1、Heroes among us FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY . 具体任务具体任务学习策略学习策略检查方式检查方式 熟悉掌握第4单元词汇观看微课视频,注意重音; 背单词时,注意单词的词 性,搭配等 检查读音,大部分单词的 意思 跟读课文音频,熟读课 文 注意语音语调,意群的停 顿,连读,略读 课堂抽查 学会用问题实例总结 模式写作 注意问题和实例之间的联 系。 课前预习、课堂讨论 背诵:Para 7 construction worker; fell; jumped o
2、nto; pressed 1. Do you regard Wesley Austrey as a hero? Why or why not? 2. What would you do if you were at the scene? Listen to a news report about a man named Wesley Austrey and discuss the questions. Listening and talking 1. Do you regard Wesley Austrey as a hero? Why or why not? Yes. immediately
3、 jump onto the tracks be fully aware of the danger show unusual courage in time of danger No. behave irresponsibly his two kids were watching him Listening and talking 2. What would you do if you were at the scene? doubt if I would be courageous enough shout at the man tell him to stay between the t
4、racks lower his body and keep his head down Listening and talking Every time when I read the five thousand years old Chinese history, I am moved and _ by those earthshaking heroes. Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Li Shiming, Zhao KuangyinI am also a _ creature of god, and the end product of thousands of year
5、s of evolution. Therefore, I am better _ in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceded me. Listen to a short passage and fill in the missing information. convinced unique Compound dictation equipped As long as I am crazy, and _ the limits, I will have hope. I will never give
6、up a chance of being a hero. Only mediocre people are easily satisfied. I am a mediocre person _. Mediocrity is alien to me, just like the fire and water. I will _ my limits again and again, never allow myself to bring regrets and _ into my grave. break through by no means challenge sorrow Listen to
7、 a short passage and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation I will never give up a chance of being a hero. Life is only once. Anybody will die no matter what he will do. It may lie in different roads _ the same ending. While the key to life lies in these different roads, I will walk the
8、 journey bravely and rigidly and exert my _ completely. leading to potential Listen to a short passage and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation Great era provides everyone great _. My destiny is in my hand. I will try my best to carry forward my life. There is only one self in the wor
9、ld. I will walk only once in this world. I will never give up a chance of being a hero. opportunities Listen to a short passage and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation Questions previewing 1. Who is Nelson Mandela? Why was he so famous? 2. What is Gregs Law? Why is it named after a p
10、erson? Nelson Mandela 1. Who is Nelson Mandela? Why was he so famous? the first black President of South Africa an anti-apartheid activist the leader of the armed wing of the African National Congress be arrested and sentenced to life in prison serve 27 years in prison lead his party to end aparthei
11、d after his release bring about a peaceful transition to nonracial democracy in South Africa receive the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize 2. What is Gregs Law? Why is it named after a person? be passed in 2009 as part of a larger Road Safety Bill target motorists who drive while suspended, unlicensed and unin
12、sured introduce stricter sentencing, including a seven- day vehicle impoundment (扣押). in memory of police officer Greg Stobbart, who was tragically killed while riding his bike Gregs Law Text study Section A Example 1 (civilian heroes) Structure of the text Question (para.1) 1.Daniel Hernardez saved
13、 his boss and friend.(para.2) 2.Dory Stoddard saved his wife.(para.4) Conclusion: Both Daniel and Dory are civilian heroes as they acted instinctively with courage and grace when situations call for.(para.5) Example 1 (civilian heroes) Question Example 2 (First responder heroes) First responders are
14、 also honored as heroes as can be seen from the example of Sergeant. Ryan Russell.(para.6) Heroes in the past were those who performed acts of extraordinary courage while today heroes are average men and women. (para.7-8) We expect first responders to rush toward danger. So when they die doing that,
15、 we should recognize their heroic efforts.(para.9-12) Structure of the text Example 1 (civilian heroes) Question Example 2 (First responder heroes) Conclusion The encouraging stories of heroes, both civilian heroes and first responders, show that ordinary people can do heroic things. We should not o
16、nly honor them, but also change the situations that may lead to their death. We should try to act heroically if circumstances call on us. (para.13) Structure of the text Example 1 (civilian heroes para 2-4) Question (para 1) Example 2 (First responder heroes para 5-12) Conclusion (para 13) Structure
17、 of the text Examples Question Conclusion Structure of the text Text A is an essay on peoples view about what makes a hero. It is pointed out that in the past the word “hero” was reserved for those who performed acts of courage beyond the call of duty or for great leaders, while today heroes can be
18、ordinary people like us. Besides, first responders, whose duty is to rush toward danger, are also heroes, even when their efforts failed to bring about desirable effects. Hopefully, we will also act heroically when circumstances call on us. Main idea of the passage Main ideas of the parts What thesi
19、s statement does the author make about heroes today? (Para.1) The word“hero” becomes more common and is used to refer to both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies. What question does the author raise afterwards? (Para.1) Who are the heroes among us? Main ideas of the part
20、s Part I (Para.1) common victims Today the word “hero” becomes more _ and is used to refer to both _ and _ of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies. survivors Main ideas of the parts 1.Whos a hero these days? In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common.(Para. 1) Meaning:
21、In a time when there is an increasing number of impressive actions of great courage, the word hero has been used more frequently. era: n(C) C a period of time in history that is known for a particular event, or for particular qualities 时代;年代 We are living in the information era. heighten: v. if sth
22、heightens a feeling, effect, etc, it becomes stronger or increases.(使)加强,(使)增加 Smoking may heighten the risk of cancer. Language appreciation 在一个英雄主义发扬 光大的时代,“英雄 ”一词已经变得更加 常见。 a. In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common. (Para. 1, L1) 2.Weuseherotodescribebothvictims and
23、survivorsof allkindsofdifficultiesandtragedies.Whoaretheheroes amongus.(Para. 1) victim:Csb.whohasbeenattacked,robbed,ormurdered 受害者;牺牲者 Thelocalgovernmentisraisingmoneytohelpthevictims oftheearthquake. survivor:C sb. who continues to live after an accident, war, or illness 生还者;幸存者 tradegy: 1.C,Uave
24、rysadeventthatshockspeoplebecauseit involvesdeath悲剧性事件;惨剧;惨案 2.C a serious play or book that ends sadly, esp. with the death of the main character 悲剧(作品) What examples of heroic deeds does the author provide in Para. 2 and 3? Para 2: _, who ran through danger in a mass shooting and saved the life of
25、 his boss and friend, Gabrielle Giffords. Para 3: _, who saved his wife by shielding her from the hail of bullets in the mass shooting. Daniel Hernardez Dory Stoddard Main ideas of the parts What conclusion does the author draw from the two examples? ( Para.4) They are civilian heroes. Main ideas of
26、 the parts Part II (Paras. 2-4) Both Daniel and Dory are _ heroes as they acted instinctively with _ and _ when situations call for. civilian courage grace Main ideas of the parts Structure (Paras. 1-4) Questio n Example s Conclusio n Main ideas of the parts 3.In the days subsequent to a mass shooti
27、ng in Tucson, Arizona, many described 20-year-old political associate Daniel Hernandez as a hero.(Para. 2) Meaning: In the days after a mass shooting in Tucson, many people regarded 20-year-old Daniel Hernandez, who worked in politics, as a hero. subsequent: (fml.)happeningorcomingaftersth.else随后 的;
28、继之后的 Firesandfloodssubsequenttoanearthquakeoftencause greaterdamage. associate: C sb. who you work or do business with 同事; (生意)伙伴 vt.makeaconnectioninyourmindbetweenonethingor personandanother联想;联系(associate A with B) 4.Danielheldherheadupsoshecouldbreatheandapplied pressuretoherwounds.(Para. 2) Mea
29、ning: Daniel held her head up so she could breath, and he pushed hard on her wounds in order to stop her bleeding. Para 2Para 2 apply pressure to/on sth: 给某物施加压力 Functional patterns You can apply pressure on the injury to make the blood bleed slower. (injury / bleed) 意群提示 你可以按压伤口让血流的慢些。 短语应用 5.Hespo
30、ketenderwordsofsympathy,tellingherthathe wouldfindherhusbandandherparentsandthat everythingwouldbefine.(Para. 2) Meaning: He talked gently to her and expressed his care and understanding for her suffering. tender: gentleandcarefulinawaythatshowslove温柔的; 体贴入微的;慈爱的 Thesingersdeepandtendervoiceisperfec
31、tforthismusic. sympathy: pl.,Uthefeelingofbeingsorryforsb.whoisinabad situation同情;同情心 Whenherhusbanddied,shereceivedmanylettersof sympathy.她丈夫去世的时候,她收到许多慰问信 他用温柔体贴的话语 安慰她,告诉她他会 把她的丈夫和父母找 来,告诉她一切都会 好的。 b. He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents an
32、d that everything would be fine. (Para. 2, L5) Language appreciation 6.Dory gives his life for his wife, Mavy.(Para. 3) Meaning: Dory died in order to save his wife, Mavy. give ones life: die in order to save other people or because of a strong belief 捐躯;牺牲 Many people are willing to give their live
33、s for the great cause of their country. 很多人愿意为自己祖国的伟大事业献出自己的生命 7.whenDoryheardshotsringoutheimmediatelyfellon topofhiswifetoshieldherfromthehailofbullets.(Para. 3) Meaning: When Dory heard loud gunshots, he immediately fell on top of his wife to protect her from being shot, for bullets showered on t
34、hem . ringout producealoudclearsound发出响亮的声音 Crack!Agunshotrangout,shockingeveryoneinthesquare. shieldsb./sth.fromsb./sth. protectsb.orsth.frombeingharmedordamagedbysb.o rsth.使.免受 Hetrieshisbesttoshieldhischildrenfromthepress. 他尽力保护自己的孩子避开媒体的关注 7.whenDoryheardshotsringoutheimmediatelyfellon topofhisw
35、ifetoshieldherfromthehailofbullets.(Para.3) hail n. 1 (a of bullets/stones, etc.) a large number of bullets, stones, etc.thatarefiredorthrownatsb.一阵弹雨/像雹子般袭来的石 块等 Theriotpoliceweremetwithahailofstones. 2Ufrozenraindropswhichfallashardballsofice雹;冰雹 Disastrousweatherincludesdrought,floods,hail,andstr
36、ong winds. 灾害性天气包括干旱、洪水、冰雹和强风。 vt.describesb.orsth.asbeingverygood把称赞为;把誉为 Shesbeinghailedasoneofthemostpromisingyoung dancingstarstoday. 一听到枪声,多利 马上扑在妻子身上 为她挡住扫射过来 的子弹。 c. when Dory heard shots ring out he immediately fell on top of his wife to shield her from the hail of bullets. (Para. 3, L2) Lan
37、guage appreciation 8.Atthememorial service,thepriestsaid:”Dorydidntdiea hero;helivedahero.”.(Para. 3) Meaning: By saying”Dorydidntdieahero;helivedahero.”, the priest meant that Dory was a hero all through his life; he became a hero not just because he died in a brave way. memorial service C a servic
38、e done or made in order to remind of sb who has died.追悼会、追悼仪式 Note: Dorydidntdieahero;helivedahero中a hero 做主语补足 语。die 后面可以接一些名词或形容词做主语补足语。 8.Longknownforhisremarkablespiritandloveofhumanity, DoryStoddarddiedashehadalwayslived,assistingothers. (Para. 3) Meaning: Dory had been always known for his nob
39、le spirit and love toward other people. He had awalys helped others when he was alive, and he died when he was helping others. remarkableunusualorsurprisingandthereforedeserving attentionorpraise非凡的;不寻常的;显著的 Itisthatkindofcourageanddeterminationthatmakeshim amostremarkableperson. 9.Longknownforhisre
40、markablespiritandloveofhumanity, DoryStoddarddiedashehadalwayslived,assistingothers. (Para. 3) humanity 1Upeopleingeneral人;人类(总称) Muchofhisfortunewastobeusedtogiveprizestothose whodidtheirbestforhumanity. 2Ukindness,respect,andsympathytowardothers仁慈;博 爱;同情心 Herspeechshowedgreatmaturityandhumanity. 3
41、pl.(theies)subjectsofstudysuchasliterature, history,orart,ratherthanscienceormathematics人文学科 TheSchoolofHumanitiesoffersawiderangeofcoursesfor thestudents.人文学院为学生们提供各种各样的课程 10.Thesearecivilianheroes,whoactedinstinctivelywith courageandgracewhencaughtupinextraordinary circumstances.(Para. 4) Meaning:
42、 These are not police officers or military people; they are ordinary people. But they are heroes because they acted out of their instinct with courage and grace when they were involved in unusual conditions. civilian (only before noun) relating to civilians 平民的;百姓的;民用 的;非军职的 n. C anyone who is not a
43、 member of the military forces or the police 平民;老百姓 grace: 1Ukind,polite,andfairbehavior善意;礼貌;体谅 2Uasmoothwayofmovingthatlooksnatural,relaxed, andattractive优美;优雅 These are civilian heroes, who acted instinctively with courage and grace when caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Para 4Para 4 Func
44、tional patterns 他心甘情愿地接受了失败。 with (good/a good grace):有风度地,情愿地有风度地,情愿地 平民的, 非军职的 出于本能地, 天性地;直觉地 He accepted the failure with a good grace. be/get caught up in sth:被卷入,陷入 无辜的百姓被卷入了那场战争。 Innocent people got caught up in the war. Are first responders considered heroes, too? Main ideas of the parts Firs
45、t responders are also honored as heroes.Conclusion(implied): Sergeant Ryan Russell, who tried to stop a drunk driver in a stolen snowplow with only his police car and his good will to help others, and was killed. What is the example of first responders? (Para. 6) What is the question raised by the a
46、uthor in Para. 5? Question-Example-Conclusion Pattern These people were called heroes because they performed acts of _. According to the writer, what were heroes in the past? (Para. 7) extraordinary courage Main ideas of the parts What are heroes nowadays? (Para.8) Nowadays, our heroes are _ men and
47、 women. Comparis on and Contrast Paragraph 7Paragraph 8 average Main ideas of the parts Question: Do first responders who fail to achieve their goals in their efforts become heroes? (Para. 9) Example: Eleanor McMahon was sure that Sgt. Russell was indeed a hero because he showed distinct courage whe
48、n trying hard to stop the snowplow before it hurt others. She strongly argued: Its natural for civilians to rush toward safety and away from danger. But heroes of first responders rush toward danger to help those in need. (Paras. 10-11) Conclusion: We expect first responders to rush forward, especia
49、lly when we or our loved ones are in danger. So when they die doing that, we should recognize their heroic efforts. (Para. 12) Question-Example-Conclusion Pattern Main ideas of the parts Para. III (Paras. 5-12) First responders are heroes no matter they succeed in their effort to save people or get
50、injured or killed in their efforts. Main ideas of the parts 11.But what about first responders, whose job is, in the words of the widow of a fallen police officer, to ”rush toward danger”? (Para. 5) respond dosth.asareactiontosth.thathasbeensaidordone作出 反应;回应 Thefiredepartmentrespondedtothecallwithi
51、nminutes. responderCapersonwhodoessth.asareactiontosth. thathasbeensaidordone回应者;应答者 in the words of sb / in sbs words assb.saysorwrites用某人的话来说 Michaelandhissisterwenttotheconcert,andinthe wordsofhissister,itwasanighttoremember. 12.In Toronto, Canada, downtown life stopped when more than 11,000 poli
52、ce and other emergency responders marched solemnly through the streets to honor Sergeant Ryan Russell, a 35-year-old ”good man and good cop”, who believed deeply in his commitment to protect and serve. (Para. 6) meaning Sergeant Ryan Russell, 35 years old, is a good man and a good policeman. He beli
53、eved deeply that it was his duty to protect and serve people. In the center of Toronto, Canada, all other activities stopped when more than 11,000 police and other emergency responders marched seriously through the streets to honor him. 12.In Toronto, Canada, downtown life stopped when more than 11,
54、000 police and other emergency responders marched solemnly through the streets to honor Sergeant Ryan Russell, a 35-year-old ”good man and good cop”, who believed deeply in his commitment to protect and serve. (Para. 6) solemnly 严肃地;郑重地;庄严地 “I will love my country forever,” Alex declared solemnly. c
55、ommitment n. 1 U the hard work and loyalty that sb. gives to an organization, activity, etc. 投入;忠诚;奉献 My commitment to study has made me the most successful person in my small town. 2 C a promise to do sth. or to behave in a particular way 承诺 We made a commitment to keep working together. d. In Toro
56、nto, Canada, downtown life stopped when more than 11,000 police and other emergency responders marched solemnly through the streets to honor policeman, Sergeant Ryan Russell, a 35-year-old “good man and good cop”, who believed deeply in his commitment to protect and serve. (Para. 6, L1) 在 加 拿 大 多 伦
57、多 市 , 11,000多名警察和其他应 急人员肃穆地在大街上游 行,纪念一位具有高度保 护和服务意识的“好男人 和好警察”、35岁的瑞 安 罗素警佐。当时整个 市中心的其他活动都停止 了。 Language appreciation 13.Sgt. Russell moved quickly to protect others from harm. (Para. 6) ptotect sb/sth from sth 保护;防护 She wanted to protect her child from the effects of outside world. 14.He tried to s
58、top a drunk driver in a stolen snowplow with only his police automobile and his goodwill to help others. (Para. 6) meaning He tried to stop a drunk diver in a stolen snowplow with only his police car because he was kind and willing to help others. drunk driver a person who drives a vehicle after dri
59、nking too much alcohol 酒后驾车者 drunk作表语形容词:he was drunk. drunken作定语形容词:drunken people 14.He tried to stop a drunk driver in a stolen snowplow with only his police automobile and his goodwill to help others. (Para. 6) meaning He tried to stop a drunk diver in a stolen snowplow with only his police car
60、because he was kind and willing to help others. snowplow a vehicle or a machine for cleaning snow from the roads and railways 雪犁,扫雪机 goodwill kind feelings toward or between people and a willingness to be helpful好意,亲善,友善 A knowledge of other cultures will promote goodwill among people of different b
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