1、SWOT Analysis Definition Method Mission Advantage ImplementDefinition SWOT means Strength,Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats SWOT analysis is consist of two parts :1. Internal assessment:an examination of internal Strength and Weaknesses of organization or company and ifs products.2 External asses
2、sment:an examination of external Opportunities and Threats, focus on company external environment, identify your competitors pose a Threats, looks at the opportunities presented by market place3SWOT Analysis industryB CustomersP Competitors Tradingpart ners! technology Government Social In stituti o
3、nsIn dustryCustomersCompetitorsTradi ngpart nerstechnologyGovernme ntSocialIn stitutionsResources Human Organization Tech no logical Fin ancial Physical CapabilitiesThe SWOT Analysis is a standard tool used at strategy planningThe SWOT Analysis is a standard tool used at strategy planning3MethodMeth
4、od SWOT is an effective method of identifying SWOT is an effective method of identifying your Strength and Weaknesses , and to examine the Opportunities and Threats you face To carry out a SWOT Analysis write down answers to the following question first: Strength : What are your advantage ? What do
5、you do well ?Weaknesses :your Strength and Weaknesses , and toexamine the Opportunities and Threats youface To carryoutSWOT Analysiswritedow nanswers to the following question first:Strength : What are your advantage ? What do you do well ?Weaknesses : What could be improves? What is done badly ? Wh
6、at should be avoided ?Opportunities Where are the good chances facing you? What are the interesting trends ?Useful opportunities can come from: Changes in technology and markets Changes in government policy Changes in social patterns, population profiles. Local eventsThreats What obstacles do you fa
7、ce ? What is your competition doing ? Are the required specifications for your job, products or services changing ? Is changing tech no logy threatening your position ? Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problem ?6Mission9An organization s fundamental purposeSWOT AnalysisTo formulate strategies that
8、support the missionInternal AnalysisStrcn gthsWeaknessesExternal AnalysisOpportunitiesThreatsGood strategies :1. Exploit opportunities and strengths2. Neutralize threats and avoid weaknessesAdvantage A SWOT analysis is a business analysis technique and an analytical tool that can help you work throu
9、gh all information you have about your business. Many of the conclusion that you draw as a result of the SWOT analysis will be incorporated into the market strategy of the business plan . It is very imports nt that a SWOT an alysis be kept simple. The idea is to drive strategic thinking with the res
10、ults of the SWOT. SWOT analysis forces managers to betterunderstand and respond to those factors for the firms performance.Implement SWOT Analysis of SelfSWOT is a useful technique and is used in many circumstances. It can easily be applied to yourself SWOT Analysis is often used as a marketing tool
11、 for goods and services . You may like to use SWOT format to consider your business ideas at the option choice stage .Example :SWOT Analysis of Self_Personal Strengths Good competitive skill Good reputation Good relation /contact with customer. Special expertise for process managementPersonal Weakne
12、sses Lack of confidence Fear of presentation No clear strategic direction Lack of managerial depth Weak market imagePersonal Opportunities Fast market growth Expand service to meet broader range of die nt needs Re-structure for new businessesPersonal Threats Growing competitive pressure. To get a jo
13、b New competitors entrySWOT Analysis of Storage TekStrength85% market share in tape librariesStrong reputation for product robustness,delivery and service.U OpportunitiesThe exploding information age Emerging web commerce. Unbounded growth in data .storage .WeaknessesLittle presence in emerging high
14、 growth marketsLate adopter of software technologies Poor reputation for new product ontime delivery.ThreatsMany new playe匚Constant (aggressive) price erosion of storage peripherals.台、爲某靡托车產業SWOT分析|A重型B重型1 已具經濟規模1.傅統引李机車産業基碎雄厚2 离級技術人力充沛2周遥支援産業芫整优3中心衡心体系健全3机電整合人才优秀4 制造技術与產品品質与H本差距逐 漸縮小4-加工制造技術成熟势5.15
15、0C.C.以下机車全球競爭力僅次5.國内硏幣切入還算早,整車於日本制造技術与先進國家差距不6与中國大陸文化相同,易接近當地 龐大的消費市場大1多數車厂受制於日本技術母厂丿缺 乏技带自主性1耒逹經酒量産規複劣2硏筋周期長,且設計能力鼓弱2電撅技術仍待提升3零件厂硏筋能力不足化油器等關傩3.關键零件如功率元件仍需仰元件仍需仰檢進口巔進口势4.原材科缺乏4无電環境尚耒完善5. 150c. c.以上大排气量机車制造技術5人力、土地成本偏高仍不成熟121加入WTO后市場関放丿且國内市場 己趨飽和紡爭將更加激烈2部份車厂外銷區域受日本母厂臺制 3國内環保恒准日超巖苛,且保護措 施將解除,増加厂商硏筋成本4
16、朿南亞.中國大监業者拽苴勞力、 土地成本之优势挑戢本國業音L面臨茸他線色忘保産品丿如 電動自行車、低污引芈染机 車等之壽爭2 大陸政策支持且生産成較低3美.日、氐等國業者加入號 爭4先進國家学控先進電池、控 制器關捷元件等技術5赍大陸政策影箸大1由勰洲.中南美洲、OSs 中國大陸、轴等海外市場2胸150cc以上大排气馴車市場3 進軍鯛電功能机重市埸1全球歳保趨勢明黏市鞠力 大2專利地酣糧占海進入3先進國家使用購便礼消費制線色産讎受鯛4 酗政府政策鯛支持13日本化妆品資生堂SWOT分析14忧势;1 歴史焙久形象佳2.堀更占多3物流中心4. 資訊快速与耀銷商關系良好5. 拿握不同消費者需求 T. CM巨全面産品6. 垂直整合
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