1、Unit 1 Ways of LearningBefore ReadingEnglish Song - Teach Your Children2About Education3Warm-up Questions4Global ReadingScanning 5Part Division of the Text 5Further Understanding5Detailed Reading7After ReadingUseful Expressions 16Spot Dictation 16Discussion16Comparison and Contrast17Writing Practice
2、18Sentence Translation19Proverbs and Quotations 20Supplementary ReadingCulture Notes21Language Study21Comprehension Task25Before Reading . English Song - Teach Your Children . Introductory Remarks( “ Ways of learning ” is the topic of this unit. It is also the topic of the song you are about to list
3、en to, called Teacher Your Children sung by Crosby, Stills and Nash.) 矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧。 . Teach Your Children(Directions: ) Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear. 聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净祸測樅。 You, who are_ , (= on the road)Must _ that you can live by. (=have a code)And so, become yourself,Beca
4、use _ is just a goodbye.(= the past)Teach your children well,Their father s hell did slowly go by.And feed them _ , (=on your dreams)The one they picks, the one you ll know by.They_before they can die. (=seek the truth)Teach your parents well,Their children s hell will slowly go. byAnd feed them _ ,
5、 (=on your dreams)1 / 18The one they picks, the one you ll know by.Don t you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry, 謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍杂。So just look at them and sigh and know they love you. 厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺癩龔。 . Questions and AnswersWhat is a code that you can live by?(= A set of rules to guide you
6、 on the road of life.) 茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀齐鈞。Is the song only about how parents should teach their children? 鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈诘聾。(= No. The first part of the song is about how parents can teach their children through sharing with them their dreams. And in the second part, we are told that children also have somet
7、hing to teach their parents - help them with your youth.) 籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠挞曉。 . Crosby, Stills and NashThe musical partnership of David Crosby (b. Aug. 14, 1941), Stephen Stills (b. Jan. 3, 1945), andGraham Nash (b. Feb. 2, 1942), was not only one of the most successful touring and recording acts of thel
8、ate 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s - with the colorful, contrasting nature of the members characters andtheir connection to the politicaland culturalupheavals (动荡,剧变 ) of the time- itwas the onlyAmerican-based band to approach the overall societal ( 社会的 ) impact of the Beatles. The resulting trio (三人
9、组 ) was characterized by a unique vocal blend and a musical approach that ranged from folk to pop tohard rock. CSNs (initialsof Crosby, Stills and Nash) debut album ( 首张唱片 ), released in 1969, wasperfectly in tune ( 合拍 ) with the times, and the group was an instant hit. 預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴買闥龅。Song-list :Teac
10、h Your ChildrenSouthernmanOhioWoodstock . About Education . A SurveyDo you agree with the following statements?1.Play is the best way to learn.2.Children develop life skills best through formal programs. 渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇絨钞。3.Children are naturally curious, inspired, motivated learners, but 铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡缝勵罴。
11、sometimes the enjoyment of learning can get lost in the pressure to“ succeed ” in forma擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷報赢无。4. Parents are the most important instructors to the children, so they should give as much guidance aspossible.贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷鯛汉鼉。 . A Practical ExperimentTwo children are given hula hoops, a toy they are
12、 unfamiliar with.坛摶乡囂忏蒌鍥铃氈淚跻馱釣。Angela is given a hula hoop with instructions on how to use it.蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘籜葦繯。Jonathan is given a hula hoop but no instructions.What kind of outcomes do you expect?Angela learns to keep the hula hoop in motion by moving her body in certain ways. 買鲷鴯譖昙膚遙闫撷凄届嬌擻。 Jonathan
13、explores the hoop and discovers its big enough to step through. He then balances the hoop between two objects and practices kicking a ball through the hoop. 綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴飙钪麦。 How do you comment on these two outcomes?Both outcomes are good.Angela learns a useful play skill.2 / 18Jonathan uses his hoop i
14、n a different, but equally playful way. 驅踬髏彦浃绥譎饴憂锦諑琼针。Which one do you think is better in developing the children 猫虿驢绘燈s鮒creativity?诛髅貺庑献鵬缩。 Angela, because she followed the directions given, will have a skill she can use anytime she wants to move her body in that specific way. The outcome is limite
15、d to having followed directions and mastered a particularskill. 锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔嗚訝摈。Jonathan, on the other hand, had the experience of exploring and discovering an item he was unfamiliar with. He used what he learned about this circular-shaped object to solve a problem of his own and incorporated (结合 ) th
16、e hula hoop as an innovative solution to help him do something that he wanted to do - kick a ball through a target. Jonathan learned he could use his own observation and exploration to learn about newobjects.構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛門戲鷯。What conclusion can you draw from this experiment? . Education in the WestMuch
17、 of the current debate over education surrounds the extent to which learning should be teacher-based or student-based. Which of the two should decide what should be learned, how it should be learned, and when it should be learned? Comparing Western and Asian methods of learning it is generally true
18、that Western methods are more student-centered, expecting students to discover things for themselves rather than relying on their teachers to tell them. An extreme version of the student-centered approach can be seen at Summerhill, a school in England established by the educationalist A. S. Neill. T
19、here children have complete freedom to decide what they are going to learn and which lessons they will attend. If they wish they need not attend any at all. Mainstream education in England is far more strict, demanding that children attend lessons and follow a national curriculum. This curriculum an
20、d the importance of achieving good exam results tend to reinforce a more teacher-centered approach, as both teachers and students find the pressure of time leaves less opportunity for an exploratory approach to learning. 輒峄陽檉簖疖網儂號泶蛴镧釃。 . Warm-up QuestionsIf you find a two-year-old boy is trying to p
21、ut a key into a box, will you help him immediately?尧侧閆繭絳闕绚勵蜆贅瀝纰縭。Can you recall how your parents taught you in your childhood? Did they like to teach you by holding yourhand?识饒鎂錕缢灩筧嚌俨淒侬减攙。Which way did you prefer when you were in trouble with one of your toys in your childhood, turning to your paren
22、ts for help, or exploring by yourselves? 凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴铍賄鹗。Global Reading . Scanning(Directions:) Scan Text A and decide whether the following statements are true or false.恥諤銪灭萦欢煬鞏鹜錦聰櫻郐。Benjamin was worried that he couldn t put the key into the box. (F)鯊腎鑰诎褳鉀沩懼統庫摇饬缗。(=Benjamin was not bothered at all.)I
23、n the Chinese staff s opinion, the parents should guide Benjamin toheinsertky. t(T)硕癘鄴颃诌攆檸攜驤蔹鸶胶据。The author and his wife didn阌擻輳 t care whether Benjamin succeeded in inserting the key into the slot. (T)嬪諫迁择楨秘騖輛埙鵜。For the Westerners, learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding
24、. (F)氬嚕躑竄贸恳彈瀘颔澩纷釓鄧。(= The Chinese think that learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding.)釷鹆資贏車贖孙滅獅赘慶獷緞。Chinese teachers hold the opinion that skills should be acquired as early as possible, while American educators think that creativity should be acquired early. (T) 怂阐譜鯪迳導嘯畫
25、長凉馴鸨撟。3 / 18. Part Division of the TextPartsPara(s).M ain Ideas115The text begins with an anecdote.2613The author s thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learningin China and the West.314The author winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question. Further UnderstandingFor Pa
26、rt IQuestions and AnswersHow does the author introduce the topic in Text A?Sum up the contrast between the attitude of the coupl e and that of the hotel staff toward Benjamin s efforts inserting the key into the slot. 谚辞調担鈧谄动禪泻類谨觋鸾。For Part 2Questions and Answers1. Read the first sentence of both Pa
27、ra 6 and Para 7, and decide what method of comparison and contrast isused here.嘰觐詿缧铴嗫偽純铪锩癱恳迹。2. Sum up the contrast between Chinese and Western ways to learn to fulfill a task. 熒绐譏钲鏌觶鷹緇機库圆鍰缄。3. Read from Para 11 to Para 13. Which method of comparison and contrast is used here? 鶼渍螻偉阅劍鲰腎邏蘞阕簣择。4. The f
28、ollowing are two types of attitudes toward creativity and basic skills. Which one belongs to the Chinese and which one belongs to the Westerners?纣忧蔣氳頑莶驅藥悯骛覲僨鴛。A) giving priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time.颖刍莖蛺饽亿顿裊赔泷涨负這。B) putting more em
29、phasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking that skills can be picked up later.濫驂膽閉驟羥闈詔寢賻減栖綜。For Part 3Multiple choiceThere are many ways to conclude an essay. How does the author end this text?) 銚銻縵哜鳗鸿锓謎諏涼鏗穎報。A) Restating the main points previously mentioned.B) Proposing a solution.C
30、) Quoting from some book or person.D) Predicting future developments.E) making a suggestion in the form of a question. ) 挤貼綬电麥结鈺贖哓类芈罷鸨。Detailed Reading. Difficult Sentences1. (LL. 1315) Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually f
31、ail. 赔荊紳谘侖驟辽輩袜錈極嚕辫。Paraphrase the sentence.(= Because he was so young and didn t quite know that he should position the key carefullytofitinto the narrow key slot, he would usually fail.) 塤礙籟馐决穩賽釙冊庫麩适绲。2. (L. 15) Benjamin was not bothered in the least.1. Paraphrase the sentence.(= Benjamin was not b
32、othered at all.)2.Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=本杰明一点也不在意。 )3. (L. 30)and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 裊樣祕廬廂颤谚鍘羋蔺递灿扰。Paraphrase this part of the sentence.4 / 18(= And to help explain Chinese attitudes toward creativity.)仓嫗盤紲嘱珑詁鍬齊驁絛鯛鱧。4. (LL. 3739) since the child i
33、s neither old enough nor clever enough to realize the desired action on his own, what possible gain is achieved by having him struggle? 绽萬璉轆娛閬蛏鬮绾瀧恒蟬轅。1. What does the desired action refer to?(= Positioning the key carefully to fit into the slot.)骁顾燁鶚巯瀆蕪領鲡赙骠弒綈。2. In your opinion, what possible gain c
34、an be achieved by having Benjamin struggle?瑣钋濺暧惲锟缟馭篩凉貿锕戧。(= Open-ended.)5. (L. 39) He may well get frustrated and angry.1. Paraphrase the sentence.(= He is likely to get frustrated and angry.)2.You use“ may well ” when you arewhatsayingyou think is likely to happen. 鎦诗涇艳损楼紲鯗餳類碍穑鳓。6.(L. 4748) He was
35、having a good time and was exploring, two activities that did matter to us.栉缏歐锄棗鈕种鵑瑶锬奧伛辊。1.What do the two activities refer to?(= Having a good time and exploring.)2.Paraphrase two “ activities that did matter to us辔烨棟剛殓攬瑤丽阄应頁諳绞。”.(= Tow activities that were important to us.)7.(L. 52) whether it be
36、placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or making up for a misdeed峴扬斕滾澗辐滠兴渙藺诈機愦。1.Paraphrase the sentence.(= No matter whether it is placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or making up for some mistakes.)詩叁撻訥烬忧毀厉鋨骜靈韬鰍。2. Analyze the structure of the sentence. (= The subjunctive mood is used h
37、ere.*Whether he be present or absent, we shall have to do our part.) 则鯤愜韋瘓賈晖园栋泷华缙輅。8. (LL. 8081) young Westerners making their boldest departures first and then gradually mastering thetradition 胀鏝彈奥秘孫戶孪钇賻锵咏繞。1.What does making their boldest departures mean?(=Doing sth. different from an established
38、rule or tradition.) 鳃躋峽祷紉诵帮废掃減萵輳慘。2.Translate this part into Chinese.(=西方的年轻人先是大胆创新,然后逐渐深谙传统。)9.(LL. 9899) But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills andcreativity are both worthwhile goals稟虛嬪赈维哜妝扩踴粜椤灣鲳。Can you analyze the structure of this sentence?(=
39、 assuming + that-clause: 假定 You use assuming that when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about theconsequences陽.簍埡鲑罷規呜旧岿錟麗鲍轸。*Assuming that we all work at the same rate, we should be finished by January.)沩氣嘮戇苌鑿鑿槠谔應釵蔼绋。10. (LL. 100102) Can we gather, from the Ch
40、inese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? 钡嵐縣緱虜荣产涛團蔺缔嵛恽。1. Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=我们能否从中美两个极端中寻求一种更好的教育方式,它或许能在创造力与基本技能这两极之间获得某种较好的平衡?)懨俠劑鈍触乐鹇烬觶騮揚銥鯊。5 / 182.Do you think that w
41、e can find a better way to approach education, which strikes a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? 謾饱兗争詣繚鮐癞别瀘鯽礎輪。 . Words and Expressions1.(L. 7) attach: vt. fasten or join (one thing to another)呙铉們欤谦鸪饺竞荡赚趱為練。* She attached an antenna to the radio. (=A tag was attached t
42、o each article.) Pattern: attach sth. to sth.be attached to sth.2. (L. 21) initial: adj. of or at the beginning; first莹谐龌蕲賞组靄绉嚴减籩诹戀。最初的会谈是后来达成协议的基础。(=The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.)*the initial letter of a word一个词的首字母3. (L. 25) await: vt. wait for* He was anxiously awaiting
43、her reply.他早就期待着这个时刻了。(=He has long awaited this moment.)4. (L. 25) on occasion: now and then* It has, on occasion, created trouble for the bank. 你有时使人们感到诧异。(=You have on occasion surprised people.)CF: on occasion & on the occasion of这两个词组非常相似,但意思不同。on occasion 有时,间或。on the occasion of 在 之际。* on the
44、 occasion of sb.s wedding5. (L. 26) neglect: vt. give too little attention or care to* neglect ones meals and sleep离开时别忘了锁门。麸肃鹏镟轿騍镣缚縟糶尔摊鲟。納畴鳗吶鄖禎銣腻鰲锬颤階躜。風撵鲔貓铁频钙蓟纠庙誑繃纸。(=Dont neglect to lock the door when you leave.)CF: neglect, ignore & omit这几个词都有忽略、遗漏之意。neglect 指对职责、义务或应做的事没有给予足够的注意。这种忘记可能是有意的,也可能是无
45、意的。例如: 灭嗳骇諗鋅猎輛觏馊藹狰廚怃。*Those who neglect their duties should be punished.玩忽职守者应受惩罚。铹鸝饷飾镡閌赀诨癱骝吶转鮭。*Why do they always neglect the traffic regulation.他们为什么老是不注意遵守交通规则呢? 攙閿频嵘陣澇諗谴隴泸鐙浍蹤。ignore 指疏忽、不顾,强调对某人或某物故意不理会,有时还带有固执地拒绝的意味。例如:*When I saw Tom, I stopped to greet him, but he ignored me and walked on.当我
46、看到汤姆时,我停下来和他打招呼,但他没有理我继续往前走。趕輾雏纨颗锊讨跃满賺蚬騍純。*The teacher ignored my difficult questions.老师对我的难题置之不理。夹覡闾辁駁档驀迁锬減汆藥徑。omit 指因专注或疏忽而忘记某事,这种失误可能是有意或无意的。该词还可指删除不利或不必要的东西。例如: 视絀镘鸸鲚鐘脑钧欖粝佥爾鱿。*She should not omit to visit the museum.她不应忘了去参观博物馆。偽澀锟攢鴛擋緬铹鈞錠铃铋跄。6 / 18*The third part of the book may be omitted.该书的第三
47、部分可以删掉。緦徑铫膾龋轿级镗挢廟耬癣纥。6. (L. 28) relevant: adj. directly connected with the subject騅憑钶銘侥张礫阵轸蔼揽齊弯。(=His color is not relevant to whether hes a good lawyer.) 疠骐錾农剎貯狱颢幗騮鸪詼驤。该证据与此案有关。(=The evidence is relevant to the case.)Pattern: be relevant to(L. 29 ) investigate:1. vt. try to find out information abo
48、ut* Scientists are investigating how the plane crash occurred. 镞锊过润启婭澗骆讕瀘載撻贏。* If you hear such a rumor, investigate it thoroughly. 榿贰轲誊壟该槛鲻垲赛纬闼糝。2. vi. make a detailed inquiry*investigate into an affair*investigate into a rumorCF: investigate, examine & inspect这几个词都有调查、检查之意。investigate 较正式,指有条不紊地进行
49、调查研究以发现事实真相,更常用以说明调查案件、情况、背景来历等。例如:邁茑赚陉宾呗擷鹪讼凑幟结廢。*They investigated the cause of the accident.他们调查了事故的原因。*The police are investigating the murder.警方正在调查这件谋杀案。嵝硖贪塒廩袞悯倉華糲饃励骝。该栎谖碼戆沖巋鳧薩锭谟贛赘。examine 是普通用语,指仔细地检查某人或物。该词还指官方主持的检查或医生进行的诊察,也表示对某种观点的讨论研究,更指考试。例如:劇妆诨貰攖苹埘呂仑庙痙湯簖。*They examined our passports very
50、 carefully.他们仔细检查了我们的护照。臠龍讹驄桠业變墊罗蘄嚣驮广。*An optician is qualified to examine your eyes and prescribe glasses.眼科医生有资格来检查你的眼睛并给你配眼镜。 鰻順褛悦漚縫冁屜鸭骞阋苈騍。inspect 较正式, 用得不如 examine 广泛, 指对某人或某物进行检查、查问,带有揭示其差异或缺陷的意思。更常指官员们的视察以发现下属单位的缺点等,还指检阅军队。 例如:穑釓虚绺滟鳗絲懷紓泺視娇賭。*The firemen were inspecting the warehouse for poten
51、tial fire hazards.消防人员正在检查仓库以防火灾。隶誆荧鉴獫纲鴣攣駘賽涝鈧籜。*Every length of cloth is inspected before it leaves the factory. 出厂之前每寸布匹都检查过。浹繢腻叢着駕骠構砀湊農瑤帳。8. (L. 30) throw light on: help understanding* These facts throw new light on the matter.这些事实使人进一步了解此事。9. (L. 34) exception: n. sb./sth. that a comment or state
52、ment does not apply to 鈀燭罚櫝箋礱颼畢韫粝銨鹏骆。 (=There is an exception to this grammatical rule.)这是那项规定的一个明显的例外。(= This is an apparent exception to the rule.)Pattern: an exception toCollocation:with many/few exceptions有很多 /很少例外without exception毫无例外,一律with the exception of除 之外make an exception of 把 .作为例外make
53、no exceptions 不容许有例外;一视同仁10. (L. 39) desirable: adj. worth having as by being useful, advantageous, or pleasing; worth achieving惬執缉7 / 18蘿绅颀阳灣熗鍵舣讷赃。* Main Street is a very desirable location for a large department store.贞廈给鏌綞牵鎮獵鎦龐朮戗笾。* It is most desirable that he should attend the conference. 嚌鲭级厨胀鑲铟礦毁蕲鷯鑭嵝。NB: antonym: undesirable11. (L. 41) accomplish: vt. manage to do (sth.)* Shes accomplished a great deal in the last few weeks. 薊镔竖牍熒浹醬籬铃騫违紗駑。这项任务不是在一代人的时间里所能完成的。(= The task will not be accomplished
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