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1、纳兰性德浣溪沙残雪凝辉冷画屏英译残雪凝辉冷画屏。落梅横笛已三更,更无人处月胧明。我是人间惆怅客,知君何事泪纵横,断肠声里忆平生。Stream Silk-RinsingNala n Xi ngdeThe pain ted scree n isn t shor n of its cold light on the slushed snow.The pipe on the tune of plum-petals is still blow n in the dead of ni ght,When the quiet place has bee n bathed in the dim moon lig

2、ht.I m only a hearfending stranger in this very human life,Yet I won der why I have tears cours ing dow n my cheeks.In the mournful lore I cannot but conjure up my life long creeks.(By吴松林)纳兰性德秣陵怀古英译山色江声共寂寥,十三陵树晚萧萧。中原事业如江左,芳草何须怨六朝。1On the Capital of YoreNala n Xi ndeBoth mountain hue and river song a

3、re sad and drear;Showers of leaves on Thirtee n Tombs ruffle the ear.The Norther n Kings sought pleasure on the Souther n shore;The bygo ne dyn asties n eed no grass to deplore.1.Nanjing was the capital of the Six Dynasties (211-280; 317-589) and of the early Ming,whose thirteen emperors were buried

4、 in the Thirteen Tombs and whose last emperor sought pleasure on the Souther n shore and was overthrow n.(By许渊冲)纳兰性德记征人语(二)英译列幕平沙夜寂寥,楚云燕月两迢迢。 征人自是无归梦,却枕兜鍪卧听潮。What I Hear From the WarriorsNala n Xi ngdeThe camps over the sandy field are quiet i n the ni ght;Clouds of Chu are too far away from the moo

5、n of Yan.A dream of reunion is impossible for us warriors;We lie listening to the tidewater, head on helmet.(By王晋熙、文殊 )纳兰性德如梦令万帐穹庐人醉英译万帐穹庐人醉,星影摇摇欲坠。归梦隔狼河,又被河声搅碎。还睡,还睡,解道醒来无味。To the Tune-title “ As in a Dream, a Short Lyric”by Nala n Sin gdeTen thousa nd felted tents filled with exhausted men;Flicker

6、 and fade of stars about to set.I was travelli ng home and trapped by the Wolf-River that dream;And again the river s clamour has broken it!Let me sleep on,et me sleep on;Awake, I know the savour of life will be gone.To the Tune of Ru Meng LingNala n Xin gdeThe vast en campme nt is locked in drunken

7、 slumber.The stars whirl and whirl, as if to crash to earth.Dreams of retur n blocked and crashed by the Baila ng River.Sleep on! Sleep on!To wake would be too doleful and too drear.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)Better SleepNa-lan Xin g-deSilenee settles over this wilderness of tents. Many a cup have I drained. Ah! the

8、 stars are flickering, perilously reeli ng.I am off, headed for home. But that Wolf River bars my way. It howls my dream is shattered!Sleep, better go back to sleep, for the wak ing hours are dreary.(翁显良译)纳兰性德金缕曲慰西溟英译何事添凄咽?但由他、天公簸弄,莫教磨涅。失意每多如意少,终古几人称屈。须知道、福因才折。独卧藜床看北斗,背高城、玉笛吹成血。听谯鼓,二更彻。丈夫未肯因人热。且乘闲、五

9、湖料理, 扁舟一叶。泪似秋霖挥不尽,洒向野田黄蝶。须不羡、承明班列。马迹车尘忙未了,任西风、吹冷长安月。又萧寺, 花如雪。Grieve NotNa-Ian Xin g-deWhy make misery more miserable? Let the gods do what they will, adamant we are, unsullied we shall rema in.Life is for us almost perpetual frustration. And no wonder. To show intelligenee is to lose grace;it been s

10、o from time immemorial. Many like us were denied justice. How many, who kno ws?Here I am all alone, stretched on a rude couch but still with an eye to the stars. Somewhere below the city walls some flutist is pouring out his heart in a torrent of agonizing music. Now I hear the watchtower drum boo m

11、ing out the hour: the dark ni ght is not half way through.Who would be a man shall seek no patr on age. Better get ready a boat while we can, that we may leave these shores and lose ourselves in the watery wastes.There no stanching my tears, copious as the autumn rain. Any living creatures take noti

12、ce? Perhaps a few butterflies in the deserted fields.Not that I envy those at court. A dizzy whirl, and then, when the west wind hits the capital, when even the moon shudders what the n?Yet the cloistered flowers are chaste as virgin snow.纳兰性德蝶恋花又到绿杨曾折处英译又到绿杨曾折处,不语垂鞭,踏遍清秋路。衰草连天无意绪,雁声远向萧关去。不恨天涯行役苦,只恨

13、西风,吹梦成今古。明日客程还几许,沾衣况是新寒雨。Tune: “ Butterflies in Love with Flowers”Here where we parted and did breakGree n poplar sprigs that each should takeFor true loves sake,Wordless, ridin g-crop limp trail ing,Aga in those well-remembered waysI tread, in the clear autu mn rays;Fronting a world of blear grass,

14、 feeling failing:And far unto the Frontier Pass wild geese are wailing. Tis not the bitterness of ever wendingOn pilgrimage unending:No, tis the West Win ds moaning makes me sorrow,Which all our dreams must blowInto the nothingn ess of evermore.Yet farther, ever farther, on the morrowThe wan derer m

15、ust go,Dress dren ched, afresh to face wet win ter frore.(By John Tun er)纳兰性德相见欢落花如梦凄迷英译落花如梦凄迷,麝烟微,又是夕阳潜下小楼西。愁无限,消瘦尽,有谁知?闲教玉笼鹦鹉念郎诗。Tune:“ Joy at Meeting ”Nala n Xi ndeFaile n petals are like a dream and mist,sad and blurred.Aga in the sun is sett ing on the Wester n tower.In side the chamber filli n

16、g the air is some muskToo much gloom has made me thin dow n.But who knows my sorrow?Idli ng away the hoursI turn to teach ing the parrotTo read aloud poems set by my love.(By唐正秋)纳兰性德长相思山一程英译山一程,水一程,身向榆关那畔行,夜深千帐灯。风一更,雪一更,聒碎乡心梦不成,故园无此声。To the Tune of Chang Xiang SiNala n Xi ngdeOver mountains, over ri

17、versWe plod to the Sha nhai Pass.A myriad of fires light the ni ghtFrom our camp on the river bank.The shriek ing sno wstorm breaks my dreamOf my peaceful, tranq uil home.(BY杨宪益戴乃迭)纳兰性德采桑子那能寂寞芳菲节英译那能寂寞芳菲节,欲话生平。夜已三更,一阕悲歌泪暗零。须知秋叶春花促,点鬓星星。遇酒须倾,莫问千秋万岁名。Picking MulberriesNala n Xi ngdeWhy feel l on ely i

18、n the entrancing fragra nee seas on?My chest heaved with sighs for the life long track.It is already in the dead of ni ght,When a dry-eyed monody floats in sight.One should be aware that Tempus fugit, which isClearly proved by the graying sparse hairs.Let s drink till our togues trip,And n ever mind

19、 aeons of time without hetup.(BY吴松林)纳兰性德浣溪沙谁念西风独自凉英译谁念西风独自凉?萧萧黄叶闭疏窗。沉思往事立残阳。被酒莫惊春睡重,赌书消得泼茶香。当时只道是寻常。Stream Silk-RinsingNala n Xi ngdeCold on my own in the west wind, dear kno ws?In cised win dows bli nd by the fall of the rustled leaves,In the sett ing sun the past to my mind flows.Let my cup not to

20、 jerk awake her thick Spring sleep,A go of the happy union was not made on n erves.Who could only assume that were com mon shows!(BY吴松林)纳兰性德蝶恋花今古山河无定据英译今古山河无定据,画角声中,牧马频来去。满目荒凉谁可语?西风吹老丹枫树。从前幽怨应无数。铁马金戈,青冢黄昏路。一往情深深几许?深山夕照深秋雨。Die Lian HuaNala n Xing DeFrom of old to the prese ntThere are no certa in bou

21、n daries:Amid the sound of pain ted bugles,The no mads horses swept back and forth.A wastela nd as far as the eye can seeWho can you talk to?The west wind has aged the maple tree.Cases of past sufferi ng would be nu merous:Metal spears and iron horses;New graves by dusky roads.Lov in g-feeli ngs run

22、ning deep how deep do they go?Like the evening glow, deep in the mountains And like late, late autumn rain.BY龚景浩)纳兰性德少年游英译算来好景只如斯,惟许有情知。寻常风月,等闲谈笑,称意即相宜。十年青鸟音尘断,往事不胜思。一钩残照,半帘飞絮,总是恼人时。Excursion of TeenagersNala n Xi ngdeIt seems a fine prospect similarly follows natural tendencies,Whose way could only

23、 be lear ned by soul mates.Roma ntic sights moderate,Merry-making mood in a less graced state,And to be gratified means a well-proportioned rate.Nothing further is heard after parting for ten years,The association of the past can t bear to think ofA cresce nt moon with its streaks,And willow catkins

24、 on the screen in fluffy streaks,Which is nothing but curious freaks.(吴松林译)纳兰性德相见欢落花如梦英译落花如梦凄迷,麝烟微,又是夕阳潜下小楼西。愁无限,消瘦尽,有谁知?闲教玉笼鹦鹉念郎诗。Tune:“ Joy at Meeting ”Nala n Xi ndeFalle n petals are like a dream and mist,sad and blurred.Aga in the sun is sett ing on the Wester n tower.In side the chamber filli n

25、g the air is some muskToo much gloom has made me thin dow n.But who knows my sorrow?Idli ng away the hoursI turn to teach ing the parrotTo read aloud poems set by my love.(by唐正秋)纳兰性德秋水听雨英译谁道破愁须仗酒,酒醒后,心翻醉。正香销翠被,隔帘惊听,那又是、点点丝丝和泪。忆剪 烛幽窗,小憩娇梦垂成,频唤觉,一眶秋水。依旧乱蛩声里,短檠明灭,怎教人睡。想几年踪迹,过头风浪,只消受、一段横波花底。向 拥髻灯前提起。甚日还来同领略?夜雨空阶滋昧。Tune:“ Autumn Waters Ch(血hui)Liste ning to RainNa-la n Hsin g-teWho cl


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