高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing-SectionⅡ(2)自我小测 新人教版选修7(2021年最新整理)_第1页
高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing-SectionⅡ(2)自我小测 新人教版选修7(2021年最新整理)_第2页
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1、高中英语 unit 4 sharing-section(2)自我小测 新人教版选修7高中英语 unit 4 sharing-section(2)自我小测 新人教版选修7 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(高中英语 unit 4 sharing-section(2)自我小测 新人教版选修7)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您

2、生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为高中英语 unit 4 sharing-section(2)自我小测 新人教版选修7的全部内容。11unit 4 sharing-section(2)一、语法填空,注意关系代词或关系副词的使用1he asked me a question _ was about my study at school。2there seems to be nothing _ seems impossible for him in the world。3whos the man _ is talking with your father?4that is the man about _

3、we were talking.5i will never forget the days _ i stayed with them.6the glasses without _ my father couldnt see well dropped to the ground and broke。7he didnt tell me the reason _ he was so upset.8when she was alone at home,mary needed a friend with _ to play。9everyone wants to visit the place _ the

4、 leader once worked.10youd better change the way _you educate your children.二、将下列句子合并成含有定语从句的复合句1every year rio de janeiro holds a carnival.the 2016 olympic games will be held there._2i still remember the day.i came to beijing on the day。_3who is the man? the man is reading the newspaper over there。

5、_4michael jackson died on june 25,2009。his music is still very popular._5the film was wonderful。we saw the film last night._6he was late for class.he didnt tell me the reason。_三、完成句子1the place _ _ _ _ (使我最感兴趣的)was the childrens palace。2do you remember the man _ _ _ _ (我与之交谈的)?3this is the hotel _ _

6、_ (他们逗留的)last month。4do you remember the year _ _ _ _ (我们一起生活)?5that is the day _ _ _ _ (我将永远不会忘记的)6the factory _ _ _ _ _(我们下周将要参观的)is not far from here。7is there anyone in your class _ _ _ _ _ _ (他的家庭在乡村)?8he isnt such a man _ _ _ _ _ (像他过去的样子)四、单句改错1the mountain on that there is a temple is very b

7、eautiful._2the farm which i worked for two years has changed greatly。_3this is the museum where i visited last week._4this is the most beautiful scenery which i have ever seen。_5many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes that people were eaten b

8、y the tiger。_五、用定语从句翻译下列句子1他指给我看他丢钱包的地方。_2我不认识那个和你说话的女孩。_3她是一个叫玛丽的女孩。_4那些正在打网球的男孩是我的朋友._5你记不记得我们到这儿的那一天?_六、完形填空i work as a volunteer(志愿者)for an organization that helps the poor in haiti。recently i took my son barrett there for a week,hoping to _1_ him.before setting out,i told barrett this trip woul

9、d be tiring and _2_。for the first two days,he said almost nothing。i worried the trip was too _3_ for a 17。year。old。then,on day three,as we were _4_ over high rocky mountains,he turned to me and grinned(咧嘴笑),“pretty hard.” after that there was no turning back。a fiveyear。old girl,wearing a dress sever

10、al sizes _5_ large and broken shoes,followed barrett around,mesmerized(着迷)he couldnt stop _6_。later he said _7_,“i wish i could speak french.” i was _8_ -this from a boy who hated and _9_ french classes throughout school.usually silent,he _10_ gaby,our host,and kept asking questions about the countr

11、y and its people。he blossomed(活泼起来)_11_,the moment that really took _12_ breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains。i was _13_ a woman villager for an article。135 centimeters tall,she was small in figure but strong in _14_.through determination,she had learned to read and write,and _15_

12、 to become part of the leadership of the _16_。learning her story,barrett was as _17_ as i by this tiny womans achievements.his eyes were wet and there was a _18_ of love and respect on his face.he had finally understood the importance of my work。when leaving for home,barrett even offered to stay _19

13、_ as a volunteer.my insides suddenly felt struck。this _20_ achieved all id expected.soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday。hell be a man。1a.comfortbpleasecattract deducate 2a.rough bdangerousctroublesome dviolent 3a.little bmuchcfast dslow 4a.moving brunningcclimbing dlooking 5a。too bveryceven dso

14、 6a.joking bcryingcshouting dsmiling 7a.patiently bregretfullyclightly dcheerfully 8a。ashamed bdisappointedcdetermined dsurprised 9a。took up bwent in forcfought against dcalled off 10a。befriended bdisregardedcavoided drecognized 11a.thus bevencmeanwhile dhowever 12a.my bhiscour dher 13a。asking binte

15、rviewingcarranging ddescribing 14a.brain bwishcwill dhealth 15a。appeared bstruggledchesitated dfailed 16a。village bcitycorganization dstate 17a.pleased bboredcpuzzled dtouched 18a.combination bcomposition cconnection dsatisfaction 19a.in bbehindcout daway 20a.interview bflightcarticle dtrip七、语法填空阅读下

16、面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 w:good afternoon,rainbow hotel.m:good afternoon,my name is steve robinson from paris.id like _1_(book)a room for 20th march,please.w:a room for 20th march.your _2_ (nation)?m:im french.w:well,how _3_do you intend to stay?m:well,let me see。the conference will fini

17、sh on wednesday。id like to visit some of my friends there。ill leave on friday。w:youre leaving on friday。thats _4_ 24th march.m:yes,thats right。w:what kind of room do you like,a single_5_double?m:id like a single room。_6_ i prefer a room away from the street.i hate noise.w:ok。a single room away from

18、the street。m:how_7_ is it?w:60 for one night _8_(include)english breakfast.m:it sounds good.w:all right,mr.robinson。can i have your passport number,please?m:of course。my number is h33049795.w:h33049795。ok,mr。robinson。youve booked a single room _9_ 20th march to 24th。were expecting your _10_(come)m:t

19、hank you very much。w:you are welcome.参考答案一、语法填空,注意关系代词或关系副词的使用1。答案:that/which2。答案:that3.答案:that4。答案:whom5。答案:when6。答案:which7。答案:why8。答案:whom9。答案:where10。答案:that/in which/不填二、将下列句子合并成含有定语从句的复合句1。答案:every year rio de janeiro where the 2016 olympic games will be held holds a carnival。2。答案:i still remem

20、ber the day when i came to beijing.3.答案:who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?4。答案:michael jackson whose music is still very popular died on june 25,2009.5.答案:the film which we saw last night was wonderful.6.答案:he didnt tell me the reason why he was late for class.三、完成句子1.答案:which

21、interested me most2.答案:who/whom i talked with3。答案:where they stayed4.答案:when we lived together5.答案:that/which ill never forget6.答案:that/which well visit next week7。答案:whose family is in the countryside8.答案:as he used to be四、单句改错1。答案:thatwhich2。答案:which前加on或者whichwhere3.答案:wherewhich/that4.答案:whichth

22、at5.答案:thatin which五、用定语从句翻译下列句子1。答案:he showed me the place where he lost his wallet.2.答案:i dont know the girl whom/that you speak to.3。答案:she is a girl who is called mary。/she is a girl whose name is mary.4.答案:those boys who are playing tennis are my friends。5.答案:do you remember the day when we arr

23、ived here?六、完形填空1。答案:d解析:educate意为“教育”,比teach正式,内容不那么具体,但强调教育的总目标和培养的结果,体现在世界观、性格、品质、学识等方面,耗时较长,范围较广.作者把儿子带到海地的目的是使他受到教育;comfort意为“安慰,使(痛苦等)缓和,使安乐”;please意为“使高兴,使欢喜,使快乐,使满足,中的意”;attract意为“引诱,诱惑。2。答案:a解析:rough意为“辛苦的,难受的,难忍的,根据上文中的tiring可判断出旅行非常艰难。dangerous意为“危险的”;troublesome意为“麻烦的”;violent意为“暴力的”。3.答


25、so意为“如此。6。答案:d解析:从上下文能看出巴雷特看到这个小姑娘在他身边很着迷的样子,不禁笑了,想与她交流。7.答案:b解析:regretfully意为“悔恨地,后悔地,惋惜地,有遗憾地,抱歉地,表示对自己做的事感到悔恨、后悔、惋惜、有遗憾或抱歉。从下文中男孩儿说的话“i wish i could speak french。”可看出男孩儿对自己不会说法语感到遗憾。patiently意为 “耐心地”;lightly意为“轻松地,轻快地,愉快地”;cheerfully意为“高高兴兴地,兴致勃勃地”.8。答案:d解析:surprised意为“吃惊的”,由于男孩儿突然遗憾地说自己多么希望会说法语,

26、而下文中说男孩儿在学校里不喜欢学法语,这使作者感到吃惊。ashamed意为“羞耻的,惭愧的,害臊的”;disappointed“失望的”;determined意为“有决心的”.9。答案:c解析:fight against意为“与斗争”,在这句话中表示男孩儿不喜欢学法语而进行的一些抗争。take up意为“从事”;go in for意为“赞成参与”;都与前面的hate矛盾;call off意为“取消”。10.答案:a解析:从本句“kept asking.。和下句的“he blossomed.”可知应选befriend“对待如朋友,协助,照顾”;disregard“不理,忽视”;avoid“避免”;recognize“认出。11.答案:d解析:however意为“然而”,表示上文的内容与下文的内容是转折对比关系.thus意为“因此”;even意为“甚至”;meanwhile意为“同时。12。答案:a解析:take ones breath away表示“使人吃惊或高兴地说不出话来”。根据这段内容可判断出作者对山谷中一个村庄的一位妇女感到吃惊。因为虽然她个子很矮,但勇敢地进行斗争.因为是


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