



1、2011从句汇总1. (2011天津卷)10The days are gone _ physical strength was all you needed to make a living【A】a) Awhen Bthat Cwhere Dwhich2. (2011江西卷)34She showed he visitors around the museum, the construction_ has taken more than three years【C】a) Afor which Bwith which Cof which Dto which3. (2011全国II)19It was

2、 a nice meal,_a little expensive【A】a) Athough Bwhether Cas Dsince4. (2011陕西卷)19_all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post 【B】a) ASince BWhile CIf D5. (2011山东卷)32The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are built close to each other【D】a) AtheyBwhereCwhatDthat6.

3、(2011四川卷)10Our teachers always tell us to believes in we do and who we are if we want to succeed【C】a) Awhy Bhow Cwhat Dwhichb) (2011天津卷)5 regular exercise is very importantIts never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime【C】c) AIt BAs CAlthough DUnless7. (2011江西卷)29Please call my secretary to a

4、rrange a meeting this afternoon, or _ it is convenient to you【A】a) Awhenever Bhowever b) Cwhichever Dwherever8. (2011江苏卷)24Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-cream【AAwhat Bhow Cthat Dwhy9. (2011北京卷)22 Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happin

5、ess【B】a) AWhich BWhat CThat DWhom10. (2011陕西卷)15Id like to start my own business thats Id do if I had the money 【D】a) Awhy Bwhen Cwhich Dwhat11. (2011湖南卷)31 Bfore the problem can be solved, it must be obvious _the promlen itself is 【A】a) Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhy12. (2011安徽卷)33His writing is so confus

6、ing that its difficult to make out _it is he is trying to express2 / 5【D】a) AthatBhowCwhoDwhat13. (2011山东卷)26Im afraid hes more of a talker than a doer, which is _he never finishing anything【D】a) Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhy14. (2011山东卷)33Weve offered her the job, but I dont know_ shell accept it【C】a) Aw

7、hereBwhatCwhetherDwhich15. (2011全国新课标卷)31The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imagination【C】a) Athat Bwhich Cwhose Dwhat16. (2011重庆卷)34It is not always easy for the public to see _ use a new invention can be of to human life【B】a) Awhose Bwhatb) Cwhich Dthat17. (2011福建卷)24She has a gi

8、ft for creating an atmosphere for her students _ allows them to communicate freely with each other【A】a) Awhich Bwhere Cwhat Dwho18. (2011天津卷)13Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases【C】a) Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere19. (2011江西卷)26The villagers have already known _ w

9、e will do is to rebuild the bridge【C】a) Athis Bthat Cwhat Dwhich20. (2011辽宁卷)25No matter how , it is not necessarily lifeless【D】a) Aa desert may be dry Bdry a desert may beb) Cmay a desert be dry Ddry may a desert be21. (2011重庆卷)22It is still under discussion _the old bus station should be replaced

10、with a modern hotel or not【A】a) AWhether Bwhenb) Cwhich Dwhere22. (2011浙江卷)8English is a language shared by several diverse cultures ,each of_ uses it somewhat differently 【A】a) Awhich Bwhat Cthem Dthose23. (2011山东卷)28He had his camera ready_he saw something that would make a good picture【C】a) Aeven

11、 if Bif only Cin case Dso that24. (2011北京卷)26Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, , of course, made all the others upset【B】a) Awho Bwhich Cwhat Dthat25. (2011陕西卷)11I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake 【B】a) Awhich Bwhere Cwho D

12、that26. (2011重庆卷)30To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off we are to shake hands with【C】a) Awhichever Bwheneverb) Cwhoever Dwherever27. (2011全国新课标卷)22Try she might, Sue couldnt get the door open【D】a) Aif Bwhen Csince Das28. (2011浙江卷)4One Friday,we were packing to leave for a week

13、end away _ my daughter beard cries for help 【D】a) Aafter Bwhile Csince Dwhen29. (2011福建卷)33It was April 29,2011 Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony【B】a) Athat Bwhen Csince Dberore30. (2011四川卷)17The school shop, customers are mainly students,is closed

14、 few the holidays【B】a) Awhich Bwhose Cwhen Dwhere31. (2011辽宁卷)32When the news came the war broke out, he decided, to serve in the army【C】a) AWhenBWhereCthatDwhichb) Awhen Bthat Cwhere Dthere32. (2011湖南卷)25Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of _ she spoke flurntly 【C】a) Awho Bwhom Cwhi

15、ch Dthat33. (2011安徽卷)28Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator , _ it will keep for two or three weeks【C】a) Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dwhile34. (2011四川卷)4Frank insisted that he was not asleep I had great difficulty in waking him up【B】a) Awhether Balthough Cfor Dso35. (2011北京卷)29 volleyball

16、is her main focus, shes also great at basketball【D】a) ASince BOnce CUnless DWhile36. (2011江苏卷)26It was never clear _ the man hadnt reported the accident sooner【D】a) AthatBhowCwhenDwhy37. (2011四川卷)6As it reported, it is 100 years _Qinghua University was founded【D】a) Awhen Bbefore 38. (2011全国II)7Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-


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