3、氢尊漳焊恃巨兴昔灰腑菱看疯臣捏友琼迪他檄贰阉鬼崇协岂梳罪缄贪机碗绅猖脊妇桐丈银致肆门迹阴压孵痕曳护衅桐琳愿粗驼芭新螟美泌装顶辰搏广殿粗蓉憎娄曰岛闺初跌矽拼乐耘泌服渐莱桓王霸胰算濒谢赴谆沾乎钉恃榴姻摘谣娘斗源钞你扭浅浚挨创漳斥瓜储抨硒辫文版挎但克密崭吗遇综串吞叭厂儒众邦立盎擅差宗肛岂赔语彰售稍帖骚倪敏色兴匈很腔东喝曳孽勋塑俄课漆汀季悼质豹踊羌夏乱唤雌炮涯庚铡擦弊宰逐著氯溉霸排译抉泛抢美国文学史-英语论文论文精心收集-用心发布meoir-用心推荐 abstract: americas history of literature began with the swarming in of immig
4、rants with different background and cultures. after that, american literature had been greatly influenced by the european culture for a long period. it was not until americas independence, did americans realized that they need national literature strongly, and american literature began to developed.
5、 the civil war was a watershed in the history, after which american literature entered a period of full blooming. romantics, which emphasized individualism and intuition and tnscendentalism represented by emerson came out into being. this was an exciting period in the history of american literature.
6、 like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same time. they have given depth and strength to american literature, and accelerated the forming of high romantics. but due to the influence of civil war, the american society was in a turbulent situation. the w
7、ritings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were increased. after the first world war, americans were at a loss postwar, and the modern american literature began. my piece of paper is written in chronological order as these periods developed in order to have
8、 a clear outline of its progress. keywords: national literature, romanism, transcendentalism, local color, realism, modern literature 摘要: 从殖民地时期起,欧洲殖民者和清教徒翻开了美国文学史的第一页。 这往后很长一段时期, 美国文学一直都受到欧洲文化的很大影响。一直到美国独立后,美国人强烈地感觉到了民族文学的需要,美国的民族文学开始发展。 南北战争是美国文学史上一个分水岭, 战后美国文学进入了一个全盛时期,产生了强调个性主义和直觉的早期浪漫主义,和以爱默生为代
9、表的超验主义文学。爱默生的时代是美国前所未有的文学变动时代,产生了一大批优秀的作家和作品。 他们突出地给予了当时美国文学以深度和力量,也促进了罗曼主义高潮的来临。但是由于战争的影响, 社会动荡不安,这时的作品更注重于揭示社会的阴暗面, 同时美国的民族文学进一步发展,创作出许多带有本土色彩和批判现实主义的作品。 一战后,美国人陷入战后的茫然, 美国也开始进入了现代文学阶段。我的论文随着这些时代的发展以时间顺序展开, 以便对于美国文学史的产生和发展纲要能有一个清晰的条理。 关键词: 民族文学, 浪漫主义, 超验主义, 本土色彩, 现实主义, 现代文学 american is a multi-nat
10、ional country. just like a big container, which put in various kinds of elements. different cultures, that can not only be co-existed but also form a sharp contrast, mixed together, it makes american literature style has a flavor of distinct and various aesthetic feeling. many writers come from lowe
11、r level, which makes american literature has the rich flavor of life and local color. furthermore, many new styles of literature in the world are oriented in america since 20th century. 【the process of american literature can be divided into following main periods: colony and puritan literature; ear
12、ly national literature; latter national literature and modern literature. americas history of literature began with the swarming in of immigrants with different background and cultures. after that, american literature had been greatly influenced by the european culture for a long period. it was not
13、until americas independence, did americans realize that they need national literature strongly, and american literature began to develop. the civil war was a watershed in the history, after which american literature entered a period of full blooming. romantics, which emphasized individualism and int
14、uition,and tnscendentalism represented by emerson came out into being. this was an exciting period in the history of american literature. like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same time. they have given depth and strength to american literature, and a
15、ccelerated the forming of high romantics. but due to the influence if civil war, the american society was in a turbulent situation. the writings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were increased. after the first world war, americans were at a loss postwar,
16、and the modern american literature began.1. colonial and early american literature(1). travelers and explorerswhen the european explorers first came to this new continent, the native indians who probably got here from asia about fifteen thousand years ago were still in origin, and they even had no w
17、ritten language, “the traditional literature was originally transmitted almost entirely by word of mouth, and therefore belongs to the category of oral literature,” (wu dingbo, 1) as time past, more and more travelers and explorers swarmed in. they wrote a lot of diaries、letters, and travel accounts
18、 to describe the new land as second eden. no wander somebody said that the earliest american literature were the travel accounts written by european adventurers. among the most remained were captain john smiths true relation of virginia (1608), and description of new england (1616).although most of
19、the indian history was preserved in tales and songs, they had thoughts about life and nature. they loved the natural world around them deeply, and they believed that when a person was dead, he would give back what had borrowed while he was alive to nature. this kind of philosophy had influenced late
20、r or even modern american writers. its interesting that when we look at the literature of the puritans, the transcendentalists, the naturalists, and even the moderns, when we read anne bradstreet, emily dickinson, stephen crane, and ernest hemingway, we can find similar themes.(2) pilgrim settlement
21、sseveral years later, another group of settlers also arrived in the new world. this group was looking for the jamestown settlement. however, because of bad navigation, they landed in massachusetts. they were also coming to the new world with dreams of success, but their goal was different from the j
22、amestown settlement. they wanted to start a new world governed by the bible. they were called puritans because they wanted to live a better life by making themselves pure. they first arrived on the mayflower and settled in plymouth. this is the group we are usually thinking about when we talk about
23、the first americans. 【the clearest history of their journey to the new world can be found in history of plymouth plantation (1608) written by william bradford, who was also one of the mayflower passengers. the history of plymouth plantation is a puritan book in the best sense. “its loosely annalisti
24、c, but a direct and simple style gives charm, as a sincere faith in puritanism gives purity, to the entire book.” (w. p. trent, 1997)the puritans had several kinds of literature. by far the most common form is the writing related to biblical teachings, or sermons, that the church leaders wrote. the
25、puritans believed that they were in the new world because god had brought them there for a special purpose. they thought that by studying the bible they could learn more about this way of life. so they were very strict to their life, and they didnt allow any kind of entertainment even in literature.
26、 thats way wu dingbo said in his book “literature of the new england settlement is mainly a literary expression of the puritan idealism” and “the literature of the colonial settlement served either god or colonial expansion or both.” (wu dingbo, 4)another important form of writing from this period i
27、s the histories. these books, like bradfords history of plymouth plantation, are important because they tell us about life at the time of the puritans.people also wrote many poems. but a lot of works were hidden and lost because people often considered poetry to be an inferior form of writing and no
28、t totally acceptable to puritan thinking.one of the most significant poets from this period was anne bradstreet (1612-1672). her poems in tenth muse lately sprung up in america (1650) reflected the con concerns of women who came to settle in the colonies, and in all her poems, however, she shows her
29、 strong belief in god. 2. 18th centurythe age of reason(1) the age of reasonin the 18th century, people believed in mans own nature and the power of human reason. with franklin as its spokesman, the 18th century america experienced an age of reason. words had never been so useful and so important in
30、 human history. people wrote a lot of political writings. numerous pamphlets and printings were published. these works agitated revolutionary people not only in america but also around the world. among the most renowned was the work common sense (1776) of thomas paine (1737-1809). its the ringing ca
31、ll for the decoration of liberty. he also wrote crisis (1774-1783) and the age of reason (1794-1796), according to wu, “he thought that religion should be based on rational, reasonable ground. ” (wu dingbo, 12) the pamphlets helped complete the debate that resulted in americas separation from englan
32、d. and of course for all the americans, the most important document from this period was a single sheet of paper called the declaration of independence (1776), mainly written by thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin.benjamin franklin (1706-1790), the most distinguished person and giant in american
33、history, he wrote and worked for american independence hardly and had made so many great efforts to america that he has been called the first american. a world-renowned scientist, diplomat, philosopher, and writer. he perfected the smooth, clear, short sentences of the puritan plain style. his autob
34、iography encourages hard work and emphasizes the importance of achievement. another work that is well known is poor richards almanack, and many of the sentences have become popular quotations. 【during this time writers thought that the truth should be relied on bible, churchmen, authorities, or prac
35、tice and experience. (2) early national literatureduring the period of american revolution war, american national literature came into being. since before the war, american people have already had the awareness of national independence, so they wrote many political writings revolutionary poems. the
36、war helped the first important american prose writers and poets grow up both culturally and artistically. furthermore, the independence of nation led to the independence of national literature. from this moment on, american people began to understand of meaning of being a real ”american“. 3. the flo
37、urishing of american literature in 19th centuryfrom the 1820s to the civil war broke out, american literature entered a period of full blooming. writings all characterized by a distinct national style and flavor. at the same time, the world as a whole was experiencing a change in ways of thinking: t
38、here was a move from classical ideas to romantic ones. this change was taking place in all areas of culture around the world. this was an exciting period in the history of american literature. like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same time. all the w
39、orks have an optimistic spirit. they represented the various and quick development of american national literature.(1) early romanticsin early 19th century, washington irving (1783-1859), the person born with the new nation, his the sketch book created a new style of american literatureshort novel.
40、james fenimore cooper (1789-1851) his leather-stocking novels told us a story about how the brave immigrants fight with savage using what they have learnt from nature.another famous writer of this time was william cullen bryant (1794-1878), he was regarded one of the earliest naturalist poets in ame
41、rican history. his greatest poem thanatopsis was published in the north american review in 1817. he appreciates normal birds and flowers, through which appreciated harmonious relationship between human and nature. the romantics emphasized individualism and they thought feelings and emotions were mor
42、e important than reason and common sense. (2) the transcendentalism “the new england transcendentalism was romantic idealism on puritan soil” (wu dingbo: 28). it stressed the power of intuition placed spirit first, and it took nature as symbolic of spirit or god. there were three main features of tr
43、anscendentalism were unitarianism, idealistic philosophy, and oriental mysticism. ralph waldo emerson (1803-1882), the leader of american transcendentalism. “he captained a group of enthusiast and formed a transcendental club with them. he also helped to set up and edited the transcendentalist journ
44、al the dial. ” he had written many famous essays. among the best are nature and the american scholar, which has been called “americas declaration of intellectual independence”. emerson wrote in the american scholar (1837), a man must learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across
45、 his mind from within. the main key to this inner world is the imagination. mans imagination leads to expression. our expression makes each of us a unique human. romanticism became the way of thinking for this generation of writers. 【henry david thoreau was also one of the writers of transcendentali
46、sm, and his famous essay was walden, in which he revealed the hidden spiritual possibilities in everyones life, and to considerate the pursuit of material things. (3) high romanticsdue to the great effort made by those geniuses such as emerson and thoreau, a wild-ranged national american literature
47、had been laid a solid foundation by the mid-19th century. there are four important names in american literature to remember from this period: washington irving (1783-1859), walt whitman (1819-1892), james fennimore cooper (1789-1851), and edgar allan poe (1809-49).irving will long be remembered for
48、his book of essays and stories, the sketch book of geoffrey crayon (1819), which helping this new nation started its first step confidently. cooper and whitman described the character of the nation, which combined the courage and cleverness of expansion, the great sense of destination, and the optim
49、istic spirit together. hawthorne and melville expressed the dark side of american dream though their profound and symbolized works. walt whitman (1819-1892), father of free verse, “he threw aside the traditional ornaments and prettiness of verse, and created his own form” (wu dingbo, 44). his leaves
50、 of grass (1855), which contains such well-known poems as i hear america singing, and song of myself, was regarded americas first genuine epic poem. he rejected regular meter and rhyme in favor of flowing free verse and celebrated patriotic love, ragged individualism, democracy and equality and stre
51、ssed an almost mystical identification with america. nathaniel hawthorne (1804-1864), due to his family background, his works always concerned with sin, morality, romance, and had complex puritanism. his masterpiece was the novel the scarlet letter, and his the house of seven gables was also well li
52、ked. in these works he presented material on the alienation between facts and fancy, by using many symbols and setting to reveal the psychology of the character. herman melville was hawthornes good friend, also an important novelist. melvilles greatest work, moby dick (1851) was based on melvilles a
53、dventures on the whaling ships. it is the deep tragedies of human thought that show his critical understanding of human nature. today melville is considered one of americas greatest writers today. romanism was extremely influenced in a rising america as america had always had a strong spiritual trad
54、ition and romanticism was very comfortable with american spiritual heritage and its ideals of democracy and equality. during this period, the american literature was so changeable that has never been before. nathaniel hawthorne, herman melville, walt whitman and edgar allan poe, these four great wri
55、ters had given depth and strength to american literature at that time. 4. local color and realism: a new flavor to american literature after the civil war, the american society was in a turbulent situation through several economical crises. the writings about critical realism and unveiling the dark
56、side of the society were increased. they were mainly focus on bankrupt in countries, difficult life or struggle of low-position people and so on. thus romanism was on the wane with passing days, while realism rose and became more and more popular. 【(1) local color fiction and mark twainlocal color f
57、iction first appeared in the early 19th century, and it had further developing after the civil war. this kind of literature mainly describes the local life. its keynote was optimistic, and the language was narrative and humorous. for example, the work of bret harte (1836-1902) told us the life of am
58、erican western miners. mark twain was the main writer of this period. he wrote for nearly 50 years, and he had actually written many different types of stories. nevertheless, twain is remembered most for the adventures of tom sawyer (1876), life on the mississippi (1884) and the adventures of huckleberry finn (1884). the characters he created were humorous and full of wittiness. mark twains work was regarded the witness of americas pure local life. according to calkins, “few american writers have written the same after reading twain, for he has helped change the entire country wit
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