



1、难忘的一件事 An unforgettable eventIn life, there are many unforgettable things, but if I want to think of an unforgettable thing immediately, it must start from the day when my third grade of primary school begins.在生活中,有很多难忘的事情,但如果我想立即想到一件难忘的 事情,它必须从我小学三年级开始的那一天开始。I was very happy that day Why? Because I

2、m in grade three at last. I can take composition class My parents guidance and Study on my composition, which I accepted at home, finally gave me the chance to show it in class Perhaps it is my slightly proud idea that led to my unforgettable event.那天我很高兴。为什么?因为我终于上三年级了。我可以上作文 课。父母对我作文的指导和学习,我在家里接受了

3、,最后给了我在课 堂上展示的机会。也许正是我略显自豪的想法,导致了我难忘的事件。the curriculum has not been issued in time, and the teacher has notfinished the publicity of the beginning of the school, so I raised my hand in class. XX, do you have any questions? The teacher saw me raise my hand and asked me like this. I quickly took back

4、my right hand and stood up from my seat and said, teacher, when is the composition class? The teacher was stunned by my question. After thinking for a while, he replied with a smile, tomorrow, there will be composition class tomorrow! Ill send you our timetable for this semester late匚 Dont worry As

5、soon as the teacher said that there would be a composition class tomorrow, I stamped my feet happily. I cant remember how I fell asleep when I went home at night.小学三年级开学第一天,课程没有及时下发,老师也没有完成开 学宣传,所以我在课堂上举手示意。二十、你有什么问题吗?老师 看见我举手,就这样问我。我迅速收回右手,从座位上站起来说:老 师,作文课什么时候开始?老师被我的问题惊呆了。想了一会儿,他 笑着回答:明天,明天有作文课!我晚

6、些时候会把这学期的时间表寄 给你。别担心。老师一说明天有作文课,我就高兴地跺脚。我不记得 晚上回家时是怎么睡着的。The next day, before the composition class, I was full of composition class composition class, together with the table for me to play, I was no, I want to think about writing what composition! It made my deskmate and my other friends smack the

7、ir tongues and mutter, can he write a composition? Havent had a composition class yet? I want to write a composition. I didnt mind their murmuring, and kept thinking of waiting for the coming of composition class.第二天,作文课前,我上满了作文课作文课,连同桌子一起给我 玩,我被不,我想想写什么作文!这让我的同桌和其他朋友咂舌低语: 他能写一篇作文吗?还没上作文课吗?我想写一篇作文。我

8、不介意他 们的嘀咕,一直在想等作文课的到来。But the real arrival of composition class, but let me regret. In the first composition class, we wont talk about complicated things, but we will definitely write one or two sentences The teacher will also draw the students to read the sentences he has written. When I wrote it,

9、I thought I wrote it very well. But when the teacher took me and a quiet girl in our class out to read their own sentences, I could see that everyone felt comfortable in her sentences, and when I read them, they all laughed但作文课的真正到来,却让我遗憾。在第一节作文课上,我们不 会谈论复杂的事情,但我们一定会写一两个句子。老师还会画学生读 他写的句子。当我写的时候,我觉得我写得很好。但是当老师带我和 我们班一个安静的女孩出去读他们自己的句子时,我可以看到每个人都觉得她的句子很舒服,当我读到这些句子时,他们都笑了。It has always been a memorable thing for me, but I l


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