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1、2013高考立体设计英语人教版课标通用必修1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 单元强化训练 i. 单词拼写 1. We aim at (质量)rather tha n qua ntities. 2.I m(乐意)to do anything for you. 3.0nly Steve n (投票)aga inst the measure. 4. The (回 报)of study cannot always be measured in money. 5.She helps me with my English (真诚地) n.单项填空 l.In my o

2、pinioit no search engine canBaidu in iearchscope and speed. A. compete B. squal C. tvin D-.suit 2. I di di/ t intend to join Tom in atrendi ng the co mi ng sports meet. 一Rjeally? _ Tom is eager to do so A. Intlie end B. As a matter cf fact C On purpose .Generally speaking 3.Onlydo the job and only i

3、n this waydo the job well. A. ca n he;ca n he B. he can;can he C. he can;he can D. ca n he;he can 4.Now many people move into cities in order to have their childre n. A. better educate B. receive well educati on C. better educated D. accept better educati on 5. He was put into prison because hesome

4、gonmentbuildings in South Africa. A blew up B. bw do C blew om D. blw ovr 6. I toured Jiu Zhai Gou, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful seen ery. A. For the first time B. At first C. It was the first time D. The first time 7.So on after Hitlerpower in Germa ny,Ei nste in wasin his life. A. cam

5、e to the;in the trouble B. came to;i n trouble C. came to the;in trouble D. took;i n troubles S It is said that a nev; club is_for football fans. A. pu: Lip B. setup C. found D. built 9 .Whv doe she av:a-s ask ow for help? There is no on? rise A. tio to turn to B. she can mm to C. for whom to rum D.

6、 for her to tut口 10.lt s clear thatlittle money he earns can hardly supportfamily as large as his. A. the; a B. a; the C. / ; a D. / ; the 11. From theiron the top of th/ TV Tbw芯 visitors can b眇亡 a better view of the city A. stage B. position C. condition D. 5 niati on 12 If e bp sides want to coope

7、rate sm0olyrthey should firn reach an agreement on th? basic. A tandardi B. practice C habits .principle 13. Such an effortthe severe snow disaster didn t prevent the whole nation from celebrat ing the traditi onal Chin ese New Year happily. A. as the Chinese government has made B. has the Chinese g

8、overnment made that C. the Chinese government has made that D. has the Chinese government made as 14. Japan,has the sec on dlargest economy in the economy in the world,imports 60 perce nt of its food. A. where B. that C. who D. which 15. Although the working mother is very busy, she stilla lot of ti

9、me to childre n. A. devotes B. spe nds C. offers D. provides 川.完成句子 1. He will (被判处死刑)for robb ing a bank of our city. 2.It is( 毫无疑 问的)that he will be admitted into key uni versities. 3. The thief (被关进监狱)for steali ng a few expe nsive cars. 4. We can t (灰心)in front of any difficulty.Only in this way

10、 can we become stro nger. 5advised(劝你另U告诉他). IV .阅读理解 His first fight v. as for the equal rights of black people in South Africa. Then, as the first black president he fought to unite the country and organize the government.Now Xelson Mandela has set his sights on a ntw enftnyAIDS. On March 19 th亡 S

11、Zyearoldformer president,hosted rus second AIDSawjarenes C项中better是well的比较级,educated是过去分词作 宾补,所以C项正确。 答案:C 5. 解析:考查关于blow的短语。blow up 充气;爆炸;炸毁” ;blow down 吹倒” ;blow out 吹灭,熄灭” ;blow over 停止,平息”。结合句意,只有 A项适合。 答案:A 6. 解析:考查the first time用作连词引导的时间状语从句。句意为:我第一次到九寨沟 游览,就被它美丽的风景深深的打动了。For the first time第一次

12、”,在句中作时间状 语;At first“首先,起初” ;C项很明显不符合题意。 答案:D 孔解析;come to power 上台.执篁大权处于困境中二句意为希持勒在應 国上台后不久,爱因斯坦的生活就陷入了困境. 答案:B 8解析:対up a club意为“成立一个俱乐部3述up可表示建起建筑物或感立组织、团 体等 答案汨 9. 解析;着查 阿co及定语从句.晌巾“求助于3答吾部分为定普从句,先行词no one else 在从句中作介词也的宾普,省略了关系代词,4 U D三项结构不对,只有B项结构正确. 答案汨 10. 解析:考查冠词的用法。句意为:很明显他赚得这点钱很难养得起像他家那么大的

13、一个 家庭。little money后面有定语从句修饰,故应使用定冠词the;空二处用不定冠词 a表示 泛指,意为“某一,一个”,即像他家那么大的一个家庭。 答案:A 11. 解析:考查名词辨析。stage “时期” ;position “位置,方位” ;condition“条件,状 态”;situation“情况”。句意为:从他们在电视塔顶端的位置,游客们可以清楚的看到这 个城市。 答案:B 12. 解析:句意:如果双方想合作顺利, 他们首先就应该在基本原则上达成一致协议。on the basic principle “基本原则上” 。standard “标准” ;habit “个人习惯”

14、;practice “实行, 实践”。 答案:D 3解析解析当rfso such. that.?结构中的so. su出连同它所直接修饰的成分共同位于 句首表示强调时,主句要进行倒后面的结果状语从句不倒麦鼻由此可知答案为B 项. 答案出 14解析:肴查定语从句口这是一个寸邯艮制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,且先行词是国家, 故用v,hich来引导,句意为;日本是世畀上第二大经济强国,刖叫的食品需寒从国外进 答案:D 6解析I考查动词dng.to_血把花费在,融力于”的用扳句意为:尽管 这位职业母亲很忙,但她还杲把大量的时间花费在孩子们的身上. 答案:A 川.完成句子 1.be sentenced

15、to death2.out of questi on 3.was taken to prison4.lose heart 5. you not to tell him IV 阅读理解 1. 解析:事实细节题。根据短文第一段的意思,纳尔逊曼德拉正在关注着新的敌人一一 艾滋病。但这并不意味着他成功地控制了艾滋病的蔓延。 答案:D 2. 解析:事实细节题。根据短文第三段could have been a chief himself and lived a happy country life ” 可知。 答案:B 3. 解析:细节推断题。根据短文第一段和最后一段,尤其是“he chose music

16、 as his weapon against AIDS ” 一句可知:他正在参与全人类最大的战斗控制艾滋病。 答案:C 4. 解析:细节推测题。根据全文的意思可知:纳尔逊曼德拉为南非黑人争取平等的权利 奋斗了一生,总统退职之后,他又进行一场新的战斗,向艾滋病宣战。由此推测,“生命不 熄,战斗不止”最能描写他的一生。 答案:A V.写作 第一节:短文填词 1.beg innin g2.others3.failed4.e no ugh 5. u ntil/till6.such7.explai ned 8. patie ntly9 .n ecessary10.moder n 第二节;书面表ii On

17、e possible versionLiu Xiang; bom on July 13, 19S3 in Shanghai is a well IziOATLm track and field m China.Liu Xiang wen the men s 110 meters hiire ftnal and got goldmedal the2004 CXymp:亡 Games in Angus:. 2C04. Therefor kebecame th? first Chines? man to win art Ojvmpic track and field title. He set i world record of 12 SS seconds in th? 口 s 110 meters hurdles at a super grand prix meeting in Laiisanne: Switzerland m 2006.Liu Xiang has returned as a king and got the champion of national sports mAtting in 2009, October. He overcame the pressure and the pain of been hurt. His determined spi


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