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1、unit 4 our worldtopic 2 how can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?section c. 目标定位本节课的主要活动为1a和2a。本节课通过文章的形式具体介绍有关地震的知识以及在地震中如何保护自己.本篇文章以how to protect yourself in the earthquake为题,分别对地震知识进行介绍,在室内外对付地震的方法及余震的介绍,最后紧扣主题加入情感教育。要求学生通过本篇文章,了解地震知识,能够正确应对自然灾害,并能够模仿作者的写作方式,根据已有经验,结合本课知识,写出有关在其它自然灾害面前如何

2、保护自己的文章。这篇阅读文章较长,在阅读练习的时候,建议教师先以讨论、游戏等方式,解决部分生词,扫清单词障碍。学生在理解文章大意的前提下进行拓展,写出在其它自然灾害面前如何保护自己的文章。. teaching aimsknowledge aims:1. 能根据音标正确读出以下单词的读音:middle, shake, check等。2. 能在游戏的帮助下快速记忆本课生词如:middle, shake, check等。 3。 能够熟练地应用形容词的比较级和最高级。 4. 能够用形容词的比较级和最高级谈论自然灾害的程度。 skill aims:1。 能基本听懂本课文本材料,能写出简单的介绍如何在发生

3、自然灾害的时候保护自己的文章. 2. 能流利地和他人谈论在自然灾害中如何保护自己。3. 能读懂介绍自然灾害的文章,以及相应的保护措施。4. 能正确模仿本课课文,有条理地写出在自然灾害中如何保护自己的措施.emotional aims: 1。 通过对本课的学习,学生能够明白:遇到困难应该沉着冷静。 2。 在自己的能力范围之内,帮助别人。 the key points and difficult points key points: 1. 学习在地震中如何保护自己的知识。 2. 复习和巩固形容词的比较级和最高级。 3。 能模仿本课所学文章,写一篇有关其它自然灾害的文章. difficult poi

4、nts: 模仿课文写一篇有关其它自然灾害的文章。 . learning strategies1. 通过对在地震中如何保护好自己的知识的学习,联想到其它的自然灾害以及处理方式。通过举一反三的形式,可以让我们更加轻松地学习语言。2。 在阅读文章的时候,段落可以给我们带来很多提示。3。 在复述文章的时候,将语言知识转化成像1b一样连贯的图片可以帮助你更好地记忆文章. . teaching aids computer multimedia projector. teaching proceduresstepinteraction patternstudent activityteacher activ

5、ity学生自学(6 minutes)1. the whole class work and group work2. individual work and the whole class work3。 the whole class work4。 the whole class work1. students take out the homework。 exchange their information in groups.2. one student speaks his/her idea about a picture, other students show their ideas

6、 by saying “i agree./i disagree with him/her.”3. students look at the pictures。 remember the phrases and consider whether the activity is right or wrong.4. there are many new words for students. but they can guess the meaning of each word。 for example, students dont know the meaning of “doorway”, bu

7、t they studied “door”, and they can see a boy sitting on the floor。 so they can match the correct pictures in this way. 1。 ask students to take out their homework. it is some information about how to protect ourselves in an earthquake。2。 play a game.teacher shows some pictures to students. students

8、can see the activities of people in the pictures。 students stand up quickly and speak out right or wrong。 teacher gives the first student a smiling face.3。 encourage students to describe the pictures in english, for example, take a lift to go downstairs, run out of a room, and stand near a tall tree

9、. teacher can help students if they can not express the pictures。4。 teacher chooses many phrases from section c and shows them on the screen。 e。g。 sit on the floor in a doorway, stay away from furniture, stay away from power lines, and check the people near you. and show many pictures on the screen。

10、 ask students to match the phrases with the correct pictures。民主讨论(12 minutes)1。 the whole class work2. the whole class work3。 the whole class work4. individual work5. group work1. students read the new words after the teacher。 at the same time, they try to remember the meanings with the help of the

11、pictures.2。 students study the structure of this sentence.3. students read through the passage and get the main idea of each paragraph.4。 students read through the passage just now。 try to find the paragraph which can give the answers. write down the key words under each picture。5. students discuss

12、in groups. put the pictures together with their own words。 pay attention to the linking words。finish 1.1. after students know the meanings of the new words, teaching them the pronunciation becomes easier.2. teacher asks students, “do you think knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep

13、you safe in an earthquake?” write “knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in an earthquake” on the blackboard。 explain the structure of this sentence。3. give students 2 minutes to read through the passage. remind students to get the main idea of each paragraph。 4. show pict

14、ures in 1b to students. ask students to write down the key words under each picture。5。 give students 2 minutes to discuss in groups. and invite students to report with the help of the pictures: how to protect ourselves in an earthquake。 个性展示(10 minutes)1. individual work and the whole class work2. i

15、ndividual work and group work3。 group work and individual work4。 the whole class work and group work1。 one student retells the passage, and his/her group members can help him/her. other students remember the ways. maybe they can use the ways one day. 2。 students read the passage again and find out t

16、he answers. in order to save time, they neednt read sentence by sentence。 read the questions first, then find out the answers with the help of the key information。3。 students share their answers and ideas about how to find answers quickly and correctly.4。 students discuss in groups actively。1。 invit

17、e students to retell the passage。2. give students 3 minutes to read the passage again and show the following questions on the screen:(1) when can earthquakes be very serious?(2) how do you understand “the danger is not over when the strong shaking stops?(3) what does the word “aftershocks” mean?(4)

18、what is the most important thing to remember in an earthquake?3。 invite students to answer questions and ask students to share their ideas about how to find the answers quickly。 4。 show the fifth question to students, and encourage students to speak out more ways to protect ourselves from an earthqu

19、ake。当堂练习(10 minutes)1. the whole class work and pair work2。 group work3. group work4. pair work and group work1。 students discuss the five pictures in groups. some students may use the phrases in 2a directly。2. students match the pictures with the phrases。 and discuss in groups with these phrases.3。

20、 students look at the table carefully and discuss in groups with the help of 2a. they can discuss in groups with the help of the teacher like this: a: the most important thing to do is to call 119 for help。b: the safest place is the highest floor.c: going downstairs is safer than taking the lift。4。

21、volunteers perform their conversations. they should combine 2a with 2b in their conversations.finish 2a, 2b1。 show the pictures in 2a to students. encourage students to describe the pictures in english。2. show the phrases and the pictures in 2a. ask students to match the phrases with the correct pic

22、tures and then discuss in groups what you should and shouldnt do in a fire。3. show 2b to students, and ask students to make dialogues in groups. 4. invite students to perform their conversations. give smiling faces to the volunteers. 课堂小结(6 minutes)1. individualwork2. the whole class work and indivi

23、dualwork3。 the whole class work4. individualwork1. students may have different reactions。 most students run out of the classroom like the teacher, but some students stay on the seat. they may dont know what happened. only a few of them can get the correct reaction, putting their arms on the head to

24、protect their head and neck, then staying away from the windows。2。 students hand up actively and speak out their own ideas. then know what the teacher did is wrong。 they wont do it like that. 3。 students read the new words and review the usage of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. th

25、ey know how to protect themselves in an earthquake.4。 review the new words and reading skills。 search information on the internet. preview section d and write a passage.1。 play a game.teacher shouts “earthquake” loudly and runs out of the classroom quickly. then come back to see the students. this p

26、ractice is very important for students because they may use it one day。 2。 teacher invites students to tell all the students what they did just now。 is it right? is the teacher right? educate students that we should calm down when we meet problems。3. teacher summarizes what the students learned toda

27、y:(1) words: calm, middle, shake, check。.(2) grammar: comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives4. homework:the homework includes three parts: ask students to(1) search the internet to get some information about wenchuan earthquake。(2)write a short passage with the title “how to protect yourself in a fire”。 (3)review sections ac to prepare for section d. teaching reflection this kind of topic can attract students attention very easily。 from this class, students can learn the knowledge of protecting themselves in disasters. in fact, students are lack of these knowledge。 teache


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