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1、学必求其心得,业必贵于专精unit 1 dream homes教学目标:1、知识目标:通过本节课的学习,使得学生能掌握新短语、新词汇,并能用所学的句型短语进行造句和翻译2能力目标:能根据所给任务迅速思考问题;并能熟练地进行合作交流,从而完成学习任务3情感目标:用任务驱动式教学,激发学生的学习欲望和探究精神,在任务的驱使下,学生既要独立思考,又要合作讨论,这样有意识、有目的地培养学生自主学习的良好习惯以及协作共进的团对精神。教学重点:认得新单词,会翻译课文,掌握词汇:dream, capital, palace, 教学难点:学会运用重要短语:would like to, live in, nex

2、t to, the capital of 课时:第1课时教学过程:step一 给出任务1、学习目标:(1)谈一谈你理想的居所,你喜欢什么样的居住环境?2、学习重难点:(1)四会词汇:dream, capital, palace, (2)重要短语:would like to, live in, next to, the capital of 2。完成p7a。国家与图片搭配.3。自编对话:(用p7.b)whats the capital of the usa ? ( france , japan russia ,thailand)its washington dc (-). 4。讨论并且背诵课时作

3、业p1.1英汉互译,并在书上划线5.做练习任务一。你知道这些图片是哪个国家的吗?利用图片让学生进行对话练习a:what country is it in? b:its in a:do you know the capital of ?b:yes。the capital of is 【练练】david忘了这些国家的首都名称用英语怎么写,你能帮他吗? 1.the usa 2.the uk 3。france 4.japan 5。russia 6.thailand 任务二问你的伙伴,他最喜爱住在哪一个国家哪一个城市,为什么呢? s1:what country would you like to liv

4、e in ? s2: . s1:what city would you like to live in ? s2: .任务三。仔细听录音,明白eddie and hobo在谈什么?看看hobo喜欢什么? 1.where do you think eddie would like to live? 2. 3。 7b unit1 dream homes reading 教学目标:1。 to read and learn about different types of homes and lifestyles。.2. to obtain details about homes in differe

5、nt countries.3. to respond to the text by making statements about the foreign students activities.4。write an article to introduce their own homes, using the four home pages as a model。教学重点:to obtain details about homes in different countries。教学难点:to obtain details about homes in different countries。

6、课时:第2课时教学过程:step 一。 warmupask some students to report their homework about dream homes.step二. presentation1.use the pictures to teach the new words.balcony cushions ladder kitchen bunk beds sitting room2. complete the following sentences using the new words. two beds , one above the other, are 。 in

7、most homes, people cook meals in the 。 we usually put the sofa in the 。 is a good place to chat with friends。 sitting on the big is very comfortable。 we can climb the tall tree with a 。step三 listeningnow, lets listen to the home pages of four foreign students, after you listen to them, please do som

8、e “t” or “f” exercises。 check the answers with the whole class。1。stephen lives near the sea。 2.there are more than ten rooms in stephens house。 3。maddee lives in a wooden house in the hills. 4。maddee has a small family。 5.neil has a tv in the kitchen. 6.neils dog sleeps in the sitting room. 7。annas

9、flat is on a busy street。 8.anna shares a bedroom with her brother。 9.stephens favourite place is the balcony. 10.anna lives in a large flat. step四。 readingss read the articles by yourselves. then check their reading。 language points:1.we sit on the big floor cushions and look out at the beach and t

10、he sea.look out (of) e。g. dont look out of the window in class.look at / look around / look for / look like / look forward to / look after / look up2. i live with my family in a wooden house。= i live with my family in a house made of wood。wooden(adj。) wood (n。)e.g. we need some wooden chairs. this h

11、ouse is made of wood。3. i climb a ladder to get into my house。 =i get into my house with a ladder。e.g。 i often go to her house to see uncle li。 daniel often goes to the shopping mall to play computer games。 get into get out of get into the car get out of the car4。 i do not have my own bedroom。 own(a

12、dj./v.) owner (n.)e.g。 i see with my own eyes。 whos the owner of this pen?= who owns this pen?5. my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. e.g。 i am reading books while my brother is watching tv。 she called while you were out.6。 i share a bedroom with my sister. share st

13、h with sbe.g。 the boy shared his toy with other children share in sthe。g. we should share in our sorrows as well as joys。7. our neighbours are friendly and we are happy here.e。g. im friendly with her。 be friendly to sbe.g. people are usually friendly to foreign friends。8.simon wrote down the meaning

14、 of some of the words.write + n. +down=write down +n。 write it /them downe.g. can you write down the words on your book ?= can you write the words on your book?ok, ill write them down.meaning (n。) mean(v。)e。g. whats the meaning of “quick?= what does “quick” mean?9。a garden is the best place to grow

15、flowers.e。g。 its really a good place to go。 im hungry. do you have anything to eat?10.stephen is lying on his bunk beds。lie lying tie tying die dyingtell a liee。g. dont tell a lie any more . its not good for you.step五.discussion (task)divide the class into groups of six。 ask students to draw picture

16、 of their homes。students look at their pictures and talk about their homes。 step六。sumupgo through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson.step七。 homework1. review the contents of this lesson.2。 write an article to introduce their own homes, using the four home pages as a mode

17、l。7b unit1 dream homes vocabulary grammar 教学目标:1。to use prepositions of place to identify specific locations of things。2.to revise and use cardinal numbers in everyday situations , including phone numbers and amounts of money。3.to understand the purpose of ordinal numbers in terms of ordering things

18、 and events。4.to use ordinal and cardinal numbers to talk about schedules, dates, scores and results.教学重点:prepositions of place cardinal numbers & ordinal numbers教学难点:task-based approach课时:第3课时教学过程:step一. warmup ask the student on duty to give a free talk。step二. vocabulary ask the students how many

19、words they already know about furniture。 then teach furniture. use pictures to teach other words. e。g。 chair, cupboard, lamp, sofa, table, wardrobeask the students to write the names under the pictures(page 75).step三.grammar1.prepostitions of placewe use prepositions of place to say where things are

20、. prepositions of place: above, at, behind, below, beside, between, in, in front of , inside, next to, on , opposite, over, under。e.g. millie sits in front of me。 amy sits between millie and simon. kitty sits next to sandy. sandy sits between kitty and me. simon sits in front of kitty. the window is

21、 opposite the door。 the chalk is on the teachers desk。language points:above, over, on above (反) below表示位置高于某物在其上方,并不表示正上方。over (反)under表示正方,指垂直上方上。on指两个事物表面接触,一个在另一个上面.e。g. theres a bridge over the river。 the plane flew above us。 theres a book on the teachers desk.between, among between一般指两者之间,among

22、指三个或三个以上之间。e.g。 i am sitting between my parents. i saw him among the students.in front of , in the front of in front of (反)behind 表示“在前面”in the front of (反) at the back of表示“在前部”,指某一结构本体的前部。e。g。 there is a garden in front of the house。the desk for the teacher is in the front of the classroom.beside

23、= next toe.g. david sits next to/beside me.finish off the exercise on page 9。2. cardinal numberswe use cardinal numbers almost every day. we use them for lots of different things。1.基数词的读法:“几十几”十位和个位之间用“”.e。g. 32 thirty-two101999 百位和十位间加“and。e.g。 928 nine hundred and twentyeight1000以上的数,从后往前每三位一段,倒数第

24、一个数读thousand,倒数第二个数读million,依次类推。e。g. 8,542,601 eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred and one2 .基数词的运用:hundred, thousand, million, billion等一般用单数,但以下情况用复数:表示不定数目:e。g. hundreds of millions of表示“几十”的数词,其复数形式可以表示年龄或年代。e。g。 in his twenties in the thirties0zero10ten20twenty1001

25、one11eleven30thirtyone hundred2two12twelve40forty1,0003three13thirteen50fiftyone thousand4four14fourteen60sixty10,0005five15fifteen70seventyten thousand6six16sixteen80eighty100,0007seven17seventeen90ninetyone hundred thousand8eight18eighteen1,000,0009nine19nineteenone million3。 ordinal numberswe can

26、 use ordinal numbers to to order things and events。 we use them to talk about dates, floors, results, etc.e.g。 uncle jim will arrive on the seventh of june. the restaurant is on the sixth floor。 millie came first in the english exam.cardinal numberscardinal numbersordinalnumbersordinal numbers1=one1


28、th23rd=twenty-third9=nine30=thirty9th=ninth30th=thirtiethlanguage points:1. 序数词的运用:表示日期:e.g。 6月1日 on the first of june/ on june (the) first表示编号:e。g. lesson 5 the fifth lesson起副词作用,前无“the” e.g. simon came first in the english exam。序数词前有限定词修饰时,不加“the”. e.g。 this is my first lesson. 2 。ill arrive in be

29、ijing on sunday。arrive (vi。) arrive in(大地点)/at (小地点)= get to = reache.g。 the train arrived an hour ago. he arrives at school on time every day.=he gets to school on time every day.= he reaches school on time every day。arrive there/ here/home =get there/ here/ home= reach there/ here/ home3.i cant wa

30、it to see you。cant wait to do sth e.g. the boy cant wait to turn on t v when he gets home。4。that sounds great。 sound (taste/ smell/ look/ feel/get/ turn/ become)+ adj.5.where else are we going?=what other places are we going? where/what/who+else something/anything/nothing/someone+elsee。g. do you wan

31、t anything else? we must find somebody else to do this job。step四 discussion (task) have a discussion and find out the differences between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers。 step五.homework 1。 review the contents of this lesson.2. do the exx of the workbook.7b unit1 dream homes integrated skills an

32、d study skills 教学目标:1.to recognize words about homes, to identify items related to homes, to understand the location of rooms and furniture, to identify specific information about furniture items and to show understanding of relevant information by completing an e-mail2.to develop grammar learning s

33、trategies and to use a recording system to help memorize grammatical structures。教学重点:to recognize words about homes, to identify items related to homes, to under-stand the location of rooms and furniture。教学难点:to develop grammar learning strategies and to use a recording system to help memorize gramm

34、atical structures.课时:第4课时教学过程:step一. warmup ask the student on duty to give a free talk.integrated skillsstep二。at home in britain ask the ss to study the pictures in part 1carefully。 encourage them to ask questions about the pictures. e.g. where do neil and his family watch tv? where do you think th

35、e house is? listen to the tape, and ask the ss to order the pictures。 check the answers with the whole class. listen to the recording again。 do the “t or “f” exercises。1。 neil and his family dont sit in the kitchen. 2. there is a garden behind the kitchen。 3。 there is a large table in the dining roo

36、m. 4. neils family watches tv in the dinging room. 5。 the bathroom is new。 6。 there is a lamp and some posters in neils bedroom。 ask students to read the words in the box in part a2 and use them to label the things in the pictures in part a1. in pair, students check their answers. ask them to label as many of the other things as they can in the pictures。ask students to read amys email in parta3 to obtain general understanding。 check their choice of words. students take turns to read the completed e-mail to the class。step三。 speak up listen to the tape recording and read


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