



1、编号: _涉外技术许可合同受让方: _许可方: _签订日期: _年_月_日第I页共37页This Contract, is made by and between, acorporation registeredunder the laws of, having its registered office at, (hereinafterreferred to as LICENSEE);受让方:公司,一家根据法律合法成立并有效存续的公司,其注册地址位。and 与, a company registeredwith its main office atunder the laws of the
2、People s Republicof China ,(hereinafter referred to as LICENSOR).许可方:,一家根据中华人民共和国法律合法成立并有效存续的公司,注册地在,邮编:。WHEREASLICENSORhas legalownershipor the rightto licensethe proprietarytechnology,both patentedand unpatented, and the knowledge, experience anddata necessary fortheplanning,designing,construction
3、and operationof industrialplantsusingLICENSORsfor the production ofand other products;鉴于:许可方对不论是已被授予专利权的或未被授予专利权的技术,以及使用该项技术生产和其他产品的过程中的计划、设计、建设、运营环节所需的必要的知识、经验、数据拥有所有权或有权进行许可。WHEREAS LICENSEE wishes to obtain a license for the right to use the LICENSORsat LICENSEEs newfor the construction and opera
4、tion of a licensed plantfor the production of, and LICENSOR desires to grant such license;1.1鉴于,受让方希望获得许可使用许可方的技术,用于在受让方新的建设并运营装置以生产,同时,许可方愿意给予上述许可。THEREFOREboth partiesagree to authorizetheirrepresentativesto enterintothe presentContract through amicable negotiation under the following terms and co
5、nditions;综上,经过双方授权代表友好磋商和谈判,双方就如下条款达成一致意见:DEFINITIONS定义Unless the context of this Contract otherwise requires, the following terms as used第2页共37页herein shall have the following meaning for all purposes of this CONTRACT:除非本合同另有约定,否则下列术语在本合同中的含义如下:CONTRACTmeans the present agreement and its Appendices
6、 hereto between LICENSEEand LICENSOR.合同指受让方与许可方间达成的本合同及其附件。LICENSEE, acorporation registered under the lawsof, having its registered office at, including itslegalsuccessorsand assignsapprovedinaccordancewiththisCONTRACT.受让方指依照法律注册的,办公地点位于的公司,包括其合法继承人与经过许可方根据本合同认可的受让人。LICENSORmeansregistered under th
7、e laws of the Peoples Republic ofChina,locatedat, P.R.China,includingitslegal successorsand assigns approved in accordance with this CONTRACT.许可方指依照中华人民共和国法律注册的,位于。包括具有法定资格的继承人与受让人。CONTRACT UNITmeans the Project located a.合同装置指位于的一套以为主要原料,年生产能力为万吨 / 年的装置。LICENCED TECHONOLOGY means the technical know
8、ledge, technical information that the LICENSORowns, or has the right to license, with regard to (technology s name)for the LICENSEE to be able to processwhich is disclosed tothe LICENSEE by the LICENSORunder or inconnectionwiththis CONTRACT.第3页共37页许可技术指许可方按本合同向受让方披露的、属于许可方的、或许可方有权进行许可的供受让方生产合同产品的相关的
9、技术知识和技术信息。PDPmeans the process designpackage as referredinAPPENDIX5,which shallbe detailedenough tomeet therequirementof basicengineeringdesign.工艺包指本合同附件5 中所述的工艺包。工艺包的详细程度应满足基础工程设计的需求。CONTRACT PRODUCTSmeans the products produced in the CONTRACT UNIT,including, andas specified in APPENDIX 2.合同产品指按附件2
10、 所列的,由合同装置生产的产品。DESIGN CAPACITYmeans the capacity of the CONTRACT UNIT to process the (product) ofBPSD.设计能力指本合同装置的生产能力,即万吨 / 年。EFFECTIVE DATEmeans the date when this CONTRACT enters into full force and effect asset forth in Article 18 hereof.生效日指本合同第18 条规定的合同发生法律效力的日期。PERFORMANCE TESTmeans the testi
11、ngof the CONTRACTUNIT in accordancewithArticle6 hereofand APPENDIX 8 hereto.性能考核指按照本合同第6 章和附件8 对合同装置进行的考核及测试。ACCEPTANCEmeans the acceptance of CONTRACT UNIT by LICENSEE after signing thecertificate of ACCEPTANCE by both parties in accordance with Article 6of CONTRACT.第4页共37页验收指受让方在双方依据合同第6 章签署验收证书后接
12、受合同装置。COMMISSIONINGmeans the initialtrialproductionof PRODUCTSin CONTRACTUNIT withrawmaterials, chemicals, utilities, etc. being introduced to the CONTRACTUNIT, which is to be performed after the completion of the erection ofequipment, installation of required materials and mechanical test ofCONTRAC
13、T UNIT.试运行指在合同装置建成安装机械测试后,初次投放原料、辅助材料和公用工程到合同装置进行合同产品生产的过程。PERFORMANCEmeans those performance guarantees related to the CONTRACT UNIT asGUARANTEESspecified in Article 6, Article 7 and APPENDIX 8 to this CONTRACT.性能保证指本合同第6 章、第 7 章和附件8 中规定的有关合同装置的性能保证。TECHNICAL SERVICEmeans technical services provide
14、d by the technical personnel of theLICENSORto be dispatchedto LICENSEE s officeand/orthe CONTRACTUNITas stipulated in detail in Article 5 hereof.技术服务指许可方按本合同第5 章的详细规定,派出技术人员到受让方所在地和 / 或合同装置所在地提供的技术服务。IMPROVEMENTSmeans alltechnicalimprovementsmade or acquiredby eitherLICENSORorLICENSEE to the (proces
15、s name) and suitable for commercial use, which第5页共37页can be adopted in the CONTRACT UNIT;改进指合同任何一方针对工艺作出或者获得的,可适用于合同装置并且商业化运用的技术改进。Technicalmeans the technicaldocuments listedin APPENDIXX and X of thisCONTRACT,documentationwhich are furnishedby LICENSORto LICENSEEforCONTRACTUNIT, LICENSEDTECHONOLOGY
16、 and production of PRODUCTS in the CONTRACT UNIT.技术文件:指合同附件列出的由许可方向受让方提供的与合同装置、许可技术和产品生产相关的技术文件。ARTICLE 1 OBJECT OF CONTRACT第1章合同标的1.1 LICENSEE agrees toacceptfrom LICENSOR and LICENSOR agrees to supplyto LICENSEEthe license to use LICENSED TECHNOLOGY including the provision of PDP and TECHNICALSERV
17、ICE for the installation of CONTRACT UNIT by using design feedstocks as stipulatedin Appendices X and X as raw material. The process of CONTRACT UNIT is described inAppendix 1 to CONTRACT.1.1 受让方同意从许可方接受,许可方同意向受让方提供使用许可技术之许可,包括根据附件和所确定的生产原料进行生产的合同装置的建设所需之工艺包和技术服务。合同装置工艺的描述见合同附件1。1.2 Subject to the t
18、erms and conditions contained herein, LICENSOR shall grant toLICENSEE a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable right and license touse the LICENSED TECHNOLOGY in the design, engineering, construction, operation, andmaintenance of the CONTRACT UNIT with a capacity of processing (materi
19、al) to produceCONTRACT PRODUCTS at (project) but not elsewhere, and to use and sell the CONTRACTPRODUCTS manufactured by the CONTRACT UNITin countrys name.1.2根据合同条款及其条件,许可方授予受让方非排他的、不可转让、 不得再许可的技术许可,第6页共37页仅允许受让方将该许可技术用于位于的年生产能力为的合同装置的工程设计、施工、维护、运营及维护方面,同时允许受让方仅在范围内销售该合同装置生产的产品。1.3 Unless expressly
20、granted under this CONTRACT, no other license is granted and noact shall be construedas or result ingranting any otherlicense to LICENSEEor toanythird party by implication or otherwise.1.3除非本合同明确授权,不产生任何其他许可,任何行为都不得被认为以默示和其他方式对受让方或者其他第三方的任何其他许可。1.4 In the event LICENSEE wishes to obtain additional t
21、echnology and services otherthan that set forth in this CONTRACT relating to the maintenance and operation of theCONTRACTUNIT or the productionof the CONTRACTPRODUCTSor otherproducts,the partiesshallnegotiate separately basedon the marketsituation and conditions tobe mutuallyagreed between both part
22、ies.1.4如果受让方希望获取本合同规定的许可技术之外的、有关合同装置运行或合同产品的生产或其它产品的更多的技术,双方将根据市场情况及条件另行谈判。1.5 Duringthe termof thisCONTRACT, LICENSORmay inform LICENSEE(without disclosingany technicaldetails)of the IMPROVEMENTmade by LICENSOR. If LICENSEEintends to adoptany IMPROVEMENT on the CONTRACT UNIT, the parties shall nego
23、tiate separately based onthe market situation and conditions to be mutually agreed between both parties.1.5在合同有效期内, 许可方可以告知受让方 (无需披露具体技术细节)许可方所作的有关技术改进, 如果受让方有意愿接受许可方就此项改进的技术,双方将就此结合市场情况和条件另行谈判。1.6 Duringthe term of thisCONTRACT,LICENSEEshallinform LICENSOR(without disclosingany technicaldetails)of
24、allIMPROVEMENTmade by LICENSEE. If LICENSORintends to adoptany such IMPROVEMENT on its own units or licensed units, the parties shall negotiateseparately based on the market situation and conditions to be mutually agreed between第7页共37页both parties.1.6在合同有效期内,受让方将告知许可方(无需披露具体技术细节)受让方所作的有关技术改进,如果许可方有意
25、愿接受受让方就此项改进的技术,双方将就此结合市场情况和条件另行谈判。ARTICLE 2PRICE第2章价格2.1In consideration of LICENSORs grant ofright and license to use the LICENSEDTECHNOLOGY,Process Design Package (PDP),Technicalserviceand technicaldocumentation,LICENSEE shall pay LICENSOR the total CONTRACT price as listed in Article许可方授权
26、受让方使用本许可技术、工艺包以及技术文件,受让方应按照本2.2 条向许可方支付合同款。2.2The total amount of CONTRACT price is. The break-down of the totalCONTRACT price is as follows:2.2.1 Lump sum:a).License fee:USDb).PDP documentation fee:USD2.2.2. ReimbursableEstimated Fee for TECHNICAL SERVICE:USDAll prices and fees listed in Article 2.
27、2 are gross of all taxes (except for the taxesin).2.2 合同总价为,由以下部分组成:2.2.1a许可技术使用费第8页共37页美元元。b技术文件编制费包括工艺包编制美元元。2.2.2c预计技术服务费美元元。本条所列的价格为含税价(除了税外)2.3 The total sum specified in Article 2.2.1 shall be a fixed lump-sum price, theTECHNICAL SERVICE Fee specified in Article 2.2.2 hereof shall be calculate
28、d based onthe per diem rate of per calendar day in accordance with APPENDIX 9 and APPENDIX 10 tothis CONTRACT.条所列总价为固定价格,2.2.2条所列技术服务费应根据附件9 和 10 的规定按照日息率每日历日计算。2.4 Withthe exceptionof LICENSORsTECHNICALSERVICE, and otherprovisionsexpresslyspecified in this CONTRACT, all expenses for either
29、party to dispatch personnel tofulfilltheirrespectiveobligations,includingmaintainingpersonnelat the facilitiesof the other party, shall be borne by the party that dispatches such personnel.2.4除了许可方提供的技术服务及本合同明示列出的费用外,任何一方为了履行合同项下各自义务而派出人员产生的费用,包括在另一方的装置现场的维护人员等,均应由派出方承担。2.5 In the event that the CON
30、TRACT UNITs production capacity is increased above theDESIGNCAPACITYby replacementor additionof majorequipment,LICENSORshallbe entitledto an additional fee to be agreed between LICENSOR and LICENSEE.2.5如果通过替换或增加重大设备使得合同装置的产能超过设计产能,双方应就相应增加的费用达成一致意见。ARTICLE 3 PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS第9页共37页第 3 章付
31、款及支付条件3.1The Priceas stipulatedin Article2.2.1a) and 2.2.1b) shallbe paid by LICENSEEto LICENSOR by telegraphic transfer (T/T)/letter of guarantee (L/G) pursuant to thefollowing schedule:和 2.2.1b项下的合同款将由受让方按照下述时间表以电汇或信用证方式向许可方支付;3.1.1For License Fee and PDP documentation fee in accordance w
32、ith Article 2.2.1 a)and Article 2.2.1 b) to be paid to LICENSOR by T/T/(L/G):2.2.1 a)和 2.2.1 b) 项下的许可费和工艺包费由受让方通过T/T ( L/G )的形式支付: (%) of the License fee andpercent (%) of PDPdocumentation fee viz. USD(USD only), shall be paid by LICENSEE to LICENSORimmediately after KOM/Effective date
33、, within thirty (30) days after the LICENSEEreceives the following documents from LICENSOR and finds them in conformity with thestipulations of this CONTRACT.a) One (1) copy Stamped commercial invoice in original.工艺包费的%,及工艺包费的%,即美元, 应在开工会/ 生效日之后, 在受让方收到许可方提交的下列单证的三十(30) 天内并且根据合同审核无误后,由受让方及时支付
34、给许可方。b)经盖章的商业发票原件一份。 (%) of the License fee andpercent (%) of PDPdocumentation fee viz. USD_ (USDs Only), shall be paid by LICENSEE to LICENSOR afterreview meeting of Rev 0 P&IDs, within thirty (30) days after the LICENSEE receives thefollowing documents from LICENSOR and finds them in
35、 conformity with the stipulationsof this CONTRACT.c) One (1) copy of stamped commercial invoice in original.许可费的和工艺包费的,即美元 ,应在审核会之后,在受让方收到许可方提交的下列单证的三十(30) 天内并且根据合同审核无误后,由受让方及时支第10页共37页付给许可方。a) 经盖章的商业发票原件一份。 (%) of the License fee andpercent (%) of PDPdocumentation fee viz. USD
36、(USDs only ) shall be paid by LICENSEE to LICENSOR aftershipment of Manual Book, within thirty (30) days after the LICENSEE receives thefollowing documents from LICENSOR and finds them in conformity with the stipulationsof this CONTRACT.许可费的和工艺包费的,即美元,应在操作手册寄出之后,在受让方收到许可方提交的下列单证的三十(30) 天内并且根据
37、合同审核无误后,由受让方及时支付给许可方。a) One (1) Photostat copy of receipt issued by LICENSEE in case of personal deliveryshowing the Manual Book has been delivered to LICENSEE, or One (1) Photostat copy ofLICENSEE s facsimile to LICENSOR confirming the receipt by LICENSEE of Manual Bookdelivered by express company.
38、 LICENSEE s confirmation facsimile shall be sent toLICENSORwithin six (6)days(startingfrom the date as shown in expressage bill)afterLICENSEE receives the Manual Book. In case of loss or missing pages are found in thedelivered document, LICENSEE shallnotify LICENSORtheconcretedocument which islostor
39、 missing. LICENSOR shall deliver any missing document in time specified in Article4.6 through express company. LICENSEE shall confirm the receipt of missing documentbyfacsimile within three (3) days after it receives the delivered missing document.a)受让方签发的收据的影印件一(1)份,表明操作手册已经亲自送达给受让方。或者受让方发给许可方的传真影印
40、件一(1)份,确认收到快递服务公司递送操作手册。受让方确认收到资料的传真必须在其收到操作手册(以快递服务公司签单收据为证)后的六(6) 天内发给许可方。如果受让方发现收到的资料有短缺,受让方必须在收到资料后的十(10) 天内将未收到的具体资料通知许可方。 许可方应及时通过快递服务公司向受让方补充提交所缺的任何资料。受让方必须在收到补缺资料后的三(3) 天内,向许可方发出传真确认收到这样的补缺资料。One (1) copy Stamped commercial invoice in original第11页共37页(b) 经盖章的商业发票原件一份。 (%) of th
41、e License fee as specified in Articles 2.2.1 a), viz.USD_ (USDs Only), shall be paid by LICENSEE to LICENSOR after ACCEPTANCE of CONTRACTUNIT, within thirty (30)days afterthe LICENSEE receives the following documents fromLICENSOR and finds them in conformity with the stipulations of this CONTRACT:3.
42、1.1.4许可费的,即美元,应在受让方接受合同装置之后,在受让方收到许可方提交的下列单证的三十(30) 天内并且审核无误后,由受让方支付给许可方。(a) One (1) Photostat copy of the Certificate of ACCEPTANCE duly signed by representatives from both parties.(a)由受让方和许可方授权代表签署的验收证书影印件一(1) 份。(b) One (1) copy of stamped commercial invoice in original.(b)经盖章的商业发票原件一份。3.2The fee
43、for TECHNICAL SERVICE supplied in accordance with Article 2.2.2 andAPPENDIX10 of this CONTRACTshallbe paid basedon the man-days as recordedin the TimeSheet. The invoicing of TECHNICAL SERVICE payment shall take place quarterly for theman/days actually occurred in the past three months. The said paym
44、ent shall be paid byLICENSEEto LICENSORafterthe EFFECTIVEDATEofCONTRACT,withinthirty (30)days aftertheLICENSEE receives thefollowingdocuments from LICENSORand findthem inconformitywith the stipulations of this CONTRACT.3.2根据第 2.2.2 款及附件10 规定提供的技术服务的费用将按照考勤表中记载的实际工作日支付。 前 3 个月期间实际发生的工作日数每季度计算并支付一次。上述
45、费用应在受让方收到许可方提交的下列单证的三十(30)天内并且审核无误后支付。(a)Two (2) Photostat copyofthe Time Sheet signed by representativesfrom both parties.两( 2)份经双方授权代表签署的考勤表(b) One (1) copy of stapled commercial invoice in original.经盖章的商业发票原件一(1)份。3.3Allthe bankingchargesand othertransactionalfees in connectionwiththe payment第12页
46、共37页shallbe borne by payer.Banking chargesoccurredduringpayment gatheringshallbe borneby payee.3.3付款过程中发生的所有银行费用或其它交易费用由付款人承担。收款过程中发生的所有银行费用由收款人承担。3.4The payments shall be effected by telegraphic transfer in USD to the followingbank account of LICENSOR: Bank of Communication, Beijing Branch, China P
47、etrochemicalTechnologyCo.,Ltd.,AccountNumber, No. 5, HuixinEast Str.,Chaoyang Dist.,Beijing, P. R. China.3.4合同款应电汇至许可人的下列银行账户中:3.5Any payment under this CONTRACT which remains unpaid after the due date thereofshall bear an interest at a rate equal to one point two percent (1.2%) per month (forany pe
48、riod shorter than one month, interest shall be calculated on a prorate basis),and such interest shall accrue from the due date of the relevant payment to the dateof actualpayment of the principalamount togetherwithallinterestaccrued.IfLICENSEEfails to make payment for more than three months at no ma
49、terial fault of LICENSOR,LICENSOR shall have the right to terminate all and/or part of this CONTRACT.3.5本合同项下的任何付款,如到期未能支付,将按百分之一点二(1.2 ) 的月利率计息 (不满一个月按实际天数计算)。计息自应付款项到期日起至本息实际支付日止。如果受让方的原因延期付款超过3 个月,许可方将有权解除部分或全部合同。3.6 Any invoice issued by LICENSOR under this CONTRACT shall be addressed to:Add.:At
50、tention: Mr.3.6许可方按合同规定开具的发票应寄至:地址:公司名称:联系人第13页共37页邮政编码:ARTICLE 4 DELIVERY OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION第 4 章技术文件交付4.1LICENSOR shall deliver the TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION document directly to thedestination specified by LICENSEE based on the date specified in APPENDIX 5 to thisCONTRACT.4.1许可方的技术文件应按照附件5 所列时间直接寄到
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