1、Useful Tips for Good Manners at Meetings and Social Events 聚会以及社交活动良好礼节的有用小贴士Appropriate business etiquette is expected of everyone, especially at corporate events. Ho wever, few are trained in the art of good manners. That means most people learn meeti ng etiquette and how to conduct themselves at
2、business events “ onthe job. ” 每个人都希望自己有合适的商务礼节,尤其是在公司社交活动上。然而,很少有人受过良好的礼 节训练。这就意味着很多人去学习会议的礼节,以便自己在公司的商务活动上处于主动地位。Of course, not everyone is completely at ease with knowing whether they are conveying proper business etiquette to corporate hosts, colleagues and other guests.当然,不是每个人都很清楚自己在与公司老板,同事以及
3、其他客户社交时所用的社交礼节是否恰 当。Keep in mind, the purpose of etiquette is to create an environment that allows everyone to feel comfortable. The following Q&A provides some business etiquette tips for meeting environments.记住,礼节的目的是为了创造一个大家都感觉舒服的交流环境。以下的问答展示了商务聚会中应 该遵守的礼节。1. When should you respond to an RSVP?你什
4、么时候该回复 “敬请赐复 ”的请帖Event invitations will provide most of the important information of an event, including det ails about the host, type of event, purpose (even as much as a brief agenda), location, t ime, specific in struct ions,and - of course - the RSVP.邀请函会提供一次活动的大部分信息,包括主办方,活动类型,活动目的(甚至是简要议程), 地点
5、,时间,简要说明等,当然也会有邀请信息。Events today rely on a variety of RSVP options, including email, phone, mail in cards, an d more. It is important for guests to respond quickly when they receive an invitation, an d it besst to respond within a week. If you must decline at the last minute, please notif y the host
6、 prior to the event or first thing the next day with sincere regrets.现在的活动的回复途径也是多样化的,有电邮,电话,卡片等更多方式。当客户收到邀请函的时候,迅速的做出回复是一种礼貌,通常来说最好是在一个星期内给予答复。如果你最后还是要拒 绝邀请,记得在活动前通知主办人,并且事后第二天马上至上诚挚的歉意。2. What should you wear to an event?你应该穿什么区参加一次公司社交聚会?Hosts and guests err on the side of conservative sensibilit
7、y: dress well and in good taste (everything should always be pressed). That said, most event invitations will provide dire ction:宾主选择保守的服装总不会出错,穿着要得体,有品味(所有的衣服都要烫过)。也就是说,大 多数的邀请函会给你提供穿着指南:( 1) Business attire(suits and dresses)商务装(西装和连衣裙)( 2) Black tie/black tie optional (more formal evening wear)黑色
8、领结(可选)(用于更正式的晚装)( 3) Business casual (trousers/khakis with long sleeve shirts)商务休闲装(长裤 / 长袖卡布其衫)( 4) Jackets and ties required (as instructed)夹克和领带是必备的Some events and venues may advise other casual wear, such as golf, tennis, horse racin g, resorts, etc. Organizers will be specific about attire requ
9、irements.有些活动或会议场所也许会要求更休闲的着装,如高尔夫球场,网球场,赛马场,度假村等。举 办着对服装的要求都特别明确。3. When should you arrive for an event?你该何时到场?The event host spends significant time and resources to plan and execute an event, so most people know the answer to this question: be on time! If you are a representative o f the host, th
10、e answer is that you should arrive up to 30 minutes early (you will be give n a time, show up when requested).活动主办人花了很多时间在计划和准备一次活动上,所以大多数人都很清楚这个问题的答案,那 就是要准时到场。 如果你是举办方的代表之一, 那么你应该提前 30 分钟到场 (有要求的时候,会 让你出场的)。If you are a guest, understand that the organizer has been selective with the invitation li
11、 st. Many invitations will include a brief agenda that highlights when guests may arrive for the event, typically providing a window of 15 to 30 minutes for registration and welcom e reception times.如果你是客人,要明白举办人对邀请名单是经过精心筛选的。很多邀请函都包括了简要的议程, 上面都会将客人到场的时间着重标示出,一般都会特别提供了 15 到 30 分钟的注册登记和接待时 间。Also, it
12、 imsportant to stay as long as possible or to the conclusion of an event.多呆一段时间或者等到宴会结束才走也是很重要的一种礼节。4. When should you extend a handshake at an event?在社交聚会上你什么时候该和别人握手?Always upon arrival and departure. This is an easy rule that few people violate. Greet ev eryone with a firm, sincere handshake, a f
13、riendly smile and direct eye contact. However, when approaching a group of individuals, it imsportant to note that guests should always shake the hand of the host first.总是在到达和离开的时候握手。这是一个很少有人会违背的简单规则。问候每个人的时候,都坚 定,真诚的和他们握手,友善的向对方微笑,直视对方的眼睛。然而,要记住的是,当你和一大 群人打招呼的时候,第一个和主人握手是一种重要的礼节。Of course, there ar
14、e scenarios when handshake greetings aren pot ssible, such as when b oth hands are full. In those situations, either party may nod and use some sort of other body gesture to convey the greeting.当然了,也有不适合握手的时候,比如两个手里都拿满了东西。在这种情况下,两个人可以点头 示意,或用其他身体语言问候对方。5. How should you introduce people in a group a
15、t an event?如何在商务社交聚会上介绍别人?Most people will find themselves at some point introducing various individuals at an event, especially when they are the ones who will be expect ed to know all parties. But what s the order of introductions? Simply remember to rules:很多人都会在商务社交活动上向不同的人介绍别人,尤其是那些需要认识所有人的人。但是介
16、绍 的顺序是怎么样的呢?谨记以下规则:( 1) . Introduce lower ranking individuals to higher ranking individuals.将级别低的人向级别高的人引荐。( 2).Remember to include titles (e.g., Dr., Judge, etc.) and name prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs. Ms.).介绍的时候记得加上头衔(如,博士,法官等)以及称呼语(如,先生,太太,夫人)6. What should you talk about at the event?在聚会上你应该谈些什么?It im
17、sportant to have strong listening (don intterrupt) and conversation skills in group sit uations. This means maintaining open body language (stand up or sit up straight, don ct ross arms, and maintain good eye contact) and showing interest in what others have to say.在集体活动中,善于倾听(不打断别人说话)以及交流的技巧是很重要的。这
18、就是说要保持开放 式的身体语言(站直,坐直,不要双手交叉抱胸,保持眼神交流),并且对别人说的话表示很感 兴趣。Contribute to conversations by being able to speak to a variety of subjects, find topics of mutual interest and avoid correcting what others have to say. Make sure to involve ever yone in the group in the discussion (and not just one or two). En
19、courage people to talk about themselves, and be graceful when providing and/or accepting compliments.在交谈中,对交流有利的是要善于找到各种各样交谈的主题,要找到大家都感兴趣的话题,并且 不要更正别人说的事情。确保让小组的每个人都参与了交谈(而不是一个、两个)。鼓励别人谈 自己的事情,赞美别人或接受别人赞美的时候表现要优雅。It unsfortunate to add the follow ing, but necessary for some: avoid the use of foul la
20、ng uage and slang in conversations.虽然加上以下内容让人不舒服,但是对于有些人来说也是必须说明的:要避免在谈话中使用俚语 以及粗暴的语言。7. What shouldnt you talk about at the event?在聚会中什么不该谈?Just as it imsportant to understand what to talk about, there are several topics that sho uld generally be avoided:正如懂得什么该谈一样,有一些话题在通常情况下是应该避免的:( 1) Personal f
21、inance topics个人财政状况的话题( 2) Personal health topics (yours and others)个人健康方面的话题( 3) Divisive topics有争议的话题( 4) Gossip八卦8. When should you defer extra courties (deference) to others at an event?在聚会上你该如何推延活动以示对别人的尊重?It may sound old fashioned, but it vesry important to let people know that you hold the m
22、 in high esteem. And the act will usually not go unnoticed by the recipient. Several exa mples (but certainly not an all inclusive list) of when deference is important at an event:听起来像是老调重弹,但是你有必要让别人知道你十分尊重他们,但是你还要不着痕迹的变现出 这种尊重。以下几例显示了聚会上什么时候适当的表现尊重是十分重要的(当然没有包括全部的 情况):( 1) Follow the lead of others
23、 (e.g., host) to know when/where to sit.效仿他人,看他们什么时候坐在哪里。( 2) Hold doors for others.为别人开门。(3)Dont assume empty seats are available.不要以为空座位都是可以坐的。( 4) Allow others to take the better seat.让别人选好的位置。( 5) Wait to speak until others acknowledge you.等到别人注意到你后才开始说话。( 6) Wait for the host before taking a first drink.在主人没动杯之前不要喝酒。( 7) Wait to eat until after everyone is served and the host has begun.等到主人以及大家都开动后再开始用餐。9. What other business etiquette
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