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1、1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations? A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operations B. Emergency shutdown operation C. Removing booms from stowage D. All of the above 起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision? A. Watching the compass bearin

2、g of an approaching vessel B. Systematic observation of objects detected by radar C. Long-range radar scanning D. All of the above 哪些步骤应该用来判断碰撞危险?上面所有的3.A mooring line leading 45to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a _. A. spring line B. warp line C. bow line D.

3、 breast line 一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle sign

4、al.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _A. on the downwind side B. on the upwind side C. inside the boat D. at the stern 当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。6 Aboard damaged vessels,the MOST important consideration is preserving _.

5、A. bilge pumping capacity B. reserve buoyancy C. level attitude D. instability 登上破损船舶,最重要考虑的是保留储备浮力7In complying with the Rules,of what must the mariner take due regard? _. A. Limited backing power of his vessel B. Radar information about nearby vessels C. The occupation of the other vessel,if known

6、 D. All of the above 遵行条款,海员必须应该注意什么?8. What is the direction of rotation of tropical cyclones, tropical storms and hurricanes in theNorthern Hemisphere ?_A. Clockwise and outward B. Counterclockwise and inwardC. Counterclockwise and outward D. Clockwise and inward在北半球,热带气旋,热带风暴,飓风的旋转方向是什么?逆时针向内9Bef

7、ore loading bulk grain,bilge wells must be covered to _. A. add strength to the bilge well strainer B. permit rapid flow of water to the bilge wells C. prevent cargo sifting into the bilge wells D. prevent oil,water,or other liquid from reaching the cargo 在装散装谷物以前,污水井必须被盖住以防止滤过污水井10.Holes in the bul

8、wark,which allow deck water to drain into the sea,are _. A. doggers B. fidleys C. freeing ports D. swash ports 舷墙上允许甲板水排入海里的洞是排水孔11. When a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead, by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both sidelights, _ shall b

9、e deemed to exist.A. Head-on situation.B. End-situation.C. Crossing situation.D. Close-quarters situation.当一船在前方或接近前方看到另一船,在夜间他能够看到他船的桅灯成一线或接近成一线或两盏舷灯,应认为存在对遇局面。 12.Which of the following statements is FALSE, concerning the regulations pertaining to thecylinder room of a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing

10、 system?_A. The compartment must be properly ventilated.B. The temperature of the room should never exceed 130FC. The door must be kept unlocked. D. The compartment shall be clearly marked and identifiable关于与固定二氧化碳灭火系统有关的房间下面哪个陈述是错误的?门必须保持非锁紧。13.For any given pedestal crane,when the boom is lengthen

11、ed,the lifting capacity is _. A. unchanged B. increased C. eliminated D. decreased 对于任何给定的起重机,当吊臂生长,起吊能力减少14.Radar is not only to obtain _,but also to measure their distance away from you A. brightness of objects B. color of targets C. shape of targets D. bearing of objects 雷达不仅获取物标方位,而且同样能测物标离你的距离1

12、5 The ship should reduce speed in _.A. The poor visibility.B. The good night.C. The fast speed.D. The good sight.在不良的能见度中船舶应减速。16.The tr.opical cyclone at 15.8N, 132.4E has yesterday afternoon _ into a tropical storm with winds 70 knots near center.A. Upgraded. B. Decreased. C. Become. D. Changed.在1

13、5.8N, 132.4E处的热带气旋已于昨天下午升级为近中心风速70节的热带风暴。17. They decided to discharge the *heavy lifts* soon.A. Heavy cargo. B. Heavy weather. C. Cranes. D. Derricks.他们已决定立刻卸重(大)件货物。18 To become an officer on board you must obtain _A. The officers license.B. The officers identity card.C. The seamans book.D. The ma

14、rines handbook.在船上要成为一个驾驶员必须获得驾驶员证书(适任证书)。19 You have sent a visual signal to an aircraft. The aircraft then flies over your position on a straight course and level altitude. What should you do?_A. Repeat your signal. B. Send any more signals necessaryC. Change course to follow the airplane. 你已经对飞机发

15、送了一个 视觉信号,接着飞机以直线和水品高度飞到你位置的上方。你应该怎样做?重复你的信号D. Prepare for a helicopter pickup.20. Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will not appear to move across the PPI scope?A. Echoes from a buoy.B. Own ships marker.C. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed.D. Ech

16、o from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed.你的雷达设为真运动显示模式。以下哪一个在平面位置显示器范围内将不出现移动?浮筒的回波 (Plan position indicator. 平面位置显示器)21.A vessels position should be plotted bearings of _.A. Buoy close at hand. B. Fixed known objects on shore.C. Buoys at a distance. D. All of the above.船舶的位置应以岸上已知的固定物

17、标方位来标绘。22.Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speed where _.A. You can stop within your visibility range.B. You can take proper and effective action to avoid collision.C. You are traveling slower then surrounding vessels.D. No wake comes from your v

18、essel.每一艘船舶在任何时候应以安全航速行驶。安全航速被定义为在速度方面能够让你采取适合和有效的措施以避免碰撞的速度。23. My radar is not working. I require shorebased radar assistance. Is shorebased radar assistance _?A. Used. B. Available. C. In use. D. Can be used.我船雷达不工作。我需要岸基雷达援助。岸基雷达援助可用吗?24. Please tell your captain that your anchor is _.A. Moving.

19、 B. Dragging. C. Dredging. D. Slipping.请告诉你的船长你在走锚。(Dragging-走锚 Dredging-拖锚)25. Pressure gradient is a measure of _.A. A high-pressure area. B. Pressure difference over horizontal distance.C. Pressure difference over time. D. Vertical pressure variation.气压梯度是水平距离上气压差别的计量。26.Ships are always _ on wat

20、er and they are easy to rust.A. Float. B. Floating. C. Floats. D. Floated.船舶总是漂浮在水面上且容易生锈。27.The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the _.A. magnetic equator B. magnetic longitude reference lineC. points where there is no variation D. points where there is no annual change in variation在无磁

21、偏线线上等磁力线表示那个点没有磁差28.You are using an automatic tension which by yourself. If you get caught in the turns of theline as they lead into the gypsyhead _.A. the safety cutout will stop the winch before youre injuredB. the line will part and snap back C. you may be pulled into the winch and injured or ki

22、lledD. None of the above are correct你自己正在使用自动绞缆机,如果当绳子伸进绞缆筒的时候你陷入缆绳的轮子上,你可能被拖进绞缆机并且被伤到或者杀死。29. The purpose of air tanks in a lifeboat is to _.A. make the boat float higher B. provide a stowage place for provisionsC. add strength to the boat D. keep the boat afloat if flooded在救生艇上空气箱的作用是当进水的时候保持浮起30.

23、 When underway in a channel, you should _.A. Stay near the middle of the channel.B. Keep to the starboard side of any vessels you meet.C. Exchange whistle signals with ant other vessels in the channel.D. Keep to the side of the channel which lies to your starboard.在航道中在航,你应保持在你所在航道的右侧(航行)。31. The te

24、legram AMENDED ETA 1900 / 4 TH OWING STRONG WIND says that _.A. ETA is received B. ETA is changed C. ETA is earlier D. ETA remains unchanged电报“AMENDED ETA 1900 / 4 TH OWING STRONG WIND”说的是ETA改变了32. Where should the tops of vents from gasoline tanks terminate?_A. In open air B. Inside cabins near the

25、 overheadC. In the machinery space near the engine air intake D. Underwater在哪里汽油舱通风口上方需要关闭?在露天33. You can hardly complete the loading at No.2 hatch, _ you?A. Cant.B. Can.C. Will.D. Wont你们不能完成二舱的装货,能够吗?在肯定句中,用hardly,scarcely等词表示否定时,反意疑问句用肯定动词反问。34.When shall the stand-on vessel change course and spee

26、d?A. The stand-on vessel may change course and speed at any time as it has the right-of-way.B. After the give-way vessel sounds one blast in a crossing situation.C. When action by the give-way vessel alone cannot prevent collision.D. When the two vessels become less than half a mile apart.什么时候直航船应改变

27、航向和速度?当仅凭让路船的行动不能避免碰撞时35. What is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?A. A deep-draft vessel that can only navigate in a dredged channel.B. A vessel fishing with a bottom trawl that must remain on course.C. A large tanker that is being towed as a dead ship to dry dock.D. A vessel laying r

28、evetment mats to provide bank protection along a channel.什么(哪个)是一艘操限船?正在铺设护岸草席以保护沿途航道的船舶36. A shore is a piece of securing dunnage that _.A. Runs from a low supporting level up to the cargo at an angle (从.处跑出,从.处流出)B. Is also known as a distance piece (间隔片,定距块,间隔块,间隔套)C. Is placed on the deck under

29、the cargo to distribute its weight evenlyD. Is run horizontally from a support to the cargo撑木是一块低位支撑成一定角度的货物跑出的固定垫板。37._is a rounded projection at the forward end of a ship which reduces water resisitance,thus allowing an increase in speed when the ships is in ballast .A.Bulbous bow B.Ellipse bow C.

30、Cyclical projection D.Gnomonic projection球鼻首是在船首末端一个圆形的物体,当船舶压载时用来减少水的阻力以此增加船速38. A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted _.A. Red.B. Yellow.C. With red and white vertical stripes.D. With a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy.大型的航海浮筒(LNB)被油漆成红色。39.A tanker is cargo ship constructed or

31、_for the carriage in bulk liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature.A.adapted B.adopted C.damp D. dump油轮是建造或适用于运输易燃性质的散装液体货的货船40. A vessel not under command shall display _.A. Two red lights at night and two black balls during daylight.B. Two red lights at night and three black balls during daylight.C

32、. Three red lights at night and two black balls during daylight.D. Three red lights at night and three black balls during daylight.失控船应显示两个红灯(在夜间)和两个黑球(在白天)。41. A vessels LCG is determined by _.A. Dividing the total longitudinal moment summations by displacementB. Dividing the total vertical moment

33、summations by displacementC. Multiplying the MTC by the longitudinal momentsD. Subtracting LCF from LCB船舶的LCG被确定为纵向总力矩除以排水量。42. All portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being _.A. Carried by hand to a fire.B. Carried or rolled to a fire.C. Recharged in the field.D. Used on class B fires.所有

34、便携式灭火器必须能够被用手携带到火灾(现场)。43 All the damage and shortage, _ those incurred after discharge and before delivery to receivers, should be noted in the discharging report.A. IncludingB. BesidesC. Except (卸货后和交货前的损坏和短缺可能性极小)D. In addition to所有损坏和短缺,包括那些发生在卸货后和交货前的应被写入卸货报告。44Before CPR is started, you should

35、 _.A. establish an open airway B. treat any bleeding woundsC. insure the victim is conscious D. make the victim comfortable在心脏复苏术开始之前你应该确定气孔畅通45 Convection spreads a fire by _.A. Heated gases flowing through ventilation systems.B. The transfer of heat across an unobstructed space.C. Burning liquids

36、flowing into another space.D. Transmitting the heat of a fire through the ships metal.火灾的对流蔓延由热的气体经过通风系统来完成。46 For the purpose of _ tank or hold washings from any vessel; an application shall be made to harbor authorities for approval.A. Discharging. B. Recycling. C. Loading. C. Taking in.任何船舶对于液舱或货

37、舱清洗水的排放,应申请港口机关并获得批准。47 Hard right rudder means _A. Put the rudder over to the right all the way.B. Jam the rudder against the stops.C. Meet a swing to the right, and then return to amidships.D. Put the rudder over quickly to 15 degrees right rudder.右满舵意思是把舵一直放在右边。48I read you with signal strength _

38、.A. Barely perceptible. B. Bare perceptible.C. Barely perceptibly. D. Bare perceptibly.我仅能听到一点你的信号。49 In practice, it is usual for the ship to be loaded _ to improve the vessels movement through the water.A. A little deeper aft. B. A little deeper forward.C. At the same draught between fore and aft.

39、 C. A balance between two sides.在实践中,通常船舶被装成尾吃水稍深一些以改善船舶对水运动的(性能)。50 In radar plotting C.P.A. is the abbreviation of _.A. Closest point to approach.B. Close point to approach.C. Crossing point to approach.D. Coming point to approach.在雷达标绘中,C.P.A.是最近会遇距离的缩写。51In relation to cargo gear, what does SWL

40、mean?A. Safe working load.B. Ships working lift.C. Starboard wing lift.D. Stress, weight, load.关于货物设备,SWL是什么意思?安全工作负荷52 In view of _ bilge water from any vessel, an application shall be made to harbor authorities for approval.A. Discharging. B. Recycling. C. Loading. D. Taking in.鉴于任何船舶污水的排放,应向港口机构申

41、请并获批准。53 Keep _ to that point, said the pilot.A. Straight. B. Direct. C. Forward. D. On.保持对着那点直走,引水员说。54 Lifeboats are numbered _. Odd numbers to starboard and even numbers to port.A. From forward to aft.B. From aft to forward.C. At masters option.D. As per owners instruction.救生艇编号自前向后。单号(奇数)在右,双号(偶

42、数)在左。55 Mooring _ are placed on both banks of the Suez Canal about 200m apart.A. Bollards. B. Ballasts. C. Bands. D. Benefits.Suez运河两岸的带缆桩之间的距离大约为200米。56Nothing in these rules shall _ any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any precaution, which may be required by

43、the ordinary practice of seaman, or by the special circumstances of the case.A. Exonerate. B. Exhaust.C. Exercise. D. Examine.规则不免除任何船舶及其船长或船员可能被要求船员通常做法或特殊情况引起后果的任何预防的责任。57 Ordnance exercise is _.A. Naval firing practice. B. Fire drills. C. Crew drills. D. Survival drills.军事演习是海军战斗联系。58 Permission

44、is kindly requested _ the clean ballast water at berth No.196.A. Pump out. B. To pump out. C. Pumping out. D. Be pumped out.请求允许在第196号泊位排放压载水。59Permission is kindly _ about 1000 tons of clean sea water ballast, as and when required for trimming purposes.A. Requested to pump out. B. Requested pumping

45、 out.C. Requesting to pump out. D. Requesting pumping out作为调整吃水差的目的,请求许可排放大约1000吨清洁压载水。Be requested to do. 请求做60 Planning to stow _ in the end lower holds will result in much broken stowage.A. Large crates or casesB. Small curved itemsC. DrumsD. Filler cargo Arm计划将大的条板箱或箱子装在船尾底部货舱将导致大的亏舱。61 Safe spe

46、ed is defined as that speed where _.A. You can stop within your visibility range.B. You can take proper and effective action to avoid collision.C. You are traveling slower than surrounding vessels.D. No wake comes from your vessel.安全航速定义为能够使你采取适当而有效的避免碰撞行动的速度。62 Symptoms of sugar diabetes include _.

47、A. increased appetite and thirst B. decreased appetite and thirstC. gain in weight D. elevated temperature糖尿病的症状包括增加食欲和饥渴63 The damaged derrick _ now.A. Has repaired. B. Is being repaired. C. Is repaired. D.Will be repaired.损坏的吊杆现在正在修理。64.the flinders bar on a magnetic compass compensates for the _A

48、.induced magnetism in vertical soft ironB. induced magnetism in horizontal soft ironC. induced magnetism in ships steelD.vessels inclination from the vertical在磁罗经上福氏软铁抵消垂直软铁的感应磁65 The most effective extinguishing action of dry chemical is _.A. breaking the chain reaction B. the CO2 that is formed by

49、 heatC. smothering D. shielding of radiant heat干粉灭火器最有效的灭火功能是破坏燃烧链66 The ship _ on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.A. That had been driven. B. Had been driven.C. Have been driven. D. Which to have been driven.搁浅在浅处岩石上的船在风浪中断成了两段。67 The vessel cleared the port means _.A. The vessel left the

50、 port properly.B. The vessel was clear of the port shortly.C. The vessel departed from the port slowly.D. The vessel was clear out the port suddenly. (离开;逃走)船舶清爽港口意味着船舶完全地离开港口。68. The vessel on opposite course will _ on your port side.A. Pass. B. Overtake. C. Catch up. D. Run down.一艘相反航向的船将在你左舷通过。 追上 与相撞69 The well preparation of stowage plan will _.A. Increase the ships officers knowledge.B. Extend the ships officers


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