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1、提升自信的好方法1. Groom yourself. 装扮自己。This seems like such an obvious one, but its amazing how much of a difference a shower and a shave can make in your feelings of self-confidence and for your self-image. There have been days when I turned my mood around completely with this one little thing.这似乎看上去显而易见了

2、, 但洗澡或是剃胡须后给你自我感觉上带来的自信和自 我形象上的改进却是很神奇的。 一直以来, 你就是通过这样一件小小的事情来彻 底的改变自己的情绪。2. Dress nicely. 穿戴好些。A corollary of the first item above if you dress nicely, youll feelgood about yourself. Youll feel successful and presentable and ready to tackle the world. Now, dressing nicely means something different

3、for everyone it doesnt necessarily mean wearing a 500$s outfit, butcould mean casual clothes that are nice looking and presentable.这是上面一条必然产生的结果如果你穿戴好些, 你的自我感觉会很好, 你会 觉得自己很成功,很得体,已经准备好来应对这个世界。这里,穿戴好对于每个 人来说是不一样的你不必穿 500 美元一套的衣服,但可以穿很好看也很得体的 休闲服饰。3. Photoshop your self-image. 修改你的自我形象。Our self-image

4、means so much to us, more than we often realize. We have a mental picture ofourselves, and it determines how confident we are inourselves. But this picture isnt fixed and immutable. You can change it. Use your mental Photoshopping skills, and work on your self-image. If its not a very good one, chan

5、ge it. Figure out why you see yourself that way, and find a way to fix it.自我形象对于我们来说意义重大, 比我们认为的重要得多。 我们在脑海里都有一 个自我形象, 它决定了我们自信的程度。 但这个形象不是固定改变的, 你可以改 变它的。 多使用你的脑海中的图像修改功能, 用在你的自我形象上。 如果你脑海 中的自我形象不是很好, 就修改一下吧。 找到为什么你那样看待自己, 并找个方 法解决它。4. Think positive.积极思考One of the things I learned when I started r

6、unning, about two years ago, what how to replace negative thoughts (see next item) with positive ones. How I can actually change my thoughts, and by doing so make great things happened. With this tiny little skill, I was able to train for and run a marathon within a year. It sounds so trite, so Norm

7、an Vincent Peale, but my goodness this works. Seriously. Try it if you havent.二年前,当我学习跑步时, 我学到的一件事情是如何用积极的想法来取代消极的 想法(见下一条)。如何通过这样改变自己的想法来使好的事情发生。就是使用 这样一个小小的技艺, 我在不到一年训练后就能跑马拉松。 这听起来是如此陈腐, 和诺曼.文森特.皮尔一样。但谢天谢地它很有效。 真的,如果你还没有试过的话, 不妨试一试。5. Kill negative thoughts. 去除消极的想法。Goes hand-in-hand with the abo

8、ve item, but its so important that Imadeit a separate item. You have to learn to be aware of your self-talk, the thoughts you have about yourself and what youre doing. WhenI was running, sometimes my mind would start to say,“This is too hard. I want to stopand go watch TV. ” Well, I soon learned to

9、recognize this negative self-talk,and soon I learned a trick that changed everything in my life:I would imagine that a negative thought was a bug, and I would vigilantly be on the lookout for these bugs. When I caught one, I would stomp on it (mentally of course) and squash it. Kill it dead. Then re

10、place it with a posit ive one. ( ” Cmon, I can do this! Only one mile left!”)这一条与上一条是连在一起的, 但因为它如此重要, 我把它作为单独一项列出来。 你必须清楚自己内心的想法, 清楚你自己是谁和你在干什么。 当我在跑步里, 有 时我脑海里开始讲:“这太难了,我想停下来,去看电视。”当然,我很快就学 会分辨这种内心消极的想法, 并学会那个可以改变生活中一切的小窍门: 我会想 象消极的想法就是一个小臭虫, 我会非常警惕的搜查这引起小臭虫。 当我抓住一 个,我就狠狠跺几脚(当然指精神上的),然后捏碎,杀死它。然后用积极

11、的想 法取代它。(“加油,我可能做到的,不过只剩一里而已”)6. Get to know yourself.了解你自己。Wheng oing into battle, the wisest general learns to know his enemy very, very well. You cant defeat the enemyw ithout knowing him. And when youre trying to overcome a negative self-image and replace it with self-confidence, your enemyi s y

12、ourself. Get to know yourself well. Start listening to your thoughts. Start writing a journal about yourself, and about the thoughts you have about yourself, and analyzing why you have such negative thoughts. And then think about the good things about yourself, the things you can do well, the things

13、 you like. Start thinkingabout your limitations, and whether theyre real limitations or just ones youve allowed to be placed there, artificially.Dig deep within yourself,and youll come out (eventually) with even greater self-confidence.在要打仗前,最聪明的将军会将敌人了解得一清二楚。如果你不了解你的敌人, 你是无法战胜它的。 当你试图战胜消极的个人形象, 变得自

14、信些话, 你的敌人就 是你自己。 好好了解你知道, 开始聆听你的想法, 开始编写关于自己和自己想法 的日志, 分析你产生这些消极的想法。 然后想想关于自己的好的方面, 那些你可 以做得很好的并且喜欢的事情。 开始想想什么你的局限性, 并弄清楚是否是真的 局限了你, 还仅仅是你允许摆放在那里虚假障碍。 深深的挖掘自己的想法, 最终 你会更加自信。7. Act positive. 积极行动。More than just thinking positive, you have to put it into action. Action, actually, is the key to develop

15、ing self-confidence. Its one thing to learn to think positive, but when you start acting on it, you change yourself, one action at a time. You are what you do, and so if you change what you do, you change what you are. Act in a positive way, take action instead of telling yourself you cant, be posit

16、ive. Talk to people in a positive way, put energy into your actions. Youll soon start to notice a difference.除了要积极思考,你还要付诸行动,事实上,这是发展个人自信的关键。积极思 考是一回事,当你开始行动时,你又改变了,所以一次做好一件事情。你所做事 情决定了你,当你改变你所做时,你就改变了你自己。用积极方式行动,采取措 施而不是仅仅告诉自己你不行, 积极一些。 用积极的方式与人交谈, 精力充沛的 行动。要不了多久,你就会发现自己的改变。8. Be kind and generous.

17、友好且慷慨。Oh, so corny. If this is too corny for you, move on. But for the rest of you, know that being kind to others, and generous with yourself and your time and what you have, is a tremendous way to improve your self-image.You act in accordance with the Golden Rule, and you start to feel good about

18、yourself, and to think that you are a good person. It does wonders for your self-confidence, believe me.噢,太老土了。如果这对你来说太老土的话,继续前进。但你应该知道,对别人 友好,慷慨于你自己、 你的时间和你所拥有的, 是改善你自我形象的非常好的方 法。你遵从黄金准则行事, 你将自我感觉良好, 认为自己是个很好的人。 相信我, 它会对你的自信产生奇迹般的效果的。One important key to success is self-confidence. A key to self-co

19、nfidenceis preparation. - Arthur Ashe成功的关键是自信,自信的关键是有所准备。 - 阿瑟阿什9. Get prepared. 时刻准备好。Its hard to be confident in yourself if you dont think youll do wellat something. Beat that feeling by preparing yourself as much as possible. Think about taking an exam: if you havent studied, you wont have much

20、confidence in your abilities to do well on the exam. But if you studied your butt off, youre prepared, and youll be much more confident. Now think of life as your exam, and prepare yourself.如果你不知道你会做好某件事, 那么自信会很困难。 尽可能把自己准备好, 来击 退不自信的想法。 想想正在考试: 如果你没有学习, 你会不相信自己有能力考好 试。但如果你学好了, 准备好了, 你就会有信心多了。 现在,你把

21、生命当作考试, 准备好你自己。10. Know your principles and live them.明白自己的原则,并实践它们。What are the principles upon which your life is built? If you dont know, you will have trouble, because your life will feel directionless. For myself, I try to live the Golden Rule (and fail often). This is my key principle, and I t

22、ry to live my life in accordance with it. I have others, but they are mostly in some way related to this rule (the major exception being to “ Live my Passion ”). Think about your principles you mighthave them but perhaps you havent given them mucht hought. Nowt hink about whether you actually live t

23、hese principles, or if you just believe in them but dont act on them.你的生活是建立在怎样的原则之上的?如果你不知道, 就会比较麻烦, 因为你的 生将活毫无方向感而言。对于我自己,我一直遵从黄金准则(常常失败)。它是 我最基本的原则, 我试图遵从黄金准则来生活。 我也有其它的原则, 但大部分都 和黄金准则有关的 (“充满激情的生活”例外) 。多想想你的原则你可能有 这些原则, 但很少去思考它们。 现在想想你是否遵守这些原则, 还是仅仅相信它 们,却很少采取行动。11. Speak slowly. 说话慢些。Such a sim

24、ple thing, but it can have a big difference in how others perceive you. A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly. It shows confidence. A person who feels that he isnt worth listening to will speak quickly, because he doesnt want to keep others waiting on something not worthy of listening

25、 to.Even if you dont feel the confidence of someonewho speaks slowly, try doing it a few times. It will make you feel moreconfident. Of course, dont take it to an extreme, but just dont sound rushed either.很简单的事情, 但对于别人如何理解你时, 就有很大的区别了。 领导和有权威的 人说话比较慢,这显示出一种自信。那些觉得自己的话不值得听的人说话会很快, 因为他们不想让别人等着听些没有价值的

26、东西。 即使你没有觉得那些说话慢的人 自信,你也试几次,它会让人更加自信。当然也不要说得过慢,只要不像是在急 冲冲的毫无考虑地说话就可以了。12. Stand tall.昂首站着。I have horrible posture, so it will sound hypocritical for met o give this advice, but I know it works because I try it often. When I remind myself to stand tall and straight, I feel better about myself. I imag

27、ine that a rope is pulling the top of my head toward the sky, and the rest of my body straightens accordingly. As an aside, people who stand tall and confident are more attractive. Thats a good thing any day, in my book.我的站姿很难看, 所以我给这种建设显得有些假惺惺日, 但我知道它对增强自信 有作用,我常常尝试。当我告诉自己站得直直的, 昂起头来, 自我感觉会好很多。 我想象

28、有一根绳子把我的头往上吊着, 我身体的其它部分就跟着直了起来。 另外, 昂首挺胸站着的人更迷人。在我的书里,这无论在什么时候都一件好事情。13. Increase competence. 增强能力。How do you feel more competent? By becoming more competent. And how do you do that? By studying and practicing. Just do small bits at a time.If you want to be a more competent writer, for example, dont

29、 try to tackle the entire profession of writing all at once. Just begin to write more.Journal, blog, write short stories, do some freelance writing. The more you write, the better youll be. Set aside 30 minutes a day to write (for example), and the practice will increase your competence.如何才能让觉得自己能干呢

30、?变得更能干。如何才能做到那一点?每次一点点, 不继的学习和练习。 比如, 如果你想成为一个出色的作家, 不要一次性就想全面 应对那些专业写作问题,只要多写一点,多在杂志、博客上写些短小的故事,自 由写作。你写得越多,就会写得越好。比如,每天花30 分钟去写作,这种练习会不断增加你的能力。14. Set a small goal and achieve it.设定小的目标,然后去实现它。People often make the mistake of shooting for the moon, and then when they fail, they get discouraged. In

31、stead, shoot for something much more achievable. Set a goal you know you can achieve, and then achieve it.Youll feel good about that. Now set another small goal and achieve that.The more you achieve small goals, the better youll be at it, and the better youll feel. Soon youll be setting bigger (but

32、still achievable) goals and achieving those too.人们总是想飞向月球,当他们失败后,就会感觉到挫折,人们在这里犯了个错误。 相反的,人们应该争取那些更容易完成的事情。 设定一个你知道你可以完成的目 标,然后完成它,你会因此感觉良好。接着设定另一个小目标并完成它。你完成 的小目标越多,你在这方面就越强,你的感觉也会越好。后来,你会设定更大的 目标(但仍是可以达到的)并去达到它们。15. Change a small habit.改变一点小习惯。Not a big one, like quitting smoking. Just a small one

33、, like writing things down. Or waking up 10 minutes earlier. Or drinking a glass of water when you wake up. Something small that you know you can do. Do it for a month. When youve accomplished it, youll feel like a million bucks.并不是说像戒烟这样大的改变,只是一些小小的改变,像记下一些事情,或是每 天提前十分钟起床,或是早晨起来时喝一杯水,诸如此类的一些你知道你可能做

34、 到的一些小事情。坚持一个月,当你完成的时候,就会仿佛赢了一百万美元般高 兴。25种方法提升你的自信 (4)16. Focus on solutions. 专注于解决问题。If you are a complainer, or focus on problems, change your focus now.Focusing on solutions instead of problems is one of the best things youcan do for your confidence and your career.“Im fat and lazy! ” So howcan y

35、ou solve that? “But I cant motivate myself! ” So how can you solve that? “But I have no energy! ” So whats the solution?如果你是一个爱抱怨的人,或者总是想着问题的人,那么现在改变你的注意力。 专注于解决问题而不是问题本身,这是能够增加自信和发展事业的最好办法。“我很胖,而且又懒。 ”那么你怎样才能解决呢?“我不能激励我自己! ”那么 你怎样才能解决它呢?“我没有精力!“那么你怎样才能解决呢?17. Smile. 微笑。Another trite one. But it wor

36、ks. I feel instantly better when I smile,and it helps me to be kinder to others as well. A little tiny thing that can have a chain reaction. Not a bad investment of your time and energy.另一个陈腐的方法,却很有效。当我微笑时,我立即感觉好多了,也可以让我对别人更友善些。一些小事情之间有着连锁反应,对你的时间和精力来说都是有好 处的。18. Volunteer. 参加志愿活动。Related to the “be

37、 kind and generous ” item above, but more specific. Its the holiday season right now can you find the time to volunteerfor a good cause, to spread some holiday cheer, to maket he lives of others better? Itll be some of the best time youve ever spent, and an amazing side benefit is that youll feel be

38、tter about yourself, instantly.和前面“友好且慷慨”那一项联系起来, 但更针对性。现在是假日季节了你可 以花时间为好的事业做些志愿活动,洒播些节日的快乐,让他人的生活更加美好 吗?那将是你最好的时光,产生的神奇的效果会立即让你自我感觉良好。19. Be grateful. 怀着感恩的心。Im a firm believerin gratitude, as anyone whos been reading this blogfor very long knows well. But I put it here because while being grateful

39、 for what you have in life, for what others have given you, is a very humbling activity it can also be a very positive and rewarding activity that will improve your self-image. Read more.我深信人应怀有感恩的,只要是长期看我博客的人都知道的。我把它写在这里的 原因是,感激你现在所在的一切,感激别人给予你的一切,是一件非常谦逊的事 情这也是非常积极而有益的,它可以改变你的自我形象。阅读更多。20. Exercis

40、e. 多锻炼。Gosh, I seem to put this one on almost every list. But if I left it off this list I would be doing you a disservice. Exercise has been one of my most empowering activities in the last couple years, and it has made me feel so much better about myself.天啊,我几乎把这个列在每个单子上,但如果我把它从单子就去除,又好像在做 一件伤害你的事

41、情。锻炼身体成了我几年来感到精力充沛的事情, 也一直让我感 觉良好。All you have to do is take a walk a few times a week, and youll see benefits. Start the habit.你只需要一周出去小跑几次,你就会收获其中的益处,开始这种习惯吧。21. Empower yourself with knowledge. 用知识武装自己。Empowering yourself, in general, is one of the best strategies for building self-confidence. Yo

42、u can do that in many ways, but one of the surest ways to empower yourself is through knowledge. This is along the same vein as building competence and getting prepared by becoming more knowledgeable, youll be more confident and you become more knowledgeable by doing research and studying. The Inter

43、net is a great tool, of course, but so are the people around you, people who have done what you want, books, magazines, and educational institutions.一般来讲,让自己更强大是建立自信的最好方式。 你可以采取很多方式来武装自 己,但最好的方式是通过掌握知识。增长才干和时刻准备着是同一条思路变得 越来越有见识,你会更加有信心你能通研究和学习变得更有见识。 互联网是一 个很棒的工具,当然,也有你的周围也有很多人,他们以前做过你想要做的事情, 书籍,杂志和

44、教育机构也是你可以利用的。22. Do something youve been procrastinating on.做那些你一直拖延的事情。Whats on your to-do list thats been sitting there? Do it first thing in the morning, and get it out of the way. Youll feel great about yourself.什么事情一直在你要去做的事情的表单上呢?那么在早晨首先完成, 解决掉,你 将感觉良好的。23. Get active. 活跃起来。Doing something is

45、almost always better than not doing anything. Of course, doing something could lead to mistakes but mistakes are a part of life. Its how we learn. Without mistakes, wed never get better. So dont worry about those. Just do something. Get off your butt and get active - physically, or active by taking steps to accomplish something.做点事情总是比什么都不做要好。当然,做事情就可以犯错误但犯错也是我们 生活的一部分,这是我们学习的方式。不犯错误,我们就无法进步,所以不要再 担心犯错误,去做些事情就好了。站起来,活跃起来从行动上,或者采取步骤 去完成什么事情。24. Work on small things. 做些小事情。Trying to take on a huge project


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