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1、机考第一卷1、ETA/pilotreverting后告means_B_.预抵引航站的时间后告表示()A. ETA pilot station has been given抵达引航站的时间已告诉你B. ETA pilot station will be given afterwards以后告诉你抵达引航站的时间C. ETA pilot station was not given抵达引航站的时间还没告诉你D. ETA pilot station is given2NO47253#517#you are going to _A_ .(继续往前)你会搁浅a. run agroundb. run gro

2、undedc. agroundd. run grounding4/NO47755#1742#Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board?C.1721/1890由下列哪个人来检查确认船上所载货物的情况A. Tally mans理货员B. Marine surveyors海事检验员C. Cargo surveyors货物检验员D. Boarding inspectors登轮检查官6#NO46857#NO47018#1477. What is the main

3、 purpose of dunnage _B_垫舱料的作用是()ATo act as ballast for light vessels作为空船的压载水BTo provide ventilation and drainage for cargo为货物提供通风及排水CTo secure the tarpaulins in place固定帆布DTo support weakened bulkheads支撑强度减轻的舱壁9#NO453110#1662# The extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is _A_#903

4、扑灭木材火灾最有效的灭火材料是()AWater水BCarbon dioxide二氧化碳CFoam泡沫DDry chemical干粉11#NO474012#NO468413# 828#1016#the damaged cargo is not allowed to export without _C_.未经(修理或更换),受损货物不得出口。a. repairing or replacingb. to repair or to replacec. being repaired or replaced被动式d. to be repaired or replaced14#71. when a wind

5、 blows round clockwise, it is _D_ .当风向顺时针方向吹时,叫做()a. variable不定b. changingc. backing逆时针变向d. veering顺时针变向15#NO458316#when reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effict. This is called the _A_.当潮流转向时,将有一段时间潮流没有什么变化,叫做()A.Slack平潮B. rangeC. riseD. spring17#662#mariners are to e

6、nsure that charts and publications are _A_ .航海人员应确保海图及出版物(保持改正)a. kept corrected被动b. kept correctlyc. keeping correctedd. keeping correctly18#NO475919#参考NO4745#two vessels meeting in a head-on situation are directed by the rules to _A_.两船处于对遇局面,根据规则应()a. alter course to starboard and pass port to po

7、rt向右转向,左对左过b. alter course to port and pass starboard to starboard向左转向,右对右过c. decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signals根据鸣放的笛号决定哪一舷过d. slow to bare steerageway减速到能维持舵效的最小速度20#a(n)_B_indecates that there is imminent risk for navigation.下列哪一种信号表示将有影响航行安全的紧急危险()A.urgency m

8、essageB. safety messageC.distress alertD. routine message21#_port anchor, one shackle in water.抛出左锚,一节入水。A.cast off B. heave up绞起C.throwD. let go22#NO487723#NO456624#the master shall be _A_ the marine environment when taking collision- avoiding action.当采取避碰行动时,船长应()周围环境。A. aware of意识到,知道(常用动词固定搭配)B.

9、 clear of让清C. in charge of负责D. interested with25#NO4735/NO4835_B_ can be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.(B)下列哪一种船可被认为是操限船A.any aircraft designed to maneuver on the water被设计成在水面操纵的航空器B.a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations正在从事疏浚、测量或水下作业的船舶C.a ves

10、sel under sail provided that propelling machinery is not used驶帆的船舶,有机器但不在使用中D.a small vessel sailing at night夜间航行的小船26#NO4502chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in _A_.用来表示显著陆标的海图图式以()打印。a. capital letters(大写字母)b. italics(斜体字)c. boldface print(黑体字)d. underlined letters(下划

11、线字母)27#NO471428#NO464329#NO4707#_D_ are published for the correction of admiralty charts.下列哪一种出版物用来改正英版海图()a. admiralty sailing direction英版航路指南b. admiralty list of signals英版灯标表c. mariners handbook航海员手册d. admiralty notices to mariners英版航海通告35#if yourvessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situati

12、on _A_.交叉相遇局面中,如你船是直航船,()a. you must keep your course and speed你应保向保速b. you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clear你应改变航向航速,因为应让清他船c. the other vessel must keep her course and speed他船应保向保速d. both vessels must keep their course and speed两船均应保向保速36#NO486737#a ship is said to dr

13、ag if the anchor_D_当一船的锚()时,叫做走锚。A.will prevent the movement of the ship能止住船舶的运动B. will not move over the bottom不会在海底移动C.will hold her in position能使船舶固定在原位不动d, will not hold her in position无法使船舶固定在原位不动38#NO455339#NO482740#914# bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to _B_.船上一般哪一种货装在最底层()a.

14、dry cargoes干货b. heavy cargoes重货c. delicate cargoes易碎货d. the cargoes bound for the first port of call运往第一停靠港的货41#1305#the fog most commonly encountered at sea is called _D_.在海上最常遇到的雾是()a. conduction fog传导雾b. radiation fog幅射雾c. frontal fog锋面雾d. advection fog平流雾42#NO478943#which of the following statem

15、ents is true regarding position fixing?(B)下列有关船舶定位的说法哪一句正确()a. it is not necessary to take fixing at every alteration of course每次改向时,不需要定位b. at each of the position fixed, it is a must to ascertain the course made good每次定位,都应确认航向c. when the ship is at sea, ti is permissible to miss a turning在海上航行,允许

16、漏掉一次转向d. it is rare practice to cross-check one nav-aid with another nav-aid实际工作中,很少利用两个助航标志互相校对44#personnel working aloft (above 2 meters ) should wear _B_or other arresting device at all time.人员从事高空作业期间(大于2米)应穿戴()或其他系固设备。a. a safety net安全网b. a safety harness with lifeline安全背带和安全绳c.a life buoy救生圈d.

17、 buoyant garments救生衣45#please wait for Utopia_B_ahead of you.请先等等,让Utopia(先穿过)你船船头。A.crossB.to crossC.crossingD.to crossing46#473# a power-driven vessel exhibits the same lights as a _D_. #46机动船与下列哪一种船显示一样的号灯()Avessel towing, when not underway从事拖带船不在在航时B. vessel towing astern从事尾拖作业中C. sailing vessel

18、帆船D. pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed, when they are in a composite unit顶推船和被顶推船牢固地结合为一个整体47#NO467248#medium scale charts mormally have a scale of around 1:30,000 and are mormally _B_.中等比例尺海图是指一般比例尺为1:30,000且一般是()A.reference charts参考图B.coastal charts沿岸海图C.natural scale chartsD.harbour charts

19、港图49#NO473050#NO478251#NO466452#参考NO4737/ when visibility is restricted _D_ we can say it is restricted visibility.当能见度受()影响而受到限制时,我们把它叫做能见度受限。Aby long distance因远距离B. by the darkness at night在夜间因为黑暗C. by a vessel in front被前方的船舶D. by fog or fallings now被雾或雪53#NO483154#NO486855#_B_should know how to s

20、tart and operate the emergecy pump.()应知道如何启动并操作应急泵。A.the fire party members灭火小组成员B.all the crew members所有船员C.the emergency party members应急小组成员D.all the officers and engineers所有驾驶员和轮机员56#NO472657#NO476558#NO463359#1010# anchor has its own cable twisted around it defines _A_.锚被自已的锚链缠住,叫做()a. foul anch

21、or锚、链绞缠b. dropping anchor抛锚c. weighing anchor锚离底d. walking back anchor60#NO474261#参考NO4866/_D_measured at the midship section and taken from outside of the ships side shell plating on one side to the outside of ships shell plating on the other side.在船舯处,由船体一侧船壳板外缘量到另一侧外缘船壳板外缘,叫做()A.after perpendicul

22、ar艉柱B.length overall总长C.amidships正中D.extreme breadth最大宽度62#659# my propeller was hit by a steel barge lying _B_ .#62我船螺旋桨被()钢质驳船碰到。a. ahead船头的b. astern船尾的c. alongside my port bow靠在左前方的d. alongside my starboard bow靠在右前方的64#to ease a line means to _B_A.cast off解掉B.pay out line to remove most of the te

23、ntion用缆机松出缆绳,使之基本不受力C.double up so that one line does not take all the strain再加一条缆绳,使得不会由一条缆绳承担全部拉力D.slack it off quickly快速松缆65#NO487066#参考NO4893雷达天线/before work is commenced _C_,the officer responsible should inform the duty engineer to ensure that steps are taken to reduce as far as practicable th

24、e emission of steam, harmful gases and fumes.#3-21在()处开始工作前,负责该项工作的高级船员应通知值班轮机员采取措施,尽量减少蒸汽、有毒气体和烟气的排放。A.near the ships whistle船上的气笛附近B.in the vicinity of radio aerials无线电天线附近C.on the funnel在烟囱上D.near the radar scanner雷达扫描天线附近67#NO467468#which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?(

25、B)下列有关货物的描述哪一句正确()A.cargoes are goods transported in bulk货物是指散装运输的货品B.cargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of ships货物是指由各种类型的船舶运输的货品C.cargoes usually include goods transported in bulk and in containers货物一般包括散装运输的和用集装箱运输的货品D.cargoes are usually packaged in containers货物一般装在集装箱里69#1370

26、.NO460770#NO465971#NO450872#182. the lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibited _A_ .#72国际避碰规则要求的号灯应在()显示。Afrom sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility能见不良时从日出到日落B. at all times任何时候C. from sunset to sunrise, and at no other time只能从日落到日出,其他时间均不应显示D. whenever a look-out is posted.只要安排了了望人员,任

27、何时候73#1749VHF radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board,Bmessages can be sent.#73VHF是船上非常重要的航行设备之一,(通过它)可发送各种信息。A. by whichB. through whichC. by thatD. through that74#tools and instruments belong to _B_.工具和仪器属于()A.raw meterials原材料B.finished metallic products金属制品C.comsumabl

28、e products易耗品D.raw metallic products未经加工的金属制品75#810.参考NO4773/the principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate _C_ as far as possible.#75#2-80#3-22进行磁罗经校正的主要目的是尽量消除()a. variation磁差b. compass error罗经差c. deviation自差d. earths magnetic force地球磁力76#353.NO457677#NO467778#377. can

29、 you _B_ survivors ?#78Atake out取出B. pick up拾起,(偶然)得到;(车船)中途搭(人),学会C. stretch out伸展;伸手拿D. draw out拔出79#512. NO461980#NO462981#When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this _D_. 195(5060)当不再需要使用主机时,引航员一般发出下列哪一句车钟令()A.Stop engine B.Nothing to port C.Fini

30、sh engines D.Finished with engines82#257. midships refers to rudder to be held _D_ .#82舵令“midships”表示应将舵板放在()A. in position to starboard靠右位置B. in position to port靠左位置C. in position to anywhere任何位置D. in position fore and aft放在与船舶首尾线平等位置83#”alto ”stands for _C_.#3-4A.layerB.rainC.highD.cirrus84#1081.

31、you intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel.As you approach the other vessels stern _C_.#84 ?你想要在狭水道中追越一艘船,当你靠近那条船时,()。a. you will gain speed你船船速会变快b. both vessels will gain speed两船船速都会变快c. the vessels will drift together两船会相吸d. the vessels will drift apart两船会相斥85#NO471086#1663.参考NO4727a rel

32、ative bearing is always measure from _D_.相对方位都是以()为基准量起。a. true north真北b. magnetic north磁北c. the vessels beam船舶正横方向d. the vessels head船头87#who can contact the designated person?(D)#2-33谁可以联系指定人员()A.all senior officer所有资深驾驶员B.the captain船长C.the designated person指定人员D.all officers and crew船上所有人员88#NO4

33、647/ NO4887/Pan-Pan repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which type of message will following?_D_.#88a. distressb. safetyc. all cleard. urgency89#NO475690#1822PleaseCthat my ship is ready in every respect to load her cargo.#90我船已在各方面都做好装货准备,特此告知。A. advisedB. to be advisedC. be advi

34、sedD. are advised91#330. I expect to _B_ when tide rises.#91我估计当涨潮时,我船会()A. aground搁浅B. refloat重新起浮、脱浅C. stranded搁浅D. hit the rock撞上礁石92#733.参考NO4753(segregation)a bad separation makes the cargo _B_ at its destination.#92货物隔票不好,在目的港将使()a. easier to discharge卸货更容易b. more difficulty to discharge卸货更难c.

35、 easier to load装货更容易d. more difficulty toload装货更容易93#NO479494#132.参考NO4733(总长)the word “breadth of a vessel” in international regulations for preventing collision at sea 1972 means _D_ .#94在国际海上避碰规则中,“船舶宽度”是指()Athe molded breadth型宽B. the registered breadth登记宽度C. the breadth amidships船中宽度D. the maxim

36、um breadth最大宽度95#Rudder position is shown on the bridge by the _A_.1362(2050)在驾驶台上,舵板位置是由()显示的。A. rudder angle indicator舵角指示器B. follow-up gaer随动装置C. telemotor position遥控马达位置D. Rapson slide indicator96#_C_is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.用()来使船舶抓住海底,使之保持不动。A.the bulbous bo

37、w球鼻首B.the bow thruster艏侧推器C.the anchor锚D.the propeller螺旋桨97#NO481298#in the logbook, s/c stands for_C_.#1-98#3-83在航海日志中,缩写“s/c”表示A.satellite fix卫星船位B.starboard course向右的航向C.set course定向D.stand by engine备好主机99#1766There has been a collision in sea area ofFork.A.#99在FORK附近海域发生碰撞事故,()A. Stand by to giv

38、e assistance随时准备前往救助B. Stand by to alter course随时准备转向C. Stand by to stop engine随时准备停车D.Stand by to go astern随时准备后退100#NO4836机考第二卷JK021#NO48502#JK01523#NO46724#NO47225#the word_C_will indicate that the transmitting party wishes to change from speaking to listening下列哪个词表示发射方想由说变为听()A.outB.speakingC.ov

39、erD.listening6#NO46767#参考JK0164/EASE THE STRAIN ON THE STERN LINE means _C_.把尾缆的受力减轻一点表示()A.Dont take in the stern line不要收回尾缆B.Take in the stern line收回尾缆C.Send out the stern line松出尾缆D.Heave up the stern line把尾缆绞上来8#_C_provides strength and storage space for fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water, salt(b

40、allast) water and potable water.下列哪一项可以增加船舶强度并用来装燃油、机油、淡水、海水压载水和饮用水。()A.the navigating bridge驾驶台B.the cofferdamkfdm干隔舱C.the double bottom双层底D.the superstructure上层建筑9#983. if you receive the signal over radiotelephone of Rome Papa Tango while using the international code of signals, you should _B_.#2

41、-9在无线电话通信中,如果听到有人对你用国际无线电码语说“Rome Papa Tango”,你应()a. report to the caller向呼叫者报告b. repeat your last transmission把你刚才说的重复一遍c. continue since he received your last transmission继续说,因为他听到了你刚才说的内容d. end the transmission停止发射10#NO4865/when a ship isin winterzone and in seawater of density 1025, she must not

42、 load to more than the upper edge of the line marked_.#2-10(winter)#3-95(tropical)当船舶在冬季海区航行,且海水比重为1.025时,则船舶不应装到吃水超过()载重线的上边缘。A.SB.WC.TD.F18#The helm command nothing to port means do not_D_舵令“nothing to port”表示不要()A.use left rudder使用左舵B.steer to right of the ordered course向指定的航向右侧转向C.steer to left

43、of the ordered course向指定的航向左转向D.leave any bouys on the port side把所有浮筒放在左舷过19#I am _D_ attack of pirates2421(5060)我受到海盗袭击。A.on B.in C.atD.under20#NO461821#NO486922#NO465123#NO454324#1320.the anchor was heaved aweigh means _D_.#2-24#3-89锚离底表示()a.the anchor was weighted锚被称重b. the anchor was let go锚被抛下c

44、. the anchor was lost锚丢失d. the anchor was clear of the bottom锚离开海底25#1841#Mariners must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as _B_.#2-25船员应确保装载甲板货,装货的方法应()A. to affect the vessels stability影响船舶稳性B. not to affect the vessels stability不会影响船舶稳性C. to keep the vessel on even keel使船舶平吃水D

45、. not to keep the vessel on even keel不会使船舶平吃水27#1262. the wheel order steady means _C_.#2-27#3-31舵令“steady”表示()A. the steering gear is very stable操舵设备非常稳定b. the rudder is to be held in the fore and aft position把舵板稳在与首尾平行位置上c. reducing swing as rapidly as possible以最快的速度减小船舶偏航(把航向稳住)d. reducing amount

46、 of rudder angle to certain degrees把舵角减小到某一角度28#NO460529#Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should _C_. 2301(6050)当接近弯道时,你听到弯道另一侧传来一长声,你应()A.back your engines倒车B.stop your engines and drift停车漂航C.answer with one prolonged blast回答一长声D.sound the dang

47、er signal鸣放警告信号30#A light signal consisting of three flashes means _D_#0014.(903)由三闪组成的灯号表示()AI am in doubt as to your actions我对你的行动有疑问BMy engines are full speed astern我船正在全速后退CI desire to overtake you我想追越你船DI am operating astern propulsion我正在倒车31#NO475132#1519. fog is likely to occur when there is

48、little difference between the dew point and the _B_.#2-32当露点与()接近时,一般有可能起雾()a. relative humidity相对湿度b. air temperature气温c. barometric pressure气压d. absolute humidity绝对湿度33#JK018734#NO467535#参考JK0146/When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed are rigidly connected in a composite unit, they shall

49、be regarded as _C_.当一顶推船和一被顶推船牢固地连接成为一组合体时,则应作为()a. a tugboat一艘拖轮b. a sailing vessel一艘帆船c. a power-driven vessel一艘机动船d. a vessel propelled by machinery and under sail一艘使用机器推进的帆船36#396. all of the following are engaged in fishing except _B_.#2-36下列各船中,哪一种船不是正在从事捕鱼的船舶()Aa vessel trawling一艘正在进行拖网作业的船舶B

50、. a vessel trolling一艘正在用曳绳钓钓鱼的船舶C. a vessel setting nets一艘正在放网的船舶D. a vessel tending lines一艘正在照料绳钓的船舶37#NO473138#917. as to the torn bags, Ill tell the shipper to _A_ them up.#2-38至于被撕坏的袋子,我会告诉托运人把它们()。a. resew重新缝合b. rejoin重新连接c. renail重新钉上d. resold再出售39#1784#The present voyage of my ship began at t

51、he port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which isA.#2-39我船这一航次开始于上海(在上海装了8000吨货物),到香港卸货后结束,香港是我船的()A. the port of destination目的港B. the next port of call下一停靠港C. the port of arrival到达港D. the last port of call上一停靠港40#参

52、考NO4627/573#the ships draught forward is slightly deeper than the draught aft. This condition is called _A_ in shipping terms.#2-40船舶的艏吃水比艉吃水略大,这种状态在航海上叫做()a. trim by the head首倾b. trim by the stern尾倾c. even keel平吃水d. drafts different吃水差41#_D_is a radio receiver with ability to sense direction of the

53、 incoming radio waves.下列哪一种无线电接收机能够测量所收到的无线电电波的方向。A.the echo sounder测深仪B.the radar雷达C.the course recorder航向记录仪D.the direction finder测向仪42#NO467743#NO481344#NO476045#1609. admiralty notices to mariners are published _B_.#2-45英版航海通告()出版一期。a. every day每天b. every week每周c. every month每月d. every year每年46#

54、1316. the arrangement of charts in the catalogue is _A_ .#2-46航海图书目录中,海图是按照什么顺序编排的()a. on a regional basis按区域b. on a national basis按国家c. shown orderly出现的顺序d. appeared from A to W从A排到Z47#429. a vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel _B_.#2-47帆船应给下列各船让路,()除外。A.not under command失控船B. engaged on pilotage duty从事引航任务C. restricted in her ability to maneuver操限船D. engaged in fishing从事捕鱼船48#you are communicating by radiotelephone using the intermational code of signals. What is the correct method of sending the group 1.3?()你


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