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1、 Charles Dickens: (born Feb. 7, 1812,-died June 9, 1870) British novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. The defining moment of Dickenss life occurred when he was 12 years old. With his father in debtors prison, he was withdrawn from school and forced to work in a factor

2、y. This deeply affected the sensitive boy. Though he returned to school at 13, his formal education ended at 15. As a young man, he worked as a reporter. Then he wrote novels. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of th

3、ose cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. This novel shows us the cruelty and crime o

4、f London. Oliver Twist, the hero, is a poor orphan(孤儿(孤儿). He lived in a life filled with taunts (嘲笑)(嘲笑). Nobody loved him. With visions of his future, he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was coming, but he was wrong, a group of thieves were waiting for him. The author created a group

5、 of bad men. Fagin, an old man, with a horribly ugly face and red hair, was the head of those thieves. He tried to make Oliver be a criminal. Bill Sikes was a cruel and evil man in the group. He had a bad temper. Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights is a novel by Emily Bront, written between October

6、1845 and June 1846,1 and published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. It was her first and only published novel: she died aged 30 the following year. Although Wuthering Heights is now widely regarded as a classic of English literature, it received mixed reviews when first published, and was con

7、sidered controversial because its depiction of mental and physical cruelty was so unusually stark.In the second half of the 19th century, Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre was considered the best of the Bront sisters works, but later critics argued that Wuthering Heights was superior. 小说的背景是十八世纪英格兰北部的约克郡,来

8、自城市的年轻人洛克伍德租下小说的背景是十八世纪英格兰北部的约克郡,来自城市的年轻人洛克伍德租下 了沼泽地的画眉田庄,在一次拜访房东希斯克利夫的过程中,发现了隐藏在呼了沼泽地的画眉田庄,在一次拜访房东希斯克利夫的过程中,发现了隐藏在呼 啸山庄里的一段过往:啸山庄里的一段过往: 呼啸山庄过去的主人老恩肖(呼啸山庄过去的主人老恩肖(Earnshaw)一次去利物浦办事,带回一个身分)一次去利物浦办事,带回一个身分 不明的吉普赛男孩,将他取名为希斯克利夫(不明的吉普赛男孩,将他取名为希斯克利夫(Heathcliff)。这位小男孩夺去)。这位小男孩夺去 了老主人对长子辛德利(了老主人对长子辛德利(Hind

9、ley)以及女儿凯萨琳()以及女儿凯萨琳(Catherine)的宠爱,)的宠爱, 他逐渐遭到辛德利的怨恨,但与凯萨琳日久生情。老恩肖死后,辛德利与妻子他逐渐遭到辛德利的怨恨,但与凯萨琳日久生情。老恩肖死后,辛德利与妻子 法兰西丝继承了山庄,为了报复,他把希斯克利夫贬为奴仆,并百般迫害。而法兰西丝继承了山庄,为了报复,他把希斯克利夫贬为奴仆,并百般迫害。而 凯萨琳尽管仍深爱希斯克利夫,却为了金钱而地位,嫁给了富有、英俊的画眉凯萨琳尽管仍深爱希斯克利夫,却为了金钱而地位,嫁给了富有、英俊的画眉 田庄主人埃德加田庄主人埃德加林顿(林顿(Edgar Linton),希斯克利夫因而在暴风雨之夜愤而),希

10、斯克利夫因而在暴风雨之夜愤而 出走。出走。 三年后,希斯克利夫再次回到沼泽地,他已成为一位富有的绅士,决定报复迫三年后,希斯克利夫再次回到沼泽地,他已成为一位富有的绅士,决定报复迫 害他的辛德利,以及夺走他爱人的埃德加。他首先以赌博的方式剥夺了辛德利害他的辛德利,以及夺走他爱人的埃德加。他首先以赌博的方式剥夺了辛德利 的财产与呼啸山庄,将辛德利的儿子哈里顿培养成一个粗鄙、无知的仆人。之的财产与呼啸山庄,将辛德利的儿子哈里顿培养成一个粗鄙、无知的仆人。之 后,他还诱骗了埃德加的妹妹伊莎贝拉(后,他还诱骗了埃德加的妹妹伊莎贝拉(Isabella)与之私奔,造成林顿兄妹)与之私奔,造成林顿兄妹 失和

11、。埃德加与希斯克利夫之间的矛盾越来越大,使得凯萨琳内心挣扎不已,失和。埃德加与希斯克利夫之间的矛盾越来越大,使得凯萨琳内心挣扎不已, 痛苦不堪的她最后在生产中死去,留下了女儿小凯萨琳。而伊莎贝拉则在婚后痛苦不堪的她最后在生产中死去,留下了女儿小凯萨琳。而伊莎贝拉则在婚后 不堪虐待,逃到城市里并生下了儿子林顿。不堪虐待,逃到城市里并生下了儿子林顿。 希斯克利夫仍不满足,他强迫埃德加交出伊莎贝拉的儿子林顿,之后又设法迫希斯克利夫仍不满足,他强迫埃德加交出伊莎贝拉的儿子林顿,之后又设法迫 使他的女儿小凯萨琳,嫁给体弱多病的林顿。埃德加不久后病死了,遗产与画使他的女儿小凯萨琳,嫁给体弱多病的林顿。埃德

12、加不久后病死了,遗产与画 眉田庄全成为外甥林顿的财产,而林顿不久后也死去,财产最终落入希斯克利眉田庄全成为外甥林顿的财产,而林顿不久后也死去,财产最终落入希斯克利 夫的手里,小凯萨琳也被永远监禁在呼啸山庄中。复仇得逞了,但他却感到内夫的手里,小凯萨琳也被永远监禁在呼啸山庄中。复仇得逞了,但他却感到内 心的空虚,甚至将凯萨琳的棺木掘开,希望能与她长相厮守,最后不吃不喝、心的空虚,甚至将凯萨琳的棺木掘开,希望能与她长相厮守,最后不吃不喝、 苦恋而亡。在他死后,小凯萨琳和哈里顿两人相爱,继承了山庄与田庄的产业,苦恋而亡。在他死后,小凯萨琳和哈里顿两人相爱,继承了山庄与田庄的产业, 上一代不圆满的爱情

13、在下一代得到了补偿。希斯克利夫对凯萨琳的爱是粗暴的,上一代不圆满的爱情在下一代得到了补偿。希斯克利夫对凯萨琳的爱是粗暴的, 却也是无可取代的。却也是无可取代的。 Emily Bront Emily Bront (30 July 1818 19 December 1848)she was an English novelist and poet, best remembered for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English literature. Emily was the third eld

14、est of the four surviving Bront siblings. She wrote under the pen name Ellis Bell. Gone With The Wind The Writer Name: Margaret Mitchell Born :November 8, 1900 Die: August 16, 1949 Nationality: American Occupation: Author Works: Gone with the Wind ,kjpen n.工作工作,职业职业 Home. Ill go home. And Ill think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. 家家,我要回家我要回家.我要想办法我要想办法 让他回来让他回来. 不管怎样不管怎样,明天明天 又是全新的一天又是全新的一天 .Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which the


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