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1、参赛教学设计基本信息作者姓名朱建民性别男出生年月1971.07. 17工作单位甘肃省定西市通渭县寺子中学邮政编码743321通讯地址甘肃省定西市通渭县寺子中学联系电话电子邮箱所用教科书书名英语新目标所教年级九年级所教册次、单元Unit?人教版九年级英语(新目标)设计主题knowwaswheninvented?DoyoubasketbaI I1整体设计思路、指导依据说明本课主要采用自主学习,打破传统教师精耕细作的阅读教学方式,打破阅读教学中学生长期依赖教师的心 理,利用多媒体(PPT)以及互联网将听说读写渗透到阅读教学,实现阅读课文的整体教学。以学生熟悉 的体育明星姚明导入,通过播放DVD录像,

2、观看NBA片段等让学生了解有关篮球的知识;始终以学生作 为学习的主体,循序渐进,从掌握文章大意到找关键词、中心句,再进行文章细节分析,培养学生阅读技 能。学生通过互联网捜索独立完成语言点的巩固,归纳总结。“自主学习”在我国的提出,一方面反映了我国学习领域研究的新成果,另一方面又对当前我国整个教育 教学改革提出了一系列新的带有根本性的问题。“自主学习”问题被国家教育科学“九五”规划课题确立 为重要研究内容,这表明它的重要性及其在理论界的广泛共识。自主学习是与传统的接受学习相对应的一 种现代化学习方式。以学生作为学习的主体,通过学生独立的分析、探索、实践、质疑、创造等方法来实 现学习目标。2.教学

3、背景分析教学内容分析:本节课是人教版九年级英语Unit9的Reading部分。本节课的主题是:Do you know when basketbal I was invented?内容紧扣住本单元的话题invention,课文主要围绕风靡全球的篮球运动这 一主题,包括篮球运动的历史、篮球比赛的规则、打篮球所需的设备、篮球的流行趋势等。围绕“basketball”(篮球),让学生掌握本文大意及文中所包含的语言知识,并渗透“热爱体育,珍惜生命” 的德育理念,增强学生的社会荣誉感及爱国主义教育。通过本课阅读教学,让学生初步掌握“mind-mapping” 学习策略,学会信息与图像的转换。阅读技巧方面培

4、养学生抓住关键词,找出中心句,划分段落层次,学 会写岀总结(summary),提升学生综合技能。本单元的语法点是被动语态,文中出现了大虽的被动语态的句子,通过阅读文章,学生能有效的感悟被动 语态的用法。学生情况分析:本课的教学对象是九年级学生,具备一定的语言自主学习能力,能通过教师创设的情景迅速运用词汇。学 生基本掌握了被动语态的用法,因此本篇阅读中出现的多处被动语态的句子对学生来说已不是障碍,关键 的障碍是本文中出现的一些生词,需要学生认读,否则在回答问题是就是障碍。运用Mind-wapping是复 述课文的信息对学生来说是一大难点。3. 教学目标分析1知识目标能认读以下词汇active,

5、indoors, create, wooden, knock, divide, basket, metal, towards, develop, rise, risen, worldwide找出并理解文章中出现的彼动语态的句r-o2. 学习目标在教师的引导和帮助下,利用多媒体资源学习篮球的历史沿革。2能力目标能运用Mind-mapping复述篮球的历史、篮球的器械、篮球的规则、篮球的流行趋势等。3情感目标激发学生对运动的热爱,并让学生树立teamwork的意识。4. 教学重点、难点分析教学虎点:1. 能认读以下词汇:active, indoors, create, wooden, knock,

6、 divide, basket, metal, towards, develop, rise, risen, worldwide, divideinto,separate from ,in history2. 找出并理解文章中出现的彼动语态的句子。教学难点:能运用Hind-mapping复述篮球的历史、篮球的器械、篮球的规则、篮球的流行趋势等。5. 教学过程设计(中文为主+所教学科目标语言)步骤仁导入T: Do you often have sports?S: Yes.T: Which do you like best?S: Basketball, volleybalL football-T:

7、 What is Yao Ming?S: He is a basketball player.T: OK. Thank you .T: What do you know more about Yao Nfing?S:设计意图:运用学生比较感兴趣,同时也是教师感兴趣或者了解的话题进行导入,能够引起学生和。教 师的共鸣,拉近学生和教师的距离,为创造个热情的、活跃的、和谐的课堂气氛打下基础步2:多媒 体播放播放 PPT 课件,开始学习与篮球有关的单词,active, indoors, create, wooden, knock divide, basket, metal, towards, deve

8、lop, rise, risen, worldwide hoop shoot backboard court shoot 以及短语 divide-into- sq)arate fromin history:播放DVD录像,观看NBA片段,柏林奥运会开幕式录像等。设计意图:创设真实的情境,激发学生热爱体育的激情,为进入本课的阅读做充分准估,消除语言障碍。 步骤3:问题设賈If yes, describe it. If not, please imagine what it will be like.Have you ever played basketball?设计意图:设计这项洁动的目的是为每

9、个学生营造种充分衣达自己观点和充分发挥想象力的民主、和谐 的课堂教学氛围,同时通过这种相互沟通的开放式讨论,学生能间接获取有关basketball的些信息, 为正式阅读做好了铺垫。步骤4:重难点分散Show the Ss some pictures and ask them to say and imagine sometlung about basketball. And say why.经过开放 式讨论,每个学生对basketball活动规则有了 定的了解。学生把头脑中的想象和现实联系起来,要求学 生说出各个图片在篮球比赛中的作用。经过开放讨论后再把他们带入到种真实的学习情境中,他们感到

10、非常的轻松,且有强烈的农达欲望。捉问:What is the hoop used for ?时,学生们很快能回答。接着问:Why is it so popular in the world?时,学生们也能正确作答。继续提问:Do you want to leam more about basketball?设计意图:让学生在此项活动中体验自身发现和解决问题的欢乐,从中找到r 种完成任务的成就感,并 利用这种轻松、愉快的情境,引导学生进入重要教学环节。步骤5:阅读策略 Activity 1 (PPT)The cooperative group should consist of four mem

11、bers. When the students are in their groups, the teacher st are responsible for finding the Uwhonumbers the students off by 1, 2, 3、and 4. Using the article,the ln in st are responsible for findmg the Svhatthe article and marking it with the red marker; the 2” ill the article and marking it with the

12、 blue marker: the 3 st are responsible for finding the *Svheii n in the article and marking it with the black marker; the 4st are responsible for finding the uwhere M in the article and marking it with the green marker. After this article is completed, the group discusses their choices. After agreem

13、ent has been reached , one article is marked with all the colors that identify the uwho, what, when and where.n Then together the group writes s short summary of the article.QUIZRead the article again, and then answer the following questions.write theof the article 2. write the uwhat,1 of the articl

14、e 3. write the uwhenn of the article 4. xvrite the uwheren of the article 5. Write a brief summary of the article. Keys : 1 .DrNaisniitli2.basketball3.m 1891 4.Canada设计意图:培养学生阅读技巧,抓住文章主要信息。通过fastreadmg,可以使学生对文章人意有初步的了 解,整体把握文章,并根据文章中的关键信息找出文章主旨,能够回答出关于文章的what. when. who. how, why等初步的几个问题。(p75)Activi

15、ty 2(PPT)With your partner you are to read and summary each paragraph in this reading. First one student reads a paragraph to the other student. You can help each other out with the hard words. It is very important listen carefiilly!The student that did not read the paragraph must writ已 a one or two

16、 sentence summary of the paragraph. You can discuss the summary and help each other with the wording and the spelling. It is important to xite the most important things. Remember, you are summarizing the paragraph.Now the student that summarized the first paragraph reads and the other student listen

17、s. Then the listener writes the summary The group continues reading, taking turns reading and summarizing. Remember, theteacher is looking for “just the facts .WORK SHEETParagraph #1SummaryParagraph #2SummaryParagraph #3SummaryParagraph #4SummeryParagraph #5SummaryParagraph 1: Basketball is enjoyed

18、for fiui and exercise.Paragraph?: Basketball has been played in parks, schools and factories in Cluna.Paragraph3: Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naisniith.Parageaph4: Dr Naisniith taught people how to play the new game.Paragraphs: The first basketball game in history was pl

19、ayed on December 21st .1891.Summary Basketball is a popular activity in the world.设计意图:在阅读教学中指导学生如何找关键词、中心句,同时培养学生听说读写语言综合运用能力。 Activity 3(PPT) Mind-mappiiig 策略Complete the mind-map with the information from the reading and retell the story.BASKRTBALLPlayed intlOOyears old HISTORY2 Canadian doctor3.

20、 First pme played CHINAin 1891AMERICAEQUPMENT4.James Naismithnetballcourtbasketmetal hoopbackboardNov/ played everyv/hereForcign players in.no contact4.aim to score “ baskets For fun and exercise1-map讣学主进步掌握文章细节,借助mind-map复述课文;设计意图黑体部分要求彎生填 语言点学习Activity4让学生在互联网上搜索以下词汇,掌握其区别及用法。1) divide*into()Divid

21、e-*#into-: form into smaller parts分成若干较小的部分,例如:The house was divided mto flats.那房屋被割成数套房间。2) separate firom()Separatefironr:使分开分开,隔开,例如:(1) England is sq)arated from France by the Channel.英国和法国被英吉利海峡隔开。(2) The land was separated into small fields.那块地彼分割为小块田地。3) invent ()invent: to think of or make sth for t


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