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1、2011年完形填空考点分类突破(2)1、 (2010湖南卷) behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). this trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest. my 36 , beans, and i walk the trail frequently. normally, beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow the smell of a deer track or 37

2、some cause known only to him.beans is a white dog, quite handsome and very 38 . he not only understands what we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to 39 back.one morning, we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail. i was sure this trail would eventually le

3、ad us to our familiar 40 . but, no. we seemed to be far off course. after two hours, i suddenly realized that beans probably 41 the way home. so i urged, “beans, take me home.” he ran down a new trail. but it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.soon it became 42 that we were getting nowher

4、e. i began to picture the rest of the day in the 43 , without food or drink. we had walked about ten miles. but beans seemed totally 44 . the sniffing and exploring was going well for him.finally, we 45 a crossroad near a highway. lady luck suggested i should turn left. we did and 46 reached a cotta

5、ge beside a field. i knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man. he laughed and then drove us home.since our adventure, i 47 that beans probably knew all along how to get home. he was just having too much fun exploring new trails.a. deer b. dog c. lady d. man37. a. imagine b. consi

6、der c. explore d. present38. a. smart b. sweet c. slow d. shy39. a. turn b. kick c. jump d. speak40. a. driveway b. path c. crossroad d. highway41. a. knew b. saw c. showed d. madea. mysterious b. ridiculous c. fascinating d. apparenta. house b. forest c. field d. cottagea. unconcerned b. unconsciou

7、s c. undecided d. uncomfortablea. left for b. went off c. came to d. drove towarda. punctually b. frequently c. formally d. shortlya. regretted b. remembered c. concluded d. confirmed2、 (2010江西卷)when alice started to cycle home from jennys house, she wasnt nervous. she was certainly not afraid of th

8、e dark. 36 , it was only a 15-minute ride home. but halfway there, she began to wish that she hadnt been so 37 .as she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly 38 coldvery cold. alices breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.with her heart beating fast, she

9、struggled so hard to move 39 that she didnt hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. she stopped by the road. the big black car also 40 . slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. alice held her breath. in the soft light inside the car, something 41 . then, the light brightened and a

10、lice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “hello, dear,” said the old lady. “i need 42 . im afraid im lost. i need to find the nearest airport. i must be there in the next five minutes. ”“airport? you 43 are lost,” alice said. “you need to go back five kilometers 44 you reach the t-junction

11、. turn left and 45 for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. from there, just follow the 46 to the airport. but im afraid theres no 47 youll get there in five minutes!”“thank you very much, dear.” replied the old lady. “dont worryill 48 in time. ”the 49 moved up and the car started off. a

12、 little way ahead, it 50 and with headlights flashing, it drove past alice. but then, something 51 happened. the car began changing. first, its color 52 from black to silvery- grey. and then the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, 53 just above the ground. as the car 54

13、 into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. with a faint whistling 55 , the car was gone in seconds, leaving alice shaking her head in disbelief36. a. however b. besides c. therefore d. otherwise37. a. brave b. excited c. curious d. stubborn3

14、8. a. fell b . seemed c. proved d. grew39. a. aside b. around c. forward d. backward40. a. arrived b. stopped c. stayed d. started41. a. gathered b. existed c. dropped d. moved42. a. help b. gas c. rest d. water43. a. necessarily b. normally c. basically d. certainly44. a. if b. until c. unless d. a

15、s45. a. drive b. walk c. follow d. march46. a. address b. signs c. notices d. guidance47. a. doubt b. room c. time d. way48. a. have it b. get it c. make it d. finish it49. a. door b. window c. headlight d. wheel50. a. passed b. rushed c. turned d. continued51. a. strange b. sensitive c. imaginable

16、d. horrible52. a. developed b. approved c. spread d. faded53. a. rolling b. floating c. drawing d. flashing54. a. pointed b. returned c. broke d. rose55. a. tune b. voice c. sound d. tone3、 (2010辽宁卷)when i first entered university, my aunt, who is an english professor, gave me a new english dictiona

17、ry. i was _36_to see that it was an english english dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary. _37_it was a dictionary intended for non-native learners, none of my classmates had one _38_, to be honest, i found it extremely _39_ to use at first. i would look up words in the dictionary and _

18、40_ not fully understand the meaning. i was used to the _41_ bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are _42_ both in english and chinese. i really wondered why my aunt _43_ to make things so difficult for me. now, after studying english at university for three years, i _44_ that monolingual dict

19、ionaries are _45_ in learning a foreign language.as i found out, there is _46_ often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two _47_ in two languages. my aunt even goes so far as to 48_ that a chinese “equivalent” can never give you the _49_ meaning of a word in english! _50_ , she insisted that i read t

20、he definition(定义) of a word in a monolingual dictionary _51_ i wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. _52_, i have come to see what she meant.using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way. this dictionary uses a(n) 53 number of words, around 2, 000,

21、 in its definitions. when i read these definitions, i am 54 exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas. 55 this, i can express myself more easily in english.36.aworried bsad csurprised dnervous37.abecause balthough cunless dif38.abut bso cor dand39.adiffic

22、ult binteresting cambiguous dpractical40.athus beven cstill dagain41.anew bfamiliar cearlier dordinary42.aexplained bexpressed cdescribed dcreated43.aoffered bagreed cdecided dhappened44.aimagine brecommend cpredict dunderstand45.anatural bbetter ceasier dconvenient46. aat best bin fact cat times di

23、n case47.awords bnames cideas dcharacters48.ahope bdeclare cdoubt dtell49.aexact bbasic ctranslated dexpected50.arather bhowever ctherefore dinstead51.awhen bbefore cuntil dwhile52.alargely bgenerally cgradually dprobably53.aextra baverage ctotal dlimited54.arepeatedly bnearly cimmediately danxiousl

24、y55.aaccording to bin relation to cin addition to dbecause of4、 (2010陕西卷)i used to live selfishly, i should admit. but one moment changed me. i was on my lunch break and had 26 the office to get something to eat . on the way, i 27 a busker (街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. i had some 28 in my pocke

25、t, but i would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would 29 use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. he 30 like that type-young and ragged. 31 what was i going to spend the money on ? only to feed my addiction to coca-cola or chocolate! i then 32 i had no right to place mysel

26、f above 33 just because he was busking.i 34 and dropped all the coins into his 35, and he smiled at me, i watched for a while. as 36 as it sounds, i expected something more to come from that momenta feeling of 37 or satisfaction, for example. but nothing happened .38 , i walked off. “it proved to be

27、 a waste of 39 ,”i thought.on my way home at the end of the 40, i saw the busker again and he was 41 . i watched him pick up the hat and walk 42 a cafe counter. there he poured the 43 contents into a tin collecting 44 an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event. he was busking for charity(慈善)!now i donate

28、any 45 i have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.26. a. left b. cleaned c. prepared d. searched27. a. led b. chose c. saw d. fooled28. a. chocolates b. coins c. tins d. drugs29. a. almost b. only c. rather d. still30. a. acted b. looked c. sounded d.smelt31. a. though b. for c. therefor

29、e d . but32. a. declared b. realized c. expected d. guessed33. a. it b. all c. him d. them34. a. waited b. followed c. stopped d. arrived35. a. rag b. hat c. pocket d. counter 36. a. selfish b. awkward c. innocent d. special37. a. happeiness b. sadness c. love d. hate38. a. disappointedly b. unfortu

30、nately c. coincidentally d. comfortably39. a. words b. effort c. space d. money40. a. moment b. day c. break d. event41. a. walking around b. passing by c. packing up d. running off42. a. around b. in c. behind d. to43.a. chief b. basic c. actual d. total44.a.by b. for c. on d. with45.a.work b. time

31、 c. energy d.change5、(2010浙江卷)i will never forget the year i was about twelve years old. my mother told us that we would not be 21 christmas gifts because there was not enough money. i felt sad and thought, what would i say when the other kids asked what id 22 ? just when i started to 23 that there

32、would not be a christmas that year, three women 24 at our house with gifts for all of us. for me they brought a doll. i felt such a sense of 25 that i would no longer have to be embarrassed when i returned to school. i wasnt 26 . somebody had thought 27 of me to bring me a gift. years later, when i

33、stood in the kitchen of my new house, thinking how i wanted to make my 28 christmas there special and memorable, i 29 remembered the womens visit. i decided that i wanted to create that same feeling of 30 for as many children as i could possibly reach. so i 31 a plan and gathered forty people from m

34、y company to help. we gathered about 125 orphans (孤儿) at the christmas party. for every child, we wrapped colorful packages filled with toys, clothes, and school supplies, 32 with a childs name. we wanted all of them to know they were. 33 . before i called out their names and handed them their gifts

35、, i 34 them that they couldnt open their presents 35 every child had come forward. finally the 36 they had been waiting for came as i called out, one, two, three. open your presents! as the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles 37 up the room. the 38 in the room

36、was obvious, and 39 wasnt just about toys. it was a feeling the feeling i knew 40 that christmas so long ago when the women came to visit. i wasnt forgotten. somebody thought of me. i matter.21. a. sending b. receiving c. making d. exchanging22. a. found b. prepared c. got d. expected23. a. doubt b.

37、 hope c. suggest d. accept24. a. broke in b. settled down c. turned up d. showed off25. a. relief b. loss c. achievement d. justice26. a. blamed b. loved c. forgotten d. affected27. a. highly b. little c. poorly d. enough28. a. present b. first c. recent d. previous29. a. hardly b. instantly c. regu

38、larly d. occasionally30. a. strength b. independence c. importance d. safety31. a. kept up with b. caught up with c. came up with d. put up with32. a. none b. few c. some d. each33. a. fine b. special c. helpful d. normal34. a. reminded b. guaranteed c. convinced d. promised35. a. after b. until c.

39、when 。 d. since36. a. chance b. gift c. moment d. reward37. a. lit b. took c. burned d. cheered38. a. atmosphere b. sympathy c. calmness d. joy39. a. it b. such c. something d. everybody40. a. by b. till c. for d. from6、(2009湖北高考) there was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference i

40、n my life. fall, 1959, the first day of class at bethesda chevy chase high school was about to begin. “who”, i asked a senior, “is mrs. mcnamara, my 10th grade english teacher?” he just 1 and said something about my being in 2 . soon, i understood what he meant. mrs. mcnamara had a pattern of 3 that

41、 she repeated again and again. we would have a literature reading task for 4 . the next day, when we came to class, there would be two or three topics on the blackboard 5 to the homework reading. we were 6 to write an in-class essay about one of the topics. the following day, she would 7 the correct

42、ed and graded essays and each person would be called 8 to stand in front of the class and to 9 his/her essay. the class were required to criticize (评论) that essay, 10 the grade of everyone in class would be reduced. the first time that i 11 her read-write-criticize method, i had not 12 to do the hom

43、ework and had written something without knowing what it meant. 13 the extreme embarrassment i suffered, standing before my classmates, 14 myself. no one laughed at me; no one would be 15 enough, or foolish enough, to do that in mrs. mcnamaras class. the embarrassment came from 16 and along with it c

44、ame a strong 17 not to let it happen again. mrs. mcnamara kept all of our written work in files; it was easy to see the 18 in writing that had occurred. what was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me. what mrs. mcnamara 19 me to do was to see myself as

45、 others see me and, having done that, i could improve myself. and i 20 . thank you, mrs. mcnamara.答案1、【文章大意】我家后面的小路曲径通幽,那路“我”和狗常走。为了探索新的路径,狗竟将我带到了很远很远的地方,最后是一位老人驱车送我们回家。小狗的聪明好动跃然纸上。【答案解释】b。由第二段第一句beans is a white dog可知,此处选b(dog)。c。由第四段最后一句the sniffing and exploring was going well for him可知,beans经常“探

46、索(explore)”只有他才知道的某一原因,故选c。a。根据下一句:他不仅能理解我们告诉他的,而且,可判断beans的确很聪明(smart),所以选a。d。由前面的makes sounds可知,beans好象是要向后面的我“表达(speak)”什么,故该选d。b。由前面的trail (小径) 可知,我以为beans又会把我领到那条熟悉的“小路(path)”。a(车道)、c(十字路口)、d(公路)均不合语境。a。由后面的 take me home以及 i 47 that beans probably knew all along how to get home可知,我突然意识到beans很可能

47、“知道(knew)”回家的路。显然就该选a了。d。很“明显(apparent)”我们变得茫然了。b。由第一段第二句 through untold miles of forest可知,此空该填b(forest)。a。后一句话提到beans颇有嗅探能力,所以beans是完全“不担心的(unconcerned)”。c。最后我们“来到(came to)”十字路口,唯c符合语境。d。我们是按照lady luck的指点走的,所以“很快(shortly)”就到达了一座村舍。c。从我们的冒险经历看,我“断定(concluded)”beans很可能始终知道回家的路,他只是在探索新路径中找到了太多的快乐而已。所以

48、选c是合适的。2、【文章大意】本文叙述了alice 在回家路上的一次奇特的经历。36. b. 上下文的逻辑关系。前面提到alice不怕黑夜, 下文又提及路很近, 故选b。 besides 此外; however 然而,表示转折; therefore 因此, 表示结果; otherwise 否则, 要不然,与前文构成一种假设。37. a。语境判断题。前文提到她不害怕, but构成意义上转折, 句意: 但是走到半路的时候, 她宁愿自己不是这么勇敢。38. d。语境中考查词的意义。 句意: 在她急转弯的时候, 天突然变得很冷了。 grow 变得; fall 降落,处于某种状态,不表示变化。 如: f

49、all ill 生病; seem 看起来像; prove 证明, 均不符合句意,故选d。39. c。考查句意理解。 句意: 她费尽地向前走, forward 向前; aside 一边; around 周围; backward 向后。40. b。上下文联系题。 根据上文 she stopped by the road , 以及 also可知黑色的小汽车也停下了。41. d。语境中考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 车里面, 在柔和的灯光中, 有东西在动。 下文提到老太太探出身子问路, 故应是移动。 gather聚集; exist 存在; drop 掉下; move 移动。42. a。考查句意的理解。 下

50、文题到老太太问路, 故应是需要帮助。43. d. 语境中考查词的意义。 根据下文you need to go back可知,老太太的确是迷路了。 certainly 当然了; necessarily 必要地;normally 正常地 ; basically 基本地 。句意:你当然迷路了。44. b。考查句意的理解。 句意: 向回走五公里直到你到达tjunction。45. a 语境中考查词义区别。 前文提到老太太开着一辆黑色的小车, 故此处应是再继续开车行驶10 公里。 walk 走, 步行; follow 跟从, 跟随; march 行进。46. b。考查句意理解。 句意: 沿着标志到达飞机场。 sign 标志, 标记; address 地址; notice 通知; guidance


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