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1、高二选修8各单元单词(短语)检测Unit1 Aland of diversity一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:strait, hire, apparent, seagull, racial, nationality, bakery, slavery, slip, majority, applicant, ferry1 It is _ from her accent that she is from the north ofChina.2Chinais a big country with 56 _.3 TheTaiwan_ separatesTaiwanfrom

2、 the mainland.4 Did I call you Richard? Sorry, Robert, just a _ of the tongue.5 They have appealed for an end to the _ discrimination in aspects such as employment.6 It was time to end the _ and set slaves free.7 You can buy newly-made cakes from across the _.8 There were more than 50 _ for the job,

3、 but only 10 were employed.9 The _ of representatives are in favor of the plan, only a few are against it.10 There is no bridge over the river between the primary school and the village. So those children need to be _ to and from school.11 He was _ three years ago and he is content with the job in t

4、he company.12 A_ is a seabird with long wings and usually with white or black feathers.第二组:swap, cattle, socialist, mixture, means, immigration, insert, indicate, percentage, luggage, aircraft, react13Chinais a _ country with the Chinese Communist Party ruling.14 Over the past years, there has been

5、a big rise in _ to theUSA.15 _ coins into the slot and press for a ticket.16 We own a big farm, where sheep and _ are kept.17 What _ of the population inChinaare farmers?18 Some people can _ badly to seafood, such as shrimps.19 Research _ that eating habits are related to health.20 An _ carrier is a

6、 large ship that carries planes which use it as a base to land on and take off from.21 His telephone is out of service. Is there any other _ of contacting him?22 Ive finished this magazine. Can I _ with you?23 Water is a _ of hydrogen and oxygen.24 After getting off the train, I asked Peter to stay

7、with our _ while I found a taxi.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):by means of make a life occur to team up with mark out take in a great/good many1 Our trip _ a visit to the old temple built in the Ming Dynasty.2 It never _ me to ask him for help.3 I got to know Jack years ago and now we _ each other q

8、uite well.4 Thoughts are expressed _ words.5 _ workers joined in the general strike last week. They wanted higher wages.6 The old man used to _ by selling newspapers.7 We _ a tennis court on the lawn.Unit 2 Cloning一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:clone, arbitrary, moral, merely, resist, decoration, as

9、sumption, commercial, differ, straightforward, regulation, disturbing, media1 It is impossible to make _ about how people feel about the new law.2 It is very _ to think that a fierce tiger that escaped from a zoo wandered about.3 Dolly, the _ sheep, lived for only six years.4 All the new employees a

10、re asked to learn about the rules and _ of the company and they must obey them.5 Never draw an _ conclusion before you think carefully.6 American English _slightly from British English in vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation.7 The bank strongly _ cutting down interest rates.8 The _ covered Hu Jint

11、aos visit to Hong Kong in honor of the 10th anniversary celebrations since its return toChina.9 Huaqiangbei and Dongmen are both the _ heart ofShenzhenCity.10 He is _ a boy of five, but he can speak very good English.11 That some evil leaders hoped to clone themselves raised some _ questions among t

12、he world.12 I like to make friends with those _ people. I hate those who are dishonest.13 Christmas is drawing near. Lets go and buy some _ to make our house and Christmas tree more beautiful.第二组:breakthrough, obtain, argument, forbid, reasonable, ceiling, accumulate, undertake, zebra, bother, retir

13、e, procedure14 Xiao Lin likes to spend all his time playing online computer games at a net bar. Now his mother _ him to go to visit any net bar.15 Your application must go through a few _ before it is finally approved.16 We had an _ with the waiter about the bill because we thought he overcharged us

14、.17 He was fortunate to have _ a big fortune by investing wisely in the stock market.18 Professor Wang works very hard, for he both teaches and _ research.19 His explanation was not _, so all of us didnt accept it.20 The electric fan is hanging from the _ of the room.21 After years of hard work the

15、five doctors achieved a _ in cancer treatment.22 My father is currently 59 years old and will _ from work next year.23 By reading this book I am sure that you will _ a lot of information aboutBritain.24 Sorry to _ you, but there is a call for you on line two.25 A_ is an African wild animal like a ho

16、rse with black and white lines on its body.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):be cast down object to in favour of be bound to (do) from time to time bring back to life pay off1 During my stay inJapanmy sister visited me _.2 I _ to know that she failed in the final exam.3 All your efforts will _. Just ke

17、ep it up!4 All those present at the meeting _ the plan.5 He has made full preparations for the exam. He _ succeed.6 Are there anyone _ human cloning?7 I think some day dinosaurs may be _ through cloning.Unit 3 Inventors and inventions一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:discovery, criteria, dot, passive,

18、patent, current, monitor, straw, tap, distinguish1 The countryside is _ with small villages.2 I have bought a new PC with a 17 inch colour _.3 The _ of a childs body in the river shocked the community.4 Remember to turn off the _ after you wash.5 Insert a drinking _ here and you will suck the milk o

19、ut.6 The new regulation played a _ but not active role in the reform of the factory.7 He made a new invention and applied for a _.8 I am interested in _ affairs so I surf the internet to read the latest news every day.9 What _ do you think can assess a students ability?10 Liu Xiang has _ himself as

20、an athlete.第二组:perfume, valid, stable, helicopter, practical, power, application, product, file, triangle11 The _ landed on the roof of the building to save those trapped in the big fire.12 My passport is _ for only one month. I must renew it.13 The new _ gained great success after it was introduced

21、 to the market. 14 Please draw a right-angled _ with a set square(三角尺).15 If you want to be a member of our club, please fill in an _ form first.16 _ is one of the great four inventions in ancientChina.17 After three days of treatment the patients condition is very _.18 Every _ on the same disk must

22、 have a different name.19 Inthat cosmetics section you can buy expensive well-known French _.20 From a _ point of view, this is not a good place to live in.第三组:refrigerator, committee, bear, forehead, version, court, abrupt, convenient, jam, mess, expectation21 Aspecial _ was set up to look into tha

23、t matter.22 The weather here is changeable. Sometimes it has an _ change in temperature.23 Would you like to play tennis with me? I have already booked a tennis _.24 The temperature here is always below zero degrees. I cannot really _ living in such cold weather!25 It is very _ from here to downtown

24、. There are many buses running along this street.26 The Chinese _ of Harry Porter is due for publication this September.27 I was late because I was held up in a traffic _.28 _ of life for both men and women has improved greatly inChinain the past 20 years.29 Put the ice creams in the _. Or they will

25、 melt very soon.30 Your room is in a _. Why not put things in place?31 I felt my sons _ and thought he must be running a fever.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):call up now and then in case dive into set out to (do) get through in truth hang on out of order ring back ring off set about1 It turned out t

26、hat the newcomer was _ a spy.2 I wont _ my brother unless something unexpected happens.3 Please _. I will go and get her.4 Our freezer is _ again. Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it.5 Last winter that writer _ writing a new long novel.6 The police _ investigate the cause of the fire.7

27、Please take your credit card with you _your money is not enough.8 He is not here right now; will you please _ later?9 She _ her bag and took out a few coins.10 The line is engaged; I cannot _ to his office.11 I must _ now because I will go to a meeting.12 _, I visit my grandpa and grandma in the cou

28、ntry.Unit 4 Pygmalion一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:mistaken, sob, brilliant, compromise, plot, disgusting, status, bathtub, adaptation, superior1 At first neither of the two sides would give in but after lengthy talks they reached a _.2 Over the years women want to be given equal _ and pay with men

29、.3 I thought I saw someone I knew, but actually I was _.4 This film is an _ of a famous writers works and it is well received.5 A_ is a container that you put water in and then you get into to wash your whole body.6 Although I disagree with him, yet I cannot speak out, for he is my immediate _.7 She

30、 has one of the most _ minds in her country.8 They were put into prison because they were accused of _ against the state.9 Listen! I hear a baby _ in the next room.10 I think it is very _ that some people show off themselves in public.第二组:pence, classify, pronunciation, hesitate, alphabet, betray, o

31、verlook, antique, dismiss, uncomfortable11 Marys _ is the best in our class. She speaks very standard English.12 The books are often _ according to subject.13 Since it was a well-paid job I didnt _ for a moment about taking it.14 She was terrified of saying something that would make her _ herself.15

32、 How much altogether? Fifty _, please.16 Looking into the matter, the police _ an important fact.17 From across the street there is an _ shop, where you can see very old but often valuable objects.18 School is _. The students will enjoy a two-month summer holiday.19 The chair is so hard that it feel

33、s _ to sit on.20 The English vocabulary is arranged in the order of _.第三组:classic, pronounce, condemn, musical, outcome, nail, troublesome, fortune, effective, ambassador21 My daughter is very _. She can play quiet a few instruments.22 Ahigh school diploma (文凭) _ him to work in a factory with a low

34、pay.23 The filmCasablancais really a _ among the many foreign films.24 President _ the country to be in a state of war.25 He graduated from a foreign affairs university and worked as the British _ to the United Nations.26 His son is addicted to computer games and cannot get rid of them. It is really

35、 a _ problem for him.27 This kind of new drug is very _ against cancer but a little expensive.28 Please bring me a hammer and I will _ the painting up.29 She is hoping herUSperformance will be the first step on the road to fame and _.30 The negotiation is still on. We are waiting for the final _.二、把

36、下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):passoff as make ones acquaintance(make the acquaintance of sb.) in amazement generally speaking in terms of showin the other day take away fade out in need of1 It was a bad year for films, _ both quantity and quality.2 He escaped by _ himself _ a guard.3 Peter, please _ t

37、he man at the door _.4 It was inLondonthat I _ Jones, who was an electrical engineer.5 I dont know who has _ my dictionary.6 I happened to have read this story in a magazine _.7 _, girls are more careful than boys.8 Our school is badly _ two teachers of English.9 _ the music at the end of the scene.

38、10 I looked at him _.Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:patient, systematic, applaud, accuracy, alternative, punctuation, tentative, division, yogurt, affection, preserve, analysis, skilful, radioactive, botany1 Ariver forms the _ between Shenzhen andHong Kong.2 Our troops m

39、ade a _ plan to attack the enemy, which was well prepared and organized. Finally it worked out quite well.3 This is a 14th century house, which is perfectly _ and visited by lots of people.4 We had no _ but to wait for the rain to stop.5 I have lived inNew Yorkfor years and have a great _ for it.6 S

40、ome kids prefer _ to pure milk.7 _ is the scientific study of plants and their structure.8 I made a _ arrangement to see him on Friday and I would let him know if any change.9 She works as a teacher at a kindergarten. She is very _ with those children.10 Only those _ teachers are qualified to teach

41、Senior 3 students.11 Radium(镭) discovered by Madame Curie is a kind of _ element.12 Your blood samples(样本) are sent to the lab for _ to see if you have got infected with AIDS.13 He kicked the ball with great _ and scored a goal.14 _ marks in English are not completely the same as those in Chinese.15

42、 My speech was so exciting that all the audience began to _.第二组:somehow, interrupt, primitive, relief, dizzy, ample, specific, arrest, assume, significance, category, sharpen, accelerate16 Those money was collected for a _ purpose, that is, to sponsor those poor children living in the remote mountai

43、n villages.17 Please dont _while we are talking.18 The central government decided to raise interest rate, for inflations continued to _.19 The results of the survey can be divided into three main _.20 Let us _ that the plan succeeds. Then what would you do next?21 Dont look at him. He did so in orde

44、r to _ others attention.22 The meeting is of such great _ that I have to attend it.23 My knife is blunt. It needs _.24 Climbing to such a height makes me feel _.25 Dont be worried. We have _ glasses for all the guests.26 News of their safety came as a great _ to us all.27 _, I dont feel that I can t

45、rust him.28 There still existed a few _ tribes in that African country.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):regardless of cut up look ahead1 He went ahead and did it, _ its consequences.2 I _ the meat on the plate.3 _ and you will enjoy a bright future.选修八Unit 1一 第一组:1 apparent 2 nationalities 3 Strait 4

46、slip 5 racial 6 slavery 7 bakery 8 applicants 9 majority 10 ferried 11 hired 12 seagull第二组:13 socialist 14 immigration 15 Insert 16 cattle 17 percentage 18 react 19 indicates 20 aircraft 21 means 22 swap 23 mixture 24 luggage二 1 takes in 2 occurs to 3 team up with 4 by means of 5 A good many 6 make

47、a life 7 marked outUnit 2一 第一组:1 assumptions 2 disturbing 3 cloned 4 regulations 5 arbitrary 6 differs 7 resists 8 media 9 commercial 10 merely 11 moral 12 straightforward 13 decorations第二组:14 forbids 15 procedures 16 argument 17 accumulated 18 undertakes 19 reasonable 20 ceiling 21 breakthrough 22 retire 23 o


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