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1、自考 05440 商务英语写作练习题试卷 料 供参考商 英 写作 卷( 程代 : 5440)I. Multiple-choice: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (1 point each)1. Please let us know which of our products _.A. you are interestedB. are you interestedC. they are interes

2、tedD. you are interested in2. We _ your name and address _ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn.A. are learning.fromB. have learned.fromC. have com e to know .ofD. have been given.from3. We are now enclosing a pricelist for all the items you _ in your letter under reply.4. If you are prepared to increase you

3、r _ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock.5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer _.6. This is a new product but it is gaining _ popularity in the world market.A. many moreB. better and betterC. increasingly steadyD. steadily increasing7. Concerning th

4、e _ L/C, we wish to inform you that there are several clauses that need amendment.8. We wish to make it clear to you that we shall not _ the shipment if they arrive after December 19, .9. Following your order _ 400 pieces of electronic toys last year, we are pleased to receive your order No. 456_ th

5、e same quantity.A. for, ofB. of , ofC. for, forD. with, for10.As agreed upon in our negotiation, payment _ L/C.A. byB. willC. are byD. is to be made by11.We will do our best to _ shipment to meet your requirements in time.A. complyB. makeC. expeditingD. arranged12. Any loss or damage noticed when th

6、e goods are delivered must be reported to the _ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it.13. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days.14. Your failure to open the L/C in time will _impossible f

7、or us to deliver goods within the period stipulated in the contract.A. make them beB. make it beC. make itD. make that be15.The stipulationsinyourL/C _ not in accordance with the contract, we have to request you to make an amendment.A. isB. beingC. is to beD. would be16.In _ of quality, our make is

8、superior.A. termsB. termC. connectionD. connections17._, the buyers have urged us to expedite shipment of their order.A. The season approachingB. The season is approachingC. As season approachingD. The season was approaching18.We accept as an exception your order _ business with you.A. with a view t

9、o beginB. with a view to startC. with a view to closeD. with a view to initiating资料仅供参考19._ our efforts, we have persuaded our clients to accept your offer.A. Result inB. Result fromC. As a result ofD. With a result in20.Prices of raw materials _ steeply since our quotation of November 1, .A. roseB.

10、 have risenC. risingD. rise21.We_ if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.A. should appreciateB. appreciateC. appreciate it D. would appreciate it22.We _the fact that the market is declining.A. are aware ofB. awareC. aware ofD. are aware23.Should your price _ competitive, w

11、e will place a trial order _you.A. is; withB. are; fromC. is; fromD. be; with24.There is steady demand here _silk scarves of high quality.A. inB ofC. forD. on25.We regret_ entertain your order for our Green Beans as we are in short supply at present.A. not able toB. are unable toC. cannotD. our inab

12、ility to26.We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied _.A. from stockB. in stockC. out of stockD. of stock27.For all the remaining items, the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but these dates should not be exceededby 20 days.A. in no caseB. in any caseC. under n

13、o circumstance D. by all means28._ your letter of March 5, we are pleased to inform you that the L/C has been received.A. Replying toB. Replied toC. ReplyingD. Replied29.We are _ receipt of your letter of June 15, .A. onB. fromC. inD. for30.We recommend _ a small quantity for trial.A. to buyB. buyC.

14、 boughtD. buying31.They have _ a price which we think will be acceptable _ you.A. offer; toB. bidden; toC. bidden; byD. bid; with32.A sample of our new beef extract has been sent to you today _ parcel post, and we hope it will reach you _perfect condition.A. with; inB. in; byC. on; withD. by; in33.I

15、t is possible that you couldnt find the new patterns _ you are looking in this catalogue.A. for whatB whichC. for whichD. that34.The gloves are made _superior genuine leather and can be supplied _ various designs and colors.A of; inB. from; withC. with; inD. in; at35.The price of our new products is

16、 8% _than _ of similar products of Japanese origin.A. lower; thatB. below; thoseC. under; thatD. lower; those36.We feel sure that a fair comparison _ quality between ourcanned goodsand those of othersuppliers will convinceyou _ the reasonableness of our quotation.A. with; ofB. in; ofC. for; inD. on;

17、 in37.As thisproduct isnow _ greatdemand and the supply israther _,we would recommend you to accept this offeras soon as possible.A. in; limitedB. in; limitingC. of; limitedD at; limiting38. _view of the huge demand _ this article, we would advise you to work fast and place an order with us the soon

18、est possible.39.We deem it _ your advantage _ avail yourself _ our offer for 1,000 wave radios.40. This offer is made _ the clear understanding that if they are not completely _your liking , you can return them to us without any obligation whatever and _ our own expense.资料仅供参考A. at; to; atB. in; for

19、; forC. in; in; forD. on; to; at41.The damage to the goods _rough handling.A. results inB. due toC . results fromD. leads to42.Mr. Wood guarantees that Mr. Feng will _ their equipment.A. satisfyB. satisfactoryC . be satisfied with D. satisfy with43.Thank you very much for informing us that the goods

20、 _Contract No. 791 were shipped on May 10.A. atB. underC. onD. in44.We shall be glad if you agree to ship the goods to us as before _ Documents against Payment basis.A withB. duringC. inD. on45.We have opened an L/C in your favor _ the amount of RMB 20,000.A. onB. inC. byD. at46.If the amount exceed

21、s that figure, payment _ L/C will be required.A. atB. byC. forD. in47.From the enclosed copy of invoice you will see that price of 1,880 is well _ the maximum figure you stated.A. inB. withinC. betweenD. at48.You would agree, we wish, _the 10% discount we have offered.A. thatB. forC. toD. by49.For t

22、his area, we are looking for a young man to act _our representative.A. asB. upC. on D for50. We hope that you will take your commercial reputation into _and open the L/C at once. A. idea B. thinking C account D. it51. Two months have passed since the date of the signing of the above mentioned contra

23、ct, but the relevant L/C has notyet _us.A. comeB. got C. arrived D. reached52. We are already represented by our _agent in your city for the _of our products. A. sole; selling B. sole; sale C. only; sale D. only; selling53.We have to ask you to extend the date of shipment and date of negotiation to

24、Sept. 30 and 15th Oct. _.A. separatelyB. respectively C. respectfully D. punctually54.I am well-acquainted _ local conditions and have excellent business connections.A. atB. withC. in D. for55.Please _us your competitive prices for the following items.A. tellB. giveC. quote D. send56._your request,

25、we take pleasure _sending you herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue.A.As; inB. At; inC. With; atD. To; from57.We have established an irrevocable L/C _your favor _the Bank of China, Ningbo.A. with; in B. at; withC. in; withD. with; with58.As the price of our Table-cloth is reasonably fixed, we

26、 regret that we are not in a _to allow any discount.A. position B. condition C. mood D. market59. There is no possibility of getting business done unless you _your price by 3%.A. reduction B. cut C. reduce D. offer60. We regret to inform you that we have to return the goods to you at your _.A. costs

27、 B. charges C convenience D. expenses61.In our letter of May 10, we make _ clear that shipment be effected in June.62.As said in the email today, we are forwarding you under separate cover the samples, _you will find themsatisfactory.A. hopeB. to hopeC. hopingD. hopefully63.Letters of complaint shou

28、ld be written with care and tact _to harm future business relationships.A. in orderB. in not orderC. in order notD. not in order资料仅供参考64.Our products are of better quality than _ from other sources.A. thatB. thisC. themD. those65.We are unable to accept your offer, as the goods are of short _.A. sup

29、plyB. productsC. factoryD. stock66._accepting the draft, the bank will require you to present documents such as B/L, Packing List, etc.A. AsB. BeforeC. BehindD. On67.As the shipment was delayed, the buyer _ the seller for an explanation.A. forcedB. pressedC. hastenedD. expedited68.It is important th

30、at your client _ the relevant L/C not later than April 10.A. must openB. opensC. openD. has to open69. I wonder if you could advance the shipment by one month _we need it urgently.A. becauseB. even ifC. orD. because of70. We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _ in your letter under

31、 reply.A. requiredB. informedC. saidD. inquired71. Please make serious efforts to have the goods _ promptly.A. dispatchB. dispatchedC. dispatchingD. to dispatch72._your inquiry for a supply of desktop radios, we are glad to offer as follows.A. Relying onB. Relied onC. Replying toD. Replied to73. For

32、 all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but_ would these dates be exceeded by more than 15 days.A. in no caseB. in any caseC. under any circumstancesD. by all means74. _our S/C 1805 dated March 15, we are able to make the goods shipped by the end of next month.A. Refer

33、 toB. ReferringC. With reference toD. With refer to75.We shall _you as soon as the supply position improves.A. communicateB. notifyC. advise toD. make known76.The design of the garment is very nice but its color does not_ to me.A .attractB. suitC. appealD. fit77.Damage _the goods was caused by heavy

34、 rain during transit.A. inB. forC. onD. to78.After unpacking the case we found the goods did not _ with the original sample.A. agreeB. matchC. compareD. measure79.Because of their superior quality, our silk coats always _in Europe.A. are sold fastB. sell fastC. have been sold fastD. be sold fast80.Y

35、our firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co., _ we have done business for many years.A. whichB. with thatC. whomD. with whom81 We look forward to _ a trial orderAreceivingB. receive fromCreceiptDreceipt your82 We _ some brochures _to illustrate the products we manufacturedAenclose, to youBenclose

36、, youC enclose, /D enclose, your83 If you will send us a catalog by air, we shall _ very muchAappreciateB appreciatingCappreciationDappreciate it84 We would like to take this _ to establish business relations with you.AstepB opportunityC advantageDopening85 The shipment time is June or July at our _

37、 and the goods will be shipped in one _.Aoption, lotBoption, consignment C choice, shipmentD decision, cargo86 The first shipment of pens has turned out to the _of the buyers.A satisfyB satisfiedC satisfactionD satisfactory87 I want to acquaint myself _ the supply position of steel products.AofB wit

38、hCforD about资料仅供参考88 As it only _a smal1 quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.AinvolvesBinvolvingC has involvedDmay have involved89 In case the said goods are not available_ stock, please keep us informed at all early date.AonB byCfromD out of90. On your own account

39、there is a balance of $300 that appears to have beenby you.AoverlookingB astrayCforgetD overlooked91 You can find _ for black tea here.Aa ready marketBbeneficialCgreatly popular Dselling fast92 We are glad that we have _ an agreement on this matter.AcomeB gotC reachedD arrived93 We cannot see any po

40、ssibility of business_ your price is too high.AsinceB while CthoughtDthat94 We have made _ that we would accept D P terms for your future orders.AclearB it clearC that clearDit is clear95 We would make you the following offer,subject to your reply_ us not later than November 25th.AreachB reachingC r

41、eachesDbeing reached96 Please _ to let us have your offer as soon as possible.Ado the bestBdo your bestCmake the bestD make your best97 We assure you of our ful1_in executing the contract.AcooperationBexpenseC IntentionDappreciation98 _our S C No.301 ,we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10.AWith reference toB Refer toCReferringDWith refer to99 After inspection of the shipment,we found 5 cases _.AmissingB.1osingC missedD lost100 _ your letter of March 4, we are pleased to inform you that th


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