1、教学设计内容设计主题仁爱版八年级 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section CMust we exercise to prevent the flu?1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明整体设计思路:This is a readi ng and writi ng less on.l try to use various methods, such as brain storm ing, guess ing game, and role- play and so on to stimulate students interest in learning.These activities can a
2、lso help the stude nts review the sentence patter ns and prepare for the next Ian guage outputt ing. While readi ng the text, I require students to complete certain reading tasks in a certain period of time. Because it can help students master some reading skills, improve their reading ability. Afte
3、r finish the reading task, I design some writi ng tasks make sure stude nts and finish them, and also feel pleased while writi ng.In teach in g, I pay atte nti on to the cultivati on of stude nts, aut onom ous lear ning ability, cooperative ability and the ability to explore。指导依据:The English curricu
4、lum standard advocates task based teaching approach. It aims to train students comprehe nsive Ian guage ability. Task based teach ing is the main purpose is to let stude nts not only learn by using, but also learn for using.The New English Curriculum promotes quality education and the all-round deve
5、lopment of the students. To promote quality education particular attention mu st be paid to: valuing each student stimulating students interest in studying English, helping students gain a sense of achievement and self-c on fide nee.2.教学背景分析教学内容分析:This class is in Section C, Topic3 of Unit2 in Grade
6、 Eightt the fourth class in this topic.The theme of this sect ion is“ health ” .This seeteffltislrtsaoi ons to help stude nts lear n expressi onsof suggestions and express their opinions clearly by using the order transition words,such as first, second, third ,fin ally and so on. The n help the stud
7、e nts know about how to keep healthy, how to preve nt diseases,s feelingshow to do sports properly.We can consolidate the knowledge we have learned before, and lay a solid foundation for the knowledge we have learned later.Therefore it plays a connecting role in the teaching of this un it,学生情况分析:The
8、 students in Grade Eight has a certain English foundation. Students are prone to polarization at this stage.So teachers are supposed to keep full enthusiasm for work so that we can make students learn En glish more actively.I desig n differe nt tasks in order that the differe nt levels of stude nts
9、can take partin and improve their ability.3. 教学目标分析knowledge aims:1. Be able to liste n, read,a nd speak new words and phrases:fat, happe n, first aids, happ in ess, on the other hand, un happy,.2. Ca n use various sentence patter ns to put forward suggesti ons .3. Learn to distinguish what is good
10、habits, which are not good habits, form the correct health con cept.Skill aims :1. Make the students understand the simple dialogue and make the appropriate response to the description of the symptoms of illness.2. Can learn to use the sentences for suggestions, can correctly talk about how to keep
11、healthy in En glish。3. Master reading skills. Can read the article before reading according to the pictures or the title of the article, and after reading the article, find out the topic sentence ability 。4. Can the correct use of phrases and sentences lear ned to write the sentence cohere nee, accu
12、racyEmotional aims :1. Actively participate in all kinds of lear ning activities in the En glish class, and cultivate the spirit ofuni ty, mutual assista nee and cooperatio n in the activities.2. Pay close attention to life, keep healthy, spread the thought of healthy life to the people around.4. 教学
13、重点、难点分析Teaching important points:1. learn to use the sentences for suggestions, can correctly talk about how to keep healthy in English。2. Help the stude nts master readi ng skills,skim ming and sca nningTeaching difficult points:1. Help the stude nts collect in formati on to compose a passage.2. Le
14、t the students grasp writing arrangement.5. 教学过程设计Step 1: Warming-up.1. Play an English song be healthy which is performed by Deluxe Edition.At the same time, display lyrics on the big scree n.2. Daily greetings and duty report 。1) Greet the stude nts with smiles,wish them have a pleasa nt class and
15、 a happy day.2) Duty report.T:Who s on duty today?S:l am.T: Are we all here?S:Yes, /No.T:What day is it today?S:It s .T:What s the date ?S:It s.T:What s the weather like?S:It s.3. Divide the stude nts into four groups the n have a competiti on among the groups.设计意图:Play ingan En glish song can creat
16、e a pleasa nt En glish lear ning situati on.And show ing the lyricson the big screen,can help students review the words, become interested in English.Daily Greetings can not only make stude nts be ready for the class but also can establish a harm onious relati on ship betwee n teachers and stude nts
17、.Ask stude nts to carry on duty report can lead stude nts to review the sentence patter ns of ask ing and an sweri ng about dates, weeks and weather.Provide opport un ities for each stude nt .Step 2: Review1. Review the n ames of some ill nesses.T: There are kinds of illnesses in the world.Can you n
18、ame one of then in English?S1:Headache,have a toothacheS2:Toothache, have a toothacheS3. Have a cough.Students sum up the words and phrases of illnesses that they have ever learned before by brain storm ing.2. Write dow n the n ames of ill nesses on some no tes, and put them in a box.Ask a stude nt
19、to choose a no te, and act it out. The other stude nt guess what ill ness does he or she have.The n give him or her some advice.Use the sentence patter ns :Do you have a headache/stomachache/backache/.You should./You need ./ You d better.3. Role-play ing.Ask students to work in pairs.Make up dialogu
20、es between the doctor and the patient.Encourage stude nts to work in pairs to improve their cooperati on abilities.For example:51 (doctor) : What s the matter with you?52 (patie nt):l have a headache.S1 (doctor) : You should.设计意图:Use various kinds of methods to review old kno wledge by brain storm i
21、ng, play ing a guess ing game, role play ing and so on, pave the way for new lear ning. Let stude nts train their liste ning ability ,speak ing ability in the thick of in terest so that stude nts can enhance their self-c on fide nee.Step 3: Pre-reading.1. Finish Pre-readi ng task.1) Show the habits
22、in 1a by using PPT.2) Make the stude nts discuss the habits are good or bad.2. Ask students to list more bad habits.(Have a competition among four groups,Fill in the evaluation form.)3. Give advice on these bad habits。设计意图:Ask stude nts to discuss the habits in 1a are good or bad, so that they can j
23、udge whether the habits in daily life is healthy or not. Let the stude nts put forward the suggesti ons to the un healthy habit in order that they can review the releva nt sentence patter ns .Besides, havi ng a competiti on can arouse the stude nts readi ng in terest.Step 4: while-reading1. leads th
24、e stude nts to an alyze the structure of the passage by show ing the seque nee paragraph by paragraph.1) Liste n to 1a,and find out the main idea of the passage.(Display PPT)2) Please read 1a,a nd the n un derl ine the topic sentence of each paragraph as quickly as you can. You can use skim ming rea
25、di ng skill.3) Check the an swer .Show the topic sentences with PPT.4) T:Now please find out the key words of the topic sentences.Check the answer.Show the answers with PPT.2. Fi nish 1b.T:Now please read 1a aga in, and the n complete the structure of the text.3. Lear n the new words and phrases.1)F
26、ind out the new words and phrases in the text.Pay attention to the use of words in sentences, payattention to phrases that appear in the article.(show them by PPT)2)Read the new words and phrases.habit, have healthy eat ing habits, fat, happe n, first aid, happ in ess, on the other hand , un happy,k
27、eep healthy / fit, stay safe, stay away from 4. Fin ish 1c.T:Please read 1a aga in and discuss what the red words refer to in the passage. You can use sca nning readi ng skill.设计意图:ingTo train stude nts ability to quickly capture in formati on.Improve the stude nts abilities of reGrasp the readi ng
28、skills such as skim ming and sca nning.Step 5: Post-reading1 .Pair work.Ask stude nts to retell the text accord ing to 1b in groups.E ncourage stude nts to retell the text withfirst, sec ond, third, fin ally etc.2. Have some volun teers to retell the text.Give them appropriate evaluati on and comple
29、te the an swers if n ecessary.3. Finish 2 . En courage stude nts to add their own ideas.设计意图:Retelling 1a can make students consolidate the main idea of the passage. Through the repetition of the text, to further con solidate the text and Ian guage poin ts, and make the use of Ian guage points in th
30、e text more meaningful. Whats more, encouraging students to work in pairs can improve their cooperation abilities.Step 6: Writing.1. T:Health is very importa nt to every on e.What should we do to keep healthy?S1: We should have healthy eat ing habit.S2. We should go to bed early.S3:Doi ng exercise is good for our health.2.Students imitate 1b to write the outline of the composition with the teachers help.设计意图:Through writing, to further train and consolidate the knowledge learned in this topic, to cultivate students compreh
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