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1、unit21.the republication of the poets most recentworks will certainly _ his nationalreputation.a) magnify b) enlargec) strengthen2. humidity (湿度) is so intense in some parts of the tropics that europeans find they are unable to _ it.a) maintainb) persist d) sustain3. the suspects fingerprints on the

2、 gun were the main _ against him.a) crime b) informationc) conviction4. most people who travel in the course of their work are given travelling _.a) incomec) pay d) wages5. be careful with those fireworks; they are _ to go off unexpectedly.a) easy b) probablec) available5. be careful with those fire

3、works; they are _ to go off unexpectedly.a) easy b) probabled) liable c) available6. he ran so fast that he was out of _.a) airb) oxygen d) wind7. when you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your _ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断).a) indications b) signsc) symbols 8. in general , the amoun

4、t that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth the total _ for living expenses.a) acceptable c) advisable d) applicable9. his inability to learn foreign languages was a(n) _ to his career.a) objection b) defectd) depression10. the ratio of the work done by the machine _ the work don

5、e on it is called the efficiency of the machine.a) againstb) with d) for11. during the war she always kept a _ of tinned food in the house.a) load b) substitutec) conservation 12. this machine works very well so long as no one _ with it.b) disturbsc) upsets d) interrupts13. in britain people _ four

6、million tons of potatoes every year. c) exhaust b) swallow d) dispose14. thats really typical _ john. he says hell come but he never turns up.a) for c) to d) with15. no effective _ has been found for this fatal disease which claims thousands of lives each year.a) settlement b) methodd) prescription1

7、6. she was _ what she had written so as to make the theme stand out more clearly.a) repairing d) reforming c) remedying17. the one pleasure that einstein _ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.a) resulted fromc) turned out b) stirred up 18. the rain was heavy and _ the land was

8、flooded.aa) consequentlyc) constantly b) continuously d) consistently19. the present difficulties _ from our failure to deal with the problem when it first arose.a) step a b) stemc) steer d) sponsor20. universal peace would be _ to all mankind.a a) beneficial b) validc) advisable d) worthy21. the lo

9、cal government leaders are making every effort to _ the problem of poverty.a) loosenc) remove d) encounter ab) tackle22. we have not _ information to statethe exact damage.a) abundant ab) sufficientc) plenty d) efficient23. the court considers a financial _ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

10、a) option b) dutyad) penalty c) obligation24. the explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.a) associatec) retreat a b) equip d) feed25. what he _ was that you didnt tell the whole truth.a) referredc) inclined a b) implied d) accorded26. he hopes to _ his pai

11、ntings before the public in new york very soon.a a) exhibitc) express b) expose d) experience27. german and italian courses are held in munich and rome _.a) relatively b) reluctantlya c) respectively d) relevantly28. this vast stock of computerized images has _ the possibilities open to the artist.a

12、) speculatedc) generated b) sponsored a d) multiplied29. we dont know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to _ on what happened.a) inferc) guess a b) speculate d) infer30. this is the first draft of the book. please feel perfectly free to _ on it.a) cope b) complaind) confirm a c) commen

13、t uint 31. you must take the _ steps by yourself; after you have begun, i will help you.a) primitive a b) preliminaryc) primary d) practicable2. how can you best _ in your students the speech habits of the english language?a) civilizec) evolve ab) cultivate d) train3. after three hours of heated deb

14、ate, the _ bill was passed by a narrow majority .a) virtual b) universala c) controversial d) substantial4. richards news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted.aa) comprehensivec) redundant b) integrated d) productive5. shaking hands when people meet each other for th

15、e first time is practiced as a _ way of greeting.aa) conventionalc) constant b) conservative d) convenient6. if you _ a magnet-needle, its two ends can point north and south, and so it can be used to determine directions.a) overtakec) highlight b) fix ad) suspend7. i am afraid that you have to alter

16、 your _ views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.a) indifferent b) distressingd) pessimistic ac) optimistic8. stamping on any countrys national flag is an _ to its people.a) inflationac) insult b) ingredient d) invasion9. when he was a young boy, a serious disease deprived him of the

17、_ of hearing.a) organ b) possessionc) conduct ad) faculty10. if you _ bright sunlight _ dry wood with a glass, it will start burning.a) expose toc) aim at b) concentrate on ad) focus on11. the manufacturers refused to take all _ for damage caused by misuse.a) duty ab) responsibilityd) share c) oblig

18、ation12. the noise was so faint that you had to _ your ears to hear it.a) stirb) strengthen d) stride ac) strain13. weve done our _ to make the process as simple as possible.a) terminalc) extreme ab) utmost d) supreme14. what he said was too _ for me to understand.a) compound ab) complexd) conventio

19、nal c) comprehensive15. their products are frequently overpriced and _ in quality.a) influentialc) superior ab) inferior d) subordinate16. the old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect _ so awalk along nanking road is an enjoyable discovery.a) control b) orderd) action a c) harmony17. one of

20、his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a _ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.a) delicateb) considerate d) sensitive ac) precise18. if your baby is losing weight, you should _ your doctor promptly.a) advocatec) enquire ab) consult d) investigate19. i have worked on three _ saturdays.a

21、) continuousac) successive b) consistent d) regular20. with the introduction of _ technology, information flows faster than it ever did.a) involved b) complicatedd) complex a c) sophisticated21. the rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but jane was _ behind as usual.a) decliningc) lackin

22、g b) delaying ad) lagging22. it will be safer to walk on the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial _ will be conducted by computer.a) transformations b) transmissionsc) transitions a d) transactions23. while both plans were perfectly sensible, o

23、nly one seemed _ in chinas particular situation.a) usefula c) feasible b) available d) desirable24. preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion, _ the $160 billion the president is struggling to get through the congress.a) in proportion to b) in reply toc) in relation to ad) in con

24、trast to25. we _ the cook because her cooking was so poor.aa) dismissedc) resigned b) deserted d) withdrew26. dogs are often praised for their _; they almost never abandon their masters.a) faithc) trust a b) loyalty d) truthfulness27. most parents encourage their children to take an active part inso

25、cial events, _ those events do not interfere with their studies.a) lestc) unless b) though a d) provided28. we must _ these trash ideas.aa) discard b) disposed) dismiss c) discharge29. she can run 100 meters in 13 seconds without _ herself.a) executingac) exerting b) inserting d) devoting30. our hol

26、iday plans _ because of transport strikes.a) fell outc) fell overunit 41. if my plan isnt _ of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.aa) approvedc) agreed b) consented d) admitted ab) fell through d) fell behind2. everybody _ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.aa) as

27、sembledc) piled b) accumulated d) joined3. mr. bloom is not _ now, but he will be famous someday.a) significantc) magnificent b) dominant ad) prominent4. the bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.aa) afterc) by b) with d) from5. most people were no longer listenin

28、g to his long _ story.a) annoyingc) tiring ab) boring d) exhausting6. each of them had a different _ of what actually happened, but hers was by far more believable.a) messagea c) version b) theory d) comment7. his latest piece of work was _ by a song he heard on the radio.a) releasedc) assessed ab)

29、inspired d) composed8. as we know, blood types a and b cannot receive ab, but ab may receive a or b. type o can give to any other group; hence it is often called the _ donor.a) general b) populard) common a c) universal9. very few scientists _ completely new answers to the worlds problems.a) catch u

30、p withc) keep up with a b) come up with d) put up with10. the socks were too small, and it was only by _ them that he managed to get them on.a) spreadingc) lengthening b) extending a d) stretching11. most broadcasters maintain that tv has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medi

31、um is _.a) granted b) impliedd) remedied a c) exaggerated12. of all the soldiers they had the _ of being the fiercest, the most patriotic, the toughest.a) recognitionc) recreation b) reservation a d) reputation13. she _ along the path, glad to be able to take her time.a) hurried b) marcheda d) wande

32、red c) progressed14. the company has _ over the years into a multi-million dollar organization.a) involved b) resolvedac) evolved d) revolved15. during the war, the government _ many soldiers from the workers and farmers.a) adoptedc) integrated b) collected a d) recruited16. some of his suggestions

33、have been adopted but others have been turned _ as they are quite impracticable.a) awayc) out b) back a d) down17. all the key words in the article are printed in _ type so as to attract readers attention.a) dark b) densead) bold c) black18. this story is not real; it is only _.a a) imaginaryc) imag

34、inable b) imaginative d) imagined19. a peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial _.a) markc) trace a b) feature d) appearance20. in 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of eastern europe _ europe into a great war.a) imposed b) pitchedc) inserted ad) plunged21. he bough

35、t the house with a(n) _ to making a quick profit out of it.a) goala c) eye b) purpose d) reason22. im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion.a) interfered b) offendedc) impressed ad) bothered23. they are giving away free _ of this new kind of cooking oil.a) illustrations

36、c) examples b) demonstrations a d) samples24. the scientists made _ plans for landing a man on the moon.a) acutec) virtual a b) elaborate d) delicate25. although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of somehills are still _.a) blankc) vacant b) hollow ad) bare26. all the streets were _

37、 with flags to welcome the chinese delegation.a) supplied b) mendeda c) decorated d) pasted27. you cant drive a car unless you hold a driving _.a) permissionc) pass b) ticket a d) license28. although the cyclist was unhurt, his bicycle was _ between the lorry and the wall.a a) crushedc) split b) cla

38、pped d) cracked29. the wholesale price of this coat is $20 and the _ price for it is $28.a) virtuala c) retail b) massive d) singular30. floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage _.a) relativelyac) annually unit 6. since many insects have already become _ to ddt, scientists have to l

39、ook for some new insecticide.a) activec) tough ab) resistant d) gradual b) actually d) comparatively2. it is a type of desert bush that can _ extremes of temperature.a) adapt b) withdrawd) shade a c) withstand3. if a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will not be able to make _ judgments.

40、a) sensitivea c) sensible b) sentimental d) sensational4. whenever he writes to his parents, he _ a cheque with his letter. a a) enclosesc) reserves b) contains d) invests5. you should save your work often as a _ against computer failure.a) sanction a b) precautiond) shelter c) shield6. it took mill

41、ions of years for order to grow out of the _ of the universe.a) adjustmenta c) chaos b) change d) profile7. according to the weather _, its going to be fine today.a) predictionc) provision b) indication a d) forecast8. accidents are of frequent _ on this motorway because the traffic is extremely hea

42、vy here.a) arrivalc) scale b) proportion a d) occurrence9. her pulse was so weak that the doctor had difficulty _ it.a) inspectingc) touching ab) detecting d) contacting10. there is need to check the _ of the report.a) frequency a b) accuracyc) emergency d) efficiency11. the old man did not seem to

43、attach any importance _ the question.a a) to b) withd) for c) towards12. as the plane was getting ready to take off, we all _ our seat belts.a) tied b) lockedd) closed a c) fastened13. professor collins was _ of the latest developments in physics because he had been in hospital for several months.a)

44、 unconsciousc) robbed b) negative a d) ignorant14. it has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.a) employa c) abuse b) take d) overlook15. fertilizer will _ the growth of these tomato plants.a) accomplishc) accumulate ab) acce

45、lerate d) account16. years of _ labor had hardened his muscles.a) survivalc) restless b) mental a d) manual17. very few plants will _ without water.a a) flourishc) stem b) fade d) cultivate18. we rarely perceive more than a minute _ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great

46、 majority pass us by.a) fictiona c) fraction b) function d) fragment19. i guess the whole paper has to be rewritten; only the first few paragraphs may be _.a) sustainedc) maintained b) contained ad) retained20. the police will give you a ticket if you _ the speed limit.a) break b) rejecta d) exceed

47、c) suspend21. the wise man exercises _ in his behavior and enjoyments.a) limitation b) interestc) restriction a d) restraint22. when jack was eighteen he _ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.a a) took toc) took up b) took for d) took on23. which is the most expensive

48、 _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms?a) in place of ab) in terms ofd) by way of c) by means of24. the survival of civilization, as we know, is _ threat.a) within a b) underd) upon c) towards25. george took _ of the fine weather to do a days work in his garden.a) chance b) e

49、ffecta d) advantage c) occasion unit 71. gary has planned to take a tour around the great lakes in the coming summer vacation and _ great pleasure from the visit.a) acquiresc) recalls a b) anticipates d) reckons2. they are two dollars each but if you buy ten, you get a _ of ten per cent.a a) discoun

50、tc) depression b) recession d) discharge3. money _ as it goes from person to person.a) speaksb) scatters d) distributes a c) circulates4. his hope _ when he heard that there were some survivors in the shipwreck.a) highlighted a b) soaredc) inspired d) flourished5. i bought a washing-machine and aske

51、d to have it sent to my house. the manager of the store promised to make a prompt _. a a) deliveryc) supply b) relay d) transport6. he _ his rose bushes carefully with insecticide every evening.a) distributedc) spread b) discharged a d) sprayed7. his company went _ after he failed in the business.a)

52、 decent b) negativeac) bankrupt d) acute8. she always makes notes in the _ of a book.a) bordera c) margin b) blank d) edge9. a new spaceship was _ at cape kennedy yesterday.a) motivated b) releasedc) transmitted a d) launched10. dont _ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.a) relieve a b) releasec) relate d) retain11. the noise was caused by a dog _ a cat through the garden. a a) chasingc) catching b) following d) fighting12. although the two players are _ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.a) partnersa c) rivals


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