



1、module 10 unit 1 it s next to the park.finding places.teac hing aimswheres the supermarket?its next to the park.its in front of the school.teachingpointsimportantwhere is the supermarket? go straight on! its next to the park.teachingpointsdifficult wheres the supermarket?go straight on! its next to

2、the park.s tudents analysist eaching aidsnext to, in front of, city, driver, cousin, supermarket, well, of course.cai, tape recorder, pictures, cardsteaching proceduresstep 1 greetings tep 2 warmert he teacher puts her hand in front of her and sayin front ofand get the students to repeat the word. n

3、ow put her hand by her side and saynext to,and get the students to repeat that sentence, or make some sentences.st ep 3 activity 1 listen point and find next to, in front of.1. ask the children to stand up together in pairs. have these four students work in pairs.2. call out the same movements the s

4、tudents have learnt in this module and the last one.3. write these words on the board:next to , in front of4. play the cassette again. this time pause for the class to re peat each utterance. encoura ge the class to perform actions as they repeat.5. repeat this activity, asking individu al students

5、to repeat the utterances. alternatively, divide the class into groups.step 4 activity 2 listen and say.1. on the board draw a squre.2. tell the students that the teacher will give them instructiona and they have to draw things in the correct place on the board.1step 5 activity 3 pratise.1. have the students copy the map into their exercise books. then get the students to work in pairs. each student should ad three additional buildings or places to the map with out showing his/her partner.2. now have each stu


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