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1、【英语】完形填空夹叙夹议练习及解析 一、高中英语完形填空夹叙夹议 1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 As a young boy, Britains great Prime Minister(首相), Sir Winston Churchill attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student and nearly 1 from the school for breaking the rules. 2 , he did finish his scho

2、olwork and his mistakes there did not 3 him from going on to a university. He even really had an army experience, for which he was later elected 4 . He achieved it for his wisdom and 5 . Because he once refused to 6 during the painful days of World War II. His amazing determination helped inspire hi

3、s entire nation and was an 7 worldwide. Towards the end of his period as prime minister, he was 8 to make a speech to the students at his old school. When the great day 9 , Sir Winston Churchill gave his short, clear-cut speech: ?奜畯杮洠湡?敮敶?楧敶甠?丠癥牥朠癩?灵?敎敶?楧敶甠丠癥牥?敮敶?渠癥牥?敮敶 Another 10 example is Sandra

4、Day OConnor who fought to achieve her best education. Graduating at the top of her class, she worked her 11 into Stanford Law school, where she graduated with 12 . Though working hard, she was 13 a woman in the 1950s. She was refused by many law firms 14 they preferred to hire less qualified(有资格的) m

5、an 15 a great woman lawyer. Yet she refused to give up on her dreams. With great efforts her dream 16 came true. Just like Churchill and Sandra, they stand for those who never give up. 17 , many people in our daily life simply say they want something but without making efforts. Instead, they let the

6、 fear of 18 stop them from trying. As a wise saying goes: Its not how many times you fall down that 19 . Its how many times you get back up that makes success! With hard work, 20 and preparation, you can overcome any difficulty and achieve success. D. refusedB. replacedC. returned1. A. removed D. Ca

7、refullyB. Briefly2. A. ThankfullyC. Personally D. pretend3. A. performC. preventB. protect D. teacher4. A. doctorB. ministerC. worker C. excuse5. A. energyB. expressionD. courage D. give awayB. give offC. give in6. A. give out D. interviewB. information7. A. inspirationC. introduction C. invitedD. o

8、rdered8. A. requiredB. succeeded C. survived9. A. aroseD. arrivedB. formed C. practicalD. different10. A. familiarB. similar C. wayB. power11. A. routeD. path C. humorB. harvest12. A. heightD. honors C. onceB. neverD. hardly13. A. still D. ifB. asC. although14. A. when D. less thanB. more than15. A.

9、 other thanC. rather than D. hardly16. A. finallyB. regularlyC. gradually B. HoweverD. AgainC. Besides17. A. Therefore D. concernB. failure18. A. shameC. sadness D. mattersB. affects19. A. deservesC. amazes C. interestD. determination20. A. imaginationB. creativity【答案】 (1)A;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)D;(6)C;

10、(7)A;(8)C;(9)D;(10)B;(11)C;(12)D;(13)A;(14)B;(15)C;(16)A;(17)B; ;)D)D;(20(18)B;(19【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,通过丘吉尔和桑德拉戴奥康纳的例子向我们证 明了成功需要有决心,并且付出努力。 (1)考查动词。句意:他不是一名好学生,差点因为违反学校纪律被学校开除。A. removed“移除,开除”;B. replaced“取代”;C. returned“返回,归还”;D. refused“拒绝”。根 。可知违反学校纪律要被开除,所以选A据“ breaking the rules.” (2)考查副词。句意:谢

11、天谢地,他完成了自己的学业,他的错误没有阻止他进入大学。A. Thankfully“感激地”;B. Briefly“简洁地”;C. Personally“个人地”;D. Carefully“小心地”。根据下文“he did finish his schoolwork and his mistakes there did not _3_ him from 。可知他最终还是上了大学,所以对此他充满感激,故选Agoing on to a university.” (3)考查动词。句意:谢天谢地,他完成了自己的学业,他的错误没有阻止他进入大学。A. perform“表现”;B. protect“保护”

12、;C. prevent“ 阻止”;D. pretend“假装”。根据句意可 。C知他最终上了大学,所以他的错误没有阻止他进入大学,故选 (4)考查名词。句意:他甚至有一段军旅生涯,因此他后来被选为英国首相。A. doctor“医生”;B. minister“首相”;C. worker“工人”;D. teacher“老师”。根据句意和丘吉尔的 。B背景可知他被选为了英国首相,所以选 (5)考查名词。句意:因为他的智慧和勇气,他取得了巨大的成就。A. energy“精力,能量”;B. expression“表达,表情”;C. excuse“理由,借口”;D. courage“勇气”。根据下文“Be

13、cause he once refused to _6_ during the painful days of World War II.”可知他在二战中 。拒绝投降,这说明他很有勇气,所以选D (6)考查动词短语。句意:因为他曾经在二战的痛苦时期拒绝投降。A. give out“分发,用光”;B. give off“发出”;C. give in“屈服”;D. give away“赠送”。根据“His amazing 。Cdetermination”可知他拒绝投降,勇气可嘉,所以选 (7)考查名词。句意:他的决心帮助鼓舞了整个民族,还鼓舞了世界。A. inspiration“灵感,鼓舞”;B.

14、 information“信息”;C. introduction“介绍”;D. interview“采访”。根据上文“His 。Aamazing determination helped inspire his entire nation”,故选 (8)考查动词。句意:在他首相即将结束时,他应约前往母校做演讲。A. required“需要”;B. succeeded“成功”;C. invited“邀请”;D. ordered“命令”。根据句意可知他是被邀请做 。C演讲,故选C. ;”形成. formed“B;”出现A. arose“)考查动词。句意:那个激动人心的日子到来了。9( surviv

15、ed“幸存”;D. arrived“到达”。根据下文“Sir Winston Churchill gave his short, clear-cut 。Dspeech”他做演讲,可知这一天终于到来了,故选 (10)考查形容词。句意:另一个相似的例子是Sandra Day OConnor 。A. familiar“熟悉的”;B. similar“相似的”;C. practical“切实可用的”;D. different“不同的”。根据下文“Just like Churchill and Sandra, they stand for those who never give up.”可知她跟丘吉尔

16、有相似的品质, 。B故选 (11)考查名词。句意:以班里第一的成绩毕业,她努力地考入了Stanford Law school。A. route“路线”;B. power“权利”;C. way“方法,道路”;D. path“小路”。work ones way to固定 。C”,故选短语,“努力进入 (12)考查名词。句意:在Stanford Law school 她以优异的成绩和荣誉毕业。A. height“高度”;B. harvest“收获”;C. humor“幽默”;D. honors“荣誉”。根据下文“a great woman lawyer” 。可知她取得了成就,所以选D (13)考查副

17、词。句意:尽管她很努力,但她仍然是个女士。A. still “仍然”;B. never“从不”;C. once“曾经”;D. hardly“几乎不”。根据下文“She was refused by many law firms _14_ they preferred to hire less qualified(有资格的) man _15_ a great woman lawyer.” 。可知那时很多工作拒绝女性,故选A (14)考查连词。句意:她被很多法律公司拒绝因为他们更喜欢雇佣不太有资格的男士。A. when“当.时”;B. as“因为”;C. although“尽管”;D. if“如果

18、”。根据语境可知前后句表因 。B果关系,故选 (15)考查固定短语。句意:她被很多法律公司拒绝,因为他们更喜欢雇佣不太有资格的男士而不是伟大的女士。A. other than“除了”;B. more than“不仅仅是”;C. rather than“而不是”;D. less than“少于”。根据语境可知她被拒绝了,他们选择男士而不是女士,所以选 。C (16)考查副词。句意:最终,通过努力,她的梦想最终实现了。A. finally“最后,终于”;B. regularly“规律地,定期地”; C. gradually“逐渐地”;D. hardly“几乎不”。根据语境可 。知最终梦想实现,故选

19、A (17)考查副词。句意:然而,很多人在我们的日常生活中仅仅说他们想要,却不付出努力。A. Therefore“因此”;B. However“然而”;C. Besides“另外”;D. Again“再一次”。根据上文可知丘吉尔他们是为梦想付出了努力,而后句中很多人不付出努力,所以前后为转折关 。B系,故选 (18)考查名词。句意:他们让失败的恐惧阻止他们的努力尝试。A. shame“惭愧”;B. failure“失败”;C. sadness“悲伤”;D. concern“关心”。根据语境可知是失败阻止了他们继续 。尝试,故选B (19)考查动词。句意:不是你跌倒了多少次重要。A. deser

20、ves“值得”;B. affects“影响”;C. amazes“使吃惊”;D. matters“重要,起作用”。根据下文“Its how many times you get back 。可知是你跌倒了爬起来多少次使你成功的,故选Dup that makes success!” (20)考查名词。句意:通过努力,决心和准备,你就能克服苦难,取得成功。A. imagination“想象”;B. creativity“创造力”;C. interest “兴趣”;D. determination“决心”。根据 。D上文举的例子可知成功需要努力和决心,故选 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副

21、词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇人生感悟类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系, 进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。 完形填空2 After working an inhuman 8-hour shift at a factory unloading (卸货) parts for cheap furniture, I got on the bus, dirty, tired and hot. I 1 that place every day looking like I worked in a coal mine. 2 , I still felt a bit

22、proud of myself as I had held this tiring job for 3months, which was extremely rare. So when I took my seat on the bus going home, I decided my 3 life would not lower my spirits today. I was dreaming about a better and new life when I was 4 by our new passenger. She was a middle-aged woman with worn

23、-out clothes and messy hair. She got on, aggressively and 5 pushed her way into a front seat, and then turned her glare and 6 on whoever dared to look her way. All I could feel for this woman was 7 . There was no disgust. Only pity and the familiar knowledge of being faceless, nameless, and 8 to no

24、one. Suddenly, she turned her 桴敲瑡湥湩?祥獥琠睯牡獤洠?湡?敶祲氠畯汤?敹汬摥?坜票礠畯猠?洠湡尿 With a smile, I said, I just came from work. She then loudly asked if I worked in hell and broke out in laughter, so I laughed too 10 her and told her that was funny. Then I asked her her name as I 11 why I was so dirty. Her name was

25、Karen. In front of all of us on the bus that day, the power of 12 showed its beauty. In front of all of us this woman 13 . Her language, her posture, and her voice, even the way she ) her head when I spoke to her as a 14 changed.倾斜tilted ( As Karen was getting off the bus, she touched me 15 on the a

26、rm. With tear-filled eyes, she asked whether Id be riding the bus the next day. I promised I 16 . We waved to each ).认可other and then I got what my life had needed all along: affirmation ( Everyone on the bus had been watching us and then an old woman spoke to me, Sir, you just changed that woman wi

27、th your heart. She will never forget how you 17 her. You are great. Other passengers gave me thumbs-up signs showing their 18 That day was the first day when I realized I am 19 . People say I gave Karen something that day but actually she 20 me so much more. I now work in the field of mental health.

28、 I often tell the story of the power of kindness, and I talk about Karen and unlimited possibilities. D. foundB. left1. A. reachedC. visited D. OtherwiseB. Besides2. A. HoweverC. Therefore D. braveC. unhappy3. A. strangeB. interesting B. stoppedD. followedC. challenged4. A. recognized D. gentlyB. qu

29、ietly5. A. rudelyC. slowly D. anger6. A. puzzleB. fearC. surprise D. amazementC. disappointment7. A. satisfactionB. pity B. controlling8. A. demandingD. appealingC. mattering D. crazyB. dirtyC. nervous9. A. sad D. offB. atC. about10. A. with B. regrettedC. admittedD. explained11. A. checked C. kindn

30、essD. honestyB. determination12. A. teamwork B. changedD. agreedC. cheered13. A. hesitated B. strangerD. teacherC. friend14. A. family B. hopelessly15. A. unwillinglyC. patientlyD. softly B. couldC. wouldD. should16. A. might C. persuaded17. A. treatedB. rememberedD. missed B. politenessC. confidenc

31、eD. admiration18. A. humor B. neededC. understood19. A. helpedD. respected B. paidC. gaveD. lent20. A. owed【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)D;(7)B;(8)C;(9)B;(10)A;(11)D;(12)C;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D;(16)C;(17)A; C;(20);(18)D19)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者尽管工作一天又累又脏,但还是在公交车 ,并且悟出了生活的真谛。上用自己的善良改变了Karen (1)考查动词。句意

32、:我每天离开那个地方时都像在煤矿里工作了一样。A. reached“到达”;B. left“离开”;C. visited“参观”;D. found“发现”。根据上文工作后又脏又累,可知是离 。B开时候像在煤矿里工作一样。故选 (2)考查副词。句意:然而,我仍然感到有点自豪,因为我已经做了这份累人 的 工作3个月,这是非常罕见的。A. However“然而”;B. Besides“除此之外,还有”;C. Therefore“因 。A”。我仍然感到自豪同上文又脏又累的工作构成转折关系。故选此”;D. Otherwise“否则 (3)考查形容词。句意:所以当我在回家的公共汽车上坐下来的时候,我决定今

33、天我不快乐的生活不会让我情绪低落。A. strange“奇怪的”;B. interesting“有趣的”;C. unhappy“不快乐的”;D. brave“勇敢的”。根据上下文语境分析,又脏又累的工作,可推断应该是不快 。乐的生活。故选C (4)考查动词。句意:当我们的新乘客拦住我时,我正梦想着一个更好的新生活。A. recognized“认出”;B. stopped“阻止”;C. challenged“挑战”;D. followed“跟随”。根据上下文语境分析,通过对新乘客的描述,可知她吸引了作者的注意力,把作者从梦想中拉倒现实 。B生活中来。故选 (5)考查副词。句意:当我们的新乘客拦住

34、我时,我正梦想着一个更好的新生活。A. rudely”粗鲁地“;B. quietly”安静地“;C. slowly”慢慢地“;D. gently”温柔地“。根据对新乘客 。更符合语境。故选A的描述 aggressively 表示咄咄逼人,rudely (6)考查名词。句意:她上了车,咄咄逼人地粗暴地把自己推到前排座位上,然后把她的目光和愤怒转向了任何敢看她的人。A. puzzle”迷惑“;B. fear”害怕“;C. surprise”惊讶“; 。故选DangerD. anger”愤怒“。根据下文中任何敢看她的人,可以推断为 (7)考查名词。句意:我对这个女人所能感受到的就是怜悯。A. sat

35、isfaction”满意“;B. disgust. no was ”There 。同下文“惊讶amazement”D. ;“失望disappointment”C. ;“怜悯pity” 。相呼应。故选BOnly pity and the familiar knowledge of being faceless, nameless“中的pity (8)考查动词。句意:只有同情和熟悉的无知,无名无姓,对任何人都无关紧要。A. demanding”要求“;B. controlling”控制“;C. mattering”事关紧要“;D. appealing”恳求“。根据 。C对新乘客的描述及句意。故选

36、(9)考查形容词。句意:“你为什么这么脏?” A. sad”悲伤的“;B. dirty”脏的“;C. nervous”紧张的“;D. crazy”疯狂的“。根据下文”Then I asked her name as I _11_ why I 。Bdirty相呼应。故选o dirty.“was s中的 (10)考查介词。句意:然后她大声问我是否在地狱里工作并且大笑起来,所以我也笑了-和她一起,告诉她这很有趣。 A. with”和.一起“;B. at”在(某处)“;C. about”关于“;D. 。A“。根据句意,和某人一起。故选off”离开 (11)考查动词。句意:然后我问她的名字,解释为什么我

37、这么脏。 A. checked”检查“;B. 。D“。故选“;D. explained”解释regretted”后悔“;C. admitted”承认 (12)考查名词。句意:那天在我们大家面前,善良的力量展现了它的美丽。 A. teamwork”团队工作“;B. determination”决定“;C. kindness”善良“;D. honesty”诚实“。根据下文女人的改变及作者的友好和善良,可推断出在公交车上是善良的力量展现了它的美 。丽。故选C (13)考查动词。句意:在我们面前,这个女人变了。 A. hesitated”犹豫“;B. changed”改变“;C. cheered”欢呼

38、“;D. agreed”同意“。根据下文描述女人的语言,姿势,嗓音同上车时 。形成的反差,可知是改变。故选B (14)考查名词。句意:她的语言,她的姿势,她的声音,甚至当我和她说话时,她倾斜她的头的方式就好像一个朋友改变了。A. family”家庭“;B. stranger”陌生人“;C. friend”朋友 。C老师“。根据上下文语境可以看出他们已经成为朋友了。故选“;D. teacher” (15)考查副词。句意:Karen下车时,她轻轻地碰了碰我的胳膊。A. unwillingly”不愿意地“;B. hopelessly”绝望地“;C. patiently”耐心地“;D. softly”

39、温柔地“。根据上文Karen的改 。Dsoftly更符合语境。故选变,可知 (16)考查情态动词。句意:我答应我会的。A. might”可能“;B. could”能够“;C. would”会“;D. should”应该“。根据上文Karen问我第二天是否会坐公交车的回答,我答应我会的。 。故选C (17)考查动词。句意:她永远不会忘记你是怎么对待她的。A. treated”对待“;B. remembered”记得“;C. persuaded”劝说“;D. missed”想念“。根据上文可知我改变了 。AKaren,所以应该是对待更符合语境。故选 (18)考查名词。句意:其他乘客给我竖起大拇指,

40、以示他们的钦佩。A. humor”幽默“;B. politeness”礼貌“;C. confidence”信心“;D. admiration”钦佩“。根据上文老妇人说的话可知 。,得到了其他乘客的认可。故选D作者用心改变了Karen (19)考查动词。句意:那天是我第一天意识到我是被需要的。A. helped”帮助“;B. needed”需要“;C. understood”理解“;D. respected”尊重“。根据上文我改变了Karen,并且 。得到认可,可知我是被需要的。故选B (20)考查动词。句意:人们说我那天教会Karen一些东西,但实际上她给了我更多的东”People say I

41、 gave 。根据上文“借给D. lent”;“给予C. gave”;“支付B. paid”;“欠A. owed”西。 。相呼应。故选CKaren something that day“中的gave 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇人生感悟类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系, 进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。 3阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最 佳选项。 My parents left for our hometown on Thursday and we went t

42、o see them off. My father, who retired (退休) last month, had never traveled by air before, so I just took this 1 to make his experience wonderful. Although they told me they preferred to travel by train, I got them 2 tickets. The moment I 3 the tickets to him, he was 4 to see that I had booked two pl

43、ane tickets for them. He was very 5 , waiting for the travel. He was enjoying himself and I, too was filled with 6 , watching him experience all these things. As they were about to leave, my father 7 to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. I knew he was thankful not because I had done something

44、 great, but because of the 8 that this meant a great deal to him. Thinking about the whole incident (事件), I realized I had done what my father had 9 . We, as children, 10 our parents for foods, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Whether they can 11 them or not, our parents 12 almost all our needs. 13 , wh

45、en it comes to our children, regardless of the amount of 14 , we will make sure that we give them the best. But we sometimes forget that our parents have 15 a lot to make us happy, so it is our 16 to make sure they can experience all that they 17 to see when they were young. Just as we take care of

46、our children, the 18 care and attention needs to be given to our parents. I do 19 how much they have sacrificed (牺牲) for me. However, that doesnt mean they have to give up everything and keep sacrificing everything for their grandchildren. They have their own 20 and dreams, too. D. advantageC. chall

47、enge1. A. chanceB. holiday D. filmC. train2. A. busB. air D. threw3. A. sentC. handedB. posted D. surprised4. A. frightenedC. worriedB. disappointed D. tiredC. nervous5. A. excitedB. calm D. fearB. wonderC. happiness6. A. anger D. repliedC. explained7. A. listenedB. walked D. factC. suggestion8. A.

48、wonderB. promise D. looked back onC. looked out forB. looked down on9. A. looked forward to D. thank10. A. waitB. askC. search D. afford11. A. reachB. catchC. have D. completeC. refuseB. satisfy12. A. finish D. FinallyB. LuckilyC. Similarly13. A. Strangely D. workB. time14. A. moneyC. power D. plann

49、ed15. A. leftC. doneB. found D. responsibility16. A. ideaB. dreamC. reason D. dislikedB. used17. A. failedC. managed D. hopefulB. helpful18. A. activeC. same D. forgetC. compareB. appreciate19. A. remember D. wishesB. strengthsC. requirements20. A. beliefs【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D

50、;(9)A;(10)B;(11)D;(12)B;(13)C;(14)A;(15)C;(16)D;(17)A; ;)D19)B;(20(18)C;(【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者带着父亲去旅行, 父亲激动的溢于言表, 变 他们也有愿望。, 老并不意味着他们必须放弃一切 (1)考查名词。句意:我的父亲上个月退休了, 他以前从来没有坐过飞机, 所以我就利用这个机会让他的经历变得精彩。A. chance”机会“;B. holiday”假日“;C. challenge”挑战“;D. advantage”优点“。根据上文可知父亲从来没坐过飞机, 因此作者想要利用这次机会让父亲坐 。飞机。故选A

51、 (2)考查名词。句意:尽管他们告诉我他们更喜欢坐火车旅行, 我还是给他们买了机票。A. bus”公交车“;B. air”飞机“;C. train”火车“;D. film”电影“。根据下文”I had booked two 。可知是飞机票。故选Bplane tickets for them. “ (3)考查动词。句意:我刚把机票递给他, 他就惊讶地发现我为他们订了两张机票。A. sent”发送“;B. posted”邮寄“;C. handed”递给“;D. threw”扔“。根据下文”the tickets to 。Chim“可知是递给父亲机票。故选 (4)考查形容词。句意:我刚把机票递给他,

52、 他就惊讶地发现我为他们订了两张机票。A. frightened”吓人的“;B. disappointed”失望的“;C. worried”担心的“;D. surprised”惊讶的“。根据上文”Although they told me they preferred to travel by train, I got them“可知父亲之前并不 。D, 因此很惊讶。故选知道作者买了机票 (5)考查形容词。句意:他非常激动, 等待着这次旅行。A. excited”激动的“;B. calm”冷静的“;C. nervous”紧张的“;D. tired”疲惫的“。根据下文”He was enjoyi

53、ng himself“可知父亲很 。激动。故选A (6)考查名词。句意:他玩得很开心, 我也很开心, 看着他经历这一切。A. anger”愤怒“;B. wonder”惊讶“;C. happiness”幸福,开心“;D. fear”害怕“。根据上文”He was enjoying 。C, 自己也很开心。故选himself and I, too“可知作者看到父亲开心 (7)考查动词。句意:当他们要离开的时候, 我的父亲含着泪向我走来, 并向我表示感谢。A. listened”听“;B. walked”走“;C. explained”解释“;D. replied”回复“。根据下文”to me 。Bw

54、ith tears in his eyes“可知父亲含泪向作者走来。故选 (8)考查名词。句意:我知道他感激我, 不是因为我做了一件伟大的事, 而是因为这件事对他意义重大。A. wonder”奇迹“;B. promise”承诺“;C. suggestion”建议“;D. fact”事实“。可知父亲感激作者是因为这件事对他意义重大”that this meant a great deal to him. “根据下文 。D的事实。故选 (9)考查动词短语。句意:回想起整个事件, 我意识到我做了我父亲所期望的事情。A. looked forward to”期待“;B. looked down on”

55、看不起“;C. looked out for”留心“;D. looked back on”回顾“。根据下文可知作者有意识回报父亲, 这正是做父亲的所期望看到的。故选 。A (10)考查动词。句意:作为孩子, 我们向父母要食物、衣服、玩具、郊游等等。A. wait”等待“;B. ask”询问,要求“;C. search”搜索“;D. thank”感谢“。根据下文”our parents for foods, dresses, toys, outings“可知作为孩子, 我们向父母要食物、衣服、玩具、郊游等等。 。B, 故选ask for固定短语要求 (11)考查动词。句意:不管他们能不能负担得起, 我们的父母几乎满足了我们所有的需求。A. reach”到达“;B. catch”抓住“;C. have”拥有“;D. afford”买得起“。根据上文”for foods, dresses, toys, outings“可知作为孩子所要求的这些, 不管父亲是不是负担得起, 父母总是要满 。D足我


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