已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、教学设计 - 田晓秋Unit 4 Having FunTopic 1 What can I do for you?Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点 活动是 1a 和 2a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Learn some useful words and phrases: madam, buy, over, there, over there, try, try on, How much ?(2) Learn some new words about numbers: thirty,

2、forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred2. Learn some expressions about shopping:(1) What can I do for you, madam? I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.(2) Can I try it on? Sure.(3) It looks very nice on you.(4) That s fine. Well take it.3. Learn how to express and respond to the

3、thanks: Thanks a lot. Not at all.4. Learn how to ask and state prices: How much is it? It s only seventy yuan.5. Learn how to make suggestions: What about this one? All right. . Teaching aids 教具图片/彩色粉笔 /小黑板/价格标签 /录音机 /实 物 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习( 时间:5 分钟) 由已学过的数字导入新数字

4、,整合教学内容,完成 2a。1. (教师在黑板上贴一大张白纸,上面已事先画 好一个动物, 但线条很浅,在线条上分布 0-20 之间的数字,直到数字连接完毕,方可显现 动物轮廓。 )T: Who can help me?S1: I can.T: Good, listen and match ( 运用肢体语言,让 学生明白 match 意思是“连接” 。 ) the numbers, OK?S1: OK.T: Please match number “0”to“20”.(学生连线,从 0到 20,完毕。教师面向大家。 )T: What can you see now?Ss: A cat.(教师要求

5、学生齐声背诵 0-20 的数字,导入新 课。)T: Now, please recite all the numbers from 0 to 20.Ss: T: Youre right. Let s go on.(教师解释 go on。)2. (运用“ What s and ?”句型来引入整十 的数字。)T: What s five and fifteen?S2: Twenty.T: What s fourteen and sixteen?S3: Thirty. ( 教师帮助学生回答。 )T: What s ten and eighty?S9: It s ninety.(板书并要求学生掌握。

6、)thirty, forty, fifty, , ninetyStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现( 时间:20 分钟 ) 借助小黑板,突出呈现重点语言知识,培养学 生的观察能力及自主归纳的能力。积极创设情 境,运用实物教学,体现“学以致用”的原则, 从而提高学生学习英语的兴趣,培养其语言表达能力1. (小黑板展示如下内容,让学生通过观察、比 较,找出这两组数词在写法上的不同。注: 用彩色来凸现 -teen 与-ty 。)Group AGroup B12 twelve20 twenty13 thirteen30 thirty14 fourteen40 forty15 fifte

7、en50 fifty16 sixteen60 sixty17 seventeen70 seventy18 eighteen80 eighty19 nineteen90 ninetyT: Look at the small blackboard, then find some rules of the two groups. (让学生自主归纳、总结规律,教师最后补充 说明。 )T: Very good. Let s read Group A. ( 教师提醒 学生注意 teen 的发音。 )(教师指着 Group B 的数词,让学生朗读。因 为 twenty 已经学过,引导学生模仿它读出后 面的数

8、词。 )T: Now look at Group B, and try to read them.S1: Twenty.S2: Thirty.( 教师指向 thirty ,若学生把重音 读错,教师必须及时纠正。 )(然后让学生齐声朗读,教师观察有没有读错 或不会读的学生。待齐读完毕后,及时纠正 学生读错或不会读的数词。 ) (链式操练,纠正学生的读音。 ) T: Now, lets read one by one.S3: Twenty.S4: Thirty.(学生依次操练,若有个别学生读音不准,教 师及时纠正。 )2. (播放 2b录音,学生跟读,学习重音位置, 练习读音,完成 2b。)T:

9、Listen to the tape and follow it. And then finish 2b by talking about the word stress.3. (让一个学号不是整十的同学用汉语说出自己 的学号,导入 2a。观察 2a,学习几十几的读 法和写法。 )T: Boys and girls, whose school number is 28?S5: Mine is.T: OK, can you say your number in English?S5: Sorry, I can t.(教师面向学生。 )T: Who can do that read 28 in E

10、nglish?(学生默不作声。 )T: Now look at 2a carefully, and find out how to read and write the numbers from 21 to 29. (引导学生总结:写法:在十位和个位之间 加连字符“-”。读法:先读十位,再读个位。)4. (播放 2a 录音到 ninety ,学生跟读。 )T: Listen to 2a and read after the tape.T: Now, listen to the next number. ( 继续播放2a,让学生听 hundred 的发音。 ) (教师提问全体学生。 )T: Ho

11、w to pronounce( 教师解释:“发音”。) the number 100?Ss: One hundred. (板书并解释,要求学生掌握。 ) hundred100=one/a hundred5. (请学生观察 2a 中的这四个数词, 101,185, 315,999,找出它们的读写规律。播放这四 个数词的录音,学生跟读。 )T: What can you find?Ss: (用汉语表达:在百位与十位之间加 and。 十位与个位按两位数读。 )T: You are right.6. (再次播放 2a录音,注意语音语调。 )T: Listen to 2a again and read

12、after the tape.Pay attention to the pronunciation andintonation.7. (出示课前写在卡片上的价格标签,引入购物 话题,导入 1a。)¥25.00 (教师解释: ¥ 为人民币符号,读汉语拼音 yuan。)T: S6, please read it.S6: Twenty-five yuan.T: Where can we see it?Ss: (学 生 不 会 表 达shop/store/supermarket ,可以用汉语。 ) T: Right. We can see it in the supermarket like (列举几

13、个当地的超市名称,让学生 感知 supermarket 的意思,因为后面要经常 用到它。 ) Do you often buy anything in a supermarket?(板书、领读并解释,要求学生掌握。 ) buySs: Yes.10T: What can you buy in a supermarket?S7: I can buy 8. (让学生联系亲身购物的经历,进入购物话 题。)T: What does the salesperson(翻译成“销售 员” )say to you?Ss: (学生可以用汉语回答,然后教师教授 新句型。 )(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。 )What

14、can I dofor you?Can I helpyou?May I helpyou?(这三个句子均无生词,可让学生自己读,然 后全班同学齐声读。 )T: What do you say if( 教师解释:“如果” ) the salesperson(教师解释:“店员”) says “What11 can I do for you? ” or “May I help you? ” or “Can I help you? ” to you?(学生不会回答,会出现短暂的沉默,然后由 教师陈述。 )T: You can say “Yes, please. Id like ”or “I want s

15、ome ” . If you don t want to buy, you can say“No, thanks. ”(板书并解释和领读 Id like ) Yes, please. Id like /I want some No, thanks.9. (师生操练。 )Example:T: What can I do for you?S8: I want to buy a pen.T: Can I help you?S9: Yes, please. Id like to buy a pencil.T: May I help you?S10: No, thanks.T: (走向一女生 )May

16、I help you, S 11?12S11: Yes, please. I want some 10. (教师通过购物用语,导入询问商品价格的方 法。)T: If you want to buy something, youll ask the salesperson: How much is it?(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。 )S12: Its one yuan.Howmuch isit?It s (教师拿起学生的物品, 反复发问, 操练此句 型,加深学生对询问价格句型的印象。 )11. (1)(教师直接解释 madam,进入 1a。)(板书并要求学生掌握。 )madam(2)(听录音,

17、同时画出短语。 )(板书并解释,要求学生掌握。 )13overtheretry onthecoattry iton(教师引导学生看书本第 110 页中的注释。要 求学生掌握 try on 的用法。 )(3)(再听第一小段对话,回答问题。 ) What does the woman want to buy for her daughter? Where are the clothes?(4)(再听第二小段对话,回答问题。 ) What color is the coat? What does Maria want to do? How much is the coat?12. (播放 1a 录音

18、,学生跟读,注意语音语调, 并找出关键句。 )14(板书关键句,并要求四人一组操练 1a 对话。)(1) What can I do for you?I want to buy for (2) May I help you?Yes, please. Can I try it on?It looks verynice on you.How much isit?It s That s fine.Well take it.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固( 时间:8分钟 )通过学生反复练习并应用 1a 对话,提高学生应15用语言的能力。1. (学生分组表演 1a 对话,挑选两组上台表演, 并给予表扬和鼓励。 )T: Please act out 1a, then I ll ask two groups to act it out in front of the class.2. (学生参考 1a,完成 1b。)T: Complete the conversation in 1b according to 1a.(核对答案。 )3. (学生分组就 1b 进行替换练习。 )T: Practice 1b in pairs.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习( 时间 :5 分钟 ) 通过


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