



1、SEAWAY 工艺:船舶主辅机燃油系统管路串油工艺燃油系统管路串油工艺 The flushing procedure for M/E Fuel oil pipe1. 管路系统串油说明 General Information1.1 在 管路串油过程中,在滤器附近的明显处,应挂有串油的滤纸 样片(大小相等、排列整齐)的附着板,并标有各样片的使 用时间和日期,以便对串油管路的清洁程度一目了然;应对 每天的串油工作进行记录,串油记录表见附页; During flushing for piping, at the obvious positions near the filter, should hav

2、e the sticking board for flushing filter paper sample( equal size, arranged in order), and mark the use time and date of each sample, so that it could be know clearly the cleanliness degree of pipe. The daily flushing work should be recorded. The record sheet see the attachment;1.2在管路串油期 间,应使用木锤或振荡器

3、对所有的串油管路进行间断的敲 击,以提高串油的效率; 特别是焊接部分和弯头部分; During flushing the pipe, should use wooden hammer or vibrator to knock all the pipe at intervals.1.3 在主辅机燃油系统管路串油 过程中,使用临时泵、油柜及滤器; During the flushing of M/E and A/E fuel oil pipe, the temporary pump, oil tank and filter should be used1.4使用柴油对管路进行串油。The dies

4、el oil should be used to flush the pipe 2. 管路串油前的准备工作Preparation 2.1 所有系统的管子在上船前, 所有的敞口应做好 有效的封闭,在船上安装过程中,施工部门应做好监督,以防止异物、脏物等进入管路; Before install the pipe of all systems on board, all the openings should be blocked out, during installation on board, construction department should do supervised work

5、well to keep the foreign bodies, dirty things away from pipe;2.2 根据系统原理图,检查管系的完整性及法 兰接头是否正常; Inspect the integrity of pipe system and if the flange connections is normal or not according to the system principle drawings.2.3 临时管路应在车间制作和串油干净, 然 后根据管系原理图和管系串油示意图将临时管路串接到系 统中并交船东认可; Temporary pipe should

6、 be done in workshop and flushed clean, then connect the temp. pipe to the system according to the piping system drawing and piping flushing drawings and then send to the owner for approval. 2.4 管路串油期间所使用的油柜,在注油前应该串油干净并交船 东认可,再注入适量的油; The oil tank used during pipe flushing, it should be cleaned bfir

7、e filled with oil and send to the owner for approval, then fill suitable content oil. 2.5 为了保护 串油泵或单元,在串油进行前,应在泵的吸入口前设置临时 滤网50 目( 297卩m),在临时滤器中设置200 目( 74卩m)滤纸,具体参看串油示意图; In order to safeguard flushing oil pump or unit, put temp. filter mesh50 目( 297 口 m) before suction of pump before flushing , set

8、 200 目( 74 m) filter paper on temp filter, for details pls check the flushing drawings;2.6 在系统管路按照串油示意图连接完毕后, 被短接 的设备必须做好有效的封闭,以防止脏物进入; When finishing the connection of system pipe according to the flushing system, the cross connected equipment should be blocked out effectively to keep the dirty goo

9、ds away. 3. 串油方 法 Flushing plan3.1 在准备工作完成后,开关相应的阀,起 动泵, 排出系统中的空气; After preparation completed, open and close the relative valves, start pump and discharge air in the system; 3. 2串油几分钟后,停止泵,检查滤纸的清洁度,根 据清洁的状况重新更换滤纸,随着串油的深入,定期检查滤 纸; Several minutes after flushing , stop the pump and check the cleanne

10、ss of filter paper, change new fliter paper according to the cleanness condition. Check the fliter paper at intervals along with flushing.3.3 通过目测滤纸,无明显颗粒杂质认为 比较干净时,应继续串油一段时间,观察滤纸的清洁度保持 不变时, 可向船东进行交验; Observe the filter paper with net eyes, if there is no obvious particle impurity, it could be consi

11、dered as clean, and should keep going with flushing some time. Observe that the cleanness of filter paper have no change, then could deliver to the Owner. 3.4 当串油结束后,拆除临时 泵、临时滤器、 临时管, 将系统恢复到正常的工作状态。 After flushing finished, remove the temp. pump, temp.filter, temp. pipe and turn the system back to t

12、he normal work condition 3.5 串油干净后向 QC 和 OW 报验。 Ask QC and OW to inspect after flushing and cleaning3.6 串油完毕,放出管系中的油。 After flushing finished, discharge the oil in the pipe system. 3.7 串油过程中, QC 应做好各项记录。 During flushing, QC should record relative datas. 4. 检验方法 Check plan 通过目 测滤纸表面清洁度,更换滤纸,继续串油两小时,在这两小 时的循环当中,滤纸表面无机械杂质,清洁程度保持不变, 系统管路的串油视为合格。 Observe the filter paper with net eyes,change new filter paper and go on with flushing two hours


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