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1、I went there as a volunteer teacher when I was in the second year of my university. 揭西县大洋乡新联小学揭西县大洋乡新联小学 The calligraphy works my students created The teachers and the students were playing Bunny Hopping. Everyday we cooked by ourselves. The students there were very simple. Da Yang Golf Course For m

2、e, volunteering is an unforgettable experience. What you get from the students and the local people are not money, not rewards, but love and a sense of satisfaction. Only when I saw the eager eyes did I realize that what I really want to do was to become a teacher. I not only want to teach them know

3、ledge but also things about life and love. The sign of United Nations Volunteer in China (中国青年志愿者) What does the sign remind you of? A hand: _ A heart:_ A dove: _ A letter:_ help love and care peace Y stand for youth United Nations Volunteer in China (中国青年志愿者) Volunteers in action There are many vol

4、unteers working in different remote areas or developing countries, among which Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one. Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚独立国巴布亚新几内亚独立国 Do you know where PNG is? Pre-reading West Pacific Ocean 莫尔斯比港莫尔斯比港 capital Houses are made of bamboo and grass. the tribe (部落部落) r

5、emote market Jungle highway village people It is a letter from _ to _.JoRosemary Jo What was Jos job in PNG? 1 My class 2 Students putting new grass on classroom roofs 3 Building a new science lab A volunteer teacher. What do you think life in the village is? Part 1 (Para _) Part2 (Para_) Part 3 (Pa

6、ra_) Part 4 (Para _) A visit to a local village The end of the letter The beginning of the letter The introduction of the school and Jos work as a teacher 2-3 4-8 Match each part with its main idea Skimming 1 9 . 1. _ is a young Australian woman. 2. _ was dying to hear all about Jos life in Papua Ne

7、w Guinea. 3._ started jumping out of the window because they had never came across anything like it. 4. _ did visit a village that was the home of one of the boys, _. 5. _ started crying “ieee ieee” to welcome them. 6. _ led us to his house, a low bamboo hut. Rosemary Jo Jo and Jenny Kiak Mukap Tomb

8、e The boys Skanning 1.her school life 2. a visit to a local village two parts Task I: Read para2-3 and answer the questions. Detailed reading 1. Do the boys live near the school? 2. Are the boys friendly to Jo? How do you know? 3. Why is Science the most challenging subject for Jo? 1. Do the boys li

9、ve near the school? 2.Are the boys friendly to Jo? How do you know? 3. Why is Science the most challenging subject for Jo? Yes, they are. Because there are lots of “good mornings” from the boys. No, the boys have to walk a long way, sometimes up to hours, to get to school. Because the students had n

10、o concept of doing experiment, and there is no equipment. What have Jo learned about the customs and lives of the people in Tombes village during her visit? Task : Read paragraph 4-8 1. Types of houses 4.Cooking methods 2. Sleeping arrangements 5.Diet 3. Possessions6.Beliefs a low bamboo hut stick o

11、ut doorway no windows round 双语报双语报B1 Summary 1.The purpose that the author wrote this letter is that she wanted to tell Rosemary_. A. her learning life in a high school B. her teaching life in a high school C. how happy she was in the small village D. how poor the students were Into the text 2. Why

12、does Jo call the school where she teaches a bush school? A. Because the school was built in a bush. B. Because there is nothing but the bush around the school. C. Because it was made from bamboo and the roofs of grass. D. Because students in that school use “Bush” as their names. 3. From the passage

13、, we know that _. A. there is no electricity but water at school B. the author can be used to the schools condition easily C. the students there often do chemistry experiments D. the students have neither textbooks nor any experiment equipment 4. Why did Tombe throw out the tin can? A. Because he be

14、lieved it attracted evil spirits. B. Because he believed leftovers attracted evil spirits. C. Because he believed it wasnt useful any more. D. Because he believed the grill attracted evil spirites. 5. How did Jo feel after the visit to Tombes family? A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Special. D. Homesick. Huzhon

15、g and Xie Xiaojun(胡忠、谢晓君胡忠、谢晓君), a couple from Chengdu, gave up their well-paid job in 2000 to teach the students as a volunteer in the remote areas in Sichuan. “一个教师,如果你想做,到哪里都是教书,在哪里都是育人。我乐一个教师,如果你想做,到哪里都是教书,在哪里都是育人。我乐 意成为这种老师,因为在我看来,把自己懂的、会的一些东西,尽可意成为这种老师,因为在我看来,把自己懂的、会的一些东西,尽可 能地教给学生,并让这些东西为他们的生

16、活带来希望、增添快乐,那能地教给学生,并让这些东西为他们的生活带来希望、增添快乐,那 是最快乐的事。我将继续和我的同事们一道,肩负起是最快乐的事。我将继续和我的同事们一道,肩负起100多个高原农多个高原农 牧区特殊孩子成才的责任,没有谁要求我们去做,但我们会倾尽所能,牧区特殊孩子成才的责任,没有谁要求我们去做,但我们会倾尽所能, 为孩子们付出,帮助他们成长。为孩子们付出,帮助他们成长。 我将更认真地去工作,把我的每一我将更认真地去工作,把我的每一 天都给孩子,高原的孩子。天都给孩子,高原的孩子。” Share your happiness with others, happiness doub

17、les. Share your sadness with others, sadness halves. Share your love with others, love spreads. If everybody offers a little love, the world will become more beautiful. Homework 1. 画出课文中的重点短语,并背画出课文中的重点短语,并背 诵。诵。 2. 找出文中所有的定语从句并加找出文中所有的定语从句并加 以分析。以分析。 1. hear from sb. 2. be dying to do 3. up to 4. a

18、dapt to 5. one thing for sure 6. become imaginative in 7. have no concept of doing 8. the other day 9. come across 10. be relevant to 11. to be honest 12. make a difference to sb 1.收到某人的信收到某人的信 2.渴望渴望/极想做极想做 3.多达多达/直到直到 4.适应于适应于 5.有一点可以确定有一点可以确定 6.对对富于想象力富于想象力 7.做某事没概念做某事没概念 8.有一天有一天 9.偶然遇到偶然遇到/发现发现

19、 10. 与与有关有关 11. 老实说老实说 12. 对某人有影响对某人有影响 Paras 13 1. shake hands with sb. 2. lead sb. to sp. 3. stick out 4. get through 5. adjust to 6. share sth with sb 7. cover with 8. dry out 9. dry up 10. It is a privilege to do 11. prepare lessons 1.与与握手握手 2.带领某人去某处带领某人去某处 3.伸出伸出 4.通过通过/(电话)打通(电话)打通 5.调整以适应调整以

20、适应 6.与与分享分享 7.用用覆盖覆盖 8.使变干使变干 9.干涸(河,湖)干涸(河,湖) 10. 做做是一种荣耀是一种荣耀 11. 备课备课 Paras 4 8 There are many volunteers working in different remote areas or developing countries, among which Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one. 莫尔斯比港莫尔斯比港 capital 1. Do the boys live near the school? 2.Are the boys friendly to Jo? Ho

21、w do you know? 3. Why is Science the most challenging subject for Jo? Yes, they are. Because there are lots of “good mornings” from the boys. No, the boys have to walk a long way, sometimes up to hours, to get to school. Because the students had no concept of doing experiment, and there is no equipment. Hu


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