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1、Chapter 1 Introduction1-1 Preface / 序论1-2 The tasks in yarn manufacture / 纱线制备任务1-3 Main spinning systems / 主要纺纱系统1-4 What we learn ? / 课程主要任务1-1 Preface 1、The objects of spinning:stable fiber =spinning system =single yarn=plied yarnYarn clasification Regular yarn monofiber、fiber straightness and pa

2、rallelization honogeneneous fiber distribution、 honogeneneous linear density and twist distribution honogeneneous color and low impurities Filament yarn: original filament、twisted filament and textured yarn(变形丝) fancy yarn (花式纱线):color and structure composite yarn(复合纱): core-spun yarn(包芯纱)、 cover sp

3、un yarn(包缠纱)、tubular yarn(空芯纱)Stable fiber / short fiberNatural fiber: cotton、 wool、 bast fiber (ramie, flex, Apocynum, hemp, jute)、 silk、bamboo;Regenerated fibers: Viscose 、 model、lyocell、tencel、 milk fiber、soybean fiber、chitin、 Cellulose acetateSynthetic fiber: PET 、 PA 、 PAN、 PLA 、PuInorganic fib

4、er: carbon/graphite、 ceramic 、 metalspinning system:纺纱系统2、Spinning technology is very important2.1 Yarn structure and properties are important factor affecting fabric quality and style.2.2 Spinning engineer is only method to convert stable fiber to yarn. 2.3 It is one of methods of fabric design and

5、 development.2.4 Spinning engineer take an important role in textiles economy. 自由端纺纱:环锭纺纱=紧密纺纱=喷气纺纱 =赛络纺纱,赛络菲尔纺纱,缆型纺纱 Open end spinning: ring spinning=compact spinning=air-jet spinning=sirospun, sirofilspun, solospun非自由端纺纱=转杯纺纱,摩擦纺纱,涡流纺纱,喷气涡流纺纱Nonopen end spinning=rotor spinning, friction spinning,

6、vortex spinning, air jet and vortex spinning 1-2 The tasks in yarn manufacture1、main problems to be solved in spinning process(1)the difference between fiber material and single yarn main problems to be solved in spinning process(2) the difference between single yarn and plied yarn main problems to

7、be solved in spinning process(1)the difference between fiber material and single yarn fiber material :entangled together,mixed and disorder,impurity stable yarn:monofiber,straightness,parallelization;low impurity; fiber assembly in a narrow sense,very fine,uniformity; equal number of all kinds of fi

8、bers in yarn cross sections; all kinds of fibers distribute evenly in yarn cross sections; the narrow tape is twisted together.main problems to be solved in spinning processHowmonofiber? fiber straights and parallelizes each other clean impurity,impurity content is lower than requirement fiber assem

9、bly is arranged in a narrow sense? the fineness of the narrow tape to the requirement ? the fineness uniformity to the requirement ? equal number of all kinds of fibers in yarn cross sections; all kinds of fibers distribute evenly in yarn cross sections; the narrow tape is entangled together.(2) the

10、 difference between single yarn and plied yarnHowSeveral single yarns are doubled together Several single yarns are entangled together2. The morphology change of fiber assembly in single yarn production Method 1:fiber materialfiber webtape-cutting make it attenuatedfineness required Method 2: fiber

11、materialfiber webcollect it together (sliver) make it attenuatedfineness required sliver 纤维条 Method 3: fiber materialfiber webcollect it together (sliver) fiber condensationfineness required3、assignments in spinning process 3.1 assignments in single yarn production (1) monofiberopening、carding(2)Str

12、aightness and parallelizationcarding, combing and drafting(3) clean impurity,impurity content to requirement cleaning(4) equal number of all kinds of fibers in yarn cross sections all kinds of fibers distribute evenly in yarn cross sectionsfiber blending(5) fiber assembly is arranged in a narrow sen

13、se fiber webTape-cutting : 条带分割 fiber webcollect it together : fiber webcollect it together (sliver) fiber condensationOpening:开松, Carding:分梳, combing:精梳, drafting:牵伸, Cleaning:除杂, fiber blending:纤维混合 (6) the fineness uniformity to the requirement leveling: 匀整(7) the fineness of the narrow tape to t

14、he requirement Tape-cutting : 条带分割 sliver drafting : 纤维条牵伸 fiber condensation : 纤维凝聚(8) the narrow tape is entangled together twisting : 加捻(9) packagewinding : 卷绕3.2 assignments in plied yarn production(1) Several single yarns are doubled togetherdrawing: 并和(2) Several single yarns are entangled tog

15、ethertwisting(3) packagewinding 4、The relationship between the assignments and the morphology change(1)fiber material(opening, carding, combing, cleaning, blending) =fiber web : monofiber, Straightness and parallelization fiber even distribution in the web; low impurity; Reasonable weight and web ev

16、enness(2)fiber web=sliver (leveling) = high quality sliver (3)Make it attenuated= fineness required Tape-cutting sliver drafting(4)Make the fine fiber strand entangled together: twisting(5)package: winding本章小结1、主要概念 纺纱,纺纱技术,纺纱系统, 开松,梳理,除杂,混合,匀整,牵伸,加捻2、纺纱主要任务 开松,梳理,除杂,混合,匀整,牵伸,加捻专业词汇stable fiber; fib

17、er straightness ; parallelization Natural fiber: cotton、 wool、 bast fiber(ramie, flex, Apocynum, hemp, jute)、 silk、bamboo;Regenerated fibers: Viscose 、 model、lyocell、tencel、 milk fober、soybean fiber、chitin、 Cellulose acetateSynthetic fiber: PET 、 PA 、 PAN、 PLA 、PuInorganic fiber: carbon/graphite、 ce

18、ramic 、 metalYarn: single yarn; plied yarn; Filament yarn:original filament、twisted filament; textured yarn fancy yarn; composite yarn : core-spun yarn, cover spun yarn, tubular yarn yarn defect =fabric defect yarn finenessfabric thickness; yarn fineness evennessfabric appearance; yarn hairfabric ne

19、atness and pilling; yarn twistfabric softness, drapery and fullness; yarn structure fabric style.Spinning; spinning system; process; Opening; Carding; combing; draftingCleaning; fiber blending; leveling; twisting; winding主要参考资料纺纱学:杨锁庭:中国纺织出版社:2004年:纺纱系统与设备:郁崇文:中国纺织出版社:2005年纺纱工艺设计与质量控制:郁崇文:中国纺织出版社:20

20、05年The principles and theory of spinning , Yu xiuye, Donghua University PressNew textile yarns, Wang shanyuan, Donghua University Press1-3 Main spinning systems1、spinning system many machines=arrange in order= spinning system If Stable fiber from the first one to the last one Fiber material =spun ya

21、rn (single yarn)2、Spinning process:纺纱工序3、spinning process and spinning system 4、cotton spinning system (1)普梳纺纱系统: carded cotton spinning system (2)精梳纺纱系统: combed cotton spinning system fiber material:cotton and cotton-type fiber:棉型化纤(1) carded cotton spinning system openingcardingdrawingrovingspinni

22、ng(2)combed cotton spinning system openingcarding preparation for combing combingdrawingrovingspinning Opening: 开清棉; carding: 梳棉 Preparation for combing: 精梳准备 Combing : 精梳 Drawing : 并和; Roving:粗纱; spinning : 细纱 spinning : ring spinning machine: 环锭纺纱机Arrangement of spinning Opening=Carding =monofiber

23、 combing = Straightness and parallelization fiber web = fiber assembly formation Fiber sliver = fiber assembly formation drawing = Leveling rovingspinning = drafting and twistingHow about Cleaning , fiber blending and winding? Opening : with Cleaning , fiber blending; Carding : with Cleaning , fiber

24、 blending , leveling and winding; Combing : with Cleaning , fiber blending and winding; Drawing : with fiber blending, Straightness and parallelization; Roving: drafting, twisting and winding; Spinning : drafting, twisting and winding 。 Carded yarn:普梳纱,由普梳纺纱系统纺制的纱,纱线较粗, 条干(yarn evenness)要求不高,杂质含量要求不

25、是很低.Combed yarn:精梳纱,由精梳纺纱系统纺制的纱,纱支较高, 条干(yarn evenness)要求高,杂质含量要求很低.5、wool spinning system: (1)粗纺系统:woolen spinning system (2)半精纺系统:Semi-worsted spinning system (3)精纺系统:worsted spinning system 适纺原料:wool and wool-type fiber(1) woolen spinning system : openingwashingcarbonizing openingcardingtape-cutt

26、ingspinning .(2) Semi-worsted spinning system openingwashingopeningcardingcarbonizing gilling rovingspinning .(3) worsted spinning system openingwashing openingcardingcarbonizing preparation for combing combing gilling rovingspinning . Opening: 开松; Washing:洗毛; Carbonizing:碳化Carding: 梳棉; Gilling : 针梳

27、Preparation for combing: 精梳准备; Combing : 精梳Tape-cutting : 条带分割Roving:粗纱; Spinning: 细纱spinning : ring spinning machine: 环锭纺纱机Arrangement of spinning Opening=Carding = monofiber combing = Straightness and parallelization fiber web = fiber assembly formation Fiber sliver = fiber assembly formation Gill

28、ing = Leveling rovingspinning = drafting and twistingHow about Cleaning , fiber blending and winding? Opening : with Cleaning , fiber blending and winding; Washing : Cleaning; Carbonizing : Cleaning; Carding : with Cleaning , fiber blending , leveling and winding; Combing : with Cleaning , fiber ble

29、nding and winding; Pinning : with fiber blending, Straightness and parallelization; Roving : drafting twisting and winding; Spinning : drafting twisting and winding。 Woolen yarn:粗纺纱,由粗纺系统纺制的纱线,纱线较粗, 条干要求不高,杂质含量要求不高;Semi-worsted yarn:半精纺纱,由半精纺系统纺制的纱线, 纱支适中,条干要求适中,杂质含量要求低;Worsted yarn:精纺纱,由精纺系统纺制的纱线,纱

30、支较高, 条干要求高,杂质含量要求很低。7、苎麻纺纱系统:精纺系统,适纺原料:苎麻长纤维8、亚麻纺纱系统:精纺系统,适纺原料:亚麻长纤维9、绢纺纺纱系统:精纺系统,适纺原料:蚕丝长纤维 较短的麻与蚕丝纤维用棉纺系统制备纱线1-4 What we learn ?1、掌握纺纱基本理论及实现方法 opening,carding, combing,cleaning,blending,leveling drafting, (fiber condensation) ,twisting,winding。 理论:理论思想与理论模型 实现方法:采取何种机构完成与工艺过程实现纺纱基本理论思想与理论模型。2、熟悉纺

31、纱工艺流程环节及典型设备的机构组成与工艺过程工艺流程 在纺纱过程中,纺纱各工序按照一定次序排列所形成的工艺序列;典型设备及机构组成每道纺纱工序采用的设备及其机构组成;工艺过程 在一台机器上纤维须丛从喂入到输出的路线;3、能够根据纤维原料状态与纱线质量要求 确定纺纱工艺流程、典型设备与纺纱工艺参数。(1)普梳纺纱系统:开清棉梳理并条粗纱细纱(2)精梳纺纱系统:开清棉梳理精梳准备 精梳 并条粗纱细纱.(3)粗纺系统:开松洗毛炭化开松 梳理条带分割细纱(4)半精纺系统:开松洗毛开松梳理 炭化并条 粗纱细纱.(5)精纺系统:开松洗毛开松梳理炭化 精梳准备 精梳并条 粗纱细纱.本章小结1、熟悉各纺纱系统

32、,包括纺纱各工序专业词汇spinning system; carded cotton spinning systemcombed cotton spinning system; woolen spinning system;Semi-worsted spinning system; worsted spinning system fiber material:cotton ; cotton-type fiber: wool ; wool-type fiber Opening; carding; Preparation for combing: Combing; Drawing; Gilling

33、; Roving; spinningChapter 2 drafting technology and principle 2-1 draft introduction / 牵伸概述2-2 draft function / 牵伸功能2-3 draft assembly / 牵伸装置2-1 draft introduction1、The methods to make fiber strand tailored(1)tape-cutting : low fineness evenness of the tapes suitable to produce low count yarn(2)draf

34、ting: high low fineness evenness of the tapes suitable to produce low count yarnApplication: wool spinning systemwoolen spinning system :yarn fineness :50tex openingwashingcarbonizing openingcardingtape-cuttingspinning .Semi-worsted spinning system : yarn fineness : 2550tex openingwashingopeningcard

35、ingarbonizing gilling rovingspinning .worsted spinning system : yarn fineness : 14 50tex openingwashing openingcardingcarbonizing preparation for combing combing gilling rovingspinning .Application: cotton spinning system(1)carded cotton spinning system openingcardingdrawingrovingspinning yarn finen

36、ess : 2040tex(2) combed cotton spinning system openingcarding preparation for combing combingdrawingrovingspinning yarn fineness : 525texRoving processCan (sliver)=drafting system =fineness required(Roving)=twist the Roving strand =winding = packageSpinning processRoving=drafting system =fineness re

37、quired=twist the fine fiber strand = spun yarn=winding = package2、How to make fiber strand attenuated(1) At least two nips to control fiber motion(2) The front fiber move fast, the back fiber move slowly(3) The fast fibers are taken quickly from the slow fibers3、drafting system: 牵伸系统 Example:roller

38、drafting system前控制机构:front roller and top roller: 前罗拉+上皮辊后控制机构:back roller and top roller: 后罗拉+上皮辊加压装置:pressured arm: 摇架加压罗拉支撑机构:roller stand : 罗拉座How to make fiber strand tailored in a roller draft systemAt nips,rollers rotate, droved by motor, the fiber move by the friction between roller and fibe

39、r or the friction between fibers and fibers; top rollers rotate, droved by fiber strand If front roller rotate faster than back roller, then, The fast fibers are taken quickly from the slow fibers5、draft zone : 牵伸区 draft ratio E: 牵伸倍数 = Gf/ Go = Vf/Vb 6、 draft ratio of draft system and draft ratio o

40、f a draft zone draft ratio of draft system draft ratio of the firstdraft ratio of the second Vf/Vb7、machine draft ratio and actual draft ratio actual draft ratio Gf/ Go machine draft ratio Vf/Vb8、drafting efficiency actual draft ratio machine draft ratio 牵伸效率2-2 draft functions1、make fiber straight1

41、.1 The fiber morphology in fiber strand(1)straightening fiber(2)hooked fiber:leading hook,trailing hook, half bending, tangle up(3)crooked fiber(4)circle shape1.2 Fiber straightening process When he fast fibers are taken quickly from the slow fibers fast fiber= friction force = slow fiber 1.3 fiber

42、straightness analysis(1)back hook is easy to be straightened, and easier with increasing draft ratio (2)leading hook is difficult to be straightened, with increasing draft ratio fiber straightness degree rise first, then decrease.2、fiber velocity change process(1)fast moving fiber and slow moving fi

43、ber(2)gripped fiber and floating fiber(3)Fiber floating zone2.2 fiber velocity change points (1)close to the front nip (2)a certain boundary plane along machine direction2.3、 Why? = critical factor: friction force (1)fiber length; (2)fiber fineness; (3)fiber Straightness and parallelization; (4)fibe

44、r softness; (5)fiber elasticity; (6)friction coefficient; (7)friction force field: 摩擦力界2.4 the affect of fiber distribution in draft zone on yarn qualityApplication 1、Cotton spinning system : cotton and cotton-type fiber2、 Wool spinning system :wool and wool-type fiber 3、Ramie spinning system :long

45、ramie fiber4、Flex spinning system :long flex fiber5、Spun silk spinning system :long silk fiber Short fiber is converted into spun yarn by cotton spinning.Application(1) carded cotton spinning system openingcardingdrawingrovingspinning(2)combed cotton spinning system openingcarding preparation for co

46、mbing combingdrawingrovingspinning (3)Semi-worsted spinning system openingwashingopeningcardingcarbonizing gilling rovingspinning .(4)worsted spinning system openingwashing openingcardingcarbonizing preparation for combing combing gilling rovingspinning .The fiber morphology in a carded web or slive

47、r(1)hooked fiber : 80 tail hooked fiber : 50% leading hooked fiber : 15% other hooked fiber : 15%(2)straightening fiber : 20%Combing processFunction: make fiber straighten, reduce some short fiber3、draft and yarn unevenness3.1 yarn irregularity Long-term irregularity:(1001000)fiber length Medium-ter

48、m irregularity : (10100) fiber length Short-term irregularity : (110) fiber length Slub and nip: 50 Nep : 棉结 3.2 Fiber strand unevenness index weight deviation,weight unevenness yarn unevenness:条干不匀率3.3 additional unevenness added to fiber strand in draft process (1) random irregularity : 随机不匀random

49、 irregularity results from fiber random distribution in a fiber web or sliver formation process.random irregularity=Formation method (2) draft wave: 牵伸波Draft wave results from irregular movement of floating fiber(3) machine irregularity:机械波Machine irregularity results from bad machine condition.3.4 calculation of fiber strand unevenness after draft 输出不匀=喂入不匀draft ratio +draft wave + machine irregularity本次课小结1、理解牵伸系列概念 牵伸,牵伸系统,牵伸机构,牵伸倍数,机械牵伸倍数,实际牵伸倍数,牵伸效率,快速纤维与慢速纤维,被控纤维与浮游纤维, 重量偏差,重量不匀率,条干不匀率,长片段不匀, 中片段不匀, 短片段不匀, 粗节与细节,随机不匀,牵伸波,机械波等。2、了解牵伸过程。3、为什么牵伸区必须存


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