已阅读5页,还剩39页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Chapter 6 Orders Aims 卖方发运货物或买方支付 货款 ) 接受即达成交易 具体的业务中,交易双方经过磋商,一方的发盘或还盘,被另一方接 受后,交易立即达成,合同即告成立,双方就要承担法律责任。交易双 方为明确规定各自的权利和义务,一般采用书面的形式把它确定下来。 (1).销售合同Sales Contract (简化形式是销售确认书Sales Confirmation ):卖方草拟 (2).购货合同Purchase Contract(简化形式是购货确认书 Purchase Confirmation ) :买方草拟 不管是合同还是确认书,一般都是一式两份,经过双方签字(会签),

2、 各执一份,据以执行,这种行为在进出口业务中,称之为签订合同。 6.2 Writing Steps A satisfactory order letter should include : 1. express pleasure in receiving the offer; 2. confirm the conclusion of the business and point out the full details of article number, quantity, specification, quality, unit price, total value, shipment,

3、packing, insurance and terms of payment as agreed upon in preliminary negotiations between the exporter and the importer; 3. hope for further orders; A satisfactory reply to the order will include : 1. express pleasure in receiving the order; 2. add a favorable comment on the goods ordered; 3. inclu

4、de an assurance of prompt and careful attention; 4. draw attention to other products likely to be of interest; 5. hope for further orders; Specimen Letters(样函1采购函采购函) Dear Sirs, We appreciate your immediate response dated June 20 to our request for a 5% reduction in price and through your full coope

5、ration we have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised ( (修订过的修订过的) )price: Thirty metric tons of Bitter Apricot Kernels at $1750.00 per metric ton CFR Qingdao for shipment in August. Enclosed please find our Purchase Confirmation No.369 in duplicate. Please sign and return

6、 one copy for our records as soon as possible. We are arranging for the establishment of the relative letter of We are arranging for the establishment of the relative letter of credit with the Bank of China, Sweden, and shall let you know credit with the Bank of China, Sweden, and shall let you know

7、 by fax as soon as it is opened.by fax as soon as it is opened. As we As we are in urgent need ofare in urgent need of the goods, we find it necessary to the goods, we find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the stress the importance of making punctual shipment

8、within the validity of the L/C; any delay in shipment would be harmful to validity of the L/C; any delay in shipment would be harmful to our future business.our future business. Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully, Chinese version of the letter 执事先生:执事先生: 感谢你方感谢你方6 6月月2020日来信对我方要求降价日来信对我方要求降价5%5%的迅速答

9、复,由于的迅速答复,由于 你方的通力合作,我方现确认按你方修改的价格与你方达成交易如下:你方的通力合作,我方现确认按你方修改的价格与你方达成交易如下: 三十公吨苦杏仁,每公吨三十公吨苦杏仁,每公吨17501750美元成本加运费青岛,装运美元成本加运费青岛,装运 期为期为8 8月份。月份。 随函附上我方第随函附上我方第369369号购货确认书一式两份,请查收。请号购货确认书一式两份,请查收。请 尽快签名并退回一份以供我方存档。尽快签名并退回一份以供我方存档。 我方正安排由瑞典的中国银行开立相关的信用证,一经开我方正安排由瑞典的中国银行开立相关的信用证,一经开 出即传真通知你方。出即传真通知你方。

10、 由于我方急需此货,我方认为有必要重申在信用证有效期由于我方急需此货,我方认为有必要重申在信用证有效期 内按时装运的重要性,装运方面的任何延误都将给我方以后的交易带内按时装运的重要性,装运方面的任何延误都将给我方以后的交易带 来损失。来损失。 谨上,谨上, Specimen Letters(样函2) 见教材p98(letter 6-1) Specimen Letters(样函3) 见教材p100(letter 6-3) 6.3 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 写作步骤表达方式 (1 1)表明向 对方订购货物 (或信后随附 有订单) We are in receipt of your

11、offer of October 4th and are We are in receipt of your offer of October 4th and are pleased to place an order with you for the following pleased to place an order with you for the following goods.goods. (我方已收到你方1010月4 4日发盘,并非常高兴地向你方 订购以下货物。) Please find enclosed our Order No.B5421 forPlease find enc

12、losed our Order No.B5421 for (请注意随附的我方B5421B5421号订单。) 订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式 (2 2) 确认双方达成 的交易条件 (交货期、运 输方式、包装、 付款条件及折 扣等) We would like to confirm that payment is to be We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit.made by irrevocable letter of credit. (我方确认以不可撤销信用证付款

13、。) We would like to thank you for the 30% discount We would like to thank you for the 30% discount you allowed us.you allowed us. (非常感谢你方给予我方30%30%的商业折扣。) (3 3)表达进一 步合作的愿望 We will submit further orders, if this one is We will submit further orders, if this one is completed to our pleted to our satis

14、faction.(如果本次订货令我方 满意,我方将继续向你方订货。) Specimen Letters(样函4)接受订单 见教材p98(letter 6-1) 接受订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤 表达方式 (1 1)对收 到订单表示 高兴,并同 意订单的条 件 We are pleased to confirm your order which we have We are pleased to confirm your order which we have accepted on the terms.accepted on the terms. (我方很高兴确认你方订单并已接

15、受你方条件。) We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th May, with We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th May, with your order for five printing machines, which I your order for five printing machines, which I herewith acknowledge with best thanks.herewith acknowledge with best thanks. (贵公司5 5月101

16、0日来函及五部印刷机器的定单均已收到, 在此表示谢。) We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 10th July, We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 10th July, and thank you for the order you have given us.and thank you for the order you have given us.(贵公 司7 7月1010日函收悉,对此次订货,我公司表示感谢。) (2 2)对所订货 物加以赞许 Our products are s

17、elling well in many areas.Our products are selling well in many areas. (我们的产品在许多地区销路很好。) (3 3)保证对订 单迅速、 认真地处理 We appreciate the business you have been able to We appreciate the business you have been able to give us and assure you that your order will receive give us and assure you that your order w

18、ill receive our most careful our most careful attentionattention. . (感谢你公司照顾我们这笔交易,我们保证一定慎重 办理贵方订单。) We are pleased to say that we have already made We are pleased to say that we have already made up your order No.9901, and you may expect up your order No.9901, and you may expect delivery within the

19、 next three days.delivery within the next three days. (我们高兴地通知你方99019901号订单货已备妥,有望在 三日内交货。) (4 4)提醒对方注意 其他可能感兴趣的 商品 Besides printed clothes we supply a wide rage of Besides printed clothes we supply a wide rage of other manufactured clothes and enclose a copy of other manufactured clothes and enclos

20、e a copy of our current price list.our current price list. (除了印花布之外,我们还供应一系列机织布,现 随信附上一份最新的价目表。) (5 5)希望今后收到 更多订单 We appreciate your co-operation and look We appreciate your co-operation and look forward to receiving your further orders.forward to receiving your further orders. (感谢你方的合作,希望继续收到你方订单。)

21、 拒绝订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤 表达方式 (1 1)对未能 满足对方的需 要表示歉意 We are sorry that the model required is no longer We are sorry that the model required is no longer being manufactured.being manufactured.(非常抱歉,你方所需型号我方已 不再生产。) We are sorry to say that we must turn down your We are sorry to say that we must turn

22、down your order as we have full order books at present and order as we have full order books at present and cannot give a definite date for delivery.cannot give a definite date for delivery.(非常抱歉我 们必须拒绝你方订单,因为目前我们的订单排得很满, 不能给你们一个确切的交货期。) (2 2)若有替 代品的话,建 议对方使用替 代品 We are sorry that your order of mode

23、l I is out of We are sorry that your order of model I is out of stock now. Please select a suitable substitute from stock now. Please select a suitable substitute from the enclosed catalogue.the enclosed catalogue.(你方有关I I型号的订单,现在 无货,深感抱歉。请从所附寄的目录中挑选合适的替 品。) (3 3)希望下 一次有机会合 作 We regret that, owing t

24、o a shortage of stocks, we are We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks, we are unable to fill your order. We will, however, contact unable to fill your order. We will, however, contact you by fax once supplying improves.you by fax once supplying improves.(因为存货短缺, 未能供应贵公司所需货品,特此致歉。一旦供应情况改 善,我们将

25、电传通知贵公司 ) ) Specimen LettersSpecimen Letters(样函2 2) Dear Sirs, Reference is made to exchange of correspondences between us, we confirm having placed with you the following order: 1000 sets of transistor radio Sanyo Brand-model: 1234 UD$55.00 per set CFR Dalian Packing: in cartons, each containing 10

26、 sets Shipment: within 45 days after receipt of the relevant L/C We trust that you will give special care to the packing of our goods lest they should be damaged in transit. The L/C will be opened in your favor on receipt of your Sales Contract, and we shall advise you of the shipping marks in the m

27、eantime. It may interest you to know that there is a good demand here for transistor radio at moderate prices, and we have no doubt that your products are suitable for this market. If the shipment turns out to our entire satisfaction, substantial orders will follow. Yours faithfully, Chinese version

28、 of the letter 执事先生:执事先生: 参阅最近我们之间往来的信函,我方现确认向你方订购如下:参阅最近我们之间往来的信函,我方现确认向你方订购如下: 10001000台半导体收音机台半导体收音机 三洋型号:三洋型号:12341234 每台每台5555美元成本加运费大连美元成本加运费大连 包装:纸箱,每箱装包装:纸箱,每箱装1010台台 装运:收到相关信用证后装运:收到相关信用证后4545天内完成装运天内完成装运 请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运输途中受损。请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运输途中受损。 一经收到销售合同即开立以你方为受益人的信用证,并同时告知装一经收到销售合同即开

29、立以你方为受益人的信用证,并同时告知装 运标志。运标志。 你方可能会有兴趣了解到这一点:此地对中等价格的半导体你方可能会有兴趣了解到这一点:此地对中等价格的半导体 需求甚殷,因而,我方毫不怀疑你方产品适销本市场。如果货物能使我需求甚殷,因而,我方毫不怀疑你方产品适销本市场。如果货物能使我 方完全满意,大额订单会接踵而至。方完全满意,大额订单会接踵而至。 谨上,谨上, Practice Lessons I.Translate the following into English: 1. We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will

30、 give us a 5% commission. 2. We have booked your Order No.168 for bed sheets and pillow- cases and are sending our Sales Confirmation No. BP-201 in duplicate. 3. Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit. 兹随函附上试订单一份。如果质量合乎

31、要求,我方近期内将寄订单。兹随函附上试订单一份。如果质量合乎要求,我方近期内将寄订单。 如能及时处理此订单将不胜感激。如能及时处理此订单将不胜感激。 假如能给假如能给5%的佣金,我方将向你方试订一批货。的佣金,我方将向你方试订一批货。 你方订单正在迅速处理,而且尽可信赖我方将会在规定的时间你方订单正在迅速处理,而且尽可信赖我方将会在规定的时间 内发运。内发运。 4. We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectation, we shall send further order in the near future.

32、Your prompt attention to this will be appreciated. 我方已接受你方床单枕套的第我方已接受你方床单枕套的第168号订单。兹寄上第号订单。兹寄上第BP-200 销售销售 确认书一式两份。确认书一式两份。 5. We wish to refer to the recent exchange of cables and are pleases to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 50 tons of canned crabmeat. 6. We are pleased to hav

33、e transacted the initial business with your firm and look forward to the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit. 7. We have succeeded in putting through the deal of five hundred tons of canned mushroom. 8. The price you quoted being found workable, we have cabled you our acceptance. 兹参阅近日往

34、来电报并高兴地确认与你方达成了一笔兹参阅近日往来电报并高兴地确认与你方达成了一笔50吨蟹吨蟹 肉罐头的交易。肉罐头的交易。 很高兴与你方达成首笔交易,盼望以后能进一步发展双方互利的贸很高兴与你方达成首笔交易,盼望以后能进一步发展双方互利的贸 易。易。 我们成功地达成了我们成功地达成了500吨蘑菇罐头的交易。吨蘑菇罐头的交易。 我们认为你所报价格可行,因此已去电表示接受。我们认为你所报价格可行,因此已去电表示接受。 9. We have cabled our confirmation of your order and you are requested to open the L/C as s

35、oon as possible. 10. Please accept our offer and confirm the above- mentioned terms immediately. 我方已去电接受你方订单,望尽快开立信用证。我方已去电接受你方订单,望尽快开立信用证。 请立即接受我方报盘并确认上述条款。请立即接受我方报盘并确认上述条款。 2. We confirm our purchase _ you 1000 dozen of Alarm Clocks US$9.50 dozen CIF Vancouver export packing. 1. We appreciate your

36、 cooperation and trust the shipment will prove _ your entire satisfaction. . Filling the missing words : to withfor atperincluding 4. We expect to put the deal. 3. We hope to come terms with you this trial purchase. 5. We are well experienced this line and can place orders _ you _ large quantities i

37、f your prices are attractive enough. 6. We regret that the execution of the agreement is _ from satisfactory. toin through in in with far 7. You may rest assured that the shipment will turn out your satisfaction. 8. Enclosed please find the duplicate our counter-signature. 9. The L/C, we believe, wi

38、ll reach you due course. 10. Your offer is not interested us. 11. We do not deal this line. 12. Your products are _ no interest us. 13. We deal many firms Paris. 14. We expect to place you an order Butterfly Sewing Machines. 15. We based our price the international market. to with in to in ofto with

39、in withfor On (upon) Practice Lessons IV.Write a letter stating the following points: 1. You have received S/C No.668 in duplicate. 2. You countersigned and returned one copy. 3. Express thanks for their cooperation. 4. You have opened an L/C. 5. You are prepared to order another 50 tons. Dear Sirs,

40、 We have duly received your S/C No.668 in duplicate. Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter- signature. Thanks to mutual efforts, we were able to put the deal through. The relative L/C has been established in your favor. It will reach you in due course. Regarding further quantities requ

41、ired, we hope you will see your way clear to make us an offer. As an indication, we are prepared to order another 50 tons. Faithfully yours, Chapter 6课后练习答案 . regret, in, those, used, prevents, increases, further, from, occasion, likely 1.As we are receiving large orders from our clients, it is quit

42、e probable that we may be short of supply. We would, therefore, suggest that you place your order with us at an early date. 2.The goods are being reserved for you, and we shall appreciate it if you will let us know by cable whether you find our offer acceptable, as our other clients are in urgent ne

43、ed of this article by our assortment. 3.We find both the quality and prices of your products satisfactory and are pleased to give you an order for the following items which will be supplied from current stock at the prices stated. 4. We require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable lette

44、r of credit payable at sight. 5.As soon as we receive your affirmative reply, we shall confirm supply of the goods at the prices stated in your letter and arrange for dispatch by the first available steamer upon receipt of your L/C. 6.It is our belief that the current small business will lead to a s

45、eries of larger dealings in the near future. 7.We have pleasure of being able to place a formal order for these goods with you. 8.We request you to make shipment immediately so that the goods may arrive here not later than 31st August. 9.This order is quite large and we would request you to make mor

46、e discount. 10. We are glad to inform you that the product is very close to your stipulated item in quality. 11. We hope that you will find it possible to increase your order to 150 sets or over. 12. We can assure you that we will place a repeat order, should the present order be executed to our sat

47、isfaction. 13. Please inform us by cable the catalogue and details of your terms at once. 14. We are pleased to confirm our sale to you of our goods on the terms and conditions set forth below and they are only a little higher in price. 15. We are compelled to decline this order because the earliest

48、 delivery we can promise will be next March. Execution of an Order Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to have your order and are happy to confirm that all the items requested are in stock. It is a pleasure to supply you, and we trust that you will be satisfied with both quality of our goods and our service. The irrevocable letter of credit for a sum not exceeding 500 and valid till September 15th is quite acceptable method of payment. Upon receipt of confirmation of this credit form the CitiB


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