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1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise.Section C. Material analysis本节课建议用1课时上完。主要活动为Section C 的1a和2。本课通过1a短文呈现骑自行车的优点和骑自行车的安全规则,继续渗透条件状语从句的用法。本课要求学习掌握黑体词和短语:pay attention to, safety, truck, notice, in case of, in a word, pollute和look out, 理解白体词汇: signal, reflector, c

2、ase和injury, 讨论交通安全方面的话题,预防自行车事故的发生。通过3的学习活动,进一步学习相关的交通规则方面的知识,培养学生学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能用英语简单地表述骑自行车的优点和骑自行车的安全规则。2. 学生能掌握条件状语从句的用法。3. 通过对话题重点知识学习,进一步理解相关短文的意思。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关骑自行车的优点和骑自行车的安全规则的材料,并从中获取信息。2. 能简单地用英语表达交通规则和骑自行车的安全规则。3. 能理解有关交通规则和骑自行车的安全规则等方面的叙述,并从中获取需

3、要的信息。4. 能用英语简单写出骑自行车的安全规则。Emotional aims:学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 学习骑自行车的安全规则。2. 进一步掌握条件状语从句的用法。Difficult points:写出关于骑自行车的安全规则的短文。. Learning strategies 通过对话题重点知识学习,进一步理解相关短文的意思。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, a picture of a bicycle rider, the

4、pictures of a truck, a traffic signal, a reflector and an injured person. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. Group work.3. Group work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work. 6. The wholeclass work.1. Focus

5、 their attentionon the teacher.2. Students work in groups and play the If Chain Game.3. Students tell the results of breaking the trafficrules, using adverbialclauses of condition.4. Students retell theadvantages of ridingbikes in Section A. 5. Students show someinformation about the bicycles they c

6、ollected after class. 6. Students know moreinformation about the bicycle.1. Greet the students and make them ready for learning. Play the flash of If you are happy.2. The teacher asks the students to work in groups and play the If Chain Game. One student makes up a sentence with if. The next student

7、 says an if sentence with the first sententces result, paying attention to the tense. 3. The teacher asks the students to tell the results of breaking the traffic rules with adverbial clauses of condition.4. The teacher lets the students retell the advantages of riding bikes in Section A. 5. The tea

8、cher asks the students to show some information about the bicycles they collected after class. 6. The teacher shows the picture of a bicycle rider and introduces something to the students to lead to the new lesson: The bicycle is used all over the world. Its the most common vehicle. People use it fo

9、r school, for work, for sports and so on. But when we ride the bicycles, we must pay attention to the safety of ourselves first.Presentation(10minutes)1. Individualwork.2. The whole class work.3. Individualwork.4. The whole class work.5. Individualwork.6. The whole class work.7. The whole class work

10、.1. Students tick the rulesthat bicycle ridersshould know.2. Students check theanswers.3. Students read thepassage and find outthe topic sentence foreach paragraph.4. Students check theanswers.5. Students match thetopic sentence witheach paragraph basedon the activity above,and then write a titlefor

11、 the passage of 1a. 6. Students check theanswers.7. Students learn andgrasp the new wordswith the help of theteacher.1. The teacher asks thestudents to tick the rulesthat bicycle riders shouldknow.2. The teacher lets twostudents tell the answers.3.The teacher lets thestudents read the passageand fin

12、d out the topicsentence for eachparagraph.4.The teacher asks twostudents to tell the topicsentences.5.The teacher asks thestudents to match thetopic sentence with eachparagraph based on theactivity above, and thenwrite a title for thepassage of 1a. Finish 1b. 6. The teacher asks thestudents to tell

13、the answers.7.The teacher asks thestudents to read thepassage again andunderline the new words.Teach the new wordstruck, signal, reflector,injury by showing thepictures of them. Teachthe new word safety byshowing the word safe tothe students. Teach payattention to, notice, incase of, and in a word b

14、yshowing their Chinesemeanings. Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2.The whole class work.3. Group work.4. The wholeclass work. 5. Individual work.6. Individual work.7. Individual work.8. The wholeclass work.1. Students read the passageafter the recordingsentence by sentence.2. Student

15、s try to followthe speed, payingattention to thepronunciation andintonation.3. Students discuss ingroups to find out thedifficult points andsum up the mainpoints.4. Students underline in their books and make some notes.5. Students read the first paragraph of 1a, and then answer the question. 6. Stud

16、ents read thesecond paragraph of 1a, and then answer the question.7. Students read the third paragraph of 1a, and then answer the last three questions of 1c.8. Students check theanswers.1. The teacher plays therecording sentence bysentence.2. The teacher plays therecording withoutstopping.3. The tea

17、cher asks the studentsto learn in groups to find outthe difficult points in theconversation. At last let themsum up the main points of thepassage.4. The teacher makes asummary to explain the key points and difficult points to the students.(1) pay attention to (doing) sth.(2) use sth. for (doing) sth

18、.(3) in case of (4) in a word5. The teacher lets the students read the first paragraph of 1a, and then answer the question: What do people use bicycles for?6. The teacher lets the studentsread the second paragraph of 1a, and then answer thequestion: Why is bicycleriding a good exercise?7. The teache

19、r lets the students read the third paragraph of 1a, and then answer the last three questions of 1c.8. The teacher asks two students to tell the answers. Practice(10 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. Individualwork.3. The wholeclass work. 4. Individualwork.5. Individualwork.6. Group work.7. Individua

20、lwork.8. The wholeclass work.9. Individualwork.10. Individualwork.11. The wholeclass work.1. Students read the words in the box of 2 and the sentences of 2.2. Students complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.3. Students check theanswers.4. Students read thesentences alo

21、ud.5. Students retell thepassage of 1a. 6. Students talk about the pictures with the given phrases in groups.7. Students tick the onesthat bicycle riders should do and cross the ones they shouldnt do.8. Students write downthe sentences with thegiven words accordingto the pictures.9. Students show th

22、eirsentences.10. Students finish thewritten work.11. Students read theirpassages aloud.1. The teacher asks the students to read the words in the box of 2 and the sentences of 2. Teach the new phrase look out.2. The teacher asks the students to complete the sentences with the correct forms of the wor

23、ds in the box.3. The teacher asks two studentsto tell the answers.4. The teacher asks the students to read the complete sentences.5. The teacher lets the students retell the passage of 1a according to the sentences of 2.6. The teacher lets the students look at the pictures of 3. Then ask them to tal

24、k about the pictures with the given phrases in groups.7. The teacher lets the students tick the ones that bicycle riders should do and cross the ones they shouldnt do.8. The teacher lets the students try writing down the sentences with the given words according to the pictures.9. The teacher asks th

25、e students to show their sentences.10. The teacher asks thestudents to write apassage according to the sentences.11. The teacher asks somestudents to report theirpassages.Production(7minutes)1. Group work. 2. The wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work. 6

26、. Individualwork.1. Students make asurvey in groups. 2. Students write down the report.3. Students report their results. 4. Students learn to follow the traffic rules and be careful when they ride bikes.5. Students summarizeSection C with theteacher.6. Students finish the homework after class. 1. The teacher asks the studentsto make a survey ingroups and interview theirgroup mates about thebicycle traffic accidentsaround them and thetraffic rules they know.2. The teacher asks thestudents


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