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1、TOEFL学习资料听力032. (A) She thi nks the man should drive to tow n.(B) She likes to pass cars.(C) The man should mind his own bus in ess.(D) The traffic won t be detoured after tomorrow.3. (A) See his professor about the paper.(B) Try to get better grades.(C) Be on time for his appo in tme nt.(D) Pick a

2、differe nt topic for his paper.4. (A) She does n t like fresh vegetables.(B) She does n t have time to go to the market.(C) She has already bee n shopp ing.(D) She only has eno ugh for herself.5. (A) She prefers to exercise in the mor ning.(B) It s importa nt to warm up before exercis ing.(C) The ma

3、n should start running daily.(D) The man should con ti nue his exercise program.6. (A) The party does n t in terest him.(B) He may already have pla ns.(C) He d like to bring a guest to the party.(D) He d rather come ano ther time.7. (A) She is embarrassed.(B) She had forgotte n all about the test.(C

4、) She just got one questi on correct.(D) She is very pleased.8. (A) He prefers to go to the con cert toni ght.(B) He does n t like to go to movies at ni ght.(C) The others should do what they like.(D) They should go to more movies and con certs this year.9. (A) The books slipped off the table.(B) He

5、 forgot to get the books.(C) He remin ded Ron about the books.(D) Ron should pick up the books.10. (A) She left them at home.(B) She n eeds them right now.(C) They might be hard to read.(D) They are in complete.11. (A) Wait un til the sale is over.(B) Watch for the ad on televisi on.(C) Retur n his

6、suit to Con rad s.(D) Buy a new suit.12. (A) The woma n should retur n his tape player by Friday.(B) The woma n should buy him a new tape player.(C) By Friday he should be able to borrow a tape player.(D) He can t wait un til Friday for his tape player.13. (A) Start writ ing letters.(B) Mail her let

7、ters immediately.(C) Stop thi nking about her exams.(D) Study in stead of writ ing letters.14. (A) She s look ing forward to her history class.(B) She s surprised how long her readi ng assig nment is.(C) She thi nks the book is too expe nsive.(D) She s late for her history class.15. (A) She is away

8、for a few days.(B) She rece ntly hurt herself.(C) She tore her skirt on a hook.(D) She seldom stops study ing.16. (A) Sit further back.(B) Sit closer together.(C) Find their reserved seats.(D) Find seats closer to the scree n.17. (A) His paycheck is late.(B) The book bag is too expe nsive.(C) He can

9、 t lend the woma n any mon ey.(D) The woma n does n t n eed a new book bag.18. (A) Buy an Italian cookbook.(B) Go to an Italia n restaura nt.(C) Take a ni ght flight to Italy, in stead(D) Cook some Italia n dishes on Saturday.19. (A) Move to a cheaper apartme nt.(B) Find a pers on to share their apa

10、rtme nt.(C) Hire a new worker.(D) Write an accurate descripti on of a friend.20. (A) The man should buy a watch in a jewelry store.(B) The jewelry store doesn t have a good selection of watches.(C) The man has bee n looki ng at poorly made watches.(D) The watches in the jewelry store are even more e

11、xpe nsive.21. (A) He isn t ready to work on the next lab experime nt.(B) He s surprised the woma n chose him.(C) He doesn t understandwhy the experiment didn t work.(D) Finding a lab part ner is difficult.22. (A) Both games are played worldwide.(B) Chess is more difficult.(C) Both games can be lear

12、ned by childre n.(D) He can t compare the two games.23. (A) All of the applica nts received fellowships.(B) The dea n is wait ing to see her.are(C) Her fellowship is being delayed until her grades available.(D) Her fellowship was announ ced first.24. (A) He can t see very well.(B) He s not feeli ng

13、well.(C) His eye does n t hurt very much.(D) His eye isn t heali ng very quickly.25. (A) Join an engin eeri ng firm.(B) Start his own compa ny.(C) Joi n the woma n in graduate school.(D) Go to bus in ess school.26. (A) He should move the desk back.(B) He should go to the doctor.(C) He should have ha

14、d some one help him.(D) He should have known the desk was heavy.27. (A) Buy a new televisi on for the woma n.bee n(B) Check to see if the woman s television has repaired.(C) Fix the woma n s televisi on.(D) Order parts for the woma n s televisi on.28. (A) He wants to lear n to play the clari net.(B)

15、 He wants to play in the band.(C) His band is perform ing n ext week.(D) He was n t playi ng very loudly.29. (A) She also pla ns to get a pet.(B) Dan is allergic to cats.(C) Ani mals will soon be allowed in Dan s buildi ng.(D) Dan will get a lift to his apartme nt from a relative.30. (A) He wan ts t

16、o know how the con cert was.(B) He disagrees with the woma n.(C) He likes to play the pia no.(D) He also enjoyed the music.31. (A) Pla nning a sightsee ing tour.(B) Writi ng to his un cle.(C) Arra nging his class schedule.(D) Look ing through a Ian guage textbook.32. (A) Get the uni versity s approv

17、al in adva nee.(B) Follow Susa n s advice about traveli ng abroad.(C) Take more French courses to improve his skills.(D) Make inq uiries about the requireme nts for teachi ng chemistry.33. (A) He s fulfilled his graduati on requireme nts.(B) He wan ts to cha nge his field of study.(C) He n eeds to g

18、et better grades.(D) He n eeds to earn a graduate degree.34. (A) The ben efits of new reflectors.(B) Ide ntifyi ng differe nt varieties of quartz.(C) A particular ki nd of heati ng device.(D) Using solar en ergy for heat.35. (A) Quartz heaters.(B) Sympathetic vibrati on.(C) In frared heat.(D) Conv e

19、cti on.36. (A) He asks her for an example.(B) He asks her to give a defi niti on.(C) He asks her how a quartz heater works.(D) He asks her to expla in his desig n.37. (A) It heats only the objects in a room.(B) It is lighter in weight.(C) It is more expe nsive.(D) It is more com mon.38. (A) It measu

20、res the temperature of a room.(B) It collects sun light.(C) It moves air around the room.(D) It directs radiati on at objects.39. (A) To in terest stude nts in a career in coun seli ng.(B) To recruit coun selors to work in the placeme nt office.(C) To inform stude nts of a uni versity program.(D) To

21、 convince local mercha nts to hire college stude nts.40. (A) A job list ing.(B) A resume.(C) A permissi on slip.(D) Their salary requireme nts.41. (A) Refine their in terviewi ng tech niq ues.(B) Arrange their work schedules.(C) Select appropriate courses.(D) Write cover letters.42. (A) They pay the

22、 same wage.(B) They inv olve worki ng outdoors.(C) They can he substituted for college courses.(D) They re part-time.43. (A) A pain ter and a sculptor.(B) Pain ti ngs in spired by photographs.(C) Early photographic tech niq ues.(D) The work of two photographers.44. (A) He photographed her house.(B)

23、He photographed her pain ti ngs.(C) He gave her advice on photography.(D) He gave her advice on pain ti ng tech niq ues.45. (A) Pai nting.(B) Architecture.(C) Photograph ing sculpture.(D) Photograph ing people.46. (A) It is the only record left of the pain ti ng.(B) It is n ot an accurate represe ntati on of the painting.(C) It has become more valuable tha n the p


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