1、高级词汇替换satisfy“fleeti ng p assi ons of fan tasy(“ There remain some truths too ephemeral to be captured in the ) ”gratify (gratified her curiosity) short fleet ing ep hemeralcold p ages of a court tran scri pt or . . . opinion scholarsh ip fellowsh ip(be admitted to fellowsh ip),be enraged with sb.)a
2、n gry en raged (be en raged at by sb.s con duct smelly malodorous (The cellar will n eed to be cleared of several malodorous p iles of garbage)hideous (a hideous face, hideous con duct)attractiveapp eali ng(an app eali ng manner)no tice the tideabsorb ing(Shell collect ing can be so absorb ing that
3、you don(“ My reading . . . had been extremely miscellaneouscoming in ) diverse miscella neousdisorder=disarray (The child had disarrayed the books. The troops were in disarray.) chaos (The country desce nds into a econo mic chaos) crazily= fran tically rapid= meteoric ordinary= mundane despite= no t
4、withsta nding best= op timal shar p= acute (The little baby kicked fran tically in the cradle)(a meteoric rise to fame)(mundane chores, like wash ing dishes)(The teams pl ayed on, no twithsta nding the rain.)(n ear op timal, time op timal)a raw, chilli ng and p sychologicallyacuteno vel of huma np a
5、ssi ons)”red uced to their deadliest esse nee un believable incon ceivable(an incon ceivable victory aga inst all odds.)puzzleperplex a man with questi ons)perplex (perplex an issue, methodavenue(ave nue to success)(dist in guished guest,dist in guished for dilige nee)famous= dist in guished an cie
6、nt= archaic (an archaic bronze statuette. archaic laws.) decorate= embellish (a fan ciful acco unt that embellishes the true story.) po ssible=feasible(look ing for feasible ways) so=(His long illness and consequent absenee put him far behind in his work.) (You may arra nge accord in gly.)(in freque
7、 nt oases in the desert.)(huma n rap aeious app etite for money)con seque ntly accord in gly rafe= in freque nt greedy= rap aeious ho= boil ing(fain ted because it was boili ng hot; boil ing mad over the mistake.)dangerous= p erilous(a p erilous journey through hostile territory)hazardous (a hazardo
8、us in vestme nt) nowadays: curre ntly only= unique (the unique existi ng exa mple of Donn es han dwriti ng.) dist in etive(dist in etive tribal tattoos.“ Jerusalem has a disti nctive Middle Eastflavor )” stop= cease ( “ fold our wings,/And cease from wanderings p art= component n. adj. (Blade and ha
9、n dle are the component p arts of a knife.) iesull=con seque nee(an issue of con seque nee. take upon on eself the con seque nces.)obvious= apparent (an apparent adva ntage.)manifest( “ Mercedes . . . manifested the chaotic abandonment of hysteria based on= derived from (derive a con clusi on from f
10、acts.) quile=fairly (a fairly good dinn er.)p athetic=lame ntable(a lame ntable situati on)fied= doma in (the doma in of the PeopI es Rep ubulic of China)app ear= emerge whole=(The truth emerged at the inq uest.)en tire *VVUL(en tire affect ion)moist damp humid(moist eyes)(Their mothers ill ness cas
11、t a damp over the Christmas holidays.)(humid air; a humid evening)wrong= erro neous(erron eous con clusi on s.)difficult= formidable(“Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and p oliticia n, a formidable comb in atio n)”change=convert (was con verted to p acifism by the war.)ty p
12、i cal=quin tesse ntialcareful=(“Liszt was the quintessential romantic)cautious p rude nt ability= cap acity cap ability stra nge= ecce ntric(felt a cautious op timism that the offer would be acce pted.) (be modest and p rude nt)(a capacity crowd at the concert.(a stude nt of great cap abilities.)at
13、full cap acity)(an ecce ntric character)s:亠 Irich二afflue ntthe so- called emerging affluentsutilize (we must utilize all the tools at our dis posal) dubious=a dubious distinction.ske ptical (a ske ptical attitude; ske ptical of p olitical pro mises.) hard-working=assiduous (an assiduous worker who s
14、trove for p erfect ion. assiduous research)difficult=arduous (a long, arduous, and exhausti ng war.) poor(soil)= barre nin fertile fragile brittle(barre n efforts. writ ing barre n of in sight.)(only p arched, in fertile fields rema ined after mon ths of drought)The duchess, thoughwell-knownas a soc
15、iety hostess, conveyed anunm istakably brittle air.vulnerable ( “We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army ”)show=dem onstrate(dem on strated aga inst tax hikes.)big =5ymassive ( “ Local defense must be rein forcedby the furtherdeterre ntofmassive retaliatory po wer)”col
16、ossal (a colossal monumen t, in on es colossal ignoran ce)treme ndous(treme ndous app lause)avoid=shun (Materialists face truth, whereas idealists shun it.) faif=imp artial(imp artial justice)attack=assault(make a surp rise assault on)assail (was assailed by doubts.)dislike=abhor ( “ The problem wit
17、hEstablishmentRepublicansis they abhor theun seemli ness of a p olitical brawl”loathe (loathe the sight of food) rui n= devastate(A long war devastated Europ e.)always= in variably forever=(in variably no isy quarrels)perp etual immutable(a treaty of perp etual frien dsh ip.)(immutable to cha nge)su
18、rp rise=startle (startle sb. out of on es wits) asto und(asto und and bewilder sb)ast onish(The n ews ast oni shed everybody.)enthusiasm=zeal (show zeal for ones work) fervency fervency) quiet= tran quil(the guest soloist was able to in fuse the familiar hymn with a movi ng(a tranq uil life in the c
19、oun try)(sere ne skies and a bright blue sea.)exp ensive=exorbita nt(exorbita nt p rices.)Iuxurious=lavish (The critics were lavish with their p raise.)sumptuous( “ He likes big meals, so I cook sumptuous onesbori ng=tedious (a tedious story acco mpaning a serpentine n arrative mecha nism)sere neres
20、p ect= esteem(hold sb. in highesteem .In their esteem, the bill was worthless.)worry= fret ( cold=“fret thy soul with crosses and with cares(a chilly story, chilly po lite ness)chillyicy (an icy welcome)important=crucial (at the crucial mome nt)sig ni fica nt(no sig ni fica nt oppo siti on)comm on=u
21、niversal( “ This discovery of literature has as yet only partially penetrated theuni versal con scious ness)”ubiquitous(“ pl odded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spookabundant=amp le p le ntiful stick=(an ample livi ng room, ample evide nee)(Gasoli ne won always be chea p and ple
22、n tiful)adherecli ng(cli nging to outdated customs.)neglect= ign ore near=(adhere to the origi nal plan)(ig nore reality to pu rsue rocegg)adj ace nt adjoi nwas a(be adjace nt to)(property that adjoins ours.) pu rsue=woo (woo fame and fortune, woo on es own destruct ion)seek (Water seeks its own lev
23、el. Seek p restige and p rivilege) accurate=precise(at that precisemoment.“ The setting up of this Maypolelame ntable sp ectacle to the p recise sep aratists that lived at New Plymouth exact (an exact rep lica ,a harsh leader who exacts obedie nee.)vague=obscure ( “ an impuIse to go off and fight ce
24、rtain obscure battles of his ownsp irit. His success obscured his failures.)top=p eak (a novel writte n at the p eak of the writers career.)summit (a summit conference)competitor=rival ( “They achieved more than they had ever dreamed, lending a magic to their family story that no tale or ordi nary l
25、ife could po ssibly rival)opponent ( “ two men, one . . . a zealous supporter and the other a zealous opponent of the system pu rsued) ”Ux Iblame-condemn (condemned the n eedless waste of food.)opinion= persp ective on the p rese nt sta ndpoint fame= p restige repu tati on build=(“It is useful occas
26、i on ally to look at the p ast to gain a persp ective )”(From an econo mic sta ndpoint, this p olicy is sound)(a po siti on of p restige in dipIo matic circles.)(a repu tati on for courtesy.)erect (an erect po sture. erect a skyscra per.) establish(establish goodwill in the n eighborhood.)in suit-hum
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