1、安宁市实验学校2011-2012学年上学期九年级英语教案Un it15 We etrying to save the manatees!Period One教学年级: _年级班.教学时间: 年_月_日,第_节.课题Sectio nA (1a-grammar focus)课 时2课型New class主备教师陈燕二次备 课教师学标 教目1、Learn the description words in 1a. and describe animals with different adjectives2、Talk about the animals they are like,and try to
2、 use the target language.3、Train the Ss listening and speaking skills.4、Know more information about manatees in the world.5、Try to get more information from some pictures of endangered animals and get to the aim of this un it.教学 重点Newwords: ma natee,cheetah,chimpa nzee,ka ngaroo,polar-bear,ge ntle,f
3、urry,e no rmous,playful, no isy,aggres sive,spotted,e ndan gered,ma ngrove,swamp,habitat,aquaticfeed, un derwater,vegetati on, foot,weigh,po und Patterns:-am like this animal because I am strong and intelligentI like water, and I like to eat vegetables.-You e like an elephant.-How big are man atees?
4、-They eabout10feetlongandtheyweighabout1000pounds .教学难点Describe animals with different adjectives; Train the Ss listening and speaking skills. The target Ianguages.教法与学法简述Scene teachi ng method, pairwork教学内容设计二次备课设计Step1: Lead-in1.课堂任务:视频或图片欣赏,让学生欣赏并描述关于之前学过动物的视 频或图片。教师适时地加以提示补充,同时引入新单词和形容词。Step 2:
5、Teach New WordsLearn and practice the description words in 1a by using some pictures or by using some flashcards.Step 3: Presentation1. 目标语呈现.给学生展示本单元动物图片,并引导学生用1a中的词语来试 着描述动物们的特点。T: What s this? And how to describe it?S: Its an elephant. And it is gray and enormous.通过呈现图片或老师引导的方式进行口头提问,操练目标句型2. Tak
6、e no tes,fi nish 1a.Step4: listening 1b1. Have the stude nts read the in structi on ,and liste n to the tapes ,circle the words in 1a.2. Liste n aga in and check the an swers together.3. Have stude nts read the tapescript .Step 5: Practice 1c groupwork1. Ask two students to read the conversation,pay
7、 attention to this phrase:be like.2. Have students make new conversations with their group members,then ask some ones to show their works.3.1 am like this ani mal because I am strong and in tellige nt.4.be like=look like=be similar to像,看起来像。女口: He is like his father.他像他的父亲。=He looks like his father.
8、He is similar to his father.Step 6: Listening Practice1. Lste n to 2a. a. Expla in the requireme ntb. Liste n and try to match the words with defi niti ons and check the an swers.2. Listen to 2b .A .read the requireme nt.b. liste n and complete the chart.c. liste n to 2b aga in and check the an swer
9、s.3. Pairwork1. Using the information in activity 2a and 2b to play conversations.And explain the key points in liste ning.2. How big are ma natees?海牛有多大?how big.询冋体重。以how组合的疑冋词组有很多,如:how old询问年龄how often询问频率how long询冋动作持续的长短how much询冋质量或者价钱how far 询问距离how many 询问数量how soon询问过多久3. .they weigh about
10、1,000 pounds,他们大约重1000磅。weigh 称重量,测重量。女口:He weighed the stone in his hand.他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。The piece of meat weighs four poun ds.这块肉重四磅。weight还可用做名词,重量。女口: What is your weight ?你的体重是多少?Step 7.Grammar focus1. Have some students read the sentences and translate them into Chinese.Thenreview the structure
11、of the ten se.2. 根据板书总结所学时态的结构。Step 8: Exercise (用所给词的适当形式填空)1. Where is Jim? HeWuha n.2. My pare ntsthe Great Wall twice. They like there very much.3. you everto the Happy valley?4. How longPeterthe West Hill farm?5. My sisterthe shop. She will be back in two hours.6. SheSha nghai. She isn t here.7
12、. SheSha nghai. She is here.8. SheShan ghai for two years.Step 9 Sum up插入链接提示:让学生观看教师搜集到的濒临灭绝灭绝动物组图及解释以 及制作的网站,为学生搜集资料打下基础。板书设计Uni t15We retryi ng to save the man atees!Try to do =try one s best to doTry doing sth现在进行时:be+ V-ing一般现在时:V原形 被动语态:be+V过去分词现在完成时:have/has + V过去分词Used to + V原形:曾经做过.Be used
13、to do sth 被用来做 Be/get used to doing sth 习惯做.课外作业布置?背诵所学单词和句子;?完成练习册相应练习。?预习3 a短文。教 后 心 得Period Two教学年级: _年级班.教学时间:年_月_日,第_节.题Section A (3a-4)课时1课型NewClass主备教师陈燕二次备 课教师1. Review the lear nt words and patter ns;2. Read the article and lear n some useful expressi ons;3. Train the Ss reading skills and
14、Train the ability of expressing students own opinions.教学重点(1) Key Vocabulary aga in st, be suitable for, tiny cages, educate, care for, urge(2) Target Lan guage I think that ani mals should not live in zoos.I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to
15、 live.教学难点1. Guide students to read the passage in Activity 3a .2. The new vocabulary3. How to improve students integrating skills.教法与学法简述teach ing by expla nati on, brai nstorm教学内容设计二次备课设计Stepl: Dictation-Dictate the phrases and sentence patter ns lear nt in last classStep 2: Teach New Words Lear n
16、 new words today: aga inst prep.反对;违反 tiny adj.极小的;微小的 educate v.教育;培养 care for关怀;照顾-Review the learnt words.suitable adj.合适的;适宜的cage n.笼子;囚笼public adj.& n 公众(的);民众(的)urge v.强烈要求;竭力主张Read the words and ask students to re-peat again and again until they canpronounce the words flue ntly and accurately
17、. Go through the in structi ons withthe whole class.Step3: 3a and 3b1. Lead in:Do you think zoos are good for animals?Use these expressions:I think that. I agree with you.I believe that I disagree with you.I feel thatI agree that2. Invite two students to read the letter to the class. Correct any pro
18、nunciationerrors to make sure the student is providing a good model for the rest of the class.Get students to read the letter on their own again and underline the reasons why the writer is opposed to zoos.The n fill in chart.Zoos are terrible placesZoos are importa nt placesAni mals are kept in tiny
19、 cagesZoos are livi ng textbook.Ani mals can hardly move at allZoos provide homes for endangered an imals.Ani mals are only give n food once a day.Educate people about cari ng for them.3.Check the an swers with the class.Why the writer is opposed to zoos?Zoos are terrible places for ani mals to live
20、.The ani mals are kept in tiny cages and hardly move at all.They are only give n food once a day.(2) What s“ Animal Friend” opinion about the zoo?He thinks that the zoo is an importa nt place for the ani mals. And it is like aliv ing textbook for young people.4.La nguage points(1) . against介词,反对,违反,
21、与相反(=opposite)如:Are most people against the proposal?大多数人反对这项提议吗?against介词还有触,碰,倚,靠的意思。Be against doing sth.反对做某事,反义词组是 be for doing sth,赞成某事(2) . be suitable for sb to do sth. 表示适合某人做某事这里suitable是suit的形容词形式,表示 合适的”。女口 : This dress suits you very much, but unfortunately it doesn t fit yo这套女装款式非常适合你,
22、只可惜大小不合适。to live in在此处作animals的后置疋语。央语中动词不疋式短语做名词疋 语,放在后面。如:There is nothing for us to worry about.我们没有什么可以担心的。(3) . tiny=little很小的,带有感情色彩.区别,the tiny country国家小(含可爱的意思)a small country 小国家(与 large country 相对应)a little boy爱怜之意,(不含身材矮小)tiny和little常做疋语,一般不做表语,small既可以做疋语也可以做表 语。little还可表示一点点的修饰不可数名词。女口
23、: There is a little milk in the bottle.瓶里有一点点的牛奶。(4) .常用词组:be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶be surprised to do sth.很惊讶地做某事in surprise 惊奇地To one s surpris使某人惊奇地。surprise =amaze 使惊讶surprising惊讶的(侧重指事物本身具有的特点)(5) . provide sb. with vide sth for sb.提供给某人某物provide for sb. 供应某人所需。(6) . The public指 民众,公众。
24、在央语中,疋冠词the后接形容词表示 一类人。如:the you ng年轻人the wounded受伤的人(7) .care for可做 照顾,照料,看护”的意思。(8).urge力劝,鼓励,怂恿,极力主张,强调。 urge强烈的欲望,冲动,urge nt紧急的 如:He has an urge to travel.他有去旅行的强烈欲望。词组:urge sth., on/upon sb.极力推存urge sb. on sth.鼓励某人做某事urge aga inst极力反对3.Have students read these two letters together.Step 4: Debat
25、eu.Adva ntages forstude nts mobilephoneDisadva ntages for stude ntsmobilephonekeep in touch with parents,friends convenien tly and quickly.spe nd too much moneyget help in time whe n get in troublepare ntsburde n becomes heavy.Step 6: Exercise一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Dont ope n the win dow. It is(rain)
26、outside.2. His little sister(eat) two bananas a day.3. His father used to(swim) in the river whe n he was young.4. Stamps are used to(se nd) letters.5. Mr Green has(stay) in Beijing since he came to China二、 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相冋或相近,每空一词。1. There were lots of mon keys there in the past.Therelots of mon ke
27、ys there.2. We arent for build ing a new zoo in our city.Webuildi ng a new zoo in our city.3. We should provide many endan gered ani mals with homes.We shouldhomesmany endan gered ani mals.4. Lets look after the endan gered ani mals.Letsthe endan gered ani mals.5. I dont agree with that young man.It
28、hat young man.Step 7 Sum upIn this class, weve lear ned some key vocabulary words such as aga in st, be suitable for, tiny cages, care for, urge. We ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speak ing practice using the target Ian guage.板书设计1. two bla nks2. Be against doing sth.反对做某事,be suitable fo
29、r sb to do sth. be surprised to do sth.很惊讶地做某事provide sb. with vide sth for sb. 提供给某人某物provide for sb. 供应某人urge against极力反对课外作业布置?背诵所学单词和句子;?完成课后练习教 后 心 得Period Three教学年级: _年级班.教学时间: 年_月_日,第_节.题Sectio nB (1a 2 c)课时1课型New class主备教师陈燕二次备 课教师学标 教目1. Review the useful words and expressi ons in th
30、e lear nt article 3a.2. Talk about being aware of the importa nee of protect ing the environment.3. Lear n to use some phrases4. Train the stude nts liste ning abilities.教学 重点New words: pla net, recycle, shower, paper towels, n apk ins, turn off Patter ns: We really should n use paper n apk ins, you
31、 know.I kno w. I stopped using them last year.教学难点1. How to train students speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target Ian guage.教法与学法简述Scene teachi ng method, pairwork教学内容设计二次备课设计Stepl: RevisionI.Revise the passage by asking two or three students to read it to the class. Make sure that
32、they pronounce each word correctly.2.Then let students read it aloud once by themselves .Step 2: Part 1a1. Read the in struct ions aloud to the class.Then ask, What the meaning of the phrase save the planet. (It means to keep pla net Earth clea n and not polluted.)Look at the five suggestions for wa
33、ys to save the planet. Invite a student to read each one aloud to the class. Make sure stude nts un dersta nd the meaning of each suggesti on.2. Expla in their choices.Step 3: Listening2a and 2b1. This activity provides listening practice with the target Ianguage and new vocabulary words.Go through
34、the in structi ons with the class. Now you will hear Jack and Julia talk about what they are doing to help save the pla net. Look at the chart .In vite a stude nt to read the list of items that Julia and Jack talk about.2. This activity gives students practice in understanding the target Ianguage in
35、 spoken conversation.Listen and check the things that Julia is doing now, the things She will do in the future, and the things she would n ever do.3. Listen the third time,and check the answer together.Have students read the tapescript together,and explain the some key points.Step 4 Exercise根据句意和汉语提
36、示完成下列句子1.Some students(赞成)the rule,but some(反对)it.2.Everyone must (关心)the animals because they are friends of ours.3.Smok ing is not allowed (在公共场合)4. The childre n are(照顾)by the nurse.5. -It seems that it is going to rain.-I(不同意)you because the n orth wind beg ins to blow.6离开房间时不要忘记关灯。Dont forgetwh
37、e n you leave the room.7回收纸和书很容易,但对保护环境和重要。is easy. But it is very importa nt for protect ing the environment.8洗头时你最好关掉淋浴器。Youd betterwhe n you wash your hair.Step 5SummaryIn this class, we ve learned some key vocabulary, such as recycle, shapwetowels, napkins, turn off. WW vealso learned the target
38、 Ianguage We really shouldn t use paper napkins, you know. I know . I stopped using them last year.5板书设计Un it 15 We re tryi ng to save the man atees!Sectio n BA: We really shouldn t usappes, you know .B: I know . I stopped using them last year课外作业布置?背诵所学单词和句子;?完成练习册相应练习。?预习Section B 3 a短文,完成判断正误。教 后
39、 心 得教学目标教学重点教学难点教学年级:年级SectionB (3a-3c )Period Four班.教学时间:Newclass1 Fill in the bla nks and make sentencesusing support, endan gered, recycle, wear, pull dow n2 Write conversations using the information .3.Tra in stude nts writ ing ability年 月 日第 节.主备教师陈燕1. New words:trash, pull down, be made from, g
40、lue, inspiration, bottle, spare time2. Practise reading and writing using the target Ianguage .1. How to improve stude nts readi ng ability2. How to improve students speaking ability教法与学法简述Scanning the passage to find out the an swers教学内容设计二次备课教师二次备课设计Step1: RevisionRevise the target la nguage prese
41、 nted in this un it. Check homework. Ask some pairs to read out their con versati ons.Step 2: Prese ntati on Lear n 3a1.This activity provides readi ng practice using the target la nguage.Teach the newwords.Show the new words on the screen by a projector .Read the words and ask stude nts to repeat t
42、hem aga in and aga in un til they canstuff n.废物;无用的东西material n . 材料;原料pull v . 拉;拖;拔pull down摧毁;推翻be made from 由制成;bottle n. 瓶子 glue v.roof n .顶;屋顶;房顶tile n .瓦片;瓷砖构成胶合;粘贴;黏合 n.胶水discard v. 丢弃;放弃fence n.栅栏;围墙can n.(装液体等,常带有盖的)金属罐inspiration n .灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)spare adj.多余的;空闲的pronounce them correctly
43、and flue ntly.2.Look at the article The house of trash. In vite a stude nt to read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation mistakes to make sure the student is providi ng a good model for the rest of the class. Go through the in struct ions with the class. Elicit one questi on from
44、 the class. (Who is Amy Win terbourne?) Make sure students know what to do. Fncourage students to think aboutquesti ons begi nning with who, what, whe n, where, why and how.3. Now read the article. Then write your questi ons in your exercise book. Have stude nts do the activity in pairs. Stude nts s
45、hould discuss why they would want to know the an swer to each questi on.4. Check the an swers with the class.Who taught her how to make her house?What isn made out of trash in her house?When did she start making her trash house? Where is the house?Why did she use trash to build a house?How long did
46、it take to build her house?Notes1. the house of trash the house made out of trash2. most (here) very3. out of (here)by the use of; from4. discardthrow out or away; put aside, give up (sth. useless or unwan ted)5. in spirati on (here) pers on or thing that in spires Step3 3b1. Look at the Before pict
47、ure. Please tell me the names of the things you see inthe picture. (a trash can, a pair of pan ts, a n apk in) Then look at the After picture. Say to students. Please find out things made from recycled materials fromtheBefore picture. (the backpack, the hat, the scarf)2. Go through the instructions
48、with the class.Ask different students to make sample sentences using the phrases made from and used to be about items in the After picture.For example:His backpack used to be a pair of pan ts.His backpack is made from a pair of pan ts.3. Get stude nts to complete the article in dividually .In vite a
49、 stude nt to read his or her completed article to the class.An swersJoe Win terbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him. At school, every one calls him Mr Recycli ng. His hat is made from(used to be)a trash can cover. His backpack used to be(is made from)a pair of pan ts. His scarf is made f
50、rom(used to be)a n apk in.Step 4阅读练习(判断正误)Every day, we throw much rubbish. Where does the rubbish go? We bury most of it in a land fill( 垃圾填埋场),but the Iandfills in many cities in the U.S. are almost filled. Many of the old Iandfills have poisons that can make water and soil (土壤)around them dangero
51、us to your health. What can we do to help? Follow the three R s: REUSE, REFUSE, and RECYCLE.REUSE You don t need new bags every time you go to the store. Reuse the old on es-a nd you had better use cloth bags, not plastic on es.REFUSEStop buying anything that is over -packaged. Also look forproducts
52、 that come in boxes made of recycled cardboard(硬纸板).RECYCLEPeople can use cans, n ewspapers and plastic bottles aga in. Sodon t throw them away. Send them to the recyChg center.()If we go shopping we needn t take any bags because there are enougplastic bags.()“ Ruse ” means ” use old bags again”.()“
53、 Refuse ” means “ don t buy products that comes in boxes madecardboard ”.() “ Recycle means “ collet cans,newspapers and plastic bottles and usethem aga in ”.Step5 SummaryIn this class, weve done a lot of practice reading and writing as well as speak ing.h)f new板书设计Un it 15 We Ve tryi ng to save the
54、 man atees!Sectio n BJoe Win terbo urne loves the clothes hismother made for him. At school, every one calls him Mr Recycli ng. His hat is made from(used to be)a trash can cover. His backpack used to be (is made from)a pair of pan ts. His scarf is made from(used to be)a n apk in.课外作业布置?背诵所学单词和句子;?完成
55、练习册相应练习。?预习 Self check,完成part 1.教 后 心 得Period Five教学年级: _年级班.教学时间: 年_月_日,第_节.题Self Check&revisi on课时1课型New class主备教师陈燕二次备 课教师学标 教目(1) Fill in the bla nks and make sentences using support, endan gered, recycle, wear, pull dow n(2) Write conversations using the information .(3) Train students writing ability教学 重点1. Fill in blanks and make sentences .2. Write conversations .教学难点Make stude nts using support, endan gered, cycle, wear, pull dow n教法与学法简述i.Teaching by making sentences. 2. Teaching by writing .教学内容设计
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