2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Using Language学案新人教版必修3_第1页
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1、2020-2021学年高中英语 unit 4 body language using language学案新人教版必修32020-2021学年高中英语 unit 4 body language using language学案新人教版必修3年级:姓名:unit 4body languageusing language词汇知识自主学习. 单词拼写1. the machine will not function (运转) properly if it is not kept well-oiled. 2. jim came up and gave me a big hug (拥抱) as soon

2、as he saw me. 3. local residents have reacted angrily (生气地) to the news. 4. his opinion represents (代表) that of the majority. 5. when i talked with him, i noticed his facial (面部的) expression. 6. you do not know whether what youre told is true or false (错误的). 7. as an adult (成年人), you should be respo

3、nsible for your own decisions. 8. as you approach (接近) the school, the first building you see is the teaching building. 9. you shouldnt think about the problem from a subjective (主观的) point. 10. there were calls for major (主要的) changes to the system. . 介词/副词填空1. thousands of people turned out to wat

4、ch yesterdays match against ireland. 2. where shall we go to spend the weekend?nowhere in particular. anywhere you like. 3. the engineers are so busy that they have no time for outdoor sports activities, even if they have the interest. 4. the teacher burst into anger hearing what he said. 5. we cant

5、 turn our back to him when he is in trouble. 6. at present some people are living a difficult life while others are living at ease. 7. he is ranked as one of the best ping-pong players in the world now. . 翻译下列课文原句, 并观察黑体部分1. the most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile-its function

6、is to show happiness and put people at ease. 最普遍的面部表情当然是微笑它的功能是表达快乐, 让人放松。2. in most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone shows anger. 在世界上大多数地方, 对着某人皱眉或转过身去表示愤怒。3. with so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.

7、 人们之间有那么多的文化差异, 而身势语有一些相似之处是很好的。阅读精析合作学习task 1框架宏观建构: 整体理解task 2文本微观剖析: 细节探究1. 根据文章细节信息完成下列问题。(1)which of the following about body language is true?a. it is more important than spoken language. b. it is as important as spoken language. c. it is not as important as spoken language. d. it is less impo

8、rtant than spoken language. (2)why may a person smile if he loses face?a. to show his anger. b. to hide his embarrassment. c. to threaten others. d. to laugh at others. (3)we can infer from the text that _. a. we can always communicate successfully with others using body languageb. people from diffe

9、rent countries will not misunderstand each other using body languagec. we should try to learn more about other countries customsd. all around the world, people express the same ideas using the same body language答案: (1)(3)bbc2. 运用语句知识解构课文中的长难句。译文: 握紧拳头来晃一晃, 大多数时候都表明某人生气了, 在威胁他人。译文: 但是, 如果我转身看向某人或者某事物

10、, 几乎来自每一个文化背景的人都会认为我(对此人或此事物)感兴趣。根据文章内容完成空格。showing our feelings feelingsbody language happinessthe most 1. universal (universe) facial expression is the smile, 2. whose function is to show happiness and put people 3. at ease. anger orunhappinesspeople show their unhappiness or anger by 4. frowning(

11、frown) and turning ones back to someonemaking a fist and shaking itagreementnodding the head up and down 5. is used(use) for agreement. disagreement or refusal6. shaking(shake) the head from side to side means disagreement or 7. refusal (refuse). boredomlooking away from people or yawning, in most 8

12、. cases(case) , means boredom. feelingsbody language interestturning toward and look at sb. or sth. means interest. respectnot giving 9. a hug to a boss or teachernot standing too close to someone of a 10. higher (high)rankstanding at a little distance with open handstask 3阅读思维升华: 主题实践1. 结合课文主题, 回答下

13、列问题。(1)why should we be careful with our body language?we should be careful with our own body language, as we must be sure not to be impolite in other cultures, and we need to communicate without being misunderstood. (2)what are some jobs in which using body language is extremely important?body lang

14、uage is very important in any job where clear communication with others is necessary. for example, teachers and medical care people should have good clear body language; anyone who is interviewing people for jobs (and the people being interviewed) should communicate clearly; anyone giving orders or

15、directions needs good body language; people working in diplomatic jobs and in some government jobs. 2. 根据提示, 运用本单元词汇与句型完成短文。(1)那天会上他让我丢脸(lose face)了。(2)我背对着(turn ones back to)他, 怒火(anger)让我握紧拳头(make a fist firmly)。(3)他假装(false)快活地(at ease)拥抱(hug)了我。(4)这点, 让我面部(facial)表情有了变化。【参考答案】that day he made me

16、 lose face at the meeting, so i turned my back to him, making a fist firmly with anger. however, he gave me a hug at ease with false要点精研探究学习1. function n. 作用; 功能; 职能vi. 起作用; 运转*this has been as much a political function as a military one. 较之其军事作用, 这所起到的政治作用更甚。*this chair can also function as a bed.

17、这张椅子可兼做床用。*more generally, the internet functions as if it were my memory. 一般来说, 网络的功能就像我的记忆。function properly/normally正常运转function as起作用(2020全国卷)were thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day. 我们正在考虑如何设计植物来取代我们日用品的功能. (1)语法填空。some english adv

18、erbs function as adjectives. in your new job, you will be expected to perform many different functions (function). (2)the machine doesnt function. 那台机器不运行了。(3)(2019天津高考)a war injury has made his left hand stop functioning(丧失了功能). (4) the function of a cash-machine is to provide people with cash when

19、 the bank is shut. 自动取款机的功能是在银行关门后让人们提取现金。2. ease n. 安逸; 舒适vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑)*i felt that he was not at ease with what he had prepared. 我感觉他对他原来准备好的内容有点局促不安。*we live in an age when more information is available with ease than ever before. 我们生活在这样一个时代, 更多的信息比以往更容易获取。*walking helps to ease him of his pain.

20、 散步有助于减轻他的疼痛。at ease舒适; 快活; 自由自在with ease轻易地; 毫不费力地ease the pain/pressure 减轻疼痛/压力(1)when you feel nervous, youd better listen to some light music to put yourself at ease. 当你感到紧张时, 你最好听些轻音乐使你自己放松下来。(2)when i heard this surprising news, i couldnt feel at ease. 当我听到这个令人吃惊的消息时, 我无法感到轻松。(3)he studied har

21、d so that he passed the exam with ease. 他努力学习以至于他轻而易举地通过了考试。3. lose face丢脸*dont be afraid to lose face; making mistakes is possible and common. 不要害怕丢面子, 犯错误是有可能的而且是普遍的。*he didnt admit his mistakes in order to save face in public. 为了在公众场合保全面子他不承认错误。*we should keep calm in the face of danger. 面对危险我们应该

22、保持镇静。(1)make faces/a face做鬼脸(2)face to face面对面地in (the) face of面对(3)be faced with. . . 面对着【知识延伸】由lose构成的短语还有: lose sight of看不见; 忘记; 忽略lose touch with和失去联系lose heart灰心; 丧气lose weight减肥; 减轻体重(1)语法填空。even though she was faced (face) with great difficulty, she never lose heart. they didnt give up in fac

23、e of difficulties. (2)the last thing i want to see is to lose face (丢脸) before my friends. 4. it is possible to “read”others around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication. “读懂”我们周围的其他人(的意思)是有可能的, 即便他们并不想让我们捕捉到他们没有说出来的信息。【句式解构】本句是一个主从复合句, 其中even if用来引导让步状语从句, 意为“尽

24、管; 即使”, 相当于even though。若主句与从句皆表示将来的情况, even if/though引导的从句中可用一般现在时代替将来时。*we have decided to visit the museum even if/though it rains tomorrow. 即使明天下雨, 我们也决定去参观博物馆。*no matter how/however they slander us, we will never give in. 不管他们怎样诽谤我们, 我们决不让步。*hard as/though he studies, he makes little progress. 尽

25、管他学习很努力, 但几乎没取得什么进步。*while these icons have different shapes, they are of similar size and color. 虽然这些图标的形状不同, 但是它们的大小和颜色很相似。 让步状语从句引导词的归纳常用引导词: though, although, even if, even though, wh-ever类词, no matter+wh-类词特殊引导词: as(从句必须倒装), while(一般用在句首)(1)语法填空。while the news, so far, has been good, there may

26、be days ahead when it is bad. no matter what you do, you must do it well. (2)they will stand by you even if/though you dont succeed. 即使你不会成功, 他们也会支持你的。【要点拾遗】1. anger n. 怒气; 怒火*smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. 世界上的微笑可能是假的, 用来掩饰其他情绪, 比如生气、害怕或担忧。*i

27、heard my teacher talking to my mother with anger. 我听到老师很生气地和妈妈谈话。*he looked angrily at me but said nothing. 他生气地看着我, 但一句话也没说。(1)in/with anger 愤怒地; 生气地(2)angry adj. 生气的; 发怒的be angry with sb. for. . . 因生某人的气be angry at/about sth. 因某事而生气(3)angrily adv. 生气地语法填空。(1)her mother hardly ever shouted at her i

28、n/with anger. (2)she was angry with him for saying so. (3)officials reacted angrily (angry) to those changes. 2. turn ones back to背对*in most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone shows anger. 在世界上大多数地方, 皱眉头和背对着某人都表示发怒。*he waited for the woman to turn her face back to the

29、 road, but it didnt function. 他等待那个女人把脸转回路这边, 但没有起作用。*the lights a bit too harsh. you can turn it off. 那灯光有点太刺眼, 你可以关掉它。*its hard to predict how things will turn out. 事情还不定怎样呢。【导图理词】介、副词填空。(1)when you speak to someone, dont turn your back to him. (2)i dont understand why john turned down marys kind

30、offer. (3)i cant hear the radio very well. could you turn it up a bit?(4)could you tell me how to turn on the computer?主题活动迁移应用. 语用功能表达表达警告: 1. you may not. . . 你最好不要2. do not. . . 不许3. you must. . . 你必须4. be careful when. . . 当你时一定要小心。5. always stay. . . 一直保持6. you should never. . . 你不应该7. watch ou

31、t!当心!8. youll have to. . . 你将必须9. keep away from. . . 远离10. look out!留神!11. you will need to. . . 你将需要12. you will be fined. . . yuan. 你将会被罚款元。. 话题情景交流lin pu just got his drivers licence last week and yesterday bought his brother-in-laws old car. when he is driving, he hits a bicycle and knocks over

32、 a basket full of apples. a policeman is walking toward him. c: look what you did! all my apples are on the road! you must pay for them!p: driver, what were you thinking?you didnt stay in your lane. 1. youll have to pay a fine for this (你必须为此交上罚款). l: im sorry. i was just trying not to hit the car i

33、n front of me. ive just got my licence and im not used to driving in the city. c: i dont care if you are used or not! 2. shouldnt he have to pay for my apples (他不应该赔我苹果的钱吗), sir?p: well, hell certainly need to pay a fine for breaking this traffic rule. 3. you two will need to (你们两个需要) discuss what t

34、o do with the apples. l: i dont have any money. i spent all my money on my car. what can i do?c: then at least you can pick up my apples. p: you can sell the car or something elseif you can find somebody to buy it. 4. you have to pay this fine (你必须支付罚款) by the end of the month. l: oh, dear! why did

35、i ever buy a car?课时检测素养达标. 单句语法填空1. mary was angry (angry) with him for keeping her waiting for such a long time. 2. faced (face) with such a difficult task, he turned to his parents for help. 3. with so many girls sitting (sit) around him, the star was very excited. 4. my sister is in shandong univ

36、ersity, majoring (major) in english literature. 5. the kitchen is often the busiest room in a household; its important to function (function) properly. 6. the moment she saw her mother, she gave her a big hug. 7. in any case, we must finish the task on time. 8. when comparing (compare) the twins, yo

37、u will find the differences between them. 9. she didnt let anyone know what she truly (true) felt. . 选词填空watch out, take action, lose face, turn ones back to, up and down, at ease, keep away from, look away from1. mother told me to watch out for danger while crossing the crossroads. 2. we must take

38、action to fight against pollution. 3. keep away from the edge of the cliff(悬崖). 4. if you have something puzzling, dont be afraid of losing face and turn to your teachers. 5. they felt at ease with friendly greeting when they arrived at the hotel. 6. he turned his back to rose when she needed help,

39、so his friends all left him. 7. dont look away from me when im speaking to you. 8. when she first met him, she looked at him up and down. . 完成句子1. she will not turn her back to her friends, so many people are willing to believe her. 她从来不会背叛她的朋友, 所以许多人都愿意相信她。2. smile shows happiness and puts people a

40、t ease. 微笑表示快乐并使人们放松下来。3. how/what about inviting him to the birthday party?邀请他来参加生日聚会怎么样?4. he will come on time even if/though it rains. 即使下雨, 他还是会准时来的。5. it appears that tom might change his mind. 看起来汤姆可能会改变他的主意。短文改错getting rid of the bad habit of procrastination (拖延症) is now my goal of life. my first step was


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