



1、专业八级分类模拟 398( 总分: 85.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 LANGUAGE USAG( 总E题数: 4,分数: 85.00)When we speak to another individual or group, the distance our bodies are physically apart also communicates a message. Most of us are unaware for the importance of space in communication until 1 we are confronting with someon

2、e who uses it differently. For 2 instance, we all have a sense of which is a comfortable interaction 3 distance to a person with whom we are speaking. If that person gets closer than the distance in which we are comfortable, we usually 4 automatically back up to reestablish our comfort zone. Similar

3、ly, if we feel that we are too far away from the person we are talking to, we likely to close the distance between us. If two speakers have 5 different comfortable interaction distances, a ballet of shifting positions usually occurs until one of the individuals is backed into a corner and feels thre

4、atened with what may be perceived 6 like hostile. As a result, the verbal message may not be listened to 7 or understood as it is intended. 8Comfort in interaction distance mostly has to do with the distance between faces that are looking directly at each other. Most people do not have the same feel

5、ing about physical closeness if they do not have eyes contact. In a crowd or an elevator, people usually 9 choose to not to look at anyone in order to avoid feeling. 10(分数: 25.00 )解析:for of 解析 固定搭配中的介词误用。 be unaware of sth. 是固定搭配, 意为“没有意识到某事”。 此处意为“我们中的多数人在沟通时没有意识到保持距离的重要性。” 解析: confronting confront

6、ed 解析 非谓语动词误用。 be confronted with 意为“面对,面临”,应 该用过去分词 confronted 。解析:which what 解析 关系代词误用。根据上下文可知, 此处应该使用的关系代词是 what而不是 which , what 既作介词 of 的宾语,又作从句的主语。此处意为“例如,在同别人交谈时,对于什么是一个舒适的 互动距离,我们都有一定的感知。” 解析: in at 解析 介词误用。定语从句引导词 which 指代的是 distance ,与 distance 搭配的介词应该 为 at ,而不是 in ,如 keep sb. at a distance

7、 “与某人保持一定的距离”。解析: likely are 解析 be 动词缺失。 be likely to 是固定搭配,意为“很有可能,倾向于”。由于 主语是 we,因此缺失 be 动词 are 。此处意为“我们倾向于拉近我们之间的距离。” 解析: with by 解析 介词误用。 threatened 意为“受到威胁的”, 其后应该使用介词 by,表示“被 所威胁”。解析: like as 解析 介词误用。 perceive as 是固定搭配,意为“视为,当作”。此处意为“直到其中 一个人被逼迫到角落,并且被一种敌对感所威胁。” 解析: is was解析 时态错误。在这里 be intend

8、ed 应该发生在 be listened to or understood之前,因此 be 动词应该用过去式 was。此处意为“语言上的信息也许不会像原本打算的那样被听到或者被理解( 即原意可能会被曲解 ) 。” 解析: eyes eye 解析 名词单复数错误。 eye contact 是固定说法,意为“眼神交流”, eye 在这里使用 单数形式。此处意为“大多数人在没有眼神交流的情况下是不会有相同的身体上的亲密感的。” 解析:第一个 to 解析 不定式符号 to 冗余。 choose not to do sth.中的不定式符号 to 应该用在not 后面,因此将 not 前面的 to 去掉。

9、Almost universally, women have failed to reach leading positions in major corporations and private sector organizations,respective of their abilities, said author Linda Wirth. The higher 11 the position, the glaring the gender gap. The ILO said men 12 traditionally rely in old boy networks to climb

10、up the ladder. 13 Women are more invisible in the corporate world but they are less 14 keen on informal gatherings. They are also fighting a losing battle for 15 against sexual harassment.A British study found that women in one company subjecting to 16 continuing sexual harassment and bullying faile

11、d to achieve promotion whatever strategy they used. Protesting and complaining earned them a label of feminist and whining, while trying to 17 be one of the men invited further harassment, the ILO report said. A survey of 300 companies in Britain last year found that just 3 percent of board members

12、are women. In the FTSE top 100 18 companies listed in Britain, women held just 4 percent of directors posts, while female managers earned just 71 percent of the salary of their male counterpart, the ILO report said. 19 British female managers as a whole earned 83 percent of the salaries of their mal

13、e counterparts putting them ahead of theircounterparts in most other countries.The situation in Germany was no better. A survey of 70,000 largest companies found that women there held just 1 to 3 percent of the top executive and boardroom positions. The ILO also reported that the comparative high pr

14、oportion of women executives in large 20 French companies 13 percent was now falling again from the 1980s levels. (分数: 25.00 ) 解析: respective irrespective 解析 语义错误。结合下文可以看出,此句要表达的意思是“不管她们 的能力如何, 在大多数公司或私营组织中, 女性都很难取得领导地位, 这种情况几乎是普遍的。 ”respective 意为“各自的,分别的”,而 irrespective 才表示“不管的,不顾的”,且通常与 of 连用。 解析:

15、 glaring more 解析 形容词比较级错误。这句话要表达的意思是“职位越高,性别差距就越明 显”,由前面的 the higher 可知后句也应该使用比较级,故在 glaring 前面加 more。解析: in on 解析 固定搭配中的介词误用。 rely on “依靠,依赖”,为固定搭配,故将 in 改为 on。 解析:but because解析 连词误用。上半句说“女性在公司中比较隐形化”,下半句说“女性不太 热衷于同事间的私下聚会”,可见下半句是对上半句的解释,逻辑上是因果关系,而不是转折关系。解析: for 解析 介词冗余。 fight against sth.意为“为反对而战”

16、是固定搭配,这句话的意思是“她们在反对性骚扰的斗争中也处于劣势。” 解析:subjecting subjected 解析 非谓语动词误用。 subject to 是固定搭配,意为“使经受, 使遭受”, 常使用被动语态。该句的谓语部分是failed to ,而 subjected to.作后置定语修饰 women。解析: athe 解析 冠词误用。 label 在这里由后面的 of feminist andwhining 修饰,表特指, 应该使用定冠词 the 限定。解析: are were 解析 时态错误。文章通篇采用的都是一般过去时,且主句时态也为一般过去时,所以 从句谓语应使用过去式 we

17、re 。解析: counterpart counterparts 解析 名词单复数错误。 counterpart 表示“与之相对应的人或物”, 等同于前面的 managers,所以应使用复数形式。解析: comparative comparatively 解析 词性混用。结合上下文看,这句话要表达的意思是“在法国的 大公司里,女主管的比例相对来说要高一些”,应使用副词 comparatively 来修饰形容词 high 。 The aim of a job interview is to establish whether you are likely to do well in a part

18、icular job in a specific organization. This is not only a matter of having the necessary technological knowledge and 21 skills. You must also have the motivation, the ability to adapt tonew ways of working and a new work environment, and the 22 personality to do the job and fit into a new team. But

19、there are other personal skills affect your success in a job. These include getting on 23 with people, oral or written communication, team working, problem 24 solving and good time management.Most people think that interviewers know what they are looking for and will recognize when they see it. Howe

20、ver, people are 25 actually not very good at assessing one and another. This applies to 26 recruiters as much as anyone else. In fact, a former head of selection at one big firm used to say that some interviewers are so poor that they would do better to rely on chances.In companies which recognize t

21、his, various methods are used to try to find the correct person. The most common is the structured 27 interview. Research has shown that this approach is more reliable than the ordinary job interview, even no as effective as using tests or 28 assessment centers. In a structured interview the intervi

22、ewer groups the qualities listing in the job specification under various headings. 29 There are two well-established structures for this: the NationalInstitute of Industrial Psychologys Seven-Point Plan and the FiveFold Grading System. The interviewers score candidates for how well 30 they fit the j

23、ob specification.(分数: 25.00 )解析:technological technical 解析 形近词误用。 technological 表“科技的, 工程的”,而 technical 则可指“ (某工作或专业需要的 )技能的”,此处指“工作必需的技能”,故应使用technical 。解析: a to 解析 介词缺失。句中的 a new work environment 和 new ways of working 并列充当 adapt to 的宾语,介词 to 在此不能省略。解析: affect affecting 或 affect that/which 解析 动词形式错

24、误或从句引导词缺失。这句话已经 有了谓语动词 are ,所以动词 affect 应使用现在分词 affecting 作后置定语,修饰前面的 other personal skills ;还可以在 affect 前面加上引导词 that 或者 which ,以定语从句的形式修饰 other personal skills 。 解析: or and 解析 连词误用。全方位的交际能力应该包括oral 和 written 两部分,而不是其中之一,所以应使用连词 and 。解析: recognize it 解析 代词缺失。宾语从句中的谓语动词 recognize 为及物动词,其后应该接宾 语, it 在

25、此处指代前文中的 what they are looking for。解析: and 解析 固定搭配错误。 one another 为固定搭配,意思是“互相,彼此”。 解析: correct right 解析 近义词误用。当 right 和 correct 都表示“对的,正确的,准确的”时,可 以互换,但此处 right 要表达的意思应该是“适宜的,合适的”,所以不可以与 correct 换用。解析: nonot 解析 副词误用。此处需要副词修饰 effective , no 一般修饰名词,而 not 则可修饰形容 词。解析: listing listed 解析 非谓语动词误用。 the qu

26、alities 与 list 是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以这里 应使用 list 的过去分词形式,表示被动。同时还可以理解为 which/that are listed 这样一个定语从句的 省略形式。解析:for against 解析 介词误用。score.against.是固定搭配, 意思是“根据打分 ( 评判) ”。For the first time in 70 years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released two major requirements for improving food safety. On Friday,

27、the FDA released two draft rule proposals for food safety that will allow the FDA to shift its focus to preventing, rather than simply 31 react, to food borne illnesses. Despite the delay, public health advocates 32 heralded the proposals as a major step in implementing the landmark FDA Food Safety

28、Modernization Act (FSMA) that President Obama had signed 33 into law two years ago, giving the FDA one year to put the policies in the 34 place.The regulations needed, as evidenced by the series of dangerous food 35 safety slip-ups in recent years that required recalls of spinach, cantaloupe, sprout

29、s, turkey and ground beef with microbes, as well as the FDAs shut-in 36 of the organic peanut butter plant Sunland Inc. in New Mexico, which produced salmonella-tainted peanut butter that sickened 42 consumers nationwide.The regulations, the first reforms in food safety in more than 70 years, are de

30、signed to address gaps in food production and manufacturing processes that leave an estimated 48 millions Americans sick each year, 37 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When 38 not all of these illnesses are reported, the FDA says that nearly 130,000 people who contr

31、act a food-related disease are hospitalized and 3,000 die for the illness. So when the deadline to issue regulatory rules in 2012 came 39 and went, two nonprofit organizations, the Center for Food Safety and The Center for Environmental Health praised the agency for unreasonable 40 delays and filed a lawsuit.(分数: 10.00 )解析: (focus)to on 考点 本题考查名词和介词的固定搭配。 解析 此处容易混淆的是动词词组 shift something to som


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