



1、the remuneration systems of ag bells ltdintroduction: this report is all about the a g bell ltd. first, it introduces the key objective and constraint of this organization. then, it talks about the remuneration system and the difference between non-analytical job evaluation schemes and analytical jo

2、b evaluation schemes and able the non-analytical job evaluation. last, it explains single status culture.section1remuneration refers to the total pay and benefits that are offered to an employee in exchange for their labor. in the organization the objective of remuneration system are related to the

3、objective of the whole organization. (1) to attract sufficient suitable employees; (2) to motivate employees to improve their performance, or deal with poor performers; (3) to reducing costs. when establish the objective of remuneration system, we should notice three point:(1) in the organization we

4、 can use excellence payment system and the level employer enjoy employee work hard for motivation staff.(2) for attract and retain excellence staff to finish the objective of the organization, the organization should have some competitiveness compare with other organization. (3) the remuneration sys

5、tem should reflect fair (include inside and outside) for avoid staff come the organization they also exist many constraints in remuneration system. an organizations approach to remuneration will be influenced by a variety of external and internal constraints.(1) the organizations fin

6、ances. when the organization prepare implement some plan, if they dont have enough money it will influence the plan implement. the organizations finance will also influence the remuneration system. if the finance situation is bad, the remuneration may be easily and simple(2) labor market supply and

7、demand. if the market supply is shortage and the demand is increase. the remuneration system will more effectively and good for the employees to attract them.(3) government pays regulations. if the governments increase the minimum salary standards, it will influence the organization remuneration sys

8、tem, the organization will increase the salary.section 2pay systems fall into two main categories: basic rate systems and performance relation system.(1) basic rate systems are that the pay does not vary in relation to achievements or performance.basic rate systems feature: - easiest to operate, and

9、 apply to many workers in the uk. the worker receives a fixed rate per hour, week or month. under basic rate systems a worker is paid in relation to a given period of time - an hourly rate, weekly wage or annual salary. -this rate is the established rate for all workers in one category, but there ar

10、e often incremental scales which allow for progression, perhaps as additional experience and skills are obtained. advantages:- they are relatively simple and cheap to administer and allow labor costs to be forecast with accuracy. - they lead to stability in pay and are easily understood by the workf

11、orce, who will be able to more readily predict and check their pay. - there may be fewer disputes and individual grievances than under systems linking pay to performance or results.disadvantage:- basic rate systems do not by definition provide direct incentives to improve productivity or performance

12、. nevertheless employers may prefer to operate simple basic rate systems and improve the design of jobs, so that the job provides the necessary interest, motivation and satisfaction. - basic systems may be criticized by individual workers, who wish to see their own abilities specifically rewarded. -

13、 basic rate systems can also lead to a rigid, hierarchical system of spot-rates or pay ranges. (2) performance related pay (prp) describes a payment system where the amounts being paid to an employee depend on specified outcomes being achieved. a prp scheme is designed to motivate employees to work

14、in a purposeful and directed fashion in accordance with personal and organizational objectives.performance related pay feature: - performance related pay is generally used to link progression through a pay band to an assessment of an individuals work performance during a particular reference period,

15、 often a year. alternatively, the reward may be an additional sum of money paid in the form of a bonus. - assessments usually relate to an individuals achievements against agreed objectives relating to output and quality of work but may also include an element of evaluation of personal characteristi

16、cs, such as adaptability, initiative and so on advantages:- it may provide a felt fair system of rewarding people according to their contribution. - higher performance within the organization may result. - it provides a tangible means of recognizing achievements. - people understand the performance

17、imperatives of the organization and the link between extra pay and extra performance is clear. disadvantage:- performance related pay can prove difficult because measurements of individual performance may be broad and lack objectivity and may be inconsistent. - individual prp systems may be unsuppor

18、tive of team working. - all line managers would need to be appropriately trained to run the scheme effectively, which would be costly and time-consuming. (3)suggestions:i think the performance related pay is very suit for the ag bell ltd.- ag bell ltd is a private sector company specializing in 24/7

19、 call centre services. the performance related pays is a payment system where the amounts being paid to an employee depend on specified outcomes being achieved, it can encourage staff work more effective and it will have a good performance.- it fit the aim of the ag bell ltd “where people are valued

20、 as a key resource and developed to meet business needs.- use the performance related pay can help a g bell ltd to provide a direct incentive for employees to achieve defined work targets and the contribution an employee makes is recognized with a tangible reward.section3a the defining feature of no

21、n-analytical job schemes is that whole jobs are compared with each other without any attempt to break down and analyze jobs under their various demands or components. non-analytical systems can be subdivided into three different techniques: whole job ranking; paired comparison and job classification

22、.analytical evaluation schemes are schemes where jobs are broken down into components (known as factors) and scores for each component of the job are awarded with a final total giving an overall rank order.analytical job systems can be subdivided into three different techniques: points rating or poi

23、nts factor schemes; factor comparison and tailor made.the analytical where jobs are broken down into there are components and non-analytical schemes, where the jobs are viewed as a whole. the use of an analytical scheme offers a better defense of a claim is made to an employment tribunal for equal p

24、ay for work of equal value. after that, analytical schemes offer greater objectivity in assessment as the jobs are broken down in details, while non-analytical schemes are less objective than analytical schemes, but are often simpler and cheaper to introduce.b non-discriminatory job evaluation schem

25、e is an analytical job evaluation system. the factor job evaluation schemes include: skill; responsibility; effort; responsibility for people; knowledge; emotional demands; initiative. therefore excluding a factor that is important for a job will result in it being undervalued in relation to other j

26、obs, and the job evaluation scheme itself would therefore be discriminatory. all factors should be non-discriminatory and factor weightings that may reflect outdated concepts of male or female job roles should be avoided.this system has many advantages to employer:(1) afterthe labordisputewillhaveto

27、 provide their owneffectivedefense,however, non-discriminatoryjob evaluationscheme does notprovidesufficient evidenceto show thatthe fairness ofjob evaluation, analyticaljob evaluationprogramtohelp developa strong externalcompetitivepay in order to arrive at competitive rate of pay.(2) it can avoid

28、the employer received complaint. then, the analytical system can less the work and improve the performance. (3)it can keep the sense of trust from the employees, because of the system make the employer treat all staff fairly and allocated the job based on their ability.this system has many advantage

29、s to employees:(1) non-discriminatoryjob evaluationschememay lead toa fairdecision-makingand rarely paydiscrimination,analyticaljob evaluationprogramat leastlooksvery objective,but also to the staffthatmanagers arepaidsalariesbased on objectiveandmakedecisions(2) the employees can enjoy their legal

30、right in the organization. they will become have rich confidence and treat their job positive. it can improve the performance of their job. (3) disabled workers and workers with criminal have more opportunity to work and show their ability. section4single status culture is topayall employeesto provi

31、de a unifiedpayment systemandconditions of employment. in the single status culture organization for all employeeshavean expectationthatis all employeeswill betreatedthe same way,will not considertheirjobsas well asthe nature oftheircontract. principal employee services and benefits to offer to employees at ag bells ltd is to all employeesa fairpension,sick pay, medical insurance training opportunity and paid


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