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1、PAT考试数学部分例题PAT 考试数学部分例题PAT 数学题型主要有:Number and operations:数字和运算Algebra and functions:代数和函数Geometry and measurement:几何和测量Data analysis, statistics and probability:数据分析,统计和概率做题策略:关键是在于平时的数学题目的训练。要通过练习了解题型。一般能够讲高中所学的数学知识运用好就足以解决问题了。所以不用心理上存在畏惧。做题的关键是能够阅读题目。在单词记忆的时候,要着重背一些数学名词等相关的词汇。至于上面提到的4 中类型的题目,需要在平时

2、的训练中各个击破。在你看懂了题目要求以后,就按照高考的时候做数学题那么解决就行了。而PAT 的数学远远没有高考题目那么复杂。1.Of the following, which is greater than? ?A. 2/5B. 4/7C. 4/9D. 5/11E. 6/132. If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour?A. 30B. 300C. 720D. 1800E. 180003. What is the average (arithmetic mean)

3、 of all the multiples of ten from 10 to 190 inclusive?A. 90B. 95C. 100D. 105E. 1104. A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long?A. 48B. 32C. 24D. 18E. 125. In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking G

4、erman and 9 students are taking bothFrench and German. How many students are not enrolled in either course?A. 6B. 15C. 24D. 33E. 546. If f(x) = (x 2 50) , what is the value of f(-5) ?A. 75B. 25C. 0D. -25E. -757. ( 2 - 3 ) 2 =A. 5 - 2 6B. 5 -6C. 1 - 2 6D. 1 -2E. 18. Amy has to visit towns B and C in

5、any order. The roads connecting these towns with her home are shown on the diagram. How many different routes can she take starting from A and returning to A, going through both B and C (but not more than once through each) and not travelling any roadtwice on the same trip?A. 10B. 8C. 6D. 4E. 29. He

6、lpers are needed to prepare for the fete. Each helper can make either 2 large cakes or 35 smallcakesperhour.Thekitchen isavailablefor3 hoursand20 largecakesand700 small cakesareneeded. How many helpers are required?A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25E. 3010. Jos collection contains US, Indian and British stamps. I

7、f the ratio of US to Indian stamps is 5 to 2 and the ratio of Indian to British stamps is 5 to 1, what is the ratio of US to British stamps?2 /14A. 5 : 1B. 10 : 5C. 15 : 2D. 20 : 2E. 25 : 211. A 3 by 4 rectangle is inscribed in circle. What is the circumference of the circle?A. 2.5 B. 3 C. 5 D. 4 E.

8、 10 12. Two sets of 4 consecutive positive integers have exactly one integer in common. The sum of the integers in the set with greater numbers is how much greater than the sum of the integers in the other set?A. 4B. 7C. 8D. 12E. it cannot be determined from the information given.13. If f(x) = (x +

9、2) / (x-2) for all integers except x=2, which of the following has the greatest value?A. f(-1)B. f(0)C. f(1)D. f(3)E. f(4)14.If n 0, which of the following must be greater than n?(I) 2n(II) n 2(III) 2 - nA. I onlyB. II onlyC. I and II onlyD. II and III onlyE. None15. After being dropped a certain ba

10、ll always bounces back to 2/5 of the height of its previous bounce. After the first bounce it reaches a height of 125 inches. How high (in inches) will it reach after its fourth bounce?A. 20B. 15C. 8D. 5E. 3.216. n and p are integers greater than 1 ; 5n is the square of a number ; 75np is the cube o

11、f a number.The smallest value for n + p isA. 14B. 18C. 20D. 30E. 5017. The distance from town A to town B is five miles. C is six miles from B. Which of the following couldbe the distance from A to C?(I) 11(II) 1 (III) 7A. I onlyB. II onlyC. I and II onlyD. II and III onlyE. I, II, or III18. 5 perce

12、nt of 5 5 =A. 0.05B. 0.25C.0.5D. 2.5 E. 2519. If PQR = 1 , RST = 0 , and SPR = 0, which of the following must be zero?A. PB. QC. RD. SE. T20. -20 , -16 , -12 , -8 .In the sequence above, each term after the first is 4 greater than the preceding term. Which of thefollowing could not be a term in the

13、sequence?A. 0B. 200C. 440D. 668E. 762 (All terms in the sequence will be multiples of 4)21.If f(x) = x2 3, where x is an integer, which of the following could be a value of f(x)?(I) 6(II) 0(III) -6A. I onlyB. I and II onlyC. II and III onlyD. I and III onlyE. I, II and III22. For how many integer va

14、lues of n will the value of the expression 4n + 7 be an integer greater than 1 and less than 200?A. 48B. 49C. 50D. 51E. 5223. In the following correctly worked addition sum, A,B,C and D represent different digits, and all thedigits in the sum are different. What is the sum of A,B,C and D?A. 23B. 22C

15、. 18D. 16E. 1424. 12 litres of water a poured into an aquarium of dimensions 50cm length , 30cm breadth, and 40 cmheight. How high (in cm) will the water rise?(1 litre = 1000cm3)A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 20E. 4025. Six years ago Anita was P times as old as Ben was. If Anita is now 17 years old, how old is Ben

16、 now in terms of P ?A. 11/P + 6B. P/11 +6C. 17 - P/6D. 17/PE. 11.5P3 /1426.If a 2 = 12, then a4 =A. 144B. 72C. 36D. 24E. 1627.If n is even, which of the following cannot be odd?(I) n + 3(II) 3n (III) n 2 - 1A. I onlyB. II onlyC. III onlyD. I and II onlyE. I, II and III28. One side of a triangle has

17、length 8 and a second side has length 5. Which of the following could bethe area of the triangle?(I) 24(II) 20(III) 5A. I onlyB. II onlyC. III onlyD. II and III onlyE. I, II and III29. A certain animal in the zoo has consumed 39 pounds of food in six days. If it continues to eat at the same rate, in

18、 how many more days will its total consumption be 91 pounds?A. 12B. 11C. 10D. 9E. 830. A perfect cube is an integer whose cube root is an integer. For example, 27, 64 and 125 are perfect cubes. If p and q are perfect cubes, which of the following will not necessarily be a perfect cube?A. 8pB. pqC. p

19、q + 27D. -pE. (p - q)631. What is the length of the line segment in the x-y plane with end points at (-2,-2) and (2,3)?A. 3B. 31C. 41D. 7E. 932. n is an integer chosen at random from the set 5, 7, 9, 11 p is chosen at random from the set2, 6,10, 14, 18 What is the probability that n + p = 23 ?A. 0.1

20、B. 0.2C. 0.25D. 0.3E. 0.433. A dress on sale in a shop is marked at $D. During the discount sale its price is reduced by 15%. Staffare allowed a further 10% reduction on the discounted price. If a staff member buys the dress whatwill she have to pay in terms of D?A. 0.75DB. 0.76D C. 0.765DD. 0.775DE

21、. 0.805D34. Sheila works 8 hours per day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 6 hours per day on Tuesday and Thursday. She does not work on Saturday and Sunday. She earns $324 per week. How much does she earn in dollars per hour?A. 11B. 10C. 9D. 8E. 735. ABCD is a parallelogram. BD = 2. The angles o

22、f triangle BCD are all equal. What is the perimeter of the parallelogram?A. 12B. 9 3C. 9D. 8E. 3 336. If the product of 6 integers is negative, at most how many of the integers can be negative?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5E. 637. If a positive integer n, divided by 5 has a remainder 2, which of the following mus

23、t be true?(I) n is odd(II) n + 1 cannot be a prime number(III) (n + 2) divided by 7 has remainder 2A. noneB. I onlyC. I and II onlyD. II and III onlyE. I, II and III38. A solid cube of side 6 is first painted pink and then cut into smaller cubes of side 2. How many ofthe smaller cubes have paint on

24、exactly 2 sides?A. 30B. 24C. 12D. 8E. 639. Line l contains the points (3,1) and (4,4). If line m is a different line, parallel to line l in the same coordinate plane, which of the following could be the equation of line m?A. y = 3x - 8B. y = 1/3x - 3C. y = -3x - 8D. y = 3x + 1E. y = -8x + 34 /1440.

25、In the figure above the square has two sides which are tangent to the circle. If the area of the circle is 4a 2, what is the area of the square?A. 2a 2 B. 4a C. 4a 2 D. 16a 2 E. 64a 241.A trianglehas a perimeter 13. The two shorter sides have integer lengths equal to x and x + 1.Which of the followi

26、ng could be the length of the other side?A. 2 B. 4C. 6D. 8E. 1042.A machineputsc capson bottlesin m minutes.How many hours will it take to put caps on bbottles?A. 60bm/cB. bm/60cC. bc/60mD. 60b/cmE. b/60cm43. Paint needs to be thinned to a ratio of 2 parts paint to 1.5 parts water. The painter has b

27、y mistake added water so that he has 6 litres of paint which is half water and half paint. What must he add to make the proportions of the mixture correct?A. 1 litre paintB. 1 litre waterC. ?litre water and one litre paintD. ?litre paint and one litrewaterE. ?litre paint44. Which of the following ca

28、n be used to illustrate that not all prime numbers are odd?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 545. What is the greatest of 3 consecutive integers whose sum is 24 ?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9E. 1046. Considering the positions on the number line above, which of the following could be a value for x?A. 5/3B. 3/5C. -2/5D. -5/2E. n

29、one47. A piece of ribbon 4 yards long is used to make bows requiring 15 inches of ribbon for each. What is the maximum number of bows that can be made?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11E. 1248. How many numbers between 200 and 400 begin or end with 3 ?A. 20B. 60C. 100D. 110E. 12049. If f(3) = 15 and f(5) = 45, whic

30、h of the following could be f(x)?A. 4x + 3B. 2x 2 2xC. 2x 2 - xD. 2x 2 - 5E. 5x 250. PQRS is a parallelogram and ST = TR. What is the ratio of the area of triangle QST to the area of the parallelogram?A. 1 : 2B. 1 : 3C. 1 : 4 D. 1 : 5E. it cannot be determined51. A picture is copied onto a sheet of

31、paper 8.5 inches by 10 inches. A 1.5 inch margin is left all around. What area in square inches does the picture cover?A. 76B. 65C. 59.5D. 49E. 38.55 /1452. The table shows the results of a poll which asked drivers how many accidents they had had over the previous 5 years. What is the median number

32、of accidents per driver?A. 0.5B. 1C. 1.5D. 2E. 453. If V = 12R / (r + R) , then R =A. Vr / (12 - V)B. Vr + V /12C. Vr - 12D. V / r - 12E. V (r + 1) /1254. The number 0.127 is how much greater than 1/8 ?A. ?B. 2/10C. 1/50D. 1/500E. 2/50055. Which of the following could not be the lengths of the sides

33、 of a right angled triangle?A. 3, 4, 5B. 5, 12, 13C. 8, 15, 17D. 12, 15, 18E. 9, 12, 1556.Twoequalcircles arecutoutof a rectangleof cardof dimensions16 by 8. The circleshavethemaximum diameter possible. What is the approximate area of the paper remaining after the circles have been cut out?A. 104B. 78C. 54D. 27E. 1357. (a 2 -b 2 )/(a+b)=A. a 2 + b 2 + 1B. a + bC. a - bD. abE. it cannot be simplified further58. x = y - (50/y), where x and y are both 0If the value


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