,please .请大声说135.Lets read the text aloud together , Lets begin下面,全体齐读,开始136.It ll take us two periods to grasp (master )these 这些需要我们两课时才能掌握

31、137.We have three study tasks to do this class本课我们有三个学习任务138.The first is the background and the writer 首先是本文的背景和作者情况139.Next ,the thought and the writing methods 然后是它的思想内容和写法140. Then, the new word and the sentence structures 最后是本文中的生词和一些句式141. Whats more, the feelings and the language style of the

32、 text 还有,本文的感情和语言风格142. We may analyze the title of the text together 我们可以一起分析一下本文的题目143.Now ,lets speak freely 现在大家畅所欲言144.Thats all for the class ,times up 下课时间已到,本课就讲这么多145.After class ,youre to read the text again 课后,大家还得再读一会儿146.And you ought to hand yin the homework in time ,大家要及时交作业147. Do you understand what I said just now? 大家明白我刚才说的意思吗?148.Now ,you may make preparations for it in ten minutes 现在,大家可以准备十分钟149.Please do it in front of the blackboard 请到黑板前来做这个练


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