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1、2008年职称英语综合类教材新增部分内容完整版第一部分 词汇选项(两篇)词汇学习 1:1. Will you please call my husband as soon as possible?A)contact B)consultC)phone D)visit2. Well give every teacher space to develop.A)chance B)employmentC)room D)opportunity3. I have to go at once. A)soon B)immediately C)now D)early4. The policeman asked h

2、im to identify the thief. A)name B)distinguish C)capture D)separate5. We were all there when the accident occurred. A)happened B)broke C)spread D)appeared6. It took me exactly a week to complete the work. A)do B)achieve C)improve D)finish7. The herb medicine eventually cured her disease. A)nicely B)

3、apparently C)finally D)naturally8. We had a long conversation about her parents. A)talk B)speech C)debate D)discussion9. Please let me know if you are unable to attend the meeting. A)go to B)prepare for C)speak to D)do to10. They have made up his mind to give up smoking. A)tried B)attempt C)agreed D

4、)decided11.Your teacher will take you illness into account when making your exams. A)calculation B)computation C)consideration D)assessment12. We have to put up with her behavior. A)tolerate B)accept C)swallow D)take13. They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning.A) ended B) aband

5、onedC) built D)strengthen14. I seldom watch TV.A) rarely B) frequentlyC) normally D) occasionally15. The dentist has decided to take out the girls bad tooth.A) dig B) drawC) pull D) extract答案:1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.D词汇练习6:*1. With immense relief, I

6、stopped running. A) much B) enormous C) little D) extensive*2. The scientists began to accumulate a huge mass of data. A) build up B) put up C) make up D) clear up*3. When Jack eventually overtook the last truck he pulled over to the inside lane. A) skipped B) passed C) reached D) led*4. Because of

7、the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. A) possible B) profitable C) easy D) wise*5. Data from Voyager II have presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists. A) problem B) mystery C) question D) point*6. He rolled up his trouser leg to exh

8、ibit his wounded knee. A) spread B) open C) show D) examine*7. Why cant you stop your eternal complaining! A) everlasting B) long C) monotonous D) lengthy*8. This poem depicts the beautiful scenery of a small town in the South. A) describes B) draws C) writes D) introduces*9. The telephone system is

9、 no longer operative. A) running B) moving C) rotating D) working*10. Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake A) shaken B) fallen C) damaged D) trembled*11. The latest car model embodies many new improvements. A) consists of B) includes B) makes up D) marks*12. Thick clouds obscured the

10、 stars from view. A) darkened B) held C) blackened D) prevent*13. The parents have to restrain their daughter from running out into the street. A) disallow B) reduce C) prevent D) confine*14. The discovery was sensational. A) sexy B) surprising C) exceptional D) exciting*15. After supper we usually

11、take a stroll around the park for about an hour. A) walk B) rest C) bath D) breath答案:1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A 第二部分 阅读判断第一篇A New Start After Christmas comes the anti-Christmas. If the festive season is all about filing up on the things you like that a

12、re bad for you, then the new year is the detox season - when people across the western world adopt special diets to lose weight and get rid of the vague feeling that they have spent the last few weeks poisoning themselves. But are detox diets really necessary? After all, the body itself gets rid of

13、unwanted substances. Thats what the liver and kidney are for. The detox fad - or fads, as there are many methods - is an example of the capacity of people to believe in and pay for magic despite the lack of any sound evidence1, says Martin Wiseman, professor of human nutrition at the University of S

14、outhampton in the UK. Most of the pills, juices, teas and oils that are sold for their detoxifying effects on the body have no scientific foundation for their claims, according to the research. People would be better off having a glass of water and going to bed early. Detox diets may be magic rather

15、 science, but they are the kind of magic which many people want to perform. That may have something to do with the westen diet in general. Scientists and dieticians argue that the benefits people feel are not due to their body getting rid of excessive toxins but are due to changing from what is like

16、ly to have been a poor diet. Having fewer headaches, for example, is probably the result of being fully hydrated due to drinking so much water and better skin may be due to eating more fruit and vegetables. Detox diets may also be dangerous, as they may deprive vulnerable groups pregnant women, for

17、instance, or growing teenagers - of the kind of nutrients they need. Yet their popularity continues to rise. This may be something to do with the way that food works within many western cultures2. Generally, a countrys food develops along with its economy and society. Food becomes part of a persons

18、cultural identity. In some countries, this link has been broken. In the UK, for example, rapid industrialization in the 18th and 19th centuries saw millions of people move from the countryside to the towns interrupting the development of a national cuisine. The United States, a country of immigrants

19、 from many different places, has found it hard to develop a national cuisine: In both places, comparatively few people cook for themselves and food supply is .dominated by big processing and agribusiness companies. Detox diets are more popular in these countries than in places like France and Italy,

20、 where strong links between food and national culture remain, and where far more people regularly cook for themselves instead of buying processed foods. Perhaps detox diets are successful because many westerners have lost mast in what they eat. On the other hand, they may help re-introduce people to

21、 the kind of food that is necessary for a healthy diet. And after learning that, they wont poison themselves in the first place. This would mean radical changes in the way that people eat across the west. And that would be an unwelcome development for the food industry. From the business point of vi

22、ew, it is much better to sell people the problem and then sell them the solution.词汇:Detox v. & n. 解毒、去毒 fad n.风尚dietician n.饮食学家 hydrate v.水化,使吸水cuisine n. 烹饪术 agribusiness n. 农业综合经营注释:1. the capacity of people to believe in and pay for magic despite the lack of any sound evidence人们在缺乏证据的情况下相信魔法,并愿意

23、为之付出代价的习性2. This may be something to do with the way that food works within many western cultures. 这可能和食物在许多西方文化中的地位有关。be something to do with 和 have something to do with同义。练习1. Detox begins after Christmas when people think that they have been overeating during the Christmas season and have taken i

24、n many substances that are bad for their health. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned2. Many pregnant women and growing teenagers are suffering from mal-nutrition because of the detox-diets they take. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3. Both the UK and the USA lack a national cuisine as a result of s

25、imilar historical development. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned4. The French and the Italians cook for themselves more often than the British and the Americans, which helps them to keep the link between food and their culture. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned5. On the whole the eastern people li

26、ke the Chinese and the Japanese have a stronger link between their food and their culture than the western people. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned6. A positive effect of detox diets is that it helps people to see what foods are good for their health. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned7. Food indu

27、stry would make even greater profits if people should all start to eat healthy foods and stop poisoning themselves. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned1. A这句话正是文章第一段的意思。圣诞节大吃大喝,新年一开始人们就开始设法减肥,并消除在过去几周里吃下了不利健康的有毒物质的疑虑。2. B 文章里讲到解读饮食甚至有危险,有可能使孕妇和正在长身体的青少年营养不足,不过这个情况并没有真正发生。3. B 这句话的前半句是对的,英美两国都缺乏典型的饮食:

28、但后半句话不对,造成这种情况的原因两国不同,英国是工业化的结果,美国则是移民国家的结果。4. A 在文章的倒数第三段里讲的很清楚。5. C文章中没有提及东方文化的情况。6. A 答题依据在倒数第二段,解读饮食容易到西方人的追捧,因为他们对自己吃的东西已经失去信心。但反过来说,解读饮食可能有助于重新向人们介绍那些对一种健康的饮食来说是必要的食物。7. B 答题依据在最后一段里,食品工业并不希望人们都吃健康食品,因为先把有问题的不健康的食品卖给大家吃,然后再把解决问题的饮食方式推销给大家,食品工业可以两边都盈利。第十一篇 Will Hillary Be the Next American Pres

29、ident?Back in 1969, US President Richard Nixon confidently predicted: In the next 50 years, we shall see a woman president, perhaps sooner than you think.1”Today, not too far off Nixons deadline, America is looking at that possibility. Over the weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of former preside

30、nt Bill Clinton, announced her run for 2008 presidency.US polls indicate that Americans feel comfortable with a female president. A New York Times survey found nearly all Americans saying they would vote for president if she were qualified.However, accepting the theoretical notion of a female leader

31、 is quite different from voting an actual woman. In fact, there is still widespread distrust of a woman in the top position.This is partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security, though they might be strong on education and health care. This damages their prospects as a

32、presidential contender.Theres still an inherent nervousness on the part of voters putting a woman in as the ultimate decision-maker. Control of the army and border security are sorts of traditionally male jobs, commented Amy Walter, an American campaign analyst. “Thats where I think voters conscious

33、ly or unconsciously have difficulties with women candidates.Women have held the top job in other major Western countries. In 1979, Britain elected Margaret Thatcher prime minister. Last year, Germany made Angela Merkel its first female chancellor.In the US, no woman has succeeded in being nominated

34、as a presidential candidate. One woman did make the attempt: Elizabeth Dole. In 1999, she tried to get the Republican Party nomination. But Dole could only raise $ 5 million for her bid - compared with the $ 56 million George W. Bush raised.So Barriers lie ahead for Hillary if she wants to make hist

35、ory by becoming the first female US president. With the Iraqi war underway, shell find it even harder.I dont feel that our society is ready for a woman president. The enemy we face does not respect females the same way we have come to see them as equals. If we were not in this war, I would support a

36、 woman president2,” said Chris Dildy, a computer engineering student.词汇:Bias v. & n. (有) 偏见analyst n. 分析工作者Chancellor n. (德国、奥地利等)总理 注释:1.In the next 50 years, we shall see a woman president, perhaps sooner than you think. 在下一个五十年里,我们将会看见一个女总统,或许比我们想的要快些。2.If we were not in this war, I would support

37、 a woman president.如果我们不在打一场战争,我会支持选一位女总统的。练习: 1. Up to the present, no woman has been elected president in the US.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned2. Bill Clinton will strongly support Hillary to run for the 2008 presidency.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3. American people will elect a woman pr

38、esident of the United States in 2008.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned4. One of Hillarys campaign promises is to reform the nations health care system.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned5. Germans elected a woman chancellor last year.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned6. Hillary has already raised a

39、large amount of campaign fund.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned7. Chris Dildy will vote for Hillary.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned答案与题解:1. A句子说的是:迄今为止在美国没有一个女人选举为总统。选A。文章的第一个句子是这么说的: Back in 1969, US President Richard Nixon confidently predicted: In the next 50 years, we shall see a woman presi

40、dent, perhaps sooner than you think.早在1969年,美国总统Richard Nixon 很有信心地预测:“在下一个五十年里,我们将会看见一个女总统,或许比我们想的要快些。”2. C句子说的是: Bill Clinton 将强力支持Hillary 参加 2008年总统选举。文章没有提到。因此选C3. B句子说的是:美国人民在2008年将选一位女总统,这个命题是错的。文章第四段是这么说的:However, accepting the theoretical notion of a female leader is quite different from vot

41、ing an actual woman. In fact, there is still widespread distrust of a woman in the top position.然而,接受女总统作为一个理论概念跟选举女总统是两回事。事实上,人们仍然普遍不信任女人能任领袖的。4. C句子说的是:Hillary的一个竞选许诺是改革国家的医疗制度。文章讲到女人做教育和医疗方面的工作有优势,但没说Hillary的一个竞选许诺是改革国家的医疗制度。5. A句子说的是:德国去年选了一个女总理。文章第七段有这么一句话:Last year, Germany made Angela Merkel

42、its first female chancellor.去年,德国选举了Angela Merkel为德国第一位女总理。因此句子表达的命题是正确的。6. C句子说的是 :Hillary已经筹集到了一大笔竞选款。文章没有提到。7. B句子说的是: Chris Dildy 要投 Hillary 的票。从文章的最后一句话我们知道Chris Dildy 是一个计算机工程专业的学生,他说了这么一句话:If we were not in this war, I would support a woman president.如果我们不在打一场战争,我会支持选一位女总统的。意思就是说,现在不支持。第十五篇 L

43、ower Body Fat Means Better PerformanceThese days, fashion models and pop stars are not the only people who have to watch their waistline. Football players who miss a few kicks and let their belly hanging out a little too much are likely to be attacked by rabid fans or even the president of a country

44、1.The latest football star to draw the attention of the fat police is Barcelonas Ronaldinho,26. Last Friday, a Spanish sports daily published two photos of the Brazilian star without his shirt. One was taken in November 2003; the other was taken this month. In the most recent one,the stars waistline

45、 seems to have a little extra padding2.Another Spanish sports daily published similar before-and-aider photos and argued that the star has lost his explosiveness and velocity and is“worn out. The cause, according to the news paper, is his poor physical fitness.However, the players coach, Frank Rijka

46、ard, insists that hes satisfied with Ronaldinhos form and fitness. And after Barcelonas victory over Athletic Bibao on Sunday, Ronaldinho challenged photographers to take pictures of him when he took off his shirt.I dont have anything to hide, he said.Fellow Brazilian Ronaldo, 30, of Real Madrid, fa

47、ced similar criticism before the 2006 World Cup. But the criticism didnt come from a bunch of sports reporters: It came from the president of Brazil.So, what is it? Brazils President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva asked the national soccer teams coach in his office last June, according to the Associated

48、Press. Is he Ronaldo fat or not?He is very strong, president, Carlos Alberto Parreira reportedly said at the time. He is not that boy anymore, His body type has changed.The game of footfall demands that players put as much emphasis on fitness as they can do on dribbling, passing or shooting.During a

49、 proper training regimen, football players normally follow a load-fatigue-recovery pattern3. They push their body toward a higher mark of fitness and experience a slight and brief drop in performance. Then they begin the recovery process, which will ideally carry their performance to an even higher

50、plane.However, sometimes non-physical factors can influence a players poor fitness. In Ronaldinhos case, for instance, people - often unnamed - have blamed everything from the pressure of contract negotiations to personal problems and too many advertising commitments.词汇:Rabid adj.偏激的 padding n.赘肉vel

51、ocity n.速度 dribble v. 运球regimen n. 常规训练注释:1.Football players who miss a few kicks and let their belly hanging out a little too much are likely to be attacked by rabid fans or even the president of a country.足球运动员没有踢中几个球或是他们的肚子耷拉得稍多了些,都会受到疯狂的球迷甚至是国家总统的谴责。2.In the most recent one, the stars waistline

52、seems to have a little extra padding. 在最近的一张照片里,这个球星的腰围上似乎多了一小块赘肉。3.During a proper training regimen, football players normally follow a load-fatigue-recovery pattern.在正式的常规训练期间,足球运动员在一般情况下需要按照大运动量疲劳这一方式训练。练习:1. Fans can be very critical of a fashion models figure.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned2

53、. People like football stars more than they like pop stars.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3. Ronaldinho is a well-known Spanish star.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned4. The president of Brazil showed no concem about Ronaldos figure.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned5. According to CalosAlberto Parreira, Ronaldos body shape has changed.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned6. The football game demands a lot from playe


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