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1、高考英语一模试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AWhiStler World Ski Sno Wboard FeStiVal There are many reas OnS Why the World Sk i&SnoWbOard FeStiVaI has been so popular for the PaSt 22 years KnoWn to locals as WSSF, the festival combines SPring energy With WhiStIerS UniqUe mountain CUItUre . It is

2、being held from 10th April to 15th April , at the WhiStIer ConferenCe Centre in WhiStIer . Canada. There are photography , filmmaking , Ski and SnoWbOard COmPetitiOnS .WSSF SChedUIeBelow are some of the events .Tuesday, April 10Eight famous adventurers give ViSUaI StOrieS to the audience . The eight

3、 people include mountain bikers Darren BerreCloth and HanS Rey , CIimber John Long , diver Jill Heinerth , SnoW boarder Alex WarbUrtOn , Skier Johnny Thrash, and adventurers CaSey Brown and Ted Baird .Wedn esday, April 11ThiS free exhibit gives you a deeper look at mountain CUItUre . It goes further

4、 than SimPIy Iandscapes and wildlife . The exhibit will be open to everyOne from April 1l to April 13.TeamS have 72 hours to shoot, edit and PrOdUCe a short film take n With in 100 kilometres of WhiStIer Village . JUdgeS will choose just OneWinner for BeSt of show.ThUrSday , April 12SiX photographer

5、s COmPete to amaze the judges and the audie nce With PiCtUreS that record sports, CUItUre and the human SPirit .Friday , April 13WhiStIer BIaCkCOmb is the fourth stop in BritiSh Columbia , Can ada, for this Sno WbOard Con test. The Con test is free to en ter and the two ChamPi OnS (man and woma n) w

6、ill ShareC 50,000.SatUrday, April 14COmPetitOrS include a mix of racing Iegends . The audience Can VieW the Ski race for free. The Ski race depe nds On the Weather and is SChedUIed for SatUrday April 14 but may be moved to Friday , April 13-CheCk WSSf . com for up-to-date informatiOn .1. What Can We

7、 learn about the World Ski SnoWbOard FeStiVaI ? A. It is a SeVe n-day festivalB. It is held in April every year .C. It has a history of over twenty years .D. It is best known for WhiStIerS mountain CUItUre .2. What Can ViSitOrS do during the World Ski SnoWbOard FeStiVaI ? A. EnjOy films made by COmP

8、etitOrS on April 11.B. See eight famous mountain bikers On April 10 .C. WatCh a Ski race that will definitely happen on SatUrday .D. VieW an exhibit featuri ng mountain CUItUre On April 12.3. Which of the events mentioned in the text offers a prize ? A. The ski raceB. The snowboard contest C. The ph

9、otography competition D. The filmmaking competition BSally Dawly is a woman from Auburn , California Over the last three and a half years, the anti-littering woman has spent most of her free time picking up cigarette butts (烟头) from the streets of her home city Called the Butt Lady by her local comm

10、unity , Dawly began her mission to rid the streets of her city of cigarette butts in October , 2014 The woman looked for cigarette butts , picked them up and threw them in the trash To keep a count of how many butts she picks up , the Butt Lady has been using a tablet , and earlier this month , she

11、hit a historic milestone-one million cigarette butts I got tired of going on my walks and seeing cigarette butts everywhere , Sally Dawly said Im just shocked that I had to pick up so many Ive ever picked up 3,000 butts in one day, she said Dont throw away your butts ; better yet, stop smoking With

12、so many cigarette butts littering the streets , can one persons efforts really make a difference ? Surprisingly , the answer seems to be yes Soon after the Butt Lady of Auburn started her mission and word of her efforts spread, cigarette cans started appearing around bars and restaurants in the city

13、 Members of the local community even came out to cheer her on as she approached her one-million-butt milestone Sally knows her citys cigarette butt littering problem wont be solved anytime soon , but she hopes her work will inspire people to at least think twice before dropping cigarette butts in th

14、e streets She has decided to continue cleaning up after irresponsible smokers, and already has a new milestone in her sights-two million cigarette butts Word of the Butt Ladys efforts to keep the streets cigarette butt-free has reached neighboring communities as well , and CBS Sacramento reports tha

15、t other cities have started seeking her help as well 4. Why does Sally Dawly carry an iPad with her while picking up the butts ? A. To entertain the crowds B. To monitor the smokers C. To attract peoples attention D. To record the number of butts 5. How did Sally Dawly feel when picking up cigarette

16、 butts ? A. Excited but upset B. Shocked and sorryC. Frightened but content D. Astonished and desperate6. From the text what can be inferred about Sally Dawly ? A. She picks up nearly 3,000 cigarette butts every day B. She will work in other cities in California in the future C. She has set a new go

17、al of picking up two million cigarette butts D. She picked up one million cigarette butts with members of her community 7. What is the text mainly about ? A. Californias Butt Lady B. Fighting against smoking C. Californians health problems D. Smoking problems in California CLaUghter is Part Of the U

18、ni VerSal huma n vocabulary. All members Of the huma n SPeCieS Un dersta nd it. Un Iike En glish or FrenCh or Swahili, We dont have to lear n to SPeak it. We re born With the CaPaCity to laugh.Very little is known about the SPeCifiC brain mecha ni SmS resp on sible for IaUghter. Con trary to folk wi

19、sdom, most IaUghter is not about humor;it is about relationships.To find out When and Why people laugh , I Went With SeVeraI assistants to local malls and recorded What happened just before people laughed. OVer a 10-year PeriOd , We StUdied over 2, OOO CaSeS of naturally OCCUrring IaUghter .We found

20、 that most IaUghter does not necessarily folloW jokes. People may laugh after aVariety of Statements, SUCh as, Here comes Mary, How did you do On the test ? or Do you have a rubber band? TheSe Certainly arent jokes.We believe IaUghter evolved from the Pan ti ng(喘气的)behavior of our an Cie ntan CeStOr

21、S.Today, if We tickle (使发痒)chimps, they dont laugh . But, in stead, they PrOdUCea Panting sound. Thats the SoUnd of ape IaUghter, and its the root of human IaUghter.APeS laugh in the kinds of SitUatiOnS that lead to human IaUghter, like games that involve ChaSing. Other animals PrOdUCe SoUndS during

22、 play , but they are so different from IaUghter. Rats, for example, PrOdUCe high SoUndS during play and When tickled, but these are Very different in sound from human IaUghter .LaUghter is often positive, but it Can be negative too. Theres a difference between Iaughing with and laughing at.PeopIe wh

23、o laugh at OtherS may be trying to drive them out of the group.No One has actually CoUn ted how much people of differe nt ages laugh,but young ChiIdre n PrObabIy laugh the most. At ages 5 and 6 We PrObabIy laugh more tha n at any Other times. AdUItS laugh less tha n ChiIdre n, PrObabIy because they

24、play less.Work now Un derway will tell US more about the brain mecha ni SmS beh ind IaUghter,how it has evolved, and Why were so SUSCePtible to tickli ng.8. What WaS the PUrPOSe of the decades research? A. To prove that people laugh because of humour.B. To find out the real reason for people S IaUgh

25、ter .C. To research people S different reaction on jokes .D. To record ConVerSatiOnSamong ShOPPerS in malls .9. What Can We Iearn from the text ? A. People who play more tend to laugh more .B. APeS PrOdUCe high SoUndS When tickled .C. SCientists know the brain mechaniSmS responsible for IaUghter wel

26、l .D. The SitUati OnSin WhiCh apes laugh are Very differe nt from those in WhiCh huma ns laugh .10. What does the Underlined word susceptible in the last ParagraPh PrObabIy mean ?A. SenSitiVe .B. FIeXibIe .C. AddiCtiVe .D. ReIiabIe .11. WhiCh of the following might be the best title for the text ? A

27、. The ImPaCt of LaUghterB. The Meaning of LaUghterC. A Big MyStery : Why Do We LaUgh ?D. LaUghter: The Most BeaUtifUI WordsD第3页,共14页A team Of internatiOnal SCientists is due to Set Off for the worlds biggest iceberg in a missiOn aiming to an SWer fun dame ntal questi OnS about the impact of CIimate

28、Cha nge in the polar regions. The SCientists, led by he BritiSh Antarctic SUrVey (BAS), are trying to reach a newly revealed ecosystem that had bee n hidde n for 120, OOO years below the LarSe n C ice shelf.LaSt year, Part of the LarSen C ice shelf CaIVed (崩解) away, forming a huge iceberg-A68 WhiCh

29、is four times bigger than London, and revealing life beneath for the first time. Now SCientists Say it is a race against time to explore these new ecosystems before they are tranSfOrmed to the light. Marine biologist Dr Katrin LinSe from the BAS is leading the missio n.The calving of A68 PrOVideS US

30、 With a UniqUe opportUnity to StUdy marine life as it respOndS to a huge environment Cha nge, she said. It is importa nt that We get there quickly before the Un dersea environment Cha nges as SUn Iight en ters the water.PrOfeSSOr DaVid VaUghan, SCience director at the BAs, said, We need to be bold (

31、 大胆的) On this one. LarSe n C is a Iong Way south and theres lots of Sea ice in the area, but this is important SCience, so We will try our best to get the team Where they need to be. He Said CIimate Cha nge had already affected the Sea around An tarctica and is Warm ing some COaStaI waters. Future W

32、armi ng may make some habitats warm. Where these habitats SUPPOrt UniqUe SPeCieS that are adapted to love the cold and not the warm, those SPeCieS are going to either move or die.IlThere is growing ConCern about the POSSibIe impact of CIimate Change in the Antarctic. EarIier this month, a report rev

33、ealed that melting ice SheetS in Greenland and Antarctica are SPeeding UP the already fast PaCe of the Sea level rise. The research, PUbIiShed by the National ACademieS of Science, Engineering and MediCine, said, At the CUrrent rate, the worlds ocean will be, on average, at least 60cm higher by the

34、end of the Century. However, it found that the PrOCeSS is accelerat ing, and more tha n three quarters of the accelerati OnSinCe 1993 is due to melt ing ice SheetS in Gree nland and An tarctica, the StUdy shows.12. Why are the SCientists eager to go to the iceberg?A. To StUdy how the iceberg WaS for

35、med.B. To StUdy a n ewly discovered ecosystem.C. To explore a new Way to PreVe nt CIimate Cha nge.D. To explore the geography of the LarSe n C ice shelf.13. What do the Underlined words this one in the fourth ParagraPh refer to?A. The LarSe n C ice shelf.B. CIimate Cha nge in An tarctica.C. The A68

36、iceberg With the ecosystem ben eath it.D. The Con diti On Of ani mal SPeCieS in An tarctica.14. What Can We Iearn about the A68 iceberg from the text?A. It is as big as London.B. It is Part of an ice shelf in the Arctic.C. It will disappear in a Very short time.D. It has Un COVered an unknown ecosys

37、tem in An tarctica.15. What Can We infer from the last paragraph?A. There is no n eed to worry about CIimate Cha nge in An tarctica.B. The ice SheetS in Greenland and An tarctica are melt ing at a Steady rate.C. Many CreatUreS IiVing in deep Water will die out due to CIimate Change.D. By 2100, the S

38、ea level will have rise n to a much higher level tha n now.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)There is a large PerCentage Of ASian people in the US. Theyre hard-working , respectful but Strange sometimes. (1) ASian people are different from people in any Other CUItUreS . If you think you know them , you might W

39、ant to think again .HoW are they different ? When it comes to most ASian CUItUre , respect is everything.(2) Ifyou dont show PrOPer respect for him , you will get some real ConSeqUences afterward and especially if hes your boss . Its SOmething called face SaVing in the ASian CUItUre . Its ridiculous

40、 SOmetimeS but its their CUItUre . SOmetimeS their CUItUre Can come in between their relatiOnShiP at work . ASian people might expect a lot of respect from their co-workers When their co-workers just See them as an equal.(3) If youre ASian , you might Want to Understand the AmeriCan CUItUre and even

41、 adapt to their CUItUre if you work With them . It will be easier for you SinCe you re in theirCoUntries . Imagine an AmeriCa working in China , expecting Chinese co-workers to get along With him Whe n he CritiCiZeS them Straight out On every Sin gle matter in front of every One, Ithi nk they will t

42、ake him OUtSide and take Care of him .(4)If youre an AmeriCa n boss giv ing your ASia n employee a review , you will See that they will have a problem With your negative remarks . They will think that you dont like them , disrespectful, and Want to get rid of them . (5)_ Of course, its not fair for

43、you as an AmeriCan boss but just expect that it Can be SOmething that is On your ASian employees mind .A . In fact, you re just doing your job .B . So you have no ChOiCe but to trust them .C . AmeriCans Cannot get along well With ASians .D . It just does nt work that Way With ASia n people .E . Amer

44、iCans are Very different from ASian people .F . You Can do anything you Want but don t disrespect an ASian man .G . If you dont Understand their CUItUre , you will get some problems With them .16.A. AEB. BC. CD. DEF. FG. G17.A. AB. BC. CD. DEEF. FG. G18.A. AB. BC. CD. DEEF. FG. G19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE

45、EF. FG. G20.A. AB. BC. CD. DEEF. FG. G三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)An 18-year-old StUde nt WaS StrUggIi ng to Pay his tuiti On fees . AS an OrPha n, he did nt know whom to (21) to for money . So he decided to host a musical ConCert at Standford UniVerSity to (22) money for his educatiOn .He reached out to

46、 the great (23), IgnaCyJan PadereWSki . PadereWSki (24) a fee of US 2 OOO for the Piano ConCert . A deal WaS (25). And the boy began to(26) to make the ConCert a SUCCeSs.The (27) day arrived . PadereWSki PerfOrmed at Standford UniVerSity .But(28) , the boyhadnt man aged to sell en ough tickets . The

47、 total (29) WaS only US 1 , 600 . DiSaPPO inted , he Went to PadereWSki and (30) his PIight (困境). He gave PadereWSki the entire US 1,600, PIUS a CheqUe for the (31) Of US 4 00. The boy PromiSed to(32)the money as Soon asmoney for your tuitiOn fees , thanked him SinCerely .It WaS a small (36) of kind

48、n essUS Onlythink , If I helped them think , If I dont help them , in return.PoSSible. PadereWSki tore UP the cheque, (33) the US 1, 600 and told the boy , (34) the and just give me WhateVer is left. The boy WaS Very (35) , andWe all come across (37) like this in our lives . And most of What would h

49、appen to me ? The truly(38) people WouldWhat Would happen to them ? They don t do it (39) SOmethingC. relateD. referC. makeD. begC. drummerD. Sin gerC. SUggeStedD. ChargedC. StrUCkD. postp OnedC. PraCtiCeD. cooperateC. WarmD. bigC. Un willi nglyD. Un Certa inlyC. gainD. costC. Con SUItedD. expla ine

50、dC. bala nceD. i ncomeC. take dow nD. leave outC. CaStD. returnedC. KeePD. WithdraWC. embarrassedD. terrifiedC. habitD. WiShC. SitUati OnSD. PrOCeSSeSC. greatD. CUriOUSC. Charg ingD. expect ingC. realD. rightThey do it because they feel its the (40) thing to do .B. applyB. raiseB. violi nistB. dema

51、ndedB. recordedB. WorkB. easyB. Un faithfullyB. collectio nB. announcedB. PriCeB. PUt awayB. dividedB. ACCePtB. Pani CkedB. actB. examplesB. SmartB. PrediCt ingB. WiSe21. A.turn22. A.borrow23. A.Pia nist24. A.PrOmiSed25. A.drafted26. A.play27. A.bright28. A. Un fortu nately29. A.Charge30. A.an alyse

52、d31. A.in terest32. A.give back33. A.hid34. A.Get35. A.SUrPriSed36. A.ChOiCe37. A. Con VerSati OnS38. A.brave39. A.accept ing40. A.good四、语法填空(本大题共41. US Writer Margaret Lee RU nbeck once (1)(Write) , Happ in ess is not a Stati On you1小题,共15.0分)arrive at,but (2) manner of traveling . BUt traveling is

53、 not always happy , at least forthe buddies in the movie Green Book .The movie (3) ( adapt) from the true story of a road trip through the SOUthern US in the early 1960s. In the film , the black Pianist Don ShirIey hires ItaIian-AmeriCan Tony to drive him to PerfOrmances , but they face problems bec

54、ause of Shirleys Skin color. TheSe problems enable them (4) ( form ) a SPeCiaI friendship .Theres SOmething so deeply right about this movie , so true _(5) the time, Said US film CritiC LaSalle . The time La Salle is talking about WaS between 1876 and 1963 ,(6)AfriCa n-AmeriCa ns experie need a Very

55、 differe nt and difficult PeriOd . Many PartS of the CoUntry had Jim Crow laws , WhiCh allowed (7)(race) SegregatiOn (隔离). BUtin 1936, a blackmail Carrier named ViCtOr H . Green PUbIiShed a list of friendly ( _(business) as a small book With a green cover. The Green Book helpedAfriCan-AmeriCans trav

56、el more SafeIy . Then in 1964, Jim Crow laws Went away . The book Went away , too.Today many US people still remember the time of Jim Crow laws . BUt they (9)(PrObabIe) dont know about The Green Book . Its a (10) ( forget) Part of the story.第7页,共14页五、短文改错(本大题共 1 小题,共 10.0 分)42. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,

57、 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文 文 中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删 除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词.删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.Last year, when I was trying to decide if to study overseas ,I talked to my friend . This was the better thing I could have done .


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