1、英语写作典范记叙文Unit 1A Bus RideWemakegainsorincurlossesalmostonadailybasis.OnemorningafterIgotonabus,Iha ppened to sit next to a foreigner. I was still wondering what country he might come form whenhe began to talk to me in English. All of a sudden, I became the center of attention on the bus. Atfirst, I
2、felt very uneasy because I had never talked with any foreigners before. Then, I decided topluck up my courage and try out my English on him. It was difficult because I knew my Englishwas quite poor. We had a nice chat, though. Besides, I found I was gaining in confidence becauseof his encouraging sm
3、ile. However, I was so occupied with talking to him that I forgot to get offat the bus stop near my school. In the end, I had to hail a taxi to school since I was running late. Itcost me an extra NT $100 and I was 20 minutes late! I could only tell myself.win some,you lose some. ”(NT 新0台fe)Unit 2Our
4、 Home Was BurglarizedsviolinWe could not believe our eyes when we returned home from a two -veek vacation. Our home wasa complete mess! What on earth had happened in our absence? Judging from the chaos, our homemust have been broken into by thieves. Our suspicion was confirmed later when we found ma
5、nyofourvaluablethingshadvanishedwithoutatrace.Mylaptop,mysistereantiques my father had collected over the years were all missing from their original places. Butwhat angered me most was that the thieves had damaged most of our furniture. A window hadbeen smashed, the wardrobe had been ransacked, and
6、even the mattress in my bedroom had beenremoved. Fortunately, they did not take away my mother s jewelry box, which was locked awayin the safe. Still, it was a great loss. Besides, it would cost us a lot of money to repair things andput them back in order.Unit 3 The Best Advice I Ever HadThebestadvi
7、cethatIeverhadwasfrommydad.Heusedtogivemesomeadvice,butIsel domtookittoheart.Onedaywhenhelearnedthattherewouldbeaspeechcontestinmyschool, he wanted me to enter it. In the beginning, I didn t have much confidence. But sin hekept encouraging me, I finally signed up. Before the contest, I made a lot of
8、 preparations. At lastthe day came. When it was my turn to give a speech, I was so nervous that my mind became acomplete blank and I forgot most of my speech. Being a loser was such a painful experience thatI had no appetite for dinner that evening. I even blamed my father for the whole thing. Then,
9、 hesaid,“ Mtake a contest like that so seriously. Life is like a battlefield. You often haveto lose many times to win the final victory. ” Thanks to his advice, I m far mo thanbefore. Now I m no quitter when doing anything.Unit 4Never Judge People by Their LooksPeople are often deceived by outward a
10、ppearances. My cousin, Anne, was such a victim. Whenshe introduced her new boyfriend to us at a dinner party, we were all surprised to find he was anextremely handsome guy. Anne had gone out with another man before, but they broke up severalmonths ago because, she said, that man was not her type. Du
11、ring the dinner, her new boyfriendwaited on her so attentively that many other girls there were green with envy. Anne did not talkmuch that night, but her happy look seemed to tell us that she had found the man of her dreams.Their relationship, however, did not last long. Her Mr. Right turned out to
12、 be a wolf in sheep sclothing. After weeks of seeming happiness, she learned that he wasalready married. Worse still,by the time she found it out, she had been cheated out of her life savings. And of course, he hadvanished without a trace. Now Anne has come to know that appearances can be deceptive.
13、Unit 5An Unforgettable Childhood ExperienceI ll always remember the first time my parents took my older sister and mtoe an because I had never visited such aplace before. At the entrance, I couldn intothe park, but my dad said we had to standin line for tickets first. The park was a real eye-opener
14、for me. I had never imagined that I couldplay on so many things. We decided to take a ride on the ferries wheel 摩天轮 first. But we hadtogowithoutmymombecauseshewasafraidofheights.Thenweallwenttorideonthem erry-go-round 旋转木马 . We even ventured into the Haunted House. The best part of the visit,however
15、,camewhenmysisterandIwereridingontherollercoaster 云霄飞 车 .Shekeptscreaming while I fully enjoyed the high speed without batting an eye. Even after so many years,those exciting childhood memories often come back to me.amusement park.It took us about an hours drive to get there. I was very excitedUnit
16、6 Haste Makes Waste“ Haste makes waste ” is a saying that most people are familiar with. But I had never given it athought until recently. Last Friday evening, I needed to attend a class reunion at a restaurant indowntown Taipei. After I got out of my office, I hailed a taxi at a street corner. As I
17、 was a littlelate, I told the taxi-driver to drive faster. The taxidriver was a man of 50 or so, and he was anextremely kindman. AlthoughI kept remindinghim thatI was ina hurry, he didnotlose histemper. He even tried to chat with me, knowing that I was losing patience with the traffic flow atthe pea
18、k time. He managed to drive faster, though. But while we were making a left turn, our cabcollided with a speeding car. A very serious traffic jam resulted, and we were stuck in it for aboutan hour. Now I understand why doing things in haste can be a waste of time.Unit 7 A Bank RobberyA bank located
19、in downtown Taipei was robbed this morning.According to a TV news report,when the bank was about to open at nine o clock, a gang of maskedrobbers rushed in. Two ofthemwavedtheirgunswhiletwootherswereshoutingtothebanktellerstoputwadsofNT 1000-dollar bills into the sacks they were holding. The bank cl
20、erks were so frightened that theyall went pale. They had no choice but to do what they were told to do. It was only a matter of afew minutes before the robbers took the money and got away. But those robbers were not happyfor long. Twenty minutes after they left the scene of the crime, they were stop
21、ped on the freewayby police. They had no trouble making the robbers surrender because it was soon found that theirweapons were only toy guns. Much to the relief of the bank clerks, they got all the money back.Unit 8A Day in BedI had never felt so bored in my life. Yesterday morning I found myself un
22、able to get out of bed atthe usual time. Not only did I feel dizzy, but I shivered with cold. Besides, I coughed a lot. I feltso uncomfortable that I did notgo to school. At abutnine o clock, mymom took me to see ado.cAtofrter taking my temperature, the doctor saidI was running a fever. He then pres
23、cribedsome medicine for me and told me to go home and get plenty of rest. Back home, I spent most ofthe day in bed. I did not even get up to have any lunch. Lying in bed with nothing to do, I wasbored to tears. My mom suggested that I watch TV or play some video games, but neither couldarousemyinter
24、est.Ilikedtohavefriendsaround.Afteraday srest,IfeltmuchbutIcouldn t wait to go back to school the next morning.Unit 9Practice Makes PerfectIhavecometounderstandthattheoreticalknowledgeandpracticalexperiencearetw ocompletely different things. Last Monday I was very happy when I passed the road test a
25、nd got adriver slicense.IhadneverthoughtthatIcouldgetitsoeasily.SinceIhadoncelyirvedawee k s training, I counted myself really lucky. My girlfriend even said I was a genius. I was soexcitedthatwhenshesuggestedItakeherforaride,Iagreedwithouthesitation.Driving,It hought, was a piece of cake for me now
26、. After we were on the road for about five minutes, I sawa cop directing traffic ahead of us. Suddenly I became so nervous that I lost control of the car, andit almost crashed into a van. Not until then didI know I need more practice. That incidentreally taught me a lessonUnit 10 A Most Embarrassing
27、 ExperienceYesterday I had a most uncomfortable and embarrassing day. The moment I woke up when myalarm clock went off, I felt a bit under the weather. However, I did not call in sick. I knew I hadprobably come down with the flu or something, but I went to school as usual in spite of it. Allmorning
28、I could not concentrate on the teacher s lectures because my head was killing me. Worsestill, many classmates of mine seemed to be disturbed by my fits of coughing. They all avoidedme like the plague. When the lunch break came, I went out to grab a bite at a roadside food stand.After the meal, I tri
29、ed to take a nap. But the worst thing happened. I felt so sick that I threw upeverything I had eaten on the floor. At that, some of my classmates looked at me with disgust. Ihad never felt so embarrassed in my life.Unit 11 The First Time I Visited a ZooI still remember clearly the first time my pare
30、nts took me to a zoo, and it was a truly rewardingtrip. In my nursery school, I had seen a lot of wild animals in books, but I had never seen them inperson. You can imagine how excited I was when we arrived at the zoo. At the entrance, I found alot of people standing in line for tickets. I couldn t
31、wait to get inside. After getting the tickets, wetook a bus toutrothe zoo. My parents kept pointing at the animals on the way and told me whattheywere.Laterwestoppedataplacewherewecouldpetthosetameanimals.Then,az oo-keeper came up to brief us on how they protected wild animals. Out of curiosity, I a
32、sked hima few questions. Much to my delight, he not only answered them all but gave me a small gift as atokenofencouragement.SincethenIhavetakenakeeninterestinwildanimals.NowIamm ajoring in zoology. It must have had something to do with that illuminating experience.Unit 12 A Strange Dream I HadI had
33、 a strange dream last night. I dreamed about using a shovel and digging in my own backyard.After what seemed like hours of hard work, two objects came into view. One was a metal box. Init was a map made of animal skin. The other was an old oil lamp covered in mud. I was overjoyedtofindthem.Beingvery
34、pooratthattime,Ithoughtthesetwothingswereagodsen d,whichmighthelpmefindagreatfortunesomewhere.Iwasstillthinkingabouthowtobegin thetreasure hunt when suddenly dozens of sailors descended on me. They all wanted me to be theircaptain and lead them to explore exotic places in the world. I gladly agreed.
35、 When we got readyand were abouttosetsail, my alarm clock wentoff andIwoke up.Itwas only a dream.Thedream may have some meaning, but I have not been able to figure it out so far.Unit 13 A Success StoryNow I ve come to believe that every trade has its potential. You don work, for instance,in the elec
36、tronics industry to become a success. Jane, a good friend of mine, is a case in point.Unlikemostofherclassmates,shedidnotgotocollegebecauseherfatherwasdeepin debt.However,sheknewthatshewasdestinedforfashionbusinessbecauseshehadatalent fordesigning clothes. When she was just a little girl, she could
37、make dolls out of rags. She couldeven design a variety of beautiful clothes for her dolls. After she graduated,she set up a shop onher own. It was evident that she was so sure of her own future. She kept working hard in her field,andnowsheisafamousfashiondesigner.Becausetheclothesshedesignsareverypo
38、p ularamong all age groups, she has gone from rags to riches. As the saying goes, “ Nothing succeedslike success.”she is now at the peak of her career.Unit 14A Frightening ExperienceSometimes we frighten ourselves to such an extent that we tend to make bad judgments, forwhichwemayhavetopayaterriblep
39、rice.Thereisadeserted,two- storybuildinginourneighborhood.Noonedarestogonearitbecauseitisbelievedtobehaun tedbyghosts.Onenight,however,agroupoffiveboys,includingme,decidedtoexploreit.Ith adbeenagreedamongusthatwhoeverstayedtherethelongestwouldprovetobethebrave st.Aftersomehesitation, we finally summ
40、oned up the courage to enter the house. It was cold, dark and damp inthere.Weremaineddownstairsbecausethereseemedtobesomestrangenoisecomingfr omupstairs. Then one of us let out a scream when he saw his own shadow on the wall. The screammade us all rush out of the door. Sadly, Todd tripped on somethi
41、ng and broke his arm. We had tohail a taxi and send him to a nearby hospital. According to the doctor, he might have to stay therefor a while.Butthe luck oftherestof uswasno better because we wereall punished by ourparents later.Unit 15 Visiting an Old F riendIt is always a good idea to visit an old
42、 friend, especially when you can relive some of your oldmemories. Peter has been a good friend of mine since our childhood, but we haven t seen eachother for years. So, on a Saturday afternoon, mywife and I decided to pay him a visit. Peter livedin the woods. He had built a farmhouse and planted a v
43、egetable garden there, too. After we droveforabouttwoandahalfhours,hisfarmhousewasinview.Whenwefinallyarrived,hew asalready out there to welcome us. He said we could camp near his farmhouse and have a barbecuethere.Mywifejumpedforjoyathisidea.Wespenttheentireeveningeating,drinki ngandchatting. The h
44、ost and guests all had a good time. The only drawback was there were mosquitoeshumming around. By midnight, my wife had gone to bed. But Peter and I went on talking aboutour past experiences until it was almost dawn.Unit 16 Going on a PicnicYesterdayourclasswentonapicnicatthebeach,butthingsdidnotgos
45、moothly.Wewer esupposed to be there at about nine o clock, but due to traffic congestion, it wasalmost noon whenwefinallyarrived.Wehadplannedsomeotheractivitiesthere,too,includingswimmin gandplaying volleyball. But yesterday was a national holiday. The beach was too crowded with peoplefor us to find
46、 any space to play volleyball. Besides, the weather was so hot that we couldn t waitto jump into the water. All of us seemed to believe itwas an excellent way to help cool us down.Nothing of the sort! The water was too warm.In addition, the burning sunlight was so intensethatmostpeopletriedtostayund
47、erwaterforaslongaspossible.Intheend,manyof myclassmates got sunburned. I didn t, though. But my eyes were swollen becausedid not wear mygoggles when swimming. What should have been a fun activity ended up with many complaintsfrom my classmates.Unit 17 A Visit to a Night MarketIt s about nine p.m. an
48、dI m still shopping with some friends in a fun place. I thmost of youhave been to such a place before. This is not a department store or a shopping mall where you canenjoy the convenience and comfort of using elevators, escalators or air conditioners. I don t liketo go there because things there are
49、 mtoo expensive. Although they sometimes have a sale,I never have a sense of achievementI can get in this place. Here I can get any real bargain byhaggling with the sales clerks. Besides, I can also taste a variety of delicious foods here, rangingall the way from tepanyaky(铁板烧 ) to spaghetti. Compar
50、ed to department stores or shopping malls,this place is a real paradise for shoppers. Just now I saw a fancy bag here and I really wanted itbadly. It turned out I had no trouble getting it at less then half the price. You know where I am?Yes,I m in a night market. Wish me more good luck!说明文Unit 18 H
51、ow Ive Improved My EnglishBased on my experience, a good English magazine will surely help us a lot if we want to learnEnglish well. Last semester I only got a mediocre grade in my English course. My parents werenot satisfied with it, believing English to be an important tool for any future career o
52、f mine. I feltquitedisappointed,too,althoughIdidnotfailthecourse.Asaresult,Imadeupmymindto improve my English at the beginning of the new semester. On the advice of a friend, I subscribedto an English magazine. Because of its useful and interesting contents, Ive found a lot of pleasurein reading it.
53、 Each issue contains some simple stories, essays and dialogues, but they never lackdepth. Besides, the editors often give tips on how to learn English better. Thanks to this Englishmagazine, my English is making progress by leaps and bounds.Unit 19 How I Have Lost WeightWhen some of my friends start
54、ed to call me“ Fatty, I found the burden wasmore than I couldbear. I had tried to do something about it but was unable to find an effective way to reduce myweight. In the beginning, I tried having only one meal a day. However, it did not help make anysignificantprogressbecause,beingtoohungry,Itended
55、toeatalotmorethenextday.IfIs kipped the meal,I wouldn t even have the energy to get out of bed the next morning.Sincesuch things were repeated all the time, my frustration deepened day after day. Finally a friend ofmine advised me to go a fitness center. I gave it a try and it really worked wonders.
56、 Over the pastsix months I have shed more than 30 pounds. Now , when my friends jokingly say I am as lightas a feather, I know I have rid myself of the burden.Unit 20 How My Heart Was BrokenIfyouhaveacrushonanyone,bepreparedtofacetheworse- casescenario.Heorshemightbreak your heart anytime. I didn t
57、know I would bsuch a victim when a beautiful younggirl transferred to our school. She was arranged to sit right next to me. The moment I saw her, Iknew she was the girl of my dreams.So, I made up my mind to chase her. However, I didn t wantto show my love fin the presence of my classmates. At fist I
58、 was at a loss what to do. ThenI came upwith an idea. I would send her a card every morning. I even managed to let her knowwho the sender was. I kept doing this for three weeks in a row. But never once did she look in mydirection or smile at me, which really hurt my feelings. Now I am more than hear
59、tbroken. Youknow why? She is in love with our class leader. And I have to face those facts alone.Unit 21A Childhood Dream RealizedInmychildhood,Idreamedofbecominganactorsomeday.Growingupinasingle- parentfamily,I especially liked to watch TV afterIwas done with my homework. Strangely enough,unlike most kids at my age, I seldom watched cartoons or read comic books. Most of the time Isat in front of the TV, I watched
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