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1、1.The responsibility for packaging goods for international shipment always falls upon the exporter.国际货运中,包装通常要由出口商来负责。(T)2.3.Companies rarely develop a strategy for packaging, since they consider it an area that does not have strategic implications.很少公司会发展包装战略,因为他们认为在包装领域没有战略意义。(F)P3133.Air transpor

2、t is, by nature, more hazardous than ocean transport.空运本来就比海上运输的危险性大。(F)P3224.Containers used in air transport are not truly intermodal.用于空运的的集装箱不能用于真正意义上的多式联运。(T)5.Markings in international air shipments should be handled in much the same way as markings on ocean shipments.国际航运中的标识的应用和海洋运输的的应用方式是一样

3、的。(T)6.As much as possible, cargo should bear the trade name or the brand names of the shipper.货物应该尽量可能要由托运人的名字或者品牌的名字。(F)P3247.Some countries regulate primary package sizes by requiring them to be multiples of simple metric units.一些公司会通过要求包装是是简单的度量单位的倍数来规范一级包装规格。(T)8.For industrial goods, the prima

4、ry packaging encompasses all the packaging activities aimed at protecting them during shipment.对工业产品来说,初级包装涵盖了旨在运输途中保护货物所需要采取的各项包装措施。(F)P3129. Intermodal containers sometimes collapse in rough seas.多式联运集装箱在巨浪中有时会倒塌。(T)10. Surface rust on containers, while not attractive, usually does not affect the

5、cargo carried, although it may be a sign that the container is not very carefully maintained.表面生锈虽然不美观,但是不影响运输的货物,不过,这可能是集装箱没有被保养好的信号。(T)11. Light leakage in a container could indicate a risk of water infiltration.漏光的集装箱暗示着有渗水的危险。(T)12.If goods in a container are not unitized, they are usually suffi

6、ciently protected by their regular secondary packaging.如果集装箱的货物没有成组化,它们通常会被二级包装充分保护起来。(F)13.Some shippers use old pallets as spacers (dunnage) to keep cargo from shifting.一些承运商会用就托盘充当垫衬物来防止货物移动。(T)14.Damage to cargo caused by improper packaging can be offset by insurance. F由于包装不当造成的货物损毁可由保险公司赔付。P313

7、15.An advantage of LCL shipping is that the cargo is not handled very much. TF拼柜运输的一个优势在于货物不用过多操作。16. A freight consolidator is almost always quite good at packaging a container properly, with proper dunnage and protection, but the owners of other cargo on board the consolidated container may not be

8、 as careful, and that represents a hazard. F T运输商几乎都相当擅长正确地装集装箱,也使用了适当的衬垫和保护,但是船上联合拼柜的货主可能并不如他们仔细,这会带来危害。P31717. Containerized cargo is handled more frequently than break-bulk cargo. F集装箱装运货物比件杂货更高频率地接受处理。P31818.Softwood used in crates and boxes is obtained from leafy trees such as poplar or oak. F用

9、于制作板条箱和普通箱的软木来自多叶树种例如白杨树和橡树。19.As opposed to crates, boxes are containers made of wood where the sides are an integral part of the structure of the container. TF与板条箱不同,普通箱是由木板构成各个面的箱具,其各边是其结构的组成部分。P31820.Shipping bags are very good at withstanding numerous manipulations. F包装袋经得起反复操作。P32021.For air s

10、hipments, the best form of packaging would be tertiary in nature and would include one additional layer of cardboard. T对于航空运输来说,最好的包装形式是自然的三级包装,并且附加一层厚纸板。22.Cargo pallets in international road and rail transportation should be protected on all four corners, banded with nylon or steel straps, and sho

11、uld be shrink-wrapped or stretch- wrapped for protection against rain and ambient humidity. T在国际公路和铁路运输中,托盘要用尼龙绳或钢条将四个边角保护起来,并且应使用收缩膜包装来阻挡雨水和环境中的湿气。23.The complexity of varied regulations regarding shipment of hazardous cargo means the shipper should contract with a specialized freight forwarder or

12、consultant. T有关危险货物运输的多种法规的复杂性意味着托运人应该咨询专门的货运代理商或专业顾问。24.To save costs and space, different types of refrigerated goods often are mixed together. F为了节省成本和空间,不同种类的冷藏货物经常混在一起。P32625.Consumer packages abroad are generally smaller in countries where retail shopping is done frequently. T国外零售包装在零售周转速度较快的国

13、家使用的包装相对较小。1.FCL cargo stands forEFLC 货物代表full-container-loada.货运物流 Freight Carried Logistically.d.联邦标准约束 Federal Criteria Lessened.b. 第一货运清单 First-Carry List.e.以上都不对c.海运标准 Figero Citeria Logistically2.Cargo that cannot be containerized because it is too large and wont fit in a traditional container

14、 or because it exceeds the maximum weight of a container load is calledD货物因为体积太大或者重量太大而无法放入传统的集装箱中的叫P318a.LCL cargo.d. break-bulk cargo.b. loose cargo.e. None of the abovec.moderated cargo.a. 整箱货.d. 件杂货.b. .未包装货物e. 以上都不对c. 中等货物.3.Proper marking on cargo as it is shipped is important because proper m

15、arkingD给运输货物做适当的标志的原因tects the cargo from poor handling.d. All of the aboveb. protects the cargo from theft.e.None of the tects the cargo from pilferage.4.Most cargo tends to be shipped by air in itsB大多数空运货物采用什么包装?a.primary packaging.d. All of the aboveb. secondary packaging.e.None of

16、 the abovec.tertiary packaging.5.Hazardous cargo shipped by sea is regulated by theA危险货物海上运输是有什么组织进行管制?a.IMO.d. ICAO.b. country of the ships flag.e.None of the abovec.IATA.6.The three functions of correct packaging areC合理包装的三个功能:a.to reduce costs, speed delivery, and to provide correct instructions.

17、b. to provide attractive packaging for consumers, to provide for recycling, and to publicize the product while in transit.c.to protect goods in transit, to facilitate proper handling of goods in transit, and fulfill the shippers customer service strategy.d. to provide impenetrable protection for the

18、 goods, to make shipping costs as low as possible, and to maximize pallet utilization.e.None of the abovea.降低费用,加快运输速度,提供正确操 d. 提供货物保护,尽量降低运输费用,.作指南最大程度利用托盘的b. 提供吸引顾客的包装,循环利用,和在 e.以上都不对传输过程中宣传产品.c.strategy.在运输过程中提供保护,在运输过程中便于货物运输,完成企业客户服务7.Packaging designed to appeal to and be functional for consum

19、ers is calledA用于吸引顾客和提供多功能的包装的包装叫P312a.primary packaging.d. commercial packaging.b. secondary packaging.e.None of the abovec.tertiary packaging.8.An intermodal container is designed to withstand the weight of up to how many similar containers placed on top of it?P315E集装箱的设计应该能承受多少个集装箱的重量 8a.twod. fi

20、veb. threee.None of the abovec.four9.The standardized size of pallets in Europe isD欧洲标准托盘化尺寸是a.80 centimeters by 120 centimeters.d. All of the aboveb. 31.5 inches by 47.25 inches.e.None of the abovec.different from the measurements of most pallets in the United States.10.Because of the threat to har

21、dwood forests caused by the long-horned beetle,B因为长角甲虫的对硬木林的威胁a.wood pallets cannot be imported into China unless they have been fumigated, heat-treated, or pressure-treated with a pesticide.b. wood pallets from China are not allowed in the United States unless they have been fumigated, heat-treated

22、, or pressure- treated with a pesticide.c.wood pallets cannot be used in Europe.d. wood pallets are not allowed into India from the United States unless they have been fumigated, heat-treated, or pressure- treated with a pesticide.e.None of the abovea.没有经过消毒,加热或者压缩处理杀虫 d. 没有经过消毒,加热或者压缩处理的美的木材托盘不能进口到

23、中国国木材不能进入印度.b. 没有经过消毒,加热或者压缩处理杀虫 e.以上全不对的中国木材托盘不能在美国使用c.木托盘不能再欧洲使用11.In conditions of high humidity, paperboard loses up to C percent of its strength.在高湿度环境下,瓦楞纸板会失去高达百分之的承重力。a.20d. 80b. 40e.None of the abovec.6012.Cigna Insurance Company published a guide to cargo handling in A信诺保险公司发布了设备操作指南在。a.Po

24、rts of the World.d. The International Port Directory.b. Insurance and Incoterms.e.None of the abovec.The Infrastructure Guide.13.The strongest type of shipping crates are B最坚固的海运板条箱型是。a.enclosed in empty crates about 3 percent larger.d. All of the aboveb. constructed with three-way corners.e.None of

25、 the abovec.constructed of woven polymer fibers such as polyethylene or polypropylene.14.FIBCs are used for shippingC cargo.柔性集装袋用来运输货物。a.liquidd. containerizedb. break-bulke.None of the abovec.granular15.Characteristic(s) of steel drums is/are D钢桶的特点是。P320a.they can be used for dry or wet cargo.d.

26、All of the aboveb. they are fairly resilient containers.e.None of the abovec.they can withstand a good amount of abuse.16.Characteristic(s) of fiber drums is/are A纸板桶的特点是。a.they are more resistant to pilferage than bags.d. All of the aboveb. they can readily be rolled on their sides. e. None of the abovec. they are resistant to mechanical damage such as that caused by forklifts or sharp corne


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