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1、厦门双十中学2009年英语中考第一轮模拟试卷(二)基础知识与运用(共30分,每小题1分)v.选择填空:从a、b、c中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。21.-the bridges in xiamen are beautiful. -yes._8000 - meter - long new bridge will be built this year. itll be more beautiful. a.a b. an cthe 22.-who is the woman talking with your mother, mike? -she is a friend of_. a my mother

2、 b. my mothers c her23. about _ films were shown during the 7th shanghai international film festival. a. two hundred b two hundreds c. two hundreds of24. students are usually interested in sports. some like running, some like swimming ,_ like ball games a other b. others c. the others25.-this kind o

3、f computer looks nice. -yes, it is a new type. it _ in xiamen last month. a. makes b. made c. was made26. - excuse me, is miss li in? . - sorry, she isnt in the office. she _ the library. a. has gone to b. has been to c. had been to27. the old man has two children, but _of them lives with him. a. bo

4、th b. either c. neither28. - mother is asleep. w川 you please _the tv a little? - sorry, i will do it right now. a. turn on b. turn off c. turn down29. - mike, could i use your computer? - sorry, im going to _ it now. a. work in b. work at c. work on 30. please _the soup to see whether i have put eno

5、ugh salt in it. a. smell b. eat c. taste31. this book _ lucys. look! her name is on the book cover. a. must be b. must belong to c. cant be32. - i plan to go to your house to meet your parents. could you please tell me _, mike? - you are welcome. it is no.106, hubin north road. a. where do you live

6、b. where you live c. where are you live33. - i am going to hangzhou and stay there for a week. - _ you are there, would you please buy some books for me? a. if b. while c. as soon as34. - you said you could join us. but i didnt see you at the party - sorry, i _ my grandma at home. a. was looking aft

7、er b. will look after c. look after 35. - could you please _ me your dictionary? - i am sorry. i _ it to mary yesterday. a. lend, lent b. borrow, lent c. lend, borrow36. - what did the teacher say? - he told us _. a. not be late again b. not to play football too late c. dont play in the street.37. i

8、 like musicians _ play different kinds of music. a. who b. which c. where38. - what a nice mp5! ls it yours? - of course. it _ me 300 yuan. a. cost b. took c. paid39. - kate, do you know _ it is from here to the museum ? - about fifteen minutes walk. you can take a bus. . a. how long b. how far c. h

9、ow soon40. - did you meet the english teacher ? - no, by the time we reached the school, he_. a. have left b. were left c. had leftvi.完形填空:选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。jack was a rich young man. one day, he was _41_ very happily down a street. suddenly from his car came a terrible sound. he felt _42_, so he sto

10、pped his car and looked around. he saw a child standing nearby with a few small stones in his hand. he jumped _43_the car and found a dent (凹痕) in the door. he was so _44_that he caught the boy and shouted at him, who are you? _45_ did you throw a stone at my new car?please, sir, please.im sorry! bu

11、t i didnt know what else to do! said the child. i threw the stone because i wanted to get you to notice me. i need your _46_!”tears (眼泪) were running down the childs face. he said, my brother fell out of hiswheelchair (轮椅) and was almost under it. he is hurt and too _47_ for me. could you give me a

12、hand to get him back into his wheelchair?after hearing this, jack was moved (感动) and _48_to help him. he lifted the childs brother_49_back into his wheelchair. he looked over the boy carefully to make sure that he was ok. then he watched the child push his brother towards their home. suddenly the ch

13、ild _50_ and bowed (鞠躬) to him. jack looked at the dent in his car and smiled.41. a. walking b. riding c. jogging 42. 42.a. excited b. interested c. surprised 43.a. into b. across c. over 44.a. happy b. sad c. angry 45.a. why b. how c. when 46.a. money b. car c. help 47.a. difficult b. weak c. heavy

14、 48.a. hurried b. preferred c. wanted 49.a. quietly b. gently c .calmly 50. a. cried outb. looked around c. turned around (三)阅读理解(共50分)vii.阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答51-75小题,每小题2分。 (a) mr brown was going away for a week. before he left, he said to his son, if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that y

15、our father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea. “ok, dad. said his son. but he was afraid his son couldnt remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gaveit to his son. his son put it into his small p

16、ocket. he took it out and looked at it now and then. four days passed, but no one came to see his father. the boy thought that there was no one to come and that the piece of paper was no more useful for him, so he burnt it that evening. the next afiemoon, someone knocked at the door. the boy opened

17、it.a man was standing at the door and said, where is your father? the boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. he could not frnd it. he suddenly remembered he had burnt it so he shouted,”no more. the man was very surprised. he asked, no more?i met your father last

18、week. when did it happen? burnt yesterday evening.51. how long was mr brown going to be away? a four days b.one week c.one afternoon52. what did mr brown ask his son to do when someone came to ask for him? a. let him wait at home. b. ask him to sit down and drink a cup of tea. c. not say anything to

19、 him.53. what happened to the piece of paper at last? a. the boy burnt it. b. the boy didnt know where it was put. c. the boy gave it to the man.54. whar did the man think afier he heard the boys words? a. he thought the boys father had died. b. he thought.the boy was very clever and polite. c. he t

20、hought the boy was afraid of him.55. the boys father didnt burn himself that evening, did he? a. yes, he did. b. no, he didnt c. yes, he didnt. (b) the day of may lst , 2009 belongs to houston - twelve years of playoff frustration(季后赛的挫折) utterly eradicated by the final score on the jumbotron: rocke

21、ts 92, portland 76.yes, houston is moving on to the second round of the nba playoffs for the first time since1997 thanks to its 4p2 series win over the blazers. yao ming, our favorite famous nba player,was very excited. heres what he said. we need to get another goal which is the next level. obvious

22、ly before tonight people talked about how many years the rockets didnt make it out of the fifst round and how many years i didnt make it out ofthe first round. right now,theres a new meaning. we just need an entirely new mindset to find a new goal, recharge ourselves and keep going. (on the importan

23、ce of getting out the lst round) that is a big step for me. it felt so great.when the clock ran down and i still cant believe that came true. obviously, we need to keep moving forward. (on diving for loose balls) i think that at that time i felt so close to the win and we just kept trying to get a l

24、ittle bit closer. we believed with that body language that if we sacrificed(牺牲.利益)ourselves and hit the ground and tried to save the ball from going out of bounds that we would be sending a message to our teammates that we are realiy, really close.56. which sentence is true according to the passage?

25、 a. yao ming is the captain ofthe rockets. b. the rockets won the final playoffgame. c.yao ming is one of the players ofthe rockets.57. how many years ago did the rockets make it out ofthe first round?a.in 1997 b. in 2009 c. twelve years 58. which sentence is not true according to the passage? a. th

26、e rockeis beat the portland with the score 92-76. b. houston is moving on to the second round of the nba playoffs for the first time in history c. yao ming said he was so excited that he couldnt believe that came true.59. what does yao ming think about the diving for loose balls? . a. we always hit

27、the ground by diving for ioose balls. b. we would be sending a message to our teammates that we are really close. c. if we dive for loose balls, we can win the match finally.60. whats the best title of the passage?a. playoff frustration b. getting out the lst round c. diving for loose balls (c) the

28、first chocolate was eaten by people in south america hundreds of years ago.in those days,the people did not really eat chocolate.they used the cocoa bean(可可豆) to make a chocolate drink and they enjoyed it very much. many years later, the cocoa bean was brought to other countries and people ca/ne to

29、love the taste of chocolate. in 1824, john cadbury opened a small shop in britain. one of the things he sold was chocolate drink. in 1831, he opened a factory to make cbocolate drink. he wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead of other drinks. a few years later, a man called joseph fry

30、 found a way to make chocolate instead of only drinking it. but at that time chocolate was very expensive and only the rich people could buy it. later, ad more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it became cheaper. however, at first only plain chocolate (a kind ofchocolate without milk a

31、nd with very little sugar) was produced. milk chocolate came later and this was made by adding milk to the chocolate. the first milk chocolate bar was made in cadburys factory in 1897. their most famous chocolate. cadburys milk bar, was made in 1905, it has been the most popular chocoiate in britain

32、 and around the world for over 100 years. the cadbury factory is still in britain and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. every year, thousands of visitors visit the factory in order to see how chocolate is made.61. hundreds of years ago, people first began to drink chocolate i

33、n_. a. south america b. south africa c. britain62. john cadbury opened a factory to make chocolate drink in _. a.1824 b.1831 c.189763. people had the chance to eat chocofate instead of drinking it for the first time_. a, when chocolate was cheaper b. when more and more chocolate was produced c. when

34、 joseph fry found a way to make chocolate bars64. at flrst, not many people bought chocolate_. a. because it was very expensive b. because people didnt like the taste c. because they wanted to have other drinks65. cadburys milk bar_.a. is popular not only in britain but also around the world b. is a

35、 kind ofplain chocolatec. is famous nenher in britain nor in america (d) what is the swine flu(猪流感)? the authorities in hong kong have isolated(隔离) 300 guests and staff of a hotel after a mexican visitor was confirmed(证实)as a carrier of swine flu. its the first confirmed case of the virus in asia, w

36、hich the world health organization now calls hinl. what is the swine flu? swine flu symptoms(症状)are similar to regutar flu symptomsand include cough, sore throat, fever, chills, headache, and fatigue. some parients have alsoreported nausea and diarrhea. there is no easy way to distinguish(辨别) swine

37、flu from other types of flu or other germs. it takes a lab test to tell whether its swine flu. do humans get swine flu easily? normally, swine flu bugs dont infect (感染)people.historically, theres a case every year or two in the u.s. among people who have contact withlive pigs .but from december 2005

38、 to january ?,009 there was an uptick (病例上升) in swineflu cases. but as it turned out, there was no swine flu epidemic(人流行事件) can humans get swine flu by eating pork? no. you can only catch swine flu from being around an infected pig - or, ifits the new swine flu virus, from an infected pefson, how c

39、an we keep off swine flu? the most important thing you should do is washing. hands often. you had better do more exercise. having enough sleep is also helpful to keep off swine flu. 66. why have 300 guests and staff of a hotel been isolated? a. because they are carriers of swine flu. b. because,a me

40、xican visitor was confirmed as a carrier of swine flu. c. because someone died because ofthe swine flu.67.what are the symptoms of swine flu. a. nausea and diarrhea. b. fever, chitls, headache c. both a and b68. how was a person conflrmed as a carrier ofswine flu? a. by his symptoms. b. by epidemic.

41、 c. by taking a lab test.69. people may catch swine flu_. a.by eating pork. b. by being around an infected pig or from an infected person. c. by being close to the pigs.70. how many ways can we keep off swine flu according to the passage?a.2ways b.3ways c.4ways(e) the city flower show 8 apirl to 17

42、april price:50yuan for adults(成年人),25yuan for childrenaddress:112 kendal way chesteron cambridge cb4 ilttelephone:55539561new york museumthe largest specializing(专业研究)in american historyopen:mon.to fri:9:00a.m-5:00p.msat:9:00a.m-1:00p.maddress:1100 chesnut st.new yorktelephone:77364431 pop music wee

43、kbands from home and abroad will give performances in chaoyang park,beijing.chinese singers like zhang liangying will also share(分享)music with fans.price:30-50yuantime:9:00a.m-9:00p.menglish summer camp(英语夏令营)how will you spend your summer?english summer camp2009 at university of toronto,canada!age:13 to 18for more information,call cee/cciee at (010)6606-2607 71. new york museum is closed on_.a.monday b.saturday c.sunday72. tommy is a 9-year-old boy.he wants to visit the city flower show with his parents. how much will


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