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1、Unit 6 The last Leaf 辽宁石油化工大学辽宁石油化工大学 外语学院外语学院 第四教学部第四教学部 田苏田苏 Teaching Procedures A Brief Introduction to the Author Text Analysis Vocabulary Learning Summary 4 1 2 3 Homework 5 Introduction to the Author O. Henry (1862-1910), the pseudonym (笔名) of William Sydney Porter, was a distinguished America

2、n storywriter. Main Works The Cop and the AnthemThe Gift of the MagiThe Last Leaf Surpring endings Writing Style The vividness of details Coincidence 1. Surprising endings The Gift of the Magi TIP: His surprise ending is especially liked by readers and makes all readers think of it long after. In “T

3、he Gift of the Magi”, O. Henry used the most famous trick ending. The story tells readers about how a poor young husband and wife buy each other a Christmas present, though they are both nearly penniless. They make up their minds to get a suitable Christmas gift for the other side for sincere love.

4、The wife has her beautiful hair cut off and sells the hair to buy the husband a gold watch chain. He sells his watch to get a set of combs. When he and she finally know what is the matter, both of them feel very surprised and at the same time , they feel much disappointed, for the presents that they

5、 have bought have no use at this time. The conception of this is really ingenious and clever. When the story is over, the readers become intoxicated in the minute arrangement of the writer, and meanwhile are deeply moved by this young affectionate couple. 2. The vividness of details O. Henry often o

6、bserves the people and things around him, so he always gives a description of vivid details in his short stories. He does his best to make his portrayal exact and exquisite. The very style of the stories is absorbing. Such detailed description makes every reader indulge him in the plots of the story

7、. The more people read such writings, the more they are interested in the characters and plots in the stories. 3. Coincidence Coincidence is another characteristic of O. Henrys writing. In many of his stories, there are many coincidental plots. In “The Gift of Magi”, Della sells her long hair to get

8、 Jim a gold watch chain, and Jim sells his watch to buy Della a set of combs. How coincidental it is really! Text Analysis Characters in the storyText Organization Introduction to the PlotThreads 12 43 Characters Old Behaman Text Organization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1-2 3-8 9-17 18-21 22-33 34-37 38-39 Johnsy

9、 caught pneumonia. The doctor told Sue that Johnsy needed a strong will to live on. Johnsy decided that she would die when the last leaf fell. Sue told Behrman about Johnsys fancy. As Johnsy was encouraged by the last leaf that she decided not to give up and live on. As Johnsy recovered, Behrman cau

10、ght pneumonia and his case was hopeless. Sue told Johnsy that Behrman had performed a kind deed without any thought of self. scenescharactersparagraphevents Threads Thread 1The last leaf Thread 2The doctors three visits Thread 3 Soup Thread 4Masterpiece Thread 1 The story is, as indicated by its tit

11、le, built around the last ivy leaf. In other words, the last ivy leaf is the main thread that runs through the whole story. At first, Johnsy was determined to die when the last ivy leaf fall When she saw the last leaf still cling to the vine after two nights rain and wind, she decided no to give up

12、her life. The cold fierce wind did not blow away the “last leaf” because Behrman risked his life to paint the last leaf. At the end of the story, Sue called the painted leaf Behrmans masterpiece because it was so perfect that the girls both mistook it for the real thing Thread 2 Johnsy was seriously

13、 ill. Johnsy had a 50-50 chance for survival and death while old Behrman was incurably sick. Johnsy was sure to recover. The doctors three visits are another “thread” that helps make the story a coherent piece. Scan the story and underline the sentences that indicate this point. Thread 3 1. Johnsy r

14、efused to take any soup when she decided to die with the fall of the last leaf. 2. When she was shaken alive again by that undying last leaf, one of her first desires was to drink some soup. Scan the story and underline the sentences that indicate this point. Soup is another “thread” that helps make

15、 the story a coherent piece. Thread 4 Masterpiece is another “thread” that helps make the story a coherent piece. Scan the story and underline the sentences that indicate this point. Old Behrman was a failure in art. He had always talked about a masterpiece, yet he was unable to deliver it. “Someday

16、 I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away.” Finally, old Behrman painted his masterpiece at the cost of his life. Introduction to the plot 1 趣味相投的两个年轻画家Sue和 Johnsy成了好朋友,拥有一间共同画 室。 2 Johnsy得了肺炎,很虚弱,只能隔 着小窗看着窗外那棵几乎光秃秃的常 青藤,并在不停数着树上的叶子。 Introduction to the plot 3 Johnsy情绪很低落,跟Sue说,树 上最后一片树叶

17、落下的日子就是她离 去的日子,Sue很担心她。 4 Sue把Johnsy的想法告诉了也很关心她 的老画家Behrman。 Introduction to the plot 5 一夜疾风暴雨后,Johnsy看到树上仍 留有一片树叶,重新鼓起了活下去的勇 气。 6 Behrman冒着风雨在墙上画了一片树 叶,因感风寒,得了肺炎死了。 Vocabulary learning Language Points1 Useful Expressions 2 Vocabulary learning joint=join(加入)+t (n) 1. jointadj.共同的;连接的; 构词 The house i

18、s our joint property. 这房子是我们的共同财产。 These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture. 这些外国人提出了一个合资企业的建议。 例句 搭配 joint effect 共同努力 joint ownership 共同所有 Vocabulary learning Many pets are victims of overfeeding. 有许多宠物因喂食过量而遭殃。 2. victimn. 牺牲品,受害的人 (或动物) 例句 fall a victim to 成为的受害者 例句搭配 派生

19、victimize vt. 使牺牲,是受害 ,欺骗 Vocabulary learning I was really scared by his fierce look. 我被他凶狠的表情吓坏了。 3. fierceadj. 凶猛的; 愤怒的 例句 fierce effort 拼命努力 搭配 派生 fiercely adv.(副词) fierceness n.(名词) Vocabulary learning I always have the fancy that he will come back. 我常常幻想他会回来。 Ive suddenly taken a fancy to detec

20、tive stories. 我突然喜欢上了侦探小说. 4. fancyn. 幻想 幻觉;爱好 例句 after sbs fancy 中某人意 catch the fancy of sb. 吸引某人 搭配 派生 fanciful adj. 存在于想象中的,想象出来的 近形 fantasy n. 想象(的产物) Vocabulary learning The stream is shallow. 那条小溪水很浅。 My eyes were streaming with tears. 我的眼中流下了泪水。 5. streamn.河;流 vi. 无辜的 sinner n. 犯罪者 派生 辨析 crim

21、e ; sin crime: 触犯法律的罪行 sin: 冒犯上帝或宗教的罪恶、罪孽 Vocabulary learning Theres an acute shortage of water in the city . 城里严重缺水。 A painter must be an acute observer. 画家必须敏于观察。 9. acuteadj.尖的,锐的;敏锐的 例句 acute disease 急性发作的病acute angle 锐角 搭配 辨析 keen, acute, sharp, shrewd 这些形容词均有“锐利的、敏锐的、机敏的”之意。keen 多指对复杂艰深 的事物或问题

22、有敏锐的观察和敏捷的理解。acute侧重感觉敏锐,能分辨出 一般人难以觉察的细微区别。sharp指人头脑精明、敏锐或机警。shrewd指 有头脑,善于判断分析,精明过人 Vocabulary learning There were scarcely a hundred people present. 出席的不足一百人。 To my surprise, the guide turned out to know scarcely a word of English. 让我吃惊的是,那个向导几乎一点英语都不懂。 10. scarcelyadv.仅仅;几乎不 例句 scarcely any 几乎没有

23、搭配 辨析 hardly, scarcely, barely 这些副词均含“几乎不”之意。 hardly指接近最低限度,差不多没有多余,强调困难和程度。 scarcely指不太充分,不太够,不足,不能令人满意,强调数 量。 barely指仅仅够,一点不多,强调没有多余。 Vocabulary learning Hes go for the rest for the rest of the now. 他今天不会回来了。 Save the rest for the food for tomorrow. 把其余的吃的留到明天。 11. for the rest至于其他,除此以外 例句 Vocabul

24、ary learning This is one of the things that stand out in my memory. On the record I have just played, the first song stands out from all the others. 12. stand out引人注目,显眼; 突出,出色 例句 Useful expressions(1) 砖楼 某人在某方面的品味 灯笼袖 是和谐的 可怕的蔓延这一地区 in tune (with) Ones taste in sth. bishop sleeves brick building st

25、alk about the distract Useful expressions(2) 到处 一成希望 那不勒斯湾 医药疗效 吹着轻快的口哨 curative power of medicines one chance in ten the Bay of Naples here and there whistling a merry tune Useful expressions(3) 倒着数 空荡荡的沉闷的院子 常青藤 低声地 两眼一直盯着窗外 in a whisper a bare, dreary yard ivy vine count backward keep ones eyes f

26、ixed out the window Useful expressions(4) 住在底层 过分,过度 嘲笑 看护人 光线暗淡的 guard dog to excess. mock at live on the ground floor dimly lighted Useful expressions(5) 流泪 听说 混合着 无神的睁大的眼睛 拉起 dull, wide-open eyes hear of. mingle with eye stream pull up Useful expressions(6) 急风骤雨 显著,突出 暗绿 (时间)流逝,磨损 紧紧抓住,抱住 wear aw

27、ay Stand out dark green beating rain and fierce wind cling to Summary The implications of the last leaf medicine masterpiece dream 1. Summary For Johnsy: the symbol of hope 希望的象征。 “When the last leaf falls, I must go too. ” “当最后一片叶子落下来,我 也要去了。” Summary The reasons for Johnsys recovery 2. love kindne

28、ss care cure Summary The last leaf symbolize the spirit of love, care and self-sacrifice and reflects the glory of humanity and miracle of life-saving. 最后一片叶子是同情心和自我牺牲精神的象征,它闪耀着人性的 光辉,创造了挽救生命的奇迹。 Belief, friendship are strong pillar of our life. 信念、友谊是生命得以延续的坚强支柱。 Homework 1.Please read the passage

29、carefully and sum up the implications of the last leaf. 2. Write an essay entitled “Can Love move mountains”. Thank you for your attention! The End Teaching Procedures A Brief Introduction to the Author Text Analysis Vocabulary Learning Summary 4 1 2 3 Homework 5 Surpring endings Writing Style The v

30、ividness of details Coincidence 1. Surprising endings The Gift of the Magi TIP: His surprise ending is especially liked by readers and makes all readers think of it long after. In “The Gift of the Magi”, O. Henry used the most famous trick ending. The story tells readers about how a poor young husba

31、nd and wife buy each other a Christmas present, though they are both nearly penniless. They make up their minds to get a suitable Christmas gift for the other side for sincere love. The wife has her beautiful hair cut off and sells the hair to buy the husband a gold watch chain. He sells his watch to get a set of combs. When he and she finally know what is the matter, both of them feel very surprised and at the same time , they feel much disappointed, for the presents that they have bought have no use at this time. The conception of this is really ingenious and clev


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