



1、外语教学与研究出版社 四年级(下册)郵畅言教育 ft- 科 15 $ !U (一年级起点) 年级下册 Module 4 Unit 1 Dad played the erhu. 教材分析 丿 本课是新标准英语第八册第四模块的第一单元Dad played the erhu.本课的主要内容是 Lingling向Amy描述昨天去欣赏她父母参加音乐会时所演奏的乐器,然后Lingling给Amy 欣赏了一段中国传统音乐, Amy被深深地吸引了。本模块重点学习询问和描述过去干的事, 学会正确表达“演奏某种乐器”。 FI 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学习掌握四会单词 concert ,CD ,Chi nes

2、e。 2. 能够听、说并认读乐器单词guitar, pipa, violin, erhu 。 3. 掌握功能句 What did they play? Mum played the pipa. Dad played the erhu. 【能力目标】 能够运用所学单词和句型描述过去演奏了什么乐器及活动。 【情感目标】 让学生通过对过去事情的描述,提高学生的参与积极性,从而激发学生学习的热情。 教学重难点 【教学重点】 1、能够运用所学单词和句型描述过去演奏了什么乐器及活动。 2、会总结归纳规则、不规则的动词过去式。 【教学难点】 会总结归纳规则、不规则的动词过去式。 课前准备 recorder,

3、 Multimedia 教学过程 J Step 1. Warm- up free talk Ask and an swer: What did you do last weeke nd? 学生根据实际情况回答。 教师:I went to a con cert. Learn the word “ concert ” . It was a Chin ese music con cert. Step 2. Preview 出示图片表明Ch in ese music con cert都有什么乐器。 Lear n the new words: erhu, pipa T : Look! What s th

4、is? It s an erhu. What s an erhu? It s a Chinese instrument. Do you want to liste n to the music? And what does it look like? It looks like a violi n. (pipa, liste n to the music, guitar) 2. Let s say and act. Look at these Chin ese in strume nts. T: It s an erhu. Ss: Play the erhu. (pipa, drum, flu

5、te, guitar, piano, violin ) Step 3. Presentation 1. T: Lingling went to a concert yesterday. She told Amy that her parents played in the concert. Lets listen and then answer the questions (听第一遍录音 ) a. What did Lingling s father play in theCconce b. What did Lingling s mother play? c. What does an er

6、hu look like? d. What does a pipa look like? e. Does Amy like Chin ese music? 2. T: Now look, here are two questi ons. who can read? a. What did Lin gli ng s mum play in the con cert? b. What did Lin gli ng s dad play in the con cert? 3. 根据学生的回答引出新句型: Dad played the erhu. Mum played the pipa. 4. Lis

7、ten and repeat.(听第一遍录音 ) 5. 学生完成填空题,巩固对话。 6. Read by yourself. Then read in roles. Step 4. Practice 1. Practise on the book: page 15 -3 (注意 the 的用法) 2. Game: What did they play? watch video. Look carefully, what did they play? (欣赏女子十二乐坊演奏的奇迹视频 ) 教师问:What did they played?学生根据所看到的依次回答。 Step 5. Summary 让学生自己总结本节课的知识点,教师应该强调一下有关play加球类游戏、乐器的不同。 用心用情服务教育 外语教学与研究出版社四年级(下册) W畅言教育 E.g. play football play basketball play volleyball play the erhu play the fl


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