1、国际音标的学习英语国际音标名称音标i: e ?: :?: u:单元音元音? ? ? ? 双元音 e? a ? ? ? a? ?e? 清辅音p t k f s ? tr? ? 浊辅音b d g vze? dr ? ?辅音鼻音m n ?摩擦音h r j w舌侧音l发音要领及发音规则: 前元音: i: i e ? i:发音规则 : (1) e:he sh e m e we th ese(2) ea :tea eat m eat pl ease(3) ee:s ee tr ee see m eet(4) i:pol ice pol iceman machine(5) ie:piece field be
2、l ieve th ief?发音规则 :a:or ange cabb age e:begin English pr etty cin ema ey:monk ey i:it is in b ig if g ive s ity:cit y very sorr y wind y e发音规则 :a:any m any anyone e:p en b ed y es egg d esk ea:br ead h ea d br eakfast ? 发音规则 : a:bag am and at s ad(2)爆破辅音: p b t d k g1国际音标的学习发音规则 : p : p:pen ma p he
3、l p chea p pencil b : b:bag by bed boy bus blue发音规则 : t : t:ten time no t get table d : d:desk door day dog发音规则 : k : c:cat come cut c lock cry pi cture ch :school Christmas stoma ch k:boo k bike ca ke kite Kate loo kck:bla ck duck clo ck jacket co ck g : g:go girl bi g get gu:guess(3 )后元音: : ? ?: u
4、 u: :发音规则 : a:cl ass ban ana f ather after ar:c ar f ar park arm st ar au:aunt l augh ?发音规则 : (w)a :w ant w ash w atch wh at o:hot on n ot s orryau :Au stralia ?:发音规则 : (w)a :water al:all bal l c all f all h all m all sm all t alk t all or :or for short sp ortau :August autumn d aughter oor :d oor f
5、loorou r:f our your ?发音规则 : u:p ut s ugar f ull p ush oo:b ook loo k g oo d f oo t u:发音规则 : o:d o to wh ooo :too zoo foo d p ool b oot sch oo l u:bl ue gl ue J une ou:soup gr oup thr ou gh(4 )摩擦辅音: f v s z ? ? ? e摩擦音发音要领: f v发音规则 : f : f:five fish fine family fifteen2国际音标的学习 ph:photo phone ele phant
6、 photogra ph gh:lau gh enou gh v : v:very fi ve ha ve f:o f s z发音规则 : s : c:nice city cycle s:sit six some bu s use u s desk book sss:mi ss cla ss glass gra ss z : s:is his plea se mu sic lo se hu sband apple s z:zoo zero? ?发音规则 : ? : sh:she shoe short shop wa sh s:sure A sia t:sta tion na tional pa
7、 tient ss:Russia profe ss ionch:ma chine ? : s:usually televi sion plea sure ? e发音规则 : :th:three th ank mon th thin e :th:this the wi th th an(5) 中元音: ? ?: ?:发音规则: ear:learn ear th early h eard er:her term ir:first g irl b ird sk irt sir th ird or:work w ord w orld ur:nurse t urn h urt Th ursday yr:
8、m yrtle our :jour nalist j our nal?发音规则: a:along about b anan a Canada Chin a e:stud ent open childr en diff erent i:hol iday Apr il o:t oday welc ome p olice u:min us aut umn er:fath er moth er broth er sist er or:doct or forget mirr or ar:sug arre:met re tired fi re3国际音标的学习 ou:delici ous previ ou
9、s ur:surprise Sat urday our :col our ure:pict ure pleas ure oar :cupb oar d yr :mart yr sat yr?发音规则: o: c ome n one l ove otheroo :bl oo d fl oo d ou:t ouch c ou ntry en ough y ou ng u:bus sun b ut c ut up us( 6)破擦音: tr dr ? ? ? ? ? ? 发音规则: t ?: ch:ch air mu ch lunch China tch :wa tch t: pic ture qu
10、es tion d? : g(e):a ge pa ge huge oran ge g:gentle gentleman generaldge :bri dge porri dge judgej:jump jacket just June Jim tr dr 发音规则: tr : tr:tree trip try true truth dr : dr:dress dr ive hun dred chil dren? ? 发音规则: ts : ts:shir ts hurts coa ts cos ts goa ts t s:Le t s tes :kites ga tes da tes zz:
11、pi zza dz : ds :be ds birds hands frien dsdes :deci des(7 )合口双元音: e? a ? ? ?u aue?发音规则: a:name c ake g ame f ace ai:rain tr ain w ait ay: d ay may ok ay play tod ay ei:veil vein4国际音标的学习 ei(gh): eight eighteen eighty ey:th eyea:gr eat br eaka ?发音规则: i:t ime l ike n ice f ine f ivey:m y by why i(g) :s
12、ign h igh ligh t righ tie:d ie lie tie?i发音规则:oi:oil toilet b oil s oiloy:b oy toy empl oyee? 发音规则: o:g o n o nose h omeow :sh ow know yellow wind owoa :g oa t b oa t ou:sh oulder th oughoe :woeau发音规则: ou:out ab out h ouse bl ou se ow:how now cow(8) 鼻(辅)音: m n ?m发音规则:m :m :m an m eat meet ti m em m:c
13、o mm on co mm unicate m(b) :cli mb la m m(n) :autu m nn发音规则: n : n:name nice nine near u nder (k)n :know k nifenn :Ann (m)n :m nemonics ?发音规则: ? : ng:si ng long young morni ng n(k) :tha nk thi nk i nk pi nk n(g) :English(9) 集中双元音: ?e? i?发音规则: e:zero c ereal s eriousea:real rea lly id ea cerea l5国际音标
14、的学习 ere:h ere ear:ear dear hear near cleareer:b eer deer pion eere?发音规则: air:air hair ch air are:c are hare parent ear:p ear wear bear ere:th ere where eir:th eir th eirs a:M ary?发音规则:ure:sure oor :p oor our:t our(10)摩擦音 h r j w及舌侧音 lh发音规则: h :h:he her have hand head hair (w)h :w ho w hom w hoser发音规则:r r:red right th ree rr:so rry wo rry hu rry ca rry ca rrot (w)r :write w rongj 这个音也叫半元音。发音规则:j y:yes you year yellow j:Jensen ja hal
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