



1、16. A. lost heart17. A. roofB. officec house D. stati on18. A friendB. chiefc. volun teerD. victim2010教学能力测试真题完型填空Buster Brown was a thief and a good one, he thought. He d never beencaught by the police because he n ever 16 he was always prepared forany un foresee n eve nt or emerge nee.Con fide ntl

2、y, he stood outside the 17 of his inten ded 18and read the sig n on the front gate.“ don t worry about the dog but he 19of the owner! ” it said. Bster smiled and found his way 20.The house looked quite no rmal outside, but in side it was very21 withfascinating objects on 22. as he began putting them

3、 into his bag, a _23 came into the room. It stopped 24 see ing buster, , and the n went over tohim, 25 his open hand. “ good boy, ” buster whispered. “What a great26 dog you tryi ng to lick me to death. ”Satisfied he d made27 with the dog, buster began to wald around thehouse, choos ing 28 to put in

4、 his bag. His skilled eyes29 only thebest antiques: a pair fo silver candleholders, a silver tea-and-coffee service, etc. his new friend, the dog, sat and watched, as if 30 what was happening.“ well, boy, ” Buster whispered fin ally.“ That might do. Any more 31I won t be able to carry it!” he swung

5、the heavy bag onto his shoulder, just asthe lights came on, nearly 32 him. He covered his eyes with his hand.You re a very silly person,” the 33 in the doorway said, his voice dryas dust,. As the man came closer, buster could see he was well dressed. His face seemed familiar, but buster couldn t qui

6、te 34 where he had seen him before.“ you should have take n more no tice of the sig n outside,“ the man shouted.“I knew about this attempted robbery last week and I also know you will end up35 for 20 years. Fancy trying to rob the house of a world famous fortune teller! ”B. took cha nces c. held bac

7、k D. gave up30.A won der B. won dered c. won deri ngD. to wonder22. A display23. A. man24. A. until25. A. biti ng26. A.baby B. petc guard D. guide19. A. awareB. represe ntative c. skeptical D. typical20. A. cut B. dow nc. inD. up21. A tran spare ntB unu sual c. ordinary D. rareB occasi on c. board D

8、. sheduleB. cat c. boy D. dogB. uponc. beforeD byB. eati ngc. lick ing D. hitti ng27. A. arra ngeme ntsc. goldD. silverDgla need at29. A. picked up B. picked out c. stared at31. A. orB. but c. and d. yet32. A. deafe ningB injuri ngc. frighte ningD. bli nding33. A. figureB. shadow C ghost D. role34.

9、A. expla in B. un dersta ndC. locate D. place35. A. bechi nd bars B. beh ind the curta inC. behind the scenes D. behind schedule阅读题It is natural for young people to critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misun dersta nds betwee n them. They have always compla ined more

10、or less justly, that their pare nts are out of touch with moder n ways;that they re possessive and dominant;that they don t trust their childrento deal with crises that they talk too much about certa in problems-and thatthey have no sense of humor, at least in pare nt-child s relati on ships. I thi

11、nk ittrue that pare nts ofte n un deretimate their tee nage childre n and also forget how they themselves felt whe n youngYoung people often irriitate their parents with choices in clothes and hairstyles, in en terta in ers a nd muxic. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world

12、 into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoument. They feel they are superior, at least in a small

13、 way, and that they are leaders in style and taste. Sometimes you are resista nt and proud because you do not want your pare nts to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as you are betray ing your own age grou. But in that cas e, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can t

14、win but at leastyou can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural eno ugh after long years of childhood, whe n you you are completely un der your pare nts con trol. But it igores a fact that you are now beg inningto beresponsiblefor yourself. If you plan to control y

15、our life, co-operationcan bepart of that pla n. You can charm other, esp your pare nts, into doing thi ngs the way you want. You can impress others withyour sense of responsibility andinitiative, so that they will give you the authority to so what you want to do.36. the author is primarily addressin

16、g_-.A. pare nts of tee nagerw b. n ewspaper readers c. those who give adivice to teen agersd. tee nagers37 the first paragraph is mainly abouta. the teenager scriticism of their parentsb. misunderstandingsbetweenteenagersand their parents c. the dominance of the parents over theirchildre nd. the tee

17、 nagers ability to deal with crises38. tee nagers tend to have stra nge clothes and hairstyles because theyA. want to show their existe nee by creat ing a culture of their ownB. have a stro ng desire to be leaders in style and tasteC. have no other way to enjoy themselves betterD. want to irritate t

18、heir parents39. teenagersdo not want their parents to approve of whatever they dobecause they.A. have already bee n accepted into the adult worldB. feel that they are superior in a small way to the adultsc. are not likely towin over th adultsC. have a desire to be in depe ndentD. to improve pare ntj

19、-child s relati on ships, tee nagers are advised to be. A.obedie ntb. resop nsiblec. co-operative d. in depe ndentRead ing and writ ingSeveral years ago, while atte nding a com muni cati oncourse, Iexperie need a most un sual process. The in structor asked us to list anything in our past that we fel

20、t ashamed of , regretted or imcomplete about and read our lists aloud.This seemed like a very prive process, but there s always some brave soulin the crowd who will volunteer. The instructor then suggested that we find ways to make an apology to people, or take some action to right any wrong doings.

21、 I was seriously wondering how this could ever improcve my com muni cati on.Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteeredthis story:“ Making my list, I remembered an incident from high school. I grew up in a small tow n. There was a sheriff that none of us kids liked. One ni ght, my two bu

22、ddies and I decided to play a trick on himAfter drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: sherrif Brown if an s.o.b.(0. the next daym, almost the whole town saw our glorious sign. Withintwo hours, Shriff Brow n had us i

23、n his office.My frie nds told the truth but Ilied. No one ever found out .”“nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Brown s name appears on my list. I didn t even known if he was still alive. Last weekend, I dialed the information center in my hometown and found there was a Toger Brown still listed. I tried his number.After a few rings, I heard,“ Hello? ” I said,“ Sheriff Brown? Paused.“yes.this is Jimmy Calki ns.”“ and I want you to know that I did it ?” paused.“I


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