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1、精品资料九年级英语九月月考2016.9一.单项选择1. -Thank you for tak ing me around your school, Dami ng. -A. D Ont men ti On it. B.Never mind. C.0f COurSe not. D.No problem.2. -What a heavy rain! Will it last long?- .We re gett ing in to the rainy SeaS On now.A. Of COUrSe not B. I m afraid so C. That S impossiblD. I m af

2、raid not3. - How WaS your Weeke nd?-Great! It WaS my gran dfathers birthday. We enjo yed ourselves.A. SeVe ntee nB. SeVe ntee nthC.seve ntyD. SeVe ntieth4. Some word PUZZIeS in this book aredifficult thatStUde nts Can solvethem.A. such; fewB. such; littleC. so; fewD. so; little5. - Where S Tom?-He h

3、as left a/anSay ing that he has SOmethi ng importa nt to do.A. excuse B. messageC. n ews D. idea6. - WhiCh basketball PIayer do you like best, Kobe, JameS or Jorda n?-of them. Lin ShUhaO is my favourite.A. AllB. No neC. EitherD. Neither7. .If there ispolluti on, the air in our City will bedirtier.A.

4、 less; more B. more; much C. less; less D. more; more8 When you have difficulty, do remember to. Two heads are better tha none.A. make a decisi onB. give UPC. ask for helpD. giveadvice9. A lot of famous doctors gathered in Harbin SaVe “ China S most beautifulteacher ” Zhang Lili.A. so thatB. in orde

5、r to C. in order thatD. as a result10. -The little girlher Seat to an old man on he bus.-What a ki nd girl!C. gaveD. le ntA. brought B. Offered11. - I SWim here?-rm sorry. Childre nSWim alone here.A. Must; cant B. May; must C. Can; must nt D. Cant; Can12. Many peoplein the terrible earthquake in LUS

6、ha n, SiChUa n PrOVinCeOnApril 20, 2013.A. injuredB. Were injured C. have been injured D. injure13. - I m afraid the class has begun.-Don t worry. Itthe bell rin gs.A. beg ins; becauseB. will begi n ; SinCeC.won t beg in; Un tilD. does n t ICleigbUt14. Tom lives in the roomWi ndow ope ns to the sout

7、h.A. whoseB. thatC. WhiChD. /15. - Peter, is there anything else you Want to knoW about China?-Yes, I am still Won deri ngA. Whether you like the bookB. hoW many people there are in the roomC. Why the Chin ese people like to play the drag on danceD. Whose han dWriti ng is the best in our class二阅读理解(

8、40分)A“It is never too late and you are never too old to Start SOmething neW!” SCEn glishtoW n StUde nt Elle n Rema. Elle n bega n to lear n En glish at the age of fifty, andin just a feW years, She has made great progress!Elle n chose to StUdy on En glishtoW n because no eve ning CIaSSeS Were Offere

9、d inthe Germa n coun tryside Where She lives. On En glishtoW n, She has conv ersati onCIaSSeS on Ii ne and SPeakS With n ative En glish-speak ing teachers.“ EnglishtoWn is a Wonderful place for study,” bsSayShEheriirstlevel of EnglishtoWn and quickly progressed. “I SPent hours and hours StUdying,” S

10、hesaid. “ Maybe I Wanted too much in a short time. I finiShed all my COUrSeS after 2 years, but I still had grammar difficulties.”In Stead of givi ng up, She chose to con ti nue. After ano ther 2 years on En glishtoW n,She S still StUdying in the onIine CIaSSroom.“ StUdying onIine is never boring, b

11、ut youn eed practice, practice, practice!”Ellen SayS StUdying English isn t all about hard Work. It should also be fun.Iike the OnIine COnVerSatiOn ClaSSrooms,” She says. “I have Iearned SO much aboutother CUItUreS and traditi ons.”Ellen has been able to PUt her English to USe by ViSiting England fi

12、ve times!than kful to En glishtow n because my lfe has improved because of it,” Elle n says.1. Elle n Started to lear n En glish.A. 50 years agoB. i n a City of Germa nyC. Whe n She WaS a high school StUde ntD. Whe n She WaS 50 years old2. Why did Ellen StUdy English on Englishtown?A. She had no fre

13、e time duri ng the day.B. She lived far away from school.C. There Were no eve ning CIaSSeS n ear her home.D. En glishtow n WaS a famous WebSite to Iear n En glish.3. Elle n had trouble Iear ning.A. PrOnUn Ciati on B. grammar C. Writi ngD. Iiste ning4. How long has Elle n Iear ned En glish?A. For 2 y

14、ears. B. For 4 years. C. For 6 years. D. For 15 years.5. What S the main idea of this passage?A. You are n ever too old to Iear n SOmeth ing n ew.B. En glishtow n is a good place to visit.C. The COUrSeS are good on En glishtow n.D. StUdy ing En glish is not bori ng at allBEVery day in China, about 2

15、00 milli on ChiIdre n go to school. Many of them takeschool buses.In 2011, a SeriOUS school bus accide nt happe ned in Chin a,whe n a nin e-seatmini bus CraShed.There Were 62 ChiIdre n in Side ,and 21 of them died. To stop SUChaccidents, the Center Government decided to Strengtheb力卩强)the rules for s

16、chool buses.On April 5, the Government PUbIiShed new rules about school safety. TheSe new rules are much StriCter than the old ones.Un der the new rules, local gover nments must make SUre that StUdentS atte ndnearby schools or boarding (寄宿的)schools to reduce traffic risks (风险).Also, local gover nmen

17、ts must help kids in the coun tryside reach their school buses.From now on ,school buses have a SPeed Iimit 限速)of 80km Per hour onhighways and 60km Per hour On no rmal roads. While On the road, other CarS must let school bus go first.The new rules also Say that school buses must never be overloade超载

18、).There are many other rules as well. A school bus must have more tha n SeVe n seats. On each bus, there must be at least one aduj成年人)to keep an eye on the ki ds. EaCh school bus must have a fire extinguish灭火器),a first aid kit (急救箱) and a GPS.6. The gover nment made new rules for school buses becaus

19、e.A. It S dangerous to take a bus to school.B. 62 StUde nts died in a school bus accide nt in 2011.C. 200 million ChiIdren in China go to school by bus every day.D. school buses in China Were not Safe eno Ugh before.7. What does the Underlined word“ attend ” mean?A. joi nB. drop out ofC. go to D. Ca

20、tCh8. Under the new rules, WhiCh of the following is TRUE?A. School buses Can be overloaded Whe n n ecessary.B. School buses Can go first Whe n there are other cars.C. School buses must drive at least 80km an hour on highways.D. A school bus must have less tha n SeVe n seats.9. ACCOrding to the new

21、rules, a school bus must have the followingEXCEPT.A. more tha n SeVe n seats.B. a Pare nt of one of the StUde nts.C. a fire ext in guisherD. a first aid kit and a GPS10. What S the best title of this passage?A. How to Avoid BUS ACCide ntsB. Safety FirSt on School BUSeSC. BUS SPeed Limit IS NeCeSSary

22、D. A SeriOUS School BUS ACCide ntCHaVe you ever bee n anno yed With yourself Whe n you forget SOmeth ing importa nt? Maybe you think you have a bad memory. Do you know your memory Can be developed? Here are some WayS for you to have a try. Be positive. Do not tell yourself your memory is bad, or you

23、r mind will believe it and you wont remember things easily. If you thi nk you can, the n you Can Relax yourself. People are too n ervous to remember things well. Relax ing will help you a lot. Take a deep breath and you Can remember things easily. Thi nk more. Thi ngs you know may help you to rememb

24、er SOmethi ng n ew. FOr example, When you remember the word classroom, think of the old words class and room, it will help you remember quickly. Do more practice. Like your body, memory Can be improved through exercise. The more times you practice, the more easily you will remember SOmeth ing. Eat h

25、ealthy food. HeaIthy eating Can improve your memory. It is reported that fish is good for improving memory, so try to eat more fish from now on.11. How many WayS are men ti oned in this passage?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.12. What does the Underlind word ” POSitiVe ” mean in the SeCond paragr

26、aph?A.认真的B.确实的C.肯定的 D.积极的13. What should We do if We are n ervous?A. Take a deep breath. B. Thi nk more.C. Do more practice.D. Eat more fish.14. WhiCh of the following is NoT true according to this passage?A. ReIaXing is USefUI for people to develop memory.B. SOmeth ing you already know may help you

27、 remember What you are lear ning.C. MemOry Can t be improved by PraCtiCing.D. If you Want to have a better memory, a healthy eating habit is Very important.15. What does the PaSSage mainly talk about?A. Don t be annoyed With yourself. B. How to improve your memory.C. Don t be nervous.D. Your memory

28、Can be developed.DHaVe you heard about “ SUrViVaI Holidays ” ? It is for ChiIdren to go into the Ionely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take ChiIdre n into the great outdoors WithOUt their Pare nts.The reas on Why people like“ SUrViVaI Holidays ” is that they

29、thi nk being close tonature is good for ChiIdren. Many ChiIdren in big CitieS SPend all time WatChing TV and playing COmPUter games.“ SUrViVaI Holidays ” gives them an important Change.IS “ SUrViVaI Holidays ” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. ChiIdren need more free time to play. They need to be left

30、on their own, WithOUt adults disturbing 干扰)them. Pare nts Care too much about their ChiIdre n. They like to See the ChiIdre n being busy With activities that are con trolled by adults, WhiCh CaUSeS many problems. ChiIdre n don t know What to do Whe n they are in dan ger. EVe n SOmeg like cross ing a

31、 smallriver SeemS to be a hard ChalIe nge. Childre n are not comfortable With dan ger. EVe n Slight dan ger like gett ing their feet Wet or falli ng dow n SeemS Very terrible to them.Many people think the SUrViVaI activities are good for ChiIdren. EVen years later, they will still remember What they

32、 have learned. Some have learned to Stay calm in dan gerous times. Some have lear ned how to keep safe. OtherS have lear ned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.16. What is “ SUrViVaI Holidays ” according to the passage?A. It is SUmmer holidays.B. It is Win te

33、r holidays.C. It is a kind of holidays to escape from dan ger.D. It is a holiday to go into the Ion ely place for excit ing activities. 17. WhiCh ChiIdre n may take Part in“ SUrViVaI HolidaysA. Poor ChiIdre n.C. ChiIdre n from cities.18. In a “Survival HolidaysA. how to get good gradesB. RiCh ChiIdr

34、e n.D. ChiIdre n from the coun tryside.” ChiIdren Can Iearn the following exceptB. how to Stay calm in differe nt timesC. how to keep Safe Whe n they meet dan ger D. how to work in a team 19. What S the main idea of the last paragraph?A. The reasons people dislike“ SUrViVaI Holidays ” .B. The advant

35、ages of “ SUrViVaI Holidays ” .C. The disadvantages of “ SUrViVaI Holidays ” .D. The SUggeStions of taking Part in“ SUrViVaI Holidays ” .20. WhiCh of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. No compa nies Can holdB. Pare nts Can take Part in“ SUrViVaI Holidays” .“ SUrViVaI Holidays” With th

36、eir ChiIdren.C. Pare nts like to keep their ChiIdre n busy With activities con trolled by adults.SUrViVaI HolidaysD. ChiIdren don t Iisten to their Parents any more after首字母填空,根据句意及首字母提示完成句子( 每空一词)(10分)Who is your hero? Why do you like the PerS on? Cool looks? Mon ey? A lotof tale nt (才华)? I thi nk

37、Hele n Keller is one of the most famous (1) h all overthe world.Hele n is a famous Writer and educator in AmeriCa. Whe n Hele n WaS a baby, She got Very (2) SShe could nt See or hear. AS time passed, thi ngs got (3) Sbad that She could nt Un dersta nd anythingS he could n t SPeak to any(4)eBUt She h

38、ad a great (5) WWith the help of MiSS Sulliva n, She (6) a college Whe n HeIe n WaS older.HeIe n Keller SPe nt the rest Of her life as a Writer and helped many bli nd and deaf people. Helen WaS a Very old woman When She died (7) illness. She is still(8) r 8 today because She WaS both brave and Won d

39、erful.No matter in What enVirOnment, don (9) S t trying. Helen Keller Said so. Form her true story, I realised WhateVer We do or hoW hard it is, We Will n ever give (10) U.四,短文还原It is fun being a vet. I like it because although it is hard Work , every day is different! It all depends on What is Wron

40、g With the animals that come in.At my cli ni c, I Work long days on Mon days, Wedn esday and Fridays, and short days on TUeSday ,Thursday and SatUrdayS.1.2My clerk ope ns the door , turns on some music ,and makes every one aCUP of tea or coffee. My assistant cleans and feeds the animals .The PhOneS

41、Start to ring ,and people make appo in tme nts .This is a Very busy time of day!At 9 am, Pet OWnerS Start to arrive With their SiCk pets. Appo in tme nts take UP the Whole morning .3I don t exa检e any neW SiCk animalsUSe thesetWo hours to have IUnCh and do all my PaPerWork.At 2 pm, I Stat to See SiCk

42、 animals again .At 5pm , three StUdents from a local school Who love ani mals arrive to help out .4I am aWays happy to See theirsmili ng faces!From 5 Pm to 7 Pm ,I COntinUe to See SiCk ani mals . Then ,at 7 Pm We close our doors and the clea n-up beg ins !We tidy the cli nic and feed and clea n the

43、ani mals Of COUrSe ,We also StrOke 轻抚)them and give them hugs !Then ,We turn off the IightS and go home .5I am Very happy being a Vet , though Un expected thi ngs SOmetimeS happe n!A Do you like PetS ?B SUnday is my day off so I Can SPend some time With my familyC At midday, I stop for tWO hours .D

44、My day at my cli nic beg ins at 7 am.E ThiS is the type of the day I Want to have.F They are Very kind and Warm-hearted.五、阅读表达(10分)LuCiano PaVarOtti 卢西亚诺 帕瓦罗蒂)is One Of all-time Italian tenor(男高音歌 手)superstars. He is famous not only i but also in other PartS of the_Un fortu nately for the world, in

45、his home tow n of Mode na (蒙得那),Italy ,他因癌 症(Cancer于 2007 年 9 月 6 日去世。The world mourned(哀悼)the loss of the great tenor SUPerStar.“ Whe n I WaS a boy, my father, a baker, i ntroduced me to the won ders of son gs, PaVarOtti remembered. “ He en COUraged me to work hard to develop myAroc, Pola, anexperi

46、eneed tenor in my home town ,took me as a pupil. I also entered a teacher college .On graduatin(毕业),I asked my father, What shall I be, a teacher or a Singer? ”“LUCiano ” my father replied,“If you try to Sit on two chairs, you will fallbetwee n them .For life, you must choose one chair.”“I choose on e. It took SeVe n years of StUdy and hard work before I naady first appeara nce on the stage. It took ano ther SeVe n years to reach the Metropolita n Opera. I think Whether it StaytoIgeks, Writing a bookNo matter What We choose,We should devote ourselves to it.”PaV


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